Remove version from help handbook.

Darrell Anderson 11 years ago
parent cbc45295c8
commit bbb3bdb04a

@ -1,29 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY knetstats "<application>KNetStats 1&#46;5</application>">
<!ENTITY knetstats "<application>KNetStats</application>">
<!ENTITY kappname "&knetstats;"><!-- Do *not* replace kappname-->
<!ENTITY package "kde-network"><!-- tdebase, tdeadmin, etc -->
<!ENTITY package "tde-network"><!-- tdebase, tdeadmin, etc -->
<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
<!-- Do not define any other entities; instead, use the entities
from kde-genent.entities and $LANG/user.entities. -->
<!-- kdoctemplate v0.8 October 1 1999
Minor update to "Credits and Licenses" section on August 24, 2000
Removed "Revision history" section on 22 January 2001
Changed to Installation/Help menu entities 18 October 2001
Other minor cleanup and changes 18 October 2001 -->
<!-- The language must NOT be changed here. -->
<book lang="&language;">
<!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
<title>The &knetstats; Handbook</title>
