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<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY knowit '<application>KnowIt</application>'>
<!ENTITY kapp "&knowit;"><!-- replace knowit here -->
<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
<!-- Do not define any other entities; instead, use the entities
from kde-genent.entities and $LANG/user.entities. -->
<book lang="&language;">
<title>The KnowIt Handbook</title>
<holder>Michal Rudolf</holder>
<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
&knowit; is an application to help you keep, edit and maintain notes.
<chapter id="introduction">
&kapp; is a simple tool for managing notes. It is similar to
<ulink url="">TuxCards</ulink>,
but designed for KDE 3.x. Notes are organized in tree-like hierarchy,
texts are stored in RichText format, so bold, italic and underline fonts
are supported, as well as various text colors and unordered lists.
&kapp; development depends on user's feedback! If you have
suggestions or want to help developing &kapp;, have a look at the
<ulink url="">&kapp; page</ulink>
to see what is still to do.
<chapter id="using-kapp">
<title>Using &knowit;</title>
<sect1 id="Interface">
The main screen of &knowit; is divided into two parts: on the left you can see the notes
hierarchy (tree-like), on the right you can find the text of the current note.
You can browse and manage notes in the tree view and edit them in the
edit view.
<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &kapp;</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="editing">
<title>Editing notes</title>
You can use standard KDE shortcuts for editing text. Unordered lists are
supported: just start the line with <keycap>*</keycap>. You can also use
<guimenu>List</guimenu> submenu of <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu to get all
available list formats.
<keycap>Enter</keycap> inserts a new paragraph (as in HTML there
is an empty line between two paragraphs) - if you
just want a line break, use <keycap>Ctrl+Enter</keycap> instead.
<sect2 id="managing">
<title>Managing notes</title>
You can use shortcuts for adding notes. If the notes tree is active,
just press <keycap>Ctrl+Enter</keycap> to add a same-level note following
the current one, <keycap>Insert</keycap> to add a child-note and
<keycap>Delete</keycap> to delete the current note.
<guimenu>Notes</guimenu> menu or popup menu (accessed by right-clicking
on the list) contains many commands for managing notes. Most of them
have shortcuts assigned, for others you could assign them yourself.
<sect2 id="links">
You can create links in notes. Links will be displayed below the note
text. There are two kinds of links: <emphasis>external</emphasis> (to
any file or URL) - click on it, and it will be opened in appropriate
application, and <emphasis>internal</emphasis> (to another note) - click
on it, and note with appropriate title will be displayed.
<chapter id="about">
<title>About &knowit;</title>
<sect1 id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>
Program and documentation:
<para>copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Michal Rudolf <email></email>
&underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove. Commercial development should -->
&underGPL; <!-- GPL License -->
<sect1 id="new">
<title>New in this version</title>
<listitem><simpara>list editing commands</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>improved handling of read-only files</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>many improvements to export</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>link copy command</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>some shortcuts for links added</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>fixed backup bugs</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>warning when resource file is missing</simpara></listitem>
&knowit; 0.10 was released at 31st of March 2003. File <filename>ChangeLog</filename> in
source package contains information about changes in previous versions.
<appendix id="installation">
<sect1 id="getting-knowit">
<title>How to obtain &knowit;</title>
Newest version of &knowit; can be found at
<ulink url="href://"></ulink>.
Updates will probably be announced on <ulink
url="">Freshmeat</ulink> and
<ulink url="href://"></ulink>.
<sect1 id="requirements">
I use KDE 3.1 for both developing and testing &knowit;. As
far as I know, it should work in both KDE 3.2 and KDE 3.0 without any problems.
I doubt that it would compile in KDE 2.x - but I have no access
to older KDE versions to check it. Anyway, any information
about &knowit; in KDE 2.x would be welcomed.
<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and installation</title>
In order to compile and install &knowit; on your system, type the following
in the base directory of the &knowit; distribution:
<screen width="40">
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>./configure</userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>make</userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>make install</userinput>
<para>Since &knowit; uses autoconf and automake, you should have no
trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report
them to the autor.</para>
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