You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

658 lines
23 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Kevin Gilbert *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#include <ntqbuttongroup.h>
#include <ntqcheckbox.h>
#include <ntqcombobox.h>
#include <ntqlabel.h>
#include <ntqlayout.h>
#include <ntqlineedit.h>
#include <ntqlistbox.h>
#include <ntqpushbutton.h>
#include <ntqradiobutton.h>
#include <ntqstringlist.h>
#include <ntqvalidator.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include "commonwidget.h"
#include "whatsthis.h"
// constructor
// ===========
CommonWidget::CommonWidget( TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: TQWidget( parent, name ),
m_hosts( NULL ),
m_portRangeIgnoreChange( false ),
m_portRanges( NULL )
{ createLayout( );
m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
// destructor
// ==========
CommonWidget::~CommonWidget( )
{ if( m_hosts != NULL )
delete m_hosts;
if( m_portRanges != NULL )
delete m_portRanges;
// buildPortRangesTables
// =====================
bool CommonWidget::buildPortRangesTables( const boolPtr tcpPorts, const boolPtr udpPorts )
{ memset( tcpPorts, 0, 64 * 1024 );
memset( udpPorts, 0, 64 * 1024 );
TQStringList portRanges;
getPortRanges( &portRanges );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = portRanges.begin( ); it != portRanges.end( ); ++it )
{ TQString portRange = *it;
bool tcp = false;
bool udp = false;
if( portRange[ 0 ].isDigit( ))
{ tcp = true;
udp = true;
if( portRange[ 0 ].lower( ) == 't' )
{ tcp = true;
portRange = portRange.right( portRange.length( ) - 2 );
if( portRange[ 0 ].lower( ) == 'u' )
{ udp = true;
portRange = portRange.right( portRange.length( ) - 2 );
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( TQString( "Internal error - Unknown Port Range protocol '%1'" ).arg( portRange[ 0 ])), i18n( "Internal error" ));
return false;
TQStringList ports = TQStringList::split( "-", portRange );
if( ports.count( ) > 2 )
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Internal error - Illegal Port Range encountered" ), i18n( "Internal error" ));
return false;
ushort portFirst = ports.front( ).toUShort( );
ushort portLast = portFirst;
if( ports.count( ) > 1 )
portLast = ports.back( ).toUShort( );
for( uint port = portFirst; port <= portLast; port++ )
{ if( tcp )
tcpPorts[ port ] = true;
if( udp )
udpPorts[ port ] = true;
return true;
// createLayout
// ============
void CommonWidget::createLayout( )
{ TQGridLayout* gridLayout = new TQGridLayout( this );
TDEIconLoader* iconLoader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader( );
TQIconSet clearRightIconSet = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "locationbar_erase", TDEIcon::Small );
byte row = 1;
m_hostButton = new TQPushButton( clearRightIconSet, NULL, this, "host button" );
m_hostComboBox = new TQComboBox( true, this, "target hosts combobox" );
TQHBoxLayout* hostLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( );
byte col = 0;
hostLayout->insertStretch( col++, 0 );
hostLayout->insertWidget( col++, new TQLabel( i18n( "Target host(s)" ), this, "target hosts label" ), 0 );
hostLayout->insertStretch( col++, 1 );
hostLayout->insertWidget( col++, m_hostButton, 0 );
hostLayout->insertStretch( col++, 1 );
hostLayout->insertWidget( col++, m_hostComboBox, 100 );
hostLayout->insertStretch( col++, 0 );
gridLayout->addMultiCellLayout( hostLayout, row, row, 1, 5 );
TQButtonGroup* resloveGroup = new TQButtonGroup( 3, TQt::Vertical, i18n( "Resolve names" ), this, "resolve names group" );
m_resovleDefaultRadio = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Default" ), resloveGroup, "default resolve radio" );
m_resovleAlwaysRadio = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Always (-R)" ), resloveGroup, "always resolve radio" );
m_resovleNeverRadio = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Never (-n)" ), resloveGroup, "never resolve radio" );
row = 4;
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget( resloveGroup, row, row + 3, 1, 1 );
byte rowBlock1 = ++row;
m_portRangeAddButton = new TQPushButton( i18n( "Add" ), this, "add port range button" );
m_portRangeDeleteButton = new TQPushButton( i18n( "Delete" ), this, "delete port range button" );
m_portRangeComboBox = new TQComboBox( this, "port range combobox" );
m_portRangeLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "port range line edit" );
m_portRangeListBox = new TQListBox( this, "port range listbox" );
m_portRangesCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Port ranges (-p <port ranges>)" ), this, "port ranges checkbox" );
m_portRangeComboBox->insertItem( i18n( "Both" ), BothProtocol );
m_portRangeComboBox->insertItem( i18n( "TCP" ), TCPProtocol );
m_portRangeComboBox->insertItem( i18n( "UDP" ), UDPProtocol );
m_portRangeLineEdit->setValidator( new TQRegExpValidator( TQRegExp( "^\\d{1,5}-{1}\\d{1,5}$" ), this, "port range regx" ));
row = 3;
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget( m_portRangesCheckBox, row, row, 3, 5, TQt::AlignCenter );
m_portRangeButton = new TQPushButton( clearRightIconSet, NULL, this, "host button" );
TQHBoxLayout* portRangeLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( );
col = 0;
portRangeLayout->insertStretch( col++, 0 );
portRangeLayout->insertWidget( col++, new TQLabel( i18n( "New range data: " ), this, "new range data label" ), 0 );
portRangeLayout->insertStretch( col++, 1 );
portRangeLayout->insertWidget( col++, m_portRangeButton, 0 );
portRangeLayout->insertStretch( col++, 1 );
portRangeLayout->insertWidget( col++, m_portRangeLineEdit, 100 );
portRangeLayout->insertStretch( col++, 0 );
gridLayout->addMultiCellLayout( portRangeLayout, row, row, 3, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n( "Protocol" ), this, "protocol label" ), row + 1, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_portRangeComboBox, row + 2, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_portRangeAddButton, row + 4, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_portRangeDeleteButton, row + 5, 3 );
byte rowBlock2 = _max_( row + 5, rowBlock1 );
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget( m_portRangeListBox, row + 1, rowBlock2, 5, 5 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 0, 4 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 2, 2 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 5, 10 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 6, 4 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( 0, 10 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( 2, 10 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( rowBlock2 + 1, 10 );
// enablePortRangeWidgets
// ======================
void CommonWidget::enablePortRangeWidgets( )
{ bool portRangesState = m_portRangesCheckBox->isChecked( );
m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeButton->setEnabled( portRangesState );
m_portRangeLineEdit->setEnabled( portRangesState );
m_portRangeLineEdit->clear( );
m_portRangeComboBox->setEnabled( portRangesState );
m_portRangeListBox->setEnabled( portRangesState );
if( portRangesState )
emit( disableFastScan( ));
// finaliseInitialisation
// ======================
void CommonWidget::finaliseInitialisation( )
{ WhatsThis* whatsThis = new WhatsThis( this );
connect( m_hostButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotHostButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int )), SLOT( slotHostActivated( int )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SLOT( slotHostTextChanged( const TQString& )));
connect( m_portRangeAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotPortRangeAddClicked( )));
connect( m_portRangeButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotPortRangeButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_portRangeDeleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotPortRangeDeleteClicked( )));
connect( m_portRangeComboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int )), SLOT( slotPortRangeActivated( int )));
connect( m_portRangeLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SLOT( slotPortRangeTextChanged( const TQString& )));
connect( m_portRangeListBox, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListBoxItem* )), SLOT( slotPortRangeDoubleClicked( TQListBoxItem* )));
connect( m_portRangeListBox, SIGNAL( highlighted( int )), SLOT( slotPortRangeHighlighted( )));
connect( m_portRangesCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotPortRangesClicked( )));
connect( whatsThis, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotWhatsThisClicked( )));
connect( m_hostButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeComboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeDeleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeListBox, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListBoxItem* )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangeListBox, SIGNAL( highlighted ( int )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_portRangesCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_resovleAlwaysRadio, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_resovleDefaultRadio, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_resovleNeverRadio, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
emit( targetChanged( m_hostComboBox->currentText( )));
TQString CommonWidget::getHostName( ) const
{ return m_hostComboBox->currentText( );
// getHosts
// ========
void CommonWidget::getHosts( TQStringList* hosts )
{ hosts->clear( );
for( ushort i = 0; i < m_hostComboBox->count( ); i++ )
hosts->append( m_hostComboBox->text( i ));
// getOptions
// ==========
bool CommonWidget::getOptions( )
{ TQStringList portRanges;
getPortRanges( &portRanges );
bool portRangesState = m_portRangesCheckBox->isChecked( );
if( portRangesState && portRanges.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( TQString( "Port ranges not specified" )), i18n( "Port ranges error" ));
return false;
m_host = m_hostComboBox->currentText( );
m_hostCurrentItem = m_hostComboBox->currentItem( );
m_portRangeCurrentItem = m_portRangeComboBox->currentItem( );
m_portRangesState = portRangesState;
m_resovleAlwaysState = m_resovleAlwaysRadio->isChecked( );
m_resovleDefaultState = m_resovleDefaultRadio->isChecked( );
m_resovleNeverState = m_resovleNeverRadio->isChecked( );
if( m_portRanges != NULL )
delete m_portRanges;
m_portRanges = new TQStringList( portRanges );
getHosts( m_hosts );
disconnect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int )), this, SLOT( slotHostActivated( int )));
disconnect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), this, SLOT( slotHostTextChanged( const TQString& )));
disconnect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), this, SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
disconnect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), this, SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
byte i;
TQStringList::Iterator it;
for( i = 0, it = m_hosts->begin( ); it != m_hosts->end( ); i++, ++it )
if( *it == m_host )
if( it != m_hosts->end( ))
{ m_hostComboBox->removeItem( i );
m_hosts->remove( it );
while( m_hostComboBox->count( ) > MAX_HOST_HISTORY - 1 )
{ m_hostComboBox->removeItem( MAX_HOST_HISTORY - 1 );
m_hosts->pop_back( );
m_hostComboBox->insertItem( m_host, 0 );
m_hostComboBox->setCurrentItem( 0 );
m_hosts->prepend( m_host );
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int )), SLOT( slotHostActivated( int )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SLOT( slotHostTextChanged( const TQString& )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_hostComboBox, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
return true;
// getPortRanges
// =============
void CommonWidget::getPortRanges( TQStringList* portRanges )
{ portRanges->clear( );
for( ushort i = 0; i < m_portRangeListBox->count( ); i++ )
portRanges->append( m_portRangeListBox->text( i ));
// portRangesOverlapping
// =====================
bool CommonWidget::portRangesOverlapping( const ushort portFirst, const ushort portLast )
{ boolPtr tcpPorts = new bool[ 64 * 1024 ];
boolPtr udpPorts = new bool[ 64 * 1024 ];
if( !buildPortRangesTables( tcpPorts, udpPorts ))
{ delete [] tcpPorts;
delete [] udpPorts;
return false;
bool tcp = false;
bool udp = false;
switch( m_portRangeComboBox->currentItem( ))
{ case 0: tcp = udp = true; break;
case 1: tcp = true; break;
case 2: udp = true; break;
kdDebug( ) << i18n( "unknown value in Port Range Protocol combo box" ) << endl;
ASSERT( false );
delete [] tcpPorts;
delete [] udpPorts;
return false;
uint port;
TQString protocol;
for( port = portFirst; port <= portLast; port++ )
{ if( tcp && tcpPorts[ port ])
{ protocol = "TCP";
if( udp && udpPorts[ port ])
{ protocol = "UDP";
if( port <= portLast )
{ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Overlapping Port Range - %1 port %2" ).arg( protocol ).arg( TQString::number( port )), i18n( "Overlapping Port Range" ));
delete [] tcpPorts;
delete [] udpPorts;
return false;
delete [] tcpPorts;
delete [] udpPorts;
return true;
// readProfile
// ===========
void CommonWidget::readProfile( TDEConfig* config )
{ m_hostCurrentItem = config->readNumEntry( "hostCurrentItem" );
m_portRangeCurrentItem = config->readNumEntry( "portRangeCurrentItem" );
m_portRangesState = config->readBoolEntry( "portRangesState" );
m_resovleAlwaysState = config->readBoolEntry( "resovleAlwaysState" );
m_resovleDefaultState = config->readBoolEntry( "resovleDefaultState" );
m_resovleNeverState = config->readBoolEntry( "resovleNeverState" );
m_hosts = new TQStringList( config->readListEntry( "hosts" ));
m_portRanges = new TQStringList( config->readListEntry( "portRanges" ));
// saveProfile
// ===========
void CommonWidget::saveProfile( TDEConfig* config )
{ config->writeEntry( "hostCurrentItem", m_hostCurrentItem );
config->writeEntry( "hosts", *m_hosts );
config->writeEntry( "portRanges", *m_portRanges );
config->writeEntry( "portRangeCurrentItem", m_portRangeCurrentItem );
config->writeEntry( "portRangesState", m_portRangesState );
config->writeEntry( "resovleAlwaysState", m_resovleAlwaysState );
config->writeEntry( "resovleDefaultState", m_resovleDefaultState );
config->writeEntry( "resovleNeverState", m_resovleNeverState );
// setInitialValues
// ================
void CommonWidget::setInitialValues( )
{ m_hostComboBox->clear( );
m_hostComboBox->insertStringList( *m_hosts );
m_portRangeListBox->insertStringList( *m_portRanges );
m_portRangeComboBox->setCurrentItem( m_portRangeCurrentItem );
m_portRangesCheckBox->setChecked( m_portRangesState );
m_resovleAlwaysRadio->setChecked( m_resovleAlwaysState );
m_resovleDefaultRadio->setChecked( m_resovleDefaultState );
m_resovleNeverRadio->setChecked( m_resovleNeverState );
if( m_hostComboBox->count( ))
m_hostComboBox->setCurrentItem( m_hostCurrentItem );
enablePortRangeWidgets( );
// slotDisablePortRanges
// =====================
void CommonWidget::slotDisablePortRanges( )
{ m_portRangesCheckBox->setChecked( false );
slotPortRangesClicked( );
// slotHostActivated
// =================
void CommonWidget::slotHostActivated( int /* index */)
{ emit( targetChanged( m_hostComboBox->currentText( )));
// slotHostButtonClicked
// =====================
void CommonWidget::slotHostButtonClicked( )
{ m_hostComboBox->clearEdit( );
// slotHostTextChanged
// ===================
void CommonWidget::slotHostTextChanged( const TQString& text )
{ emit( targetChanged( text ));
// slotPortRangeAddClicked
// =======================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeAddClicked( )
{ TQString text;
if( !validatePortRange( text ))
switch( m_portRangeComboBox->currentItem( ))
{ case BothProtocol: break;
case TCPProtocol: text = "T:" + text; break;
case UDPProtocol: text = "U:" + text; break;
kdDebug( ) << i18n( "unknown value in Port Range Protocol combo box" ) << endl;
ASSERT( false );
m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( false );
emit( optionsDirty( ));
m_portRangeLineEdit->clear( );
m_portRangeListBox->insertItem( text );
// slotPortRangeDeleteClicked
// ==========================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeDeleteClicked( )
{ m_portRangeIgnoreChange = true;
m_portRangeListBox->removeItem( m_portRangeListBox->currentItem( ));
m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( true );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
emit( optionsDirty( ));
// slotPortRangeActivated
// ======================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeActivated( int /* index */)
{ m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( true );
// slotPortRangeActivated
// ======================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeButtonClicked( )
{ m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeLineEdit->clear( );
// slotPortRangeDoubleClicked
// ==========================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeDoubleClicked( TQListBoxItem* item )
{ if( item == NULL )
TQString text = item->text( );
if( text[ 0 ].isDigit( ))
m_portRangeComboBox->setCurrentItem( BothProtocol );
{ switch( text[ 0 ].latin1( ))
{ case 'T': m_portRangeComboBox->setCurrentItem( TCPProtocol ); break;
case 'U': m_portRangeComboBox->setCurrentItem( UDPProtocol ); break;
kdDebug( ) << i18n( "unknown value in Port Range Protocol" ) << endl;
ASSERT( false );
m_portRangeComboBox->setCurrentItem( BothProtocol );
text = text.right( text.length( ) - 2 );
m_portRangeIgnoreChange = true;
m_portRangeLineEdit->setText( text );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( true );
// slotPortRangeHighlighted
// ========================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeHighlighted( )
{ if( m_portRangeIgnoreChange )
m_portRangeIgnoreChange = false;
{ m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
m_portRangeLineEdit->clear( );
// slotPortRangesClicked
// =====================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangesClicked( )
{ enablePortRangeWidgets( );
// slotPortRangeTextChanged
// ========================
void CommonWidget::slotPortRangeTextChanged( const TQString& /* text */)
{ if( m_portRangeIgnoreChange )
m_portRangeIgnoreChange = false;
m_portRangeAddButton->setEnabled( m_portRangeLineEdit->text( ).length( ));
// slotWhatsThisClicked
// ====================
void CommonWidget::slotWhatsThisClicked( )
{ if( m_hostButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "target" ));
else if( m_hostComboBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "target" ));
else if( m_portRangeAddButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangeButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangeComboBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangeDeleteButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangeLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangeListBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_portRangesCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-p" ));
else if( m_resovleAlwaysRadio->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-R" ));
else if( m_resovleDefaultRadio->hasMouse( )) emit( displayDocBook( "common_options" ));
else if( m_resovleNeverRadio->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-n" ));
else emit( displayUnknown( ));
// validatePortRange
// =================
bool CommonWidget::validatePortRange( TQString& text )
{ uint portFirst;
uint portLast;
if( !validatePortRangeText( text, portFirst, portLast ))
return false;
if( !portRangesOverlapping( portFirst, portLast ))
return false;
return true;
// validatePortRangeText
// =====================
bool CommonWidget::validatePortRangeText( TQString& text, uint& portFirst, uint& portLast )
{ text = m_portRangeLineEdit->text( );
TQStringList ports = TQStringList::split( "-", text );
if( ports.count( ) > 2 )
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Internal error - you seem to have been allowed to entered an illegal Port Range" ), i18n( "Internal error" ));
return false;
portFirst = ports.front( ).toUInt( );
portLast = portFirst;
if( ports.count( ) > 1 )
portLast = ports.back( ).toUInt( );
if( !portFirst || portFirst > 65535 || !portLast || portLast > 65535 || portFirst > portLast )
{ KMessageBox::sorry( this,
i18n( "Ports must be in the range 1 to 65,535 and ranges must be in ascending order" ),
i18n( "Invalid Port Range" ));
return false;
return true;
#include "commonwidget.moc"