You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
9.6 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Kevin Gilbert *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#include <tqdragobject.h>
#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "indexwidget.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "scanstack.h"
#include "scanwidget.h"
// constructor
// ===========
IndexWidget::IndexWidget( ScanStack* scanStack, MainWidget* parent, const char* name )
: TQScrollView( parent, name ),
m_blinkTimer( NULL ),
m_scanCount( 0 ),
m_scanStack( scanStack )
{ setDragAutoScroll( true );
viewport( )->setAcceptDrops( true );
// calculateIndex
// ==============
short IndexWidget::calculateIndex( const ushort y )
{ TQFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics( );
byte height = metrics.height( );
ushort index = y / height;
return index > m_scanStack->count( ) - 1 ? -1 : index;
// contentsContextMenuEvent
// ========================
void IndexWidget::contentsContextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent* event )
{ short index = calculateIndex( event->y( ));
if( index < 0 )
ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->makeScanWidgetVisible( index );
emit( visibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget ));
TQPopupMenu* contextMenu = new TQPopupMenu( this, "context menu" );
TDEIconLoader* iconLoader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader( );
TQIconSet profileLoad = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "profileload", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet profileSave = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "profilesave", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet profileSaveAs = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "profilesaveas", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet scanClose = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "scanclose", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet scanDuplicate = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "scanduplicate", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet scanNew = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "scannew", TDEIcon::Small );
TQIconSet scanRename = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "scanrename", TDEIcon::Small );
contextMenu->insertItem( scanClose, i18n( "&Close scan" ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotScanClose( )), CTRL+Key_W );
contextMenu->insertItem( scanDuplicate, i18n( "&Duplicate scan" ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotScanDuplicate( )), CTRL+Key_C );
contextMenu->insertItem( scanNew, i18n( "&New scan..." ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotScanNew( )), CTRL+Key_N );
contextMenu->insertItem( scanRename, i18n( "&Rename scan..." ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotScanRename( )), Key_F2 );
contextMenu->insertItem( i18n( "&Use target host name" ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotUseTargetHost( )));
contextMenu->insertSeparator( );
contextMenu->insertItem( profileLoad, i18n( "&Load profile..." ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotProfileLoad( )));
contextMenu->insertItem( profileSave, i18n( "&Save profile..." ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotProfileSave( )));
contextMenu->insertItem( profileSaveAs, i18n( "&Save profile as..." ), parent( ), TQ_SLOT( slotProfileSaveAs( )));
contextMenu->exec( event->globalPos( ));
// contentsDragMoveEvent
// =====================
void IndexWidget::contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent* event )
{ short index = calculateIndex( event->pos( ).y( ));
index = index < 0 ? m_scanStack->count( ) - 1 : index;
ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->makeScanWidgetVisible( index );
emit( visibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget ));
// contentsMouseMoveEvent
// ======================
void IndexWidget::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* event )
{ if( event->stateAfter( ) != TQt::LeftButton )
short index = calculateIndex( event->y( ));
if( index < 0 )
TQStoredDrag* drag = new TQStoredDrag( "application/octet-stream", this );
drag->dragMove( );
ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->moveScanWidget( index );
scanWidget->ignoreTabChanges( true );
m_scanStack->raiseWidget( scanWidget );
scanWidget->ignoreTabChanges( false );
emit( visibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget ));
// contentsMousePressEvent
// =======================
void IndexWidget::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* event )
{ if( event->stateAfter( ) != TQt::LeftButton )
short index = calculateIndex( event->y( ));
if( index < 0 )
ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->makeScanWidgetVisible( index );
emit( visibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget ));
if( scanWidget->state( ) == ScanWidget::finished )
scanWidget->state( ScanWidget::dormant );
// drawContents
// ============
void IndexWidget::drawContents( TQPainter* painter, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph )
{ painter->fillRect( clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph, TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundMode( TQt::OpaqueMode );
TQFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics( );
byte height = metrics.height( );
byte aWidth2 = 2 * metrics.width( "*" );
ushort x = height / 2;
ushort xMax = 0;
ushort y = 0;
ushort i;
for( m_scanStack->resetScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->moreScanWidgets( i ); y += height, m_scanStack->nextScanWidget( i ))
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->currentScanWidget( i );
switch( scanWidget->state( ))
{ case ScanWidget::dormant:
if( m_scanStack->isVisibleWidget( scanWidget ))
{ painter->fillRect( 0, y, visibleWidth( ), height, TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::buttonTextColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::buttonTextColor( ));
case ScanWidget::finished:
painter->fillRect( 0, y, visibleWidth( ), height, TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::activeTextColor( ));
case ScanWidget::running:
if( m_highlight )
{ painter->fillRect( 0, y, visibleWidth( ), height, TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::activeTextColor( ));
if( m_scanStack->isVisibleWidget( scanWidget ))
{ painter->fillRect( 0, y, visibleWidth( ), height, TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::buttonTextColor( ));
painter->fillRect( 0, y, visibleWidth( ), height, TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor( ));
painter->setBackgroundColor( TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor( ));
painter->setPen( TDEGlobalSettings::buttonTextColor( ));
if( scanWidget->useTargetHost( ))
painter->drawText( x, y + metrics.ascent( ), "*" );
painter->drawText( x + aWidth2, y + metrics.ascent( ), scanWidget->scanName( ));
xMax = _max_( xMax, x + aWidth2 + metrics.width( scanWidget->scanName( )));
if( m_scanCount )
m_highlight = !m_highlight;
resizeContents( xMax + height / 2, y );
// ensureCurrentVisible
// ====================
void IndexWidget::ensureCurrentVisible( )
{ short index = m_scanStack->indexOfVisibleScanWidget( );
if( index < 0 )
TQFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics( );
short y = index * metrics.height( ) - height( ) / 2;
setContentsPos( 0, y );
updateContents( );
// ensureCurrentVisible
// ====================
void IndexWidget::slotRepaint( )
{ repaintContents( false );
// slotScanStarted
// ===============
void IndexWidget::slotScanStarted( )
{ if( m_scanCount++ )
Q_ASSERT( m_blinkTimer == NULL );
m_blinkTimer = new TQTimer( this );
connect( m_blinkTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout( )), TQ_SLOT( slotRepaint( )));
m_blinkTimer->start( 500 );
m_highlight = true;
// slotScanStopped
// ===============
void IndexWidget::slotScanStopped( ScanWidget* scanWidget )
{ scanWidget->state( scanWidget == m_scanStack->visibleWidget( ) ? ScanWidget::dormant : ScanWidget::finished );
updateContents( );
if( --m_scanCount )
delete m_blinkTimer;
m_blinkTimer = NULL;
#include "indexwidget.moc"