knutdock.h - description
begin : <20>t zari 23 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Daniel Prynych
email : Daniel.Prynych@alo.cz
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef KNUTDOCK_H
#define KNUTDOCK_H
#include "knutupsdata.h"
#include "knutvardata.h"
#include "knutconst.h"
#include <ksystemtray.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
class TQString;
class TQPixmap;
class TQColor;
* This class makes icons in dock.
* Tato trida zajistuje vytvoreni icony v docku.
* @author Daniel Prynych
* @short Dock's icons
* @version 0.3
class KNutDock : public KSystemTray {
enum KNTDconst { DefaultToolTipFlags = 0x398};
enum upsConnection {
idle, // ups isn't connected
connecting, // ups is connecting
ok, // ups is connected
error // error of connecting
enum eTypeOfIcons { pictureKI = 0, generalKI};
enum toolTipItems {
TTMFR = 0x8, // 8, // FRM
TTModel = 0x10, // 16, // Model
TTSerial = 0x20, // 32, // Serial
TTFirm = 0x40, //64, // Firmware Revision
TTRun = 0x80,// 128, // Runtime
TTCharge = 0x100, // 256, // Charge
TTLoad = 0x200 // 512 // Load
* Constructor - makes icon in dockbar.
* Konstruktor - vytvori iconu v docku.
* @param activeUpsInfo odkaz na structuru upsInfo
* @param activeUpsInfo pointer to structure upsInfo
* @param settingData odkaz na strukturu typu SettingDataDef
* @param settingData pointer to structure type of SettingDataDef
* @param upsRecord odkaz na instanci tridy tActiveUpsInfo
* @param upsRecord pointer to class tActiveUpsInfo
* @since 0.3
KNutDock(KNutVarData::upsInfoDef* activeUpsInfo, KNutVarData::SettingDataDef* settingData, KNutUpsData* upsRecords);
* Destruktor.
* @since 0.1.2
* Nastavi zakladni nastaveni pro dock.
* Sets basic setting for dock.
* @since 0.1
void clearDockValues(void);
* Vytvori menu (seznam) UPS.
* Makes menu (list) of UPS.
* @since 0.1
void changeUps(void);
* Zmeni styl/typ icon
* Changes style/type of icon
* @since 0.1
void changeTDEIcon (void);
* Zmeni pozadi icony v kickeru
* Changes background of icon in kicker
* @since 0.2
void changeKIBColor(void);
* Zmeni prvky v tooltip-u
* Changes items in toolTip
* @since 0.1
void changeToolTip(void);
* Provede nove zpracovani dat a jejich nakresli iconu docku, interni repaint je volan vzdy.
* Tato funkce take vola funkci ToolTip.
* Makes new processing of data and paints icons of dock, internal repaint is colled always.
* This function calls function ToolTips too.
* @param always Kdyz je true prorovede vykresleni vzdy, kde je false provede vykresleni jen kdyz je zmenena nejaka hodnota UPS.
* @param always When param is true, icon is made always, is one is false icon is makeing when same UPS's value is changed.
* @since 0.4
void repaintDock ( const bool always = false);
* Nastavi v Menu oznaceni pro aktivni UPS.
* Sets mark for active UPS in menu.
* @since 0.1
void setNewUPS(void);
/**This signal is emited when end of application was selected in menu.
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrano v menu ukonceni aplikace.
* @since 0.1
void endApplication(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrano v menu minimalizace aplikace.
* Tento signal is emited when minimize application was selected in menu.
* @since 0.1
void minimize(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrano v menu polozka preferences.
* This signal is emited when item preferences was selected in menu.
* @since 0.1
void preferences(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud byla vybrana activace hlavniho okna (Main Window).
* @since 0.1
void activeMainWindow(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrano zobrazeni promennych;
* This signal is emited when showing values was selected.
* @since 0.1
void printUPSVars(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrano provedeni okamziteho prikazu;
* This signal is emited when running instant command was selected.
* @since 0.1
void instComms(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrana zmena RW promennych.
* This signal is emited when change of RW values was selected.
* @since 0.1
void RWVars(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud bylo vybrana zmena RW promennych.
* This signal is emited when refresh connection was selected
* @since 0.1
void makeRefreshConnection(void);
* Tento signal je vyslan pokud je vybrana nova UPS;
* This signal is emited when new UPS is selected
* @since 0.1
void UPSChanged(TQString name);
protected slots:
virtual void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
* @internal
* Vola proceduru TDEAboutApplication, zobrazi informace o teto aplikaci a KDE.
* Calls procedure TDEAboutApplication, shows informations about this application and KDE.
* @since 0.1
void slotShowMyAbout();
void slotExitApplication (void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal minimize.
* Sends signal minimize.
* @since 0.1
void slotMinimize (void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal peferences.
* Sends signal preferences.
* @since 0.1
void slotPreferences (void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal printUPSVars.
* Sends signal printUPSVars.
* @since 0.1
void slotPrintUPSVars(void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal instComms.
* Sends signal instComms.
* @since 0.1
void slotInstComms(void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal RWVars.
* Sends signal RWVars.
* @since 0.1
void slotRWVars(void);
* @internal
* Vysle signal upsName
* Sends signal upsName.
* @since 0.1
void slotUpsName(int i);
* @internal
* Vysle signal makeRefreshConnection
* Sends signal makeRefreshConnection.
* @since 0.1
void slotRefreshConnection(void);
* @internal
* Nastavi vse pro vykresleni zakladni ikony.
* Tato ikona je kreslena dokud neni navazano spojeni
* Sets all for painting of basic icon.
* This icon is painted
* @since 0.2
void initImage(void);
* @internal
* Sets tooltip.
* Nastavi ToolTip.
* @since 0.1
void toolTip (int runtime, int status, int batteryCharge, int upsLoad );
* @internal
* Vytvori a hlavni menu panelu.
* Makes a main menu of panel
* @since 0.1
void createMainMenu(void);
* @internal
* Vytvori a podmenu pro seznam UPS-ek.
* Makes a submenu for list ig UPSes.
* @since 0.1
void createUpsMenu(void);
* @internal
* Paints a numbers.
* Vykresli cisla.
* @param number je hodnota cisla.
* @param x je leva souradnice cisla
* @param y je horni souradnice cisla
* @param p je ukazatel na painter
* @since 0.2
void paintNumbers (int numbers, int x, int y, TQPainter* p, float sizeMult ); //x,y levy horni roh cisla 1
* @internal
* Paints a number
* Vykresli cislici.
* @param number je hodnota cislice.
* @param x je leva souradnice cislice
* @param y je horni souradnice cislice
* @param p je ukazatel na painter
* @since 0.1
void paintNumber (int x, int y, int number, TQPainter *p, float sizeMult);
* @internal
* Paints a char.
* Vykresli znak.
* @param x je leva souradnice cislice
* @param y je horni souradnice cislice
* @param p je ukazatel na painter
* @param char je vykreslovany znak.
* @since 0.1
void paintChar (int x, int y, char LCDChar, TQPainter *p);
* @internal
* Vykresli pomlcku.
* @param x je leva souradnice pomlcky
* @param y je horni souradnice pomlcky
* @param p je ukazatel na painter
* @since 0.1
void paintDash (int x, int y, TQPainter *p, float sizeMult);
* @internal
* Paints runtime layer.
* Vykresli vrstvu runtime.
* @since 0.1
void paintRuntime (int runtime, int status);
* @internal
* Paints layer for UPS Load
* Vykresli vrstvu pro UPS Load.
* @since 0.2
void paintLoad (int load );
* @internal
* Paints layer for Battery Charge, only for type general.
* Vykresli vrstvu pro Battery Charge.
* @since 0.2
void paintCharge (int charge );
* @internal
* Paints layer for UPS Status, only for type general
* Vykresli vrstvu pro UPS Status.
* @since 0.2
void paintStatus (int status );
void paintEvent (TQPaintEvent *);
* @internal
* Paints green point into main layer, only for type picture.
* Vykresli do hlavni vrstvy zeleny bod.
* Ma vyznam jen pro typ picture.
* @since 0.3
void paintErrorPoint ( TQPainter& paint );
* @internal
* Paints red point into main layer, only for type picture.
* Vykresli do hlavni vrstvy cerveny bod.
* Ma vyznam jen pro typ picture.
* @since 0.3
void paintOKPoint ( TQPainter& paint );
* @internal
* Clean internal variables this class.
* Vycisti interni promene teto tridy.
* @since 0.1
void clearValues(void);
void resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * );
KNutUpsData* m_upsRecords;
KNutVarData::SettingDataDef* m_settingData; // v teto strukture jsou ulozeny promene ktere nastavuji konfiguraci
KNutVarData::upsInfoDef* m_activeUpsInfo; // values for selected ups
TQPixmap m_mainPix;
TQPixmap m_errorPix;
TQPixmap m_connectPix;
TQPixmap m_upsPix;
TQPixmap m_battPix;
TQPixmap m_mainLayer1;
TQColor backgroundColor;
TDEPopupMenu* m_menu;
TDEPopupMenu* m_upsServerMenu;
TQPixmap *m_statusLayer;
TQPixmap *m_runtimeLayer;
TQPixmap *m_loadLayer;
TQPixmap *m_chargeLayer;
TQPixmap *m_mainLayer;
int m_runtimeValue;
int m_upsLoadValue;
int m_batteryChargeValue;
int m_statusValue;
int m_statusBatValue;
int m_statusWarningValue;
upsConnection m_dataOk; // selects one from four type of icons's view //idle, connecting, connected, error
upsConnection m_dataOkOld;
int m_typeOfIcon;
TQColor m_myBGColor;
unsigned int m_toolTipFlags;