You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9498 lines
414 KiB

2010-03-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Backported encoding patch from KDE4 version
* Bumped version number
2010-03-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Finnish translation by Mikael Kujanpaa
2010-03-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use users character set encoding for reports
(backported from 3.97)
* Fixed OFX plugin X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name setting
2010-03-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied backport patch provided by Ian Neal (adjustedDate.diff and
2010-03-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved anonymizer
* Fixed transaction loader for XML file
* Added testcases
2010-03-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't preset date in currency calculator to today in all cases
(backport from 3.96 by Ian Neal)
2010-03-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed iterator problem in loop (backport from KDE4)
2010-02-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Optimized MyMoneyMoney(QString) ctor (backport from KDE4)
2010-02-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Released 1.0.3
2010-02-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Backported fix from KDE4 version so that the payee view cannot disappear
2010-02-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed BKO #224027 (investment transaction editor problem with
negative interest)
* Fxied BKO #225085 (Clicking on category doesn't show that category
in ledger view)
2010-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't suppress some questions upon specific answers even if
selected by the user. A usability video showed that this can
confuse the user
2010-01-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to detect and repair loops in the account hierarchy to the
consistency check
2010-01-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Do not accept split entries without category assignment
2010-01-13 Fernando Vilas <>
* Backport MyMoneyPayee::matchData update
2010-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Another update of the report configuration wrt date filters
2010-01-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow assignment of category after all splits of a
multi-split transactions have been removed
2010-01-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed report configuration for non-user-defined reports
2010-01-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Keep a user defined date filter for reports as user defined even if
it matches one of the predefined ranges
2010-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed handling and support of expired GPG keys
2009-12-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated french home page by Patrick Petit
2009-12-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed last checkin
2009-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated British translation by Ian Neal
2009-11-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option [General Options]/ExternalCalculator to allow starting
any external calculator program and not only kcalc (the default)
2009-11-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show post date in red if prior to opening date of account. Attach
tooltip to date edit widget as well
2009-11-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added AutoReusePayee option which defaults to true. No GUI available (yet)
2009-11-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show a tooltip over the Enter button in case it is disabled due to
post date prior to account's opening date
2009-11-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix SQL generation so it will work
2009-11-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed liability account limit adjustment
2009-11-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added one file provided by Allan Anderson to the contrib directory
2009-10-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed price precision display in transaction reports
2009-10-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added two files provided by Allan Anderson to the contrib directory
2009-10-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* More currency rounding fixes for the reports
2009-10-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added icons to the file info dialog button
* Fixed German translation
2009-10-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed rounding up of stock reports using trading currency
2009-10-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed German translation (patch provided by Mark Drexelius)
2009-10-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show accounts without transactions associated on the home page
2009-10-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch by Holger (0001-percentages-in-chart-label.patch)
2009-10-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use account opening date for initial interest rate of loans
2009-10-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patch from Markus Drexelius
* Give the per-payee category higher precedence for autofill
* Fixed #2871995 (Ledger: keyboard navigation)
* Released 1.0.2
2009-10-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some parenthesis to an if-statement to avoid confusion
2009-09-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improve QIF importer to simply skip unknown sections
2009-09-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed 'combine transaction' feature from menus. It is not implemented
so we should not show it to the user.
* Fixed #2867234 (Don't take status field when creating schedule from ledger)
* Fixed a problem when no file was opened during program start
2009-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Force initial size to be 800x600
* Make expand/collapse state of account and category view persistent
* Allow to modify the tab order during transaction entry
2009-09-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Russian translation by Andrey Cherepanov
* Updated German translation
2009-09-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Russian translation by Andrey Cherepanov
2009-09-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a few German translations
2009-09-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed sizing of forecast chart
* Select all subaccounts of an investment in reports when not
in expert mode - #2853193
2009-09-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Initial try to fix bko #205254
2009-09-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Tony Bloomfield (movetx) to allow moving investment
* Applied patch #2842587 (fix Yahoo UK stock quotes)
* Improved layout of printed reports
* Released 1.0.1
2009-09-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix potential loop in Gnc importer
2009-09-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Russian translation by Andrey Cherepanov
2009-08-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
2009-08-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed imagedata tags in the documentation
2009-08-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed icon resolution problems with oxygen icon set
* Updated Brazilian homepage and whatsnew file from Marcus Gama
2009-08-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #2842591 (crash on new Credit Card a/c with reminder schedule)
2009-08-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed section 1 to detail-widgets.docbook to make it KDE-compliant
2009-08-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Released 1.0.0
2009-08-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Russian translation from Andrey Cherepanov
* Updated Italian translation from Sandro Bonazzola
2009-08-16 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Force reordering of account icons when there is a new account
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
2009-08-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed display of fee and interest value in investment transaction form
* Show search tool on top of categories view
* Don't display investment balance in red
2009-08-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated what's new documentation
* Updated Spanish what's new and welcome pages
2009-08-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
* Updated Russian translation from Andrey Cherepanov
* Updated Romanian translation from Cristian Onet
2009-08-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added link to KMyMoney forum to start page
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
2009-08-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed account icons arrangement when redisplaying closed accounts
2009-08-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added to what's new page changes since version 0.8.9
* Updated Romanian what's new page from Cristian Onet
2009-08-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated what's new page to the layout required for 1.0
* Fixed problem when entering a multiple transactions for the same payee
2009-08-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Whats new page preparing for version 1.0
2009-08-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch from Ian Neal to support correct fraction in balance column
of ledger (investment_balance.diff)
2009-08-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Use same icon for stock, money market and certificate of
deposit accounts as for investments
2009-08-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix last commit (caused test suite failure)
2009-08-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Unify icon loading for accounts
* Added documentation updates from Jack Ostroff
* Modified all links in the documentation to point to
as per
* Added patches provided by Ian Neal (ledgerview_overdue.diff,
* Don't remove payee from scheduled transaction if a split points to
another asset/liability account
2009-08-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a crash when using the 'clear all' feature in the split editor
and not being in the edit mode
* Added documentation updates from Jack Ostroff
(index.docbook, credits.docbook)
* Added Italian translation update from Sandro Bonazzola
2009-08-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix #2834361 - ENTER key accepts select database dialog
2009-08-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Internal improvements to database module
2009-08-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(details-accounts.docbook details-institutions.docbook)
2009-08-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(details-database.docbook details-formats.docbook
details-search.docbook details-widgets.docbook
reference.docbook introduction.docbook)
2009-08-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with the label for transfers in the transaction form
2009-08-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(details-budgets.docbook details-forecast.docbook
details-loans.docbook details-settings.docbook)
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
2009-08-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't count empty lines in OFX file when verifying the format
* Fixed a few typos in the documentation
* Don't reverse operation when entering a scheduled transfer transaction
2009-08-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Reverted a change in KGlobalLedgerView to fix an infinite loop
2009-07-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed Schedule and GlobalLedgerView Views to use adjustedNextDate for
schedules instead of nextDate - patches submitted by Ian Neal
(kgloballedgerview.diff kscheduledlistitem.diff)
* Removed unused code in MyMoneyScheduled.nextPayment()
2009-07-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
2009-07-30 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Use transaction-safe engine for Mysql
* Put out a warning message for untested database drivers
* Fix nonsense when no Qt SQL drivers installed
* Internal changes to database layout (version 6)
* Fix SF #2732207 - Unable to unmatch transaction matched by OFX import
2009-07-29 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(details-currencies.docbook.patch details-reports.docbook.patch
2009-07-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
* Changed Trolltech into Qt Software in the documentation
2009-07-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(credits.docbook.diff, details-ledgers.docbook.diff)
* Added patch provided by Cristian Onet
* Added selection of account hierarchies for reports to the documentation
2009-07-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #2786436 (Too much delay for data entry in a many-rows split)
2009-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
2009-07-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed transaction by account reports when displaying in multiple currencies
2009-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some fixes to solve #2558627 (Account entry widget mess about splits)
2009-07-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Made some changes to avoid lock-up when opening split transaction editor
2009-07-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(details-categories.diff, details-payees.diff,
2009-07-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't use invalid transaction object for the list of selected transactions
2009-07-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch from Cristian Onet to avoid problems when GPG is not installed
2009-07-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some details about the widgets (negative numbers, double-clicking
the drop down arrow of category/account selectors)
2009-07-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(firsttime.diff, details-institution.patch, details-accounts.patch)
2009-07-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show empty online update statistics
* Added documentation patches from Jack Ostroff
(makemostof.diff, whatsnew.diff)
* Fixed generation of PDF (now includes new screen shots)
2009-07-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2009-07-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #2785787 (No Keyboard for 'OK' for 'Confirm Manual Enter' window)
* Fixed #2777626 (adding a withdrawl from before account start screws ledger)
2009-07-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Skip statement import statistics if no transactions have been imported
for the 'Update all accounts' function
2009-06-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some missing screenshots
* Updated some screenshots
* Updated new file wizard documentation
2009-06-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Brazilian translation by Marcus Gama
* Fixed icon sizes so that won't complain anymore
* Fixed #2785811 (Bugs in the geometry of a split window)
2009-06-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Spanish and Argentinian translation
2009-06-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Romanian translation by Cristian Onet
2009-06-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Regenerated POT file and merged translations
* Updated German translation
2009-06-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow to select a non-existant file in the selection dialog of
the new file wizard
2009-06-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for automake 1.11
* Added --with-qmake option to configure
* Ignore bankid for OFX in case it's empty
* Allow a dash as negative input even if parens around is selected as
negative display mode
* Fixed section heading in documentation
2009-06-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use the configured color setting for negative values in the balance column
of the ledger view
2009-06-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'Year To Month' budget vs. actual standard report
2009-06-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by Allan Anderson
* Fixed typo in reconciliation ending balance dialog
2009-06-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem of initial precision being 0 in new schedules
2009-06-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation by Bert Keuter
2009-06-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed budget reports when displaying monthly or yearly in non-monthly columns
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-06-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a return reference to temporary problem
* Added patch from Gary Duzan to improve autoconf detection
2009-06-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by Allan Anderson
2009-06-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added modifications for splash screen
* Don't paint chart off the right edge on the home page
2009-06-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use ILS as the id for the New Israeli Shekel
* Updated Dutch translation by Bert Keuter
2009-05-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with wrong balance after modifying the balance of an account
during reconciliation and then postponing the reconciliation
2009-05-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated French translation by Patrick Petit
* Updated Dutch translation by Bert Keuter
2009-05-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated documentation on QIF import
* Removed unused UI parts of QIF profile editor
* Resized the QIF import dialog
2009-05-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch by Cristian Onet to support UTF-8 characters in plugin names
* Allow QIF date entries that contain two consecutive delimiter characters
2009-05-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation by Bert Keuter
2009-05-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Strip leading and trailing white space characters when doing auto
completion of payees, accounts, categories, etc. (patch by Ian Neal)
* Updated Brazilian translation by Marcus Gama
* Allow make uninstall work twice in a row w/o throwing errors
2009-05-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added account icon overlay for accounts mapped to online banking
2009-05-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't reuse memo of older transaction for imported ones when assigning
categories based on payee
* Fixed #2652046 (QIF-Export adds line breaks)
* Fixed German translation (multi row view label)
2009-05-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed bug in budget reports for foreign categories
* Removed redundant CMakelist.txt files for account templates
2009-05-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by Allan Anderson
2009-05-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed cmake tests - Patch provided by Holger
2009-05-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added splitup-kde-chunk-online script to contrib directory
* Changed documentation build to use this script instead of a local copy
2009-05-10 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Don't delete all customized reports from database!
2009-05-09 Fernando Vilas <>
* Updated schedule test cases to pass after Tony's patch
* Fixed a few warnings about const on primitive return types
* Made MMStorageSql inherit from KShared
* Changed the include order on reports test and pivottable test to make
tests compile on Slackware
2009-05-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Galician translation from Marce Villarino
* Show scheduled transactions during reconciliation and don't show the
initial dialog for overdue scheduled transactions anymore
2009-05-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fixed #2779291
- Correct precision in formatted fields
- Fix potential upgrade problem
2009-05-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Romanian translation from Cristian Onet
* Fixed precision problem in transaction editor
2009-05-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1910270 (GNUCash Import Options large in PDF docs)
2009-05-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by John Hudson
2009-05-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added date display for certain ledger entries
2009-05-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-05-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated German translation
2009-05-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Regenerated message files
2009-04-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to turn on expert mode in settings dialog
2009-04-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Finnish translation from Mikael Kujanpaa
2009-04-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More fixes to the online documentation generation
* Preserve access rights when saving a local file which was owned
by another user but we had group write access
2009-04-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed generation and upload of PHB and online manual
* Added more output to configuration of sqlite support
* Fixed some tips
* Minor changes to the project handbook
* Added patch by Matt Blythe (payeeCategoryPatch.diff)
2009-04-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* For scheduled transactions with the estimate option turned on, an imported
transaction with an amount in the range of +/- 10% of the scheduled amount
will match
2009-04-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Add missing error check on saveAsDatabase
2009-04-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed balance display in ledger when all transactions of an
investment account are filtered. Patch provided by Thomas Baumgart
2009-04-15 Thomas Baumgart <
* Fixed #2732207 (Unable to unmatch transaction matched by OFX import)
for plain file based version. DB code still needs to be fixed.
2009-04-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added documentation of new file wizard (screen shots still missing)
2009-04-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed overdue scheduled transactions in pivot to display
as happening tomorrow instead of the original date
2009-04-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed return in void setMatchData() introduced two days ago
2009-04-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed MyMoneyReport to use EDetailLevel instead of bool
* Cleaned up code in MyMoneyReport and related classes
2009-04-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed 'Schedule' --> 'Scheduled transaction' (patch provided by
Peter Hargreaves)
2009-04-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Update database structures to Version 5
- add missing fields in Payee, Split
- fix crash on duplicate report name
2009-04-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed permission problems during 'make distcheck'
2009-04-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed the generation of PDF versions of the documentation
2009-04-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed bko #188328 (Delete ransaction option is not disabled in closed
accounts) with patch provided by Ian Neal
2009-04-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added line width option to charts
2009-04-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved 'Update all accounts' functionality to require less user activity
2009-04-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Initialize report type value when loading a custom report
2009-04-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2009-04-04 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Handle invalid chart types of reports in a graceful manner
* Show only investments accounts in the account selector
of Investment View, including when the investment account is
a subaccount
* In the account selector, disable a parent account if it does not
match the required type
2009-04-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Speedup loading of large files when filename is passed on command line
2009-04-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Reverted previous commit because some accounts are not showing
2009-04-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Show only investments accounts in the account selector
of Investment View
2009-04-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preset payee name with the previous one used for a new transaction
2009-04-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Enable OFX plugin by default
2009-03-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed the text filter when it does not contain a text and
the main split matches that but a split does not
* Updated user documentation - submitted by John Hudson
2009-03-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by John Hudson
* Further improvements of text filter
* Updated Spanish translation
* Updated Argentinian translation
2009-03-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Further improvements of text filter
2009-03-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated user documentation - submitted by John Hudson
2009-03-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneyFile::referencesClosedAccount() methods
2009-03-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Net Worth Today report to show current date's balance
instead of end of the month -- bug #2714063
* Updated Argentinian translation - Provided by Sergio Minini
2009-03-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch from Cristian Onet (payees_view.patch)
* Fixed resize problem of splitter in payees view
* Added persistency to the splitter settings
* Added patch from Cristian Onet (plugins_settings.patch)
* Added missing desktop items to OFX plugin
2009-03-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed balance problem with DB backend
* Updated .desktop files with Romanian entries from Cristian Onet
2009-03-22 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed bug in transaction date filter for db
2009-03-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Resolved some compiler warnings
2009-03-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Also reload OFX bank information files during setup if their
size is less than 1024 bytes
2009-03-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed month-by-month budget report when fiscal year starts in a month other than January
2009-03-16 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed text matching bug in transaction reports when splits are displayed
on its own, eg Transactions by Category reports
* Updated Spanish translation
* Updated Argentinian translation
2009-03-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Investment Moving Average Price Graph
2009-03-11 Fernando Vilas <>
* Removed redundant QString ctor calls in db code
* Fixed several warnings in db code
* db now remembers online banking KVPs
2009-03-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed overflow error in Total Rows of CashFlow Summary
* Fixed overflow error in Total Rows of Assets and Liabilities Summary
* Fixed currency conversion error in Budget reports
2009-03-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch by Holger
2009-03-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Investment Price Graph
* Added patch by Holger:
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-03-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to skip stripping of online price info data
2009-03-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Dim update button if plugin status changed
* Added selection combo to negate text filter (not persistant yet)
* Use standard buttons for filter dialog
* Added patches by Holger:
* Show online balance for liability accounts in register as positive amount
2009-03-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Forecast reports when start date is after current date
* Fixed Budget reports for monthly budget of foreign currency categories
2009-03-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Holger (0001-USE_QT_DESIGNER-Version-number-and-minor-fixes.patch)
2009-03-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (briefscheduleskipiconanddisable.diff)
2009-03-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Return valid value from PivotGrid::rowSet(QString id)
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (schedulecalendarskipbutton.diff)
* Fixed a few button icons
2009-02-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option 'Match names from start'
* Fixed spelling of principal in account templates
* Added splitter to payees view
2009-02-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (editcompoundoccurence.diff)
* Fixed connection for edit widget signal in schedule editor
2009-02-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated README.ofx
* Released 0.9.3
2009-02-23 Robert Wadley <>
* Updated Summary view style.
* Updated "What's new" page for upcoming release
2009-02-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed register column resizing algorithm
* Show database options in File menu
2009-02-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Load addressbook for new user wizard in background
* Fixed bko#185212 (Default year prefix)
2009-02-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Load data for account template widget in the background
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (fix3months_removefq_occurencePeriodToString.diff)
2009-02-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Holger
2009-02-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated regular expression for Financial Express price source
2009-02-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem in case additional fees for loans referenced another
asset or liability account
* Fixed bko#118285 (kmymoney online quotes are cached by KDE)
* Assigned icons to dialog buttons
2009-02-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed creation of unique bankID in MyMoneyStatementReader per statement
* Fixed unnecessary popup of dialog box in payees view
* Fixed calculator widget to use same decimal symbol as edit widget
* Fixed #1962055 (Crash in case AqBanking failed) Fix also requires
an updated KBanking package
2009-02-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some issues around modification of addtional loan fees
* Removed
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (stringToOccurence.diff)
* Added patches provided by Holger
* Removed Makefile
* Added updated Russian default account template from Andrey Cherepanov
* Renamed ru_SU into ru_RU for templates
* Change tab between deposit/withdrawal if sign of amount changes
2009-02-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-02-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Argentinian account templates
* Fixed typos in Spanish templates
2009-02-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
- Happy Valentine's Day
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (oops.diff)
* Added testcase for the above correction
* Pass on plugin name to createInstanceFromLibrary()
* Use const reference for getters in plugin info object
2009-02-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Cristian Onet (patch_plugins.patch)
!!!!FILE FORMAT CHANGE!!!! The previous change causes the file format
to change slightly. Be prepared, that schedules may show wrong
payment periods when loaded in earlier versions of the program.
2009-02-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (use_compoundOccurence.diff)
2009-02-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reverted parts of yesterdays patch
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (addHalfMonths.diff)
* Added contrib subdirectory
* Fixed typos also in .pot and in .po files
2009-02-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Fixed typos in kmymoneygpgconfigdecl.ui and ksettingsgpgdecl.ui
2009-02-10 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Do not show investments accounts in detailAll charts
2009-02-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (use_occurencePeriod.diff)
* Added "don't ask again" feature to balance warning dialog
2009-02-09 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed date calculation in SQL that was missed in my last patch
* Speed improvement in readSplit()
2009-02-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (schedules_multiplier_prep.diff)
* Remove link to payee from second split if name is removed from transaction
2009-02-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Fixed French translation
* Updated Galician translation from Marce Villarino
2009-02-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated translation documentation to merge outdated po files
* Updated Spanish translation
* Updated Argentinian translation
2009-02-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a sign issue with investment sell/buy imports from OFX
* Allow higher precision for price and share information from OFX
* Updated translations for de, pt and fr
2009-02-06 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Balance After calculation in Home Page Payments
* Fixed one-time schedules duplicating in Home Page Payments
2009-02-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed CMake based build system (still not 100% compatible w/ autotools)
* Fixed auto detection of variable sizes for CMake based build system
* Fixed some more CMake related things (mostly cleanup)
* Added missing files
* Fixed typos in two messsages
2009-02-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added update for CMake build environment (a bit broken for me atm)
2009-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added trace functionality to HTTPS connections for OFX
2009-02-04 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed loan amortization calculation on reports when there
are multiple amortization splits
2009-02-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-02-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show correct amount for multi-currency schedules
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
* Added home_pt.html from José Jorge
* Fixed #2558627 (Account entry widget mess about splits)
* Updated Romanian translation by Cristian Onet
* Fixed an OFX issue when the bank_id field was not filled
2009-02-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed dependancy to libxml2-devel
2009-02-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Spanish translation
2009-02-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Code cleanup of calculateAutoLoan in kmymoneyutils
* Added interestSplit method to MyMoneyTransaction
* Added isInterestSplit method to MyMoneySplit
2009-02-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (occurenceToString.diff)
* Regenerated POT file and merged all PO files
* Updated German translation
2009-01-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed loan interest calculation in pivot reports when the loan
account is not included in the report - #2541605
2009-01-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added #2551345 (Maintain geometry of split transaction editor
* Added #2551417 (Deletion of the zero-value split records)
* Added #2551242 (ENTER focus to next split if is is already defined)
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright (halfmonth_200901241601.diff)
2009-01-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed loan calculation when the loan account itself is not
part of the report. More work needed on that area
2009-01-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow overriding header version for OFX requests
2009-01-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added icon to close button of balance chart dialog
2009-01-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added merge button to split transaction dialog (#2538561)
* Improved path detection for QT in sqlite.m4
2009-01-27 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Patch provided by Thomas Baumgart to show currency conversion
dialog when entering schedules involving foreign currencies
* Fixed schedule forecast calculation - bug #2507699
2009-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Anonymize budget values while saving as anonymized file
2009-01-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed dependency to libcurl and libxml++ from OFX plugin
2009-01-24 Fernando Vilas <>
* Reworked balance calculations
* Standardized date and MyMoneyMoney formatted storage
* Fixed date calculations to work with SQLite
* Added (commented) code to support future MMSchedule KVP.
2009-01-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #2530475 (Calculator (Value entry widget) bug!)
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2009-01-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'Force SSLv3' switch to OFX banking setup wizard
* Removed some unused files
2009-01-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Colin Wright to clean up schedule frequencies
2009-01-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sqlite detection problems with older autoconf versions
2009-01-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problems reported by Doxygen
2009-01-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Quicken 2004 and Quicken 2003 to the OFX plugin
2009-01-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use KDE locale setting for date format in report subtitles
* Collect all statement reports and show them together in a single window
* Automatically detect mapped acount during OFX statement download
* Show the transaction selection dialog for autofill even if there
is only a single matching transaction
* Show warning if user wants to map a brokerage account to an online account
* Added icons to buttons on plugin selection dialog
2009-01-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added missing include in kguiutils.cpp
* Added date to pivot reports subtitle
* Added date to transaction reports subtitle
2009-01-14 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix #2248020 - Allow passworded databases
* Remove redundant code
* Update database documentation
2009-01-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved OFX logging during setup
* Fixed layout for select database dialog
* Fixed slot for OK button in select database dialog
* Fixed translation issue
* Fixed MyMoneyMoney formatting problem with precision -1 that caused
14.04 to be shown as 14.4
* Added testcase for this problem
* Removed const qualifier from formatMoney() returnvalue
2009-01-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixes to the build system (make distcheck did not work due
to the changes for SQLITE3 support)
2009-01-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added CashFlow Report
2009-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Romanian translation by Cristian Onet
* Added QT SQLITE3 support from
to the build system
* Building OFX support is now automatic if required libs are installed
* Allow arbitrary precision interest rates for loan accounts
* Fixed a bunch of warnings
2009-01-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Refactored the usage of the 'Private * d' construct
2009-01-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added chart detail setting to forecast view
* Fixed sign of expected liabilities on cash flow summary
* Cleaned old code in querytable.cpp
2009-01-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated German translation
2009-01-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Finnish translation from Raimo Ikonen
* Regenerated POT file and merged all PO files
2009-01-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow to load details for new investments if same security is used
2009-01-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added chart to forecast view
2009-01-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix # 2217233 - Add option to import GnuCash notes as memos
2009-01-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added display of number of splits in file info dialog
2009-01-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* We welcome Slovakia as a new member of the Eurozone
2008-12-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make menu item 'File information' available if build w/o debug support
* Added differentiation between QIF bank statement and QIF application import
2008-12-29 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Import GnuCash notes as transaction memo
2008-12-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't include invalid account types in split editor account selection
2008-12-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added moving average to report charts
* Cleanup of the charts code
* Added configuration of moving average days
* Added Moving Average vs Actual report
2008-12-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added testcases for the loader functions in MyMoneySeqAccessMgr
* Fixed last id detection in loader functions
2008-12-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed an uninitialized variable bug in the QIF importer
* Improved const-ness passing of parameters in Gnc importer
* Use QString for ids rather than QCString
2008-12-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Assign base currency to account if none is present during creation
2008-12-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show different intro when editing an investment with the wizard
2008-12-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked matching logic so that in case of multiple payees match,
the one with the largest match is taken. This returns the name
matching to the 'old' functionality of partial matching.
2008-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed MyMoneyQifProfile::possibleDateFormats so that it
always delivers at least one possible format
2008-12-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed display of total rows in charts
2008-12-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added OFX trace functionality
2008-12-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Czech translation from Marek Stopka
* Removed blank in front of synopsis
* Added mandatory price entry for new foreign account
* Added online quote button to new account wizard
2008-12-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added moving average reports for investments
* Fixed crash in forecast view when displaying stock in foreign currency
2008-12-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More changes to the QIF importer
2008-12-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't discard final line during QIF import if it does not contain a LF
* Categories don't override account information during QIF import
* Don't create duplicate opening balance transaction if same file
is imported more than once. Present a warning if amount differs and let
the user manually correct it.
* Mark imported opening balance transactions as imported (diff. background)
* Fixed QIF Buy/Sell action if given an account but not BuyX/SellX action
* Enhanced price recording such that security can also be referenced
by name by the importer
2008-12-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some print issues in the CSS file
* Fixed some more QIF importer and statement reader problems
* Fixed payee matching for name matching mode
2008-12-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added more debug output to statement reader
* Added patch provided from Greg Darke to add more settings to OFX plugin
2008-12-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for manual OFX configuration
* Fixed a sign problem when importing investment sales transations via QIF
* The transaction matcher now uses transaction matching on the same date
in favor over those that match on different dates.
* More fixes to the QIF importer
2008-12-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some more QIF importer problems
2008-12-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remove transfers to/from investment accounts in split transactions
during QIF import
2008-12-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed createBudget forecast unit tests to check dates correctly
2008-12-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Revisited fix for bko #175949. Using the tab directly to create
a new transaction did not honor the pressed tab
* Updated Czech translation from Marek Stopka
2008-11-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use QT_LDFLAGS and X_LDFLAGS when building the widget library
* Keep position of schedule view if item was deleted
2008-11-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved QIF date format detection
* Detect dividend transactions as investment transactions even if they
don't have a reference to a stock account
2008-11-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't create multiple payees if the name contains meta characters
of regular expression (e.g. parans)
* Fixed bko #176316 (kmymoney2 crashes when right clicking in a
categories tax-editing area)
2008-11-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* A merged transaction has precedence over an imported transaction
in the ledger
* Fixed more QIF importer issues
* If an imported transaction is also matched, then accepting the
transaction will remove both flags at once
* Allow asset/liability accounts to receive VAT splits
2008-11-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Sort accounts by name in home page forecast
2008-11-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed starting balance price in investment performance report
2008-11-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Store multiple XML statement files for QIF import (debug feature)
* Fixed bko #175949 ('New' transaction does not honor the selected tab)
* Improved detection of existing accounts in QIF importer
2008-11-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked QIF import with lots of improvements (incl. patches from
Allan Anderson)
Needs thorough testing and a lot of code cleanup
* Adapted statement reader to work with new QIF importer
* Allow dividend payments w/o reference to security
* Renamed a bunch of i18n-ed html files
* Display correct number of prices in file info dialog
2008-11-22 Fernando Vilas <>
* Added db index from user manual to schema
* Fixed db not logging out when KMM closes (fixes open warning annoyance)
* Fixed transactions query to properly ignore schedule splits (fixes
calculations on homepage)
2008-11-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Prevent user from selecting an inconsistent column type for budgets
2008-11-15 Fernando Vilas <>
* Updated SQLite driver detection to work with Qt3 and Qt4. Patch from Tony
2008-11-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated simplified Chinese translation by Roy Qu
2008-11-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed budget reports when using non-monthly columns
2008-11-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added summary to budget in Home Page
* Added gaps to tables in Home Page
2008-11-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new homepage html file from mvillarino
2008-11-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed price calculation in investment performance report
2008-11-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Added support for imperial prices to MyMoneyMoney ctor
* Added testcase for the above
2008-11-04 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed budget reports when month-by-month are displayed
for non-monthly columns
* Fixed Cashflow summary schedules when multiple occurences
happen during the month
* Added properties initialization to MyMoneyForecast constructor
2008-11-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Cristian Onet which fixes a
crash in the the accounts icon view
* Ensure unique IDs within the same statement downloaded
* Removed unnecessary code
2008-10-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed
2008-10-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed "Ok" --> "OK"
* Use KStdGuiItem where appropriate
* Fixed placement of search bar in payees view
* Fixed
2008-10-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added signal transactionsSelected() to plugins' viewinterface
* Added signal accountReconciled to plugins' viewinterface
* Updated Romanian translation from Cristian Onet
2008-10-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Forecast unit test
2008-10-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Romanian translation from Cristian Onet
* Added patch by Cristian Onet to solve a ledger sorting problem
2008-10-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sign problem in display of loan information when
sum of additional fees was negative
* Added information when turning on GPG encryption mode
* Added option to turn off title bar of the views
2008-10-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Budget reports when columns longer than a month
* Added Linear Regression method to Forecast History Methods
2008-10-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
* Added patch by Cristian Onet to fix statement marker problem
2008-10-24 Robert Wadley <>
* Fixed some issues with the html when kmm is used on wide screens
and other small fixes.
2008-10-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make sure to show the correct balance in the ledger view if no
transactions are displayed
2008-10-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added default report Income and Expenses By Year
2008-10-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2008-10-19 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed multi currency calculation of transaction reports
* Fixed spelling mistake in Home View
* Changed current Summary to Assets and Liabilities Summary
2008-10-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem during online price update when neither the security
nor the currency is the base currency
* Show all categories in both selectors during reconciliation start
2008-10-18 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed calculation of assets and liabilities in CashFlow summary
2008-10-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update total field when changing a budget
* Fixed sign problem when postponing reconciliation of liability accounts
2008-10-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Marcus Gama
* Updated Galician translation by Marcelino Villarino
2008-10-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed some Krazy warnings in forecast
* Added CashFlow Summary to Home Page
* Fixed Schedule calculation in CashFlow Summary
2008-10-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed balance of general information reports when converting to
base currency
2008-10-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed calculation of forecast for stocks which caused an overflow
of MyMoneyMoney members
2008-10-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Added feature to update all online accounts at once
* Dump some more values
* Fix problem with duplicate dividend transactions
2008-10-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
2008-10-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed multi currency calculation for incomes and expenses in the summary
* Updated Spanish translation
2008-10-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Tranport price in imported transaction
* Detect previously used fee and dividend categories while importing
investment statements
* Added Romanian HTML files from Cristian Onet
* Fixed failing translation of strings containing an ampersand
character to identify the keyboard shortcut
* Regenerated POT file and merged PO files
2008-10-03 Fernando Vilas <>
* Allow SQLite databases to upgrade
2008-10-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'Ignore' and 'Skip' buttons to EnterSchedule dialog and show
them during reconciliation start and auto entry during appl startup
* Move icon draw logic from StdTransaction to Transaction to have it
for investment transactions as well
* Display imported investment transaction with the correct background
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2008-10-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show correct message if statement balance is not included in statement
2008-09-30 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* fix valgrind warning about conditional jump depending on
uninitialized variable
2008-09-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Make sure to update local variables from engine after chanages
* Removed unused variables
2008-09-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Assign id to budget accountgroup if missing or different
* Updated french what's new page from Patrick Petit
2008-09-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Romanian account templates from Onet Cristian
2008-09-27 Fernando Vilas <>
* Implemented patch for occurrenceMultiplier in schedules
provided by Colin Wright
* Added db upgrade path to support the above patch
2008-09-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian what's new file provided by Vincenzo Reale
2008-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with schedule preview in ledger if end of schedule
falls into preview period. This could cause a lockup of the application.
* Show cleared transactions during reconciliation in a dimmed fashion
* Updated Romanian translation by Chrstian Onet
2008-09-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added blank column to Summary
* Added missing file for Home Settings
2008-09-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some typos in German translation, shortened a few strings
2008-09-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to select most often used transaction for autofill
2008-09-21 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added setting to hide limit column on Home page
2008-09-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Show closed accounts in reports and find transactions dialog
if the user has chosen to do so
* Changed the order and rearranged the tables of Summary
* Fix the style divs provided by Robert Wadley
2008-09-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a transaction matcher issue with similar transactions
2008-09-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Convert fractions in KMyMoneyAccountTreeForecastItem to make
sure it does not overflow when handling multiple currencies
* Reinitialize m_forecast in Home Page on change
2008-09-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added generic code in PivotTable to support multiple
columns while preventing duplication of code
2008-09-12 Fernando Vilas <>
* Updated MMStorageSql to throw MyMoneyExceptions
2008-09-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sign problem with paid dividends
* Updated German Whats New page
* Updated Portuguese translation as provided by Jose Jorge
* Updated French Whats New page
* Released 0.9.2
2008-09-11 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed calculation of paid dividends for return of investment
* Updated Spanish Whats New page
2008-09-10 Robert Wadley <>
* Updated the "whats new in this release" page.
2008-09-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added skip icon for schedules to home view
* Moved icons in front of schedule names
* Added tooltips to the icons and schedule links
* Fixed bug in transaction matcher when two or more identical transactions
are carried out on the same day and are manually entered already.
2008-09-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed edit loan wizard to keep changes made to interest rate
2008-09-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Budget, Budget Difference and Forecast to exported
report CSV
2008-09-07 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed primary key error when adding first items to database
* More database documentation updates
* Added simple test cases for budgets
* Fixed budget test cases for the case when a database is not installed
2008-09-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Display information why Financial Summary link is not working
2008-09-06 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed internal structure of PivotGrid to work as a QValueList
* Modified PivotTable and unit tests to accomodate to the new PivotGrid
* Implemented new methods for drawing charts by level and avoid duplicating
2008-09-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed Wolfgang's modification
2008-09-06 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Show the file name in the passphrase dialog
2008-09-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't remove statement marker if it's the last entry in the ledger
* Don't present balance warnings when entering schedules that will be matched
* Check 'Type' keyword in QIF case independant
* Updated German translation
2008-09-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Initial code for drag and drop for attachments (not functional yet)
* Added documentation update provided by Colin Wright
* Updated screen shots for documentation of new account wizard
as received in patch #2038235
2008-09-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Prevent numeric overflow when calculating value of
stocks traded in different currency
* Delete StatementKey during account unmap
* Show last online balance in ledger
* Added Debian/Ubuntu specifc build instructions to README
* Improved sorting in ledger for items with same post date
* Don't allow create schedule option for investment accounts
2008-09-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a false popup dialog when editing a schedule from within the ledger
* Added name based detection of brokerage account to QIF Importer and
statement reader
* Preset statement balance to autoCalc to be able to detect if the
balance was filled in by the importer/online module
* Don't remove account from selector if it has children. Rather make
it not selectable
* Fix sortorder of scheduled and non-scheduled transactions in
ledger when they have the same post date
2008-08-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added settings to exclude future or scheduled-transactions from forecast
2008-08-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Romanian translation provided by Cristian One
* Regenerated POT file
* Merged message files
2008-08-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show overdue payments in the past
2008-08-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reset the last payment date when duplicating a transaction
2008-08-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Spanish translation of Home and Whats New pages
2008-08-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added functionality to wizard's help button
* Set standard context for new file setup
* Disabled warning about deprecated fileformat of version 0.4
2008-08-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't select scheduled transactions during Ctrl+A processing
* Wrap networth graph on homepage into frame
* Reload widget when delting splits in the split editor
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
2008-08-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed styles of Home Page - Patch provided by David Houlden
2008-08-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with syncing the hierarchy tab in the account edit dialog
* Added possibility to select scheduled transaction in register and
open the schedule context menu for them
2008-08-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Reload forecast on Home Page when file is changed
* Set the title of legend on report charts
2008-08-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow direct editing and entering of schedules from Home page
* Don't allow deletion of transactions referencing closed accounts
* Fixed endless loop in transaction preview for one time schedules
2008-08-24 Fernando Vilas <>
* Updated OCI values in db code based on comments from Colin Wright.
* Removed some unused db code.
* Changed closing behavior of db to make it less likely to remain open.
(More to come on this one.)
2008-08-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed format of value and column name in Account Info Reports
* Fixed display of AutoCalc values in Schedule Info Reports
* Do not show closed account in Loan Info Reports
* Fixed display of value in Schedule Reports
* Fixed initialization of PivotCell to check m_cellUsed - #2070446
* Added a flag to MyMoneyForecast to tell when forecast is done
* Added forecast balance after payments to Home Page
* Changed alignment of totals on Summary
2008-08-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sign of equity balance in accounts and ledger view
* Fixed some stuff in the anonymous file writer
2008-08-23 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added borders to tables on Home Page
* Fixed alignment on Home Page
* Use the currency symbol rather than the name in Information reports
* Don't display closed accounts in Account Information reports
* Show balance of subaccounts of an investment in account information
* Show 'next due date' only in the first row of the schedule information
* Changed style of intermediate column in Summary - patch provided by
David Houlden
* Code cleanup in budget forecast tree
* Fixed html tag in Summary - patch provided by David Houlden
2008-08-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Store name of new file in 'recent files' list
2008-08-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Add type of Information Reports when reading and writing reports
* Fixed style of report column headers
* Added account to payments on Home Page
2008-08-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Turn off internal memory leak checker by default
* Added option to display scheduled transactions in ledger
* Don't allow creation of transactions in closed accounts
* Got rid of 'type qualifiers ignored on function return type' warning
* Use occurenceToString() from MyMoneySchedule instead of KMyMoneyUtils
* Disable the split button of the category until the account is known
* Don't keep elements from file that are not properly read
* Fixed a problem with the investment value display in the ledger view
2008-08-21 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Branches of forecast trees now show the total of subaccounts if closed,
and revert if opened
* Fixed running sum of schedule-based forecast when creating a budget -
Reported by Marko Käning
2008-08-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow creation of Equity additional accounts
* Allow editing transactions in Equity accounts
* Renamed TransactionMatcher::scheduledTransaction() into
2008-08-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Be somewhat relaxed when searching an account based on information
provided by online banking providers
2008-08-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added web price quote for Financial Express as provided by P. Hargreaves
* Fixed crash on shift-select
2008-08-19 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Make branches in forecast trees open by default
2008-08-18 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed styles in Home Page. Reported by Pallavi Damera.
2008-08-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't allow creation of transactions when no account is selected
* Allow application override before initial OFX connection with bank
* Fixed a duplicate i18n call as pointed out by Alexander Kireev
* Reduced min height of the KAccountTemplateSelector widget
* Don't allow online account update if provider is not present
2008-08-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added style to headers in Home Page. Reported by Pallavi Damera.
* Added hierarchy to summary and detail forecast. Accounts are now shown
even if not in the forecast when child accounts are in forecast.
* Changed budget forecast to be shown in a tree
2008-08-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Actually use override value for OFX app id and version
* Don't allow override for libOFX < 0.9
2008-08-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed schedule loader to not forget data about finished items
* Removed extranous EXTRA_DIST entry in templates
* Fixed precedence of multiplication over addition in calculator widget
* Show the error message provided by the bank when importing an OFX file
2008-08-16 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed Forecast Summary. The tree was being shown in a different tab.
2008-08-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added application override to OFX plugin
* Added search filter to GUI of OFX institution setup wizard
2008-08-14 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix sqlite logout problem
2008-08-14 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* globally catch all uncaught kmymoney exceptions
2008-08-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improvement for fix of #1866881: keep focus item
* Applied patch provided by Alexis Lahouze
* Fixed testcases
* Added status display for statement import
* Keep changes to category when changing parent account in same edit session
2008-08-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed endless loop when canceling the entry of a schedule during
reconciliation startup
* Make sure to have the current selected split as first split in the schedule
* Fixed #1866881 (Show Transaction Detail:scroll view to current record)
2008-08-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed consistency check to modify share instead of value field if they
have to contain equal values.
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation from Roy Qu
* Fixed a payee assignment and display problem with schedules
2008-08-09 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Forecast Summary and Detail are shown in a tree
* Code cleanup in KForecastView
* Added method to show negative numbers in red to
2008-08-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated German translation provided by yllohy
* Fixed reload of accounts and categories view after changes when
a quick filter was active
2008-08-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow entering of overdue schedules before reconciliation
2008-08-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed payee matching (was a bit broken by change on 2008-08-03)
* Added MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::m_priceList to transaction based handling
* Modified testcases to accompany the above change
* Updated Portuguese translation by José Jorge
2008-08-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to remove payees that were created during statement
import but are unused.
2008-08-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow to move transactions to different category in category ledger
* Updated pot file and merged into message files
* Fixed override for account type during OFX statement requests
* Added feature to unmap an online account
2008-08-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Cleaned code in forecast and reports
* Added check in QueryTable to prevent infinite loops in cases
of splits data inconsistency
2008-08-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed override for OFX money market accounts for LibOFX 0.8
* Use the payee as stored with a manually entered transaction in
favor of the imported transaction after matching
* If the manually transaction does not have a payee assigned
use the one found in the imported transaction
* If multiple payees match use the one that is found most often
in the account that is imported
2008-08-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Avoid sending out dataChanged() signal when no changes were
made to the data but a transaction ends.
2008-08-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added link to ledger to budget overruns in home page
2008-08-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed OFX override for LibOFX 0.8
* Renamed MyMoneyTransactionFilter::untilToday
into MyMoneyTransactionFilter::asOfToday
* Added patch provided by Colin Wright
2008-07-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Include transactions with the same date as the statement date
in reconciliation
* Show information about deposits and payments during reconciliation
* Added OFX override for money market accounts
2008-07-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Added report of transactions by reconciliation status
* Fixed order of schedules info report
* Fixed grouping of account and loan info reports
* Removed category column of schedule summary info report
- Patch provided by Marko Käning
* Fixed interest rate in loan info report
2008-07-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Respect preferred account setting from new account wizard
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
* Added patch provided by Alexis Lahouze with small modifications
* Added StatementGroupMarker object
2008-07-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed reload of payees and schedule view after changes when
a quick filter was active
* Added transaction matcher for schedules
* Cleanup statement reader call in application
* Catch exception thrown by user abort during import
2008-07-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed balance column in info reports
* Changed schedule info report to sort by next due date
2008-07-27 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added report for loan information
* Fixed duplicate column in account information report
2008-07-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated the online price update dialog and allow to quit out
of the whole operation
2008-07-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Only create imported user once
2008-07-25 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed compilation issue from previous commit
2008-07-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Comment generation of request.ofx in OFX plugin
* Added auto transaction matcher to statement reader
* Added quick filter for matched transactions
* Renamed a button in the new user wizard
2008-07-23 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed memo filter to schedule report
* Added account information report
2008-07-23 Joerg Rodehueser <>
* Did some code cleaning to avoid compiler warnings
* Added the kdchar source to the cmake build
* Added missing files to CMakeLists.txt
2008-07-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Escape special characters in payee names before adding to match list
* Prevent crashes in MyMoneyMoney::price() in case m_shares is 0
which it should not ever be
* Code cleanup (performed after Joerg's above)
2008-07-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Workaround to get price for starting balance in performance
report even when there is no price
* In performance report add splits without action to buy or sell
2008-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Automatically add copy of deleted payee names to match list of
replacement payee
* Default payee matching to ignore case when first turned on
2008-07-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed investtransaction editor to work with newly created categories
and securities
2008-07-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Renamed 'Amount' column in investment ledger to 'Quantity'
* Fixed a compile problem with libofx < 0.9 being used
* Show multiple accounts with the same name in account icon view
as multiple icons
* Fixed placement of calculator to make sure it's not outside the desktop
2008-07-19 Fernando Vilas <>
* Added db support for new file fix version
* Fixed how file fix version is handled in db code
* Fixed incorrect balance when a transaction zeroes an account
in the db
* Added db test case for adding a transaction to zero an account
2008-07-19 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Replaced IRR with XIRR from KOffice by Sascha Pfau,
modified to fit the way querytable works
2008-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated German translation from yllohy
2008-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Turkish translation from Serdar Soytetir
* Keep memo for category memos in sync with the one visible
* Added code for autofix after load (but not yet active)
Needs further testing, esp. with the database backend
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
2008-07-16 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed text filtering of splits in transaction reports
2008-07-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed dependencies for some xxxToString() methods
2008-07-15 Fernando Vilas <>
* Added KVPs to splits in the db
* Updated (some) documentation of db functions
* Fixed MMInstitution to properly store KVP in the db
2008-07-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Vincenzo Reale
* Added option to specify the default reconciliation state for
transactions entered during reconciliation
* Added capability to enter interest splits for a buy share transaction
* Allow deletion of transactions even if the transaction carrying the focus
is currently not selected
* Added KVPs to MyMoneySplit
* Don't write empty KVPs to the file
* Added initial implementation of TransactionMatcher
* Fixed MyMoneyTransaction::operator == to include the KVPs
* Added some testcases for that
* Try to avoid asking for an account if clear for which data is imported
(tested for HBCI, not OFX)
* No need for Fees in Reinvest Dividend transaction
* Updated About KMyMoney info dialog
2008-07-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added missing classes to CVS
* Added split information to Schedules report
* Added Schedule report filter by account
* Added new Schedule report without splits
2008-07-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Removed AccountTypeToString method from PivotTable. Have it use
KMyMoneyUtils method
* Created ListTable to handle common method and data for QueryTable
and ObjectInfoTable classes
* Modified QueryTable test cases for the new class hierarchy
2008-07-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added report to list all schedules
2008-07-06 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed unit tests to be less annoying in the absence of a db
* Fixed an error in the last db code commit
2008-07-04 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Cleaned MyMoneyMoney objects init in KHomeView
2008-06-21 Fernando Vilas <>
* Added database unit test
* Modified database code to pass unit test
* Corrected some documentation in mymoneyfile.h
2008-06-29 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added some information to README file on how to compile and
necessary packages
2008-06-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed KMyMoneyFrequencyCombo to get the text from KMyMoneyUtils
to avoid code duplication
2008-06-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Implemented creation of budget based on scheduled and future
* Cleaned up schedule forecast code
* Added unit test for scheduled forecast budget
* Removed the dependency of occurenceToString of KMyMoneyFrequencyCombo
2008-06-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* In summary of the home page, show scheduled transfers
on its own
2008-06-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed VPATH include problems
* Fixed default order of account tree columns
2008-06-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Modified layout of summary tab in forecast view
2008-06-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Pretend to be Quicken 2008 during OFX download
2008-06-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* In home page show maximum credit instead of minimum balance
depending on account type
2008-06-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch supplied by Colin Wright adding a missing parameter
* Updated Swedish translation from Konrad Skeri
2008-06-16 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* fixed restoring the layout in some tree views
2008-06-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Simplified code
* Changed function names to follow coding standards
* Keep KMyMoneyAccountTreeBaseItem a pure virtual class
* Fix default order of columns in account tree
2008-06-14 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Asset/Liability accounts can now be defined as VAT accounts.
They cannot yet be used as such however.
* edit account/category: make hierarchy display work again after
refactoring the AccountTree classes
2008-06-13 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Accounts view, icon tab: Do not show closed accounts if not wanted
* "show closed accounts" now also shows/hides closed stock
* new base classes ...AccountTreeBase{Item}. AccountTree and
AccountTreeBudget are derived from this.
* reduced duplicate code in these classes and simplified
some things - hopefully without breaking anything.
* new helper function const QString formatMoney(...)
2008-06-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved keyboard navigation in ledger view
* Removed compiler warning for KMyMoneyView
* Cleaned code in KOfxDirectConnectDlg::slotOfxFinished
2008-06-11 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Edit category / account: Show old name in caption
* Fix VAT percentage and a few typos in german template file skr03.kmt
* new methods for MyMoneyAccount: accountPixmap and accountGroupPixmap
2008-06-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reduce duplicate code
2008-06-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed investment performance calculation
2008-06-07 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* transactions touching closed accounts can no more be deleted/duplicated
* transactions with frozen splits can no more be deleted
* warn before deleting transactions with reconciled splits
* new class KMStatus for simpler display of status messages
2008-06-05 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* globally replaced QValueList<SelectedTransaction> by the new class
SelectedTransactions. Right now it is almost empty, so this patch
is mostly syntactic sugar. Exception: constructor(const Register* r)
2008-06-05 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* In home view and account tree, rename Balance to Current Balance
resp. Total Balance
2008-06-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added (slightly modified) patch from Colin Wright which
adds an account hierarchy page to the new account wizard
* Added a refined patch from Colin Wright for the new account wizard
* Fixed ledger sorting in i18n-ed version of KMyMoney
* Added some debug output to OFX direct connect
2008-06-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Unsubtle fix for memcheck to compile on GCC4.3
2008-06-02 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix (some) GCC4.3 compile errors
2008-06-01 Fernando Vilas <>
* Fixed compilation issue of db code on Fedora Core 9
2008-05-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Improved calculation of investment balances in query reports
* Calculate base currency price for investment based on
transaction date in query reports
* Fixed decimals for Return On Investment that were being cut off
2008-05-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed payees view when changing existing match patterns
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::isImported()
* Fixed a bug which caused the sign of splits be reverse when
entering split transactions in the register w/o using the form
2008-05-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved button signal handling for database selection dialog
* Improved encryption setup (differentiate between main key and
additional keys)
2008-05-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added total profit/loss to summary on home page
2008-05-29 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Remove all Sqlite2 references
* Improve usability of DB selection dialog
* Coding changes
2008-05-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added ability to enter negative numbers with a leading dash even
if display format is "parens around".
* Improved some code changes made by Wolfgang
* Updated German translation from Yllohy
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Don't allow editing transactions that reference closed accounts
2008-05-28 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* report view: correctly order the report groups by number
* fix one more usage of an uninitialized variable
* category ledger: For the payee, the strings "Paid to" and "From"
were interchanged
2008-05-27 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* fixed segfault when doubleclicking on an expense category in
the category view
2008-05-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved all OFX relevant code into the OFX plugin
* Support encryption to more than one GPG key
* Added plugin specifc tab to account editor dialog for online support
* Added array operator to MyMoneyKeyValueContainer
* Support multiple strings (actually regexp's) for payee matching
* Added capability to store multiline notes with a payee record
* Store bank routing number and account id in MyMoneyStatement
* Removed KMyMoneyImporterPlugin service type
* Improve speed for database access by using MyMoneyFile's cache
* Fixed some testcases for the above change
2008-05-26 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Remove Sqlite v2 support
* Fix Sqlite v3 detection
* Clarify dialog help text
2008-05-25 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* add new budget did throw away changes without asking
to save them
* budgetview: hide unused accounts had problems. This
fixes bug 1962065. Toggling this no longer asks if
the user wants to save the budget. The checkbox is
now disabled if the budget has no used accounts.
* fix bug 1575585: Loan with 0% interest (division by 0)
2008-05-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed manual forecast in forecast view
2008-05-25 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Fixed segfault after deleting an investment
2008-05-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added missing enum item to report date enum
* Fixed date when reading a custom saved report
2008-05-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reverted some changes introduced during DB integration
* Fixed reference for file inclusion in
2008-05-24 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Prepare sqlite3 support
* Fix create views in mysql
2008-05-24 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* fixed keyboard handling for accelerators in transaction editor
* fixed accelerator for the Tools main menu: Was T although the o
was underlined
2008-05-23 Fernando Vilas <>
* Updated database engine to support new KMM engine.
2008-05-22 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* Summary: Fix computation of investment accounts when foreign
currencies are involved
2008-05-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* For budget or forecast only show actual in the charts if set to
do so
* Switch networth forecast graph in the home page to use new forecast
pivot report. Changed timeframe to current date + 90 days.
* Fixed bugdet graph configuration
2008-05-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Sort Summary accounts by name
* Save includesForecast setting in pivot reports
2008-05-19 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added forecast calculation to pivot reports
* Added group of forecast default reports
* Skip total calculation of budget or forecast if report does not
include them
* Added setting to not purge unused forecast accounts if required
* Fixed investment calculation in home page. Calculate deep currency
not base currency.
* Set includeForecast to false when reading a report from file
2008-05-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show '&nbsp;' in abscissa labels of charts
2008-05-19 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* History of transactions for payees could show wrong action for
transactions entered with a pre 0.9.0 version
2008-05-18 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
* focus handling in all ledgers for keyboard users: Avoid segfault
if no item had focus and first item is not focussable like in
search window
* when a new search window is generated, select top item
* when entering CTRL-F to get to the search window, make sure that
the search window always gets focus. If it already existed, this
did not always happen
* dragging a category in the tree segfaulted when there was no icon
defined for the category. Can happen when kmymoney2 cannot find its
2008-05-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated German translation from yllohy
2008-05-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patches provided by Wolfgang Rohdewald
* Added logic to deal with deleting a category still assigned
to a budget
* Fixed logic that deletes categories to work correct even if no
transaction is assigned to that category but it is referenced
by a schedule or budget
2008-05-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Fixed crash when saving institution data from editor that was opened
using a double click in the institution view
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
2008-05-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed keyboard handling in split editor widgets
* Updated German translation from Marko Kaening
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation from Roy Qu
2008-05-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed forecast settings refresh
2008-05-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Updated German translation from Marko Kaening
* Regenerated POT file
* Bumped version number to 0.9.1
* Bumped min KDE version to 3.4.0
2008-05-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Updated German translation from Marko Kaening
* Added Sweden to for translations
2008-05-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* New files will be name $HOME/$USER.kmy
2008-05-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
2008-05-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make menu key work in split editor
2008-05-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed precision problem when opening the split transaction editor
for fees/interest in investment transactions
2008-05-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed selection of date range combo in filter custom dialog
2008-05-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed some old files from the repository
* Updated splash screen and titlelabel for 0.9
* Released 0.9
2008-05-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed old KDevelop project file
* Added check for interest accounts to consistency check
2008-05-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Modified default of Income Expense Pie Chart to not show row totals
* Fixed forecast account comparison when accounts have duplicate names
2008-05-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation from Roy Qu
2008-05-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem while creating categories within the schedule editor
* Improved price search when exact date option is set in the API
2008-05-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem in schedule view when amount of transaction is 0
2008-05-03 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added account type headers to budget on home page
* Added conversion to lowest fraction to querytable
* Added budget data to charts
* Auto-select current budget in custom report dialog
* Added default Budget vs Actual graph
2008-05-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added budget option to home page settings
* Fixed handling of home page settings that default to off
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2008-05-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Separated grid of pivottable into a separate file
* Added budget overrun report to Home page
* Removed unit tests for TCell
* Moved PivotGrid tests to their own class
* Do not show Budget on Home Page if budget list is empty
2008-04-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sorting of value columns in account views
2008-04-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation from Roy Qu
* If there are no favorite reports, don't show section on homepage
* Fixed sorting of value columns in investment view
* Added missing #include statements for GCC 4.3 as reported by Tony Graffy
2008-04-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed account reference in Summary of Home Page
* Fixed fraction of deep conversion in pivottable to reference current account
* Added budget difference to report properties
* Change budget difference column to calculate on report init
* Added more comments to pivottable
2008-04-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Turn off total column if report is configured for running sums
* Sort numeric account view columns by their numeric value
2008-04-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Fixed a crash when a split has a zero value during autofill
2008-04-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Summary to Home Page
* Added convert to investment return calculation to prevent overflow
* Added Incomes and Expenses to Summary
2008-04-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Regenerated POT file
* Reverted patch from Arni Ingimundarson because it breaks income/expense
reports and shows a total column
2008-04-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed forecast testcases due to interface change of createBudget()
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Added Dutch homepage and Dutch whats_new html file
2008-04-21 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed assignment of budget for budget only reports
2008-04-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
* Added budget forecasting
* Added sort options for budgets in GUI
* Renamed kmymoney2.kdevelop into kmymoney2.kdevelop.sample
2008-04-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added preliminary version of the budget calculation on historic data
* Added separate generate-messages target to
2008-04-19 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Investment Worth Graph report
* Added Difference To Minimum Balance column to Home Page
2008-04-18 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Assign budget to report if Any is selected
* Select budget combo if Any is selected
* Fix pivottabletest check for total column
2008-04-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added another validation to the consistency check feature
2008-04-18 Tony Bloomfield <>
* 30-day schedule interval
2008-04-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Hide accounts in reports if closed and no transactions for
the report timeframe
* Replaced Until today by As of today in Time Combo
2008-04-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preserve date during auto transaction fill
2008-04-16 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed total column of pivot reports
2008-04-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed budget column when report timeframe is less than a year
2008-04-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Sandro Bonazzola
* Date for interest and charges in reconciliation wizard follow
statement date
* Added percentage field to auto fill mode
2008-04-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Adjust forecast days on Home View if lower than accounts cycle
* Fixed minimum limit of begin forecast day in forecast view
2008-04-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Brazilian translation from Marcus Gama
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2008-04-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Dutch translation from Bert Keuter
2008-04-12 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed account filter for budget report
* Enable show total columns switch on graphs - patch provided
by Arni Ingimundarson
2008-04-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed budget report configuration problem
* Updated simplified Chinese translation from Roy Qu
2008-04-10 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Fixed minor typo in forecast view title
2008-04-10 Robert Wadley <>
* Renamed some of the old template and made some minor template
changes to the old us template descriptions
2008-04-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation from Sandro Bonazzola
* Regenerated pot file, merge changes into translations
* Fixed a problem in the documentation
* Cleanup in template/en_US
2008-04-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed database menu items temporarily
2008-04-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Updates (incomplete) to New Account Wizard documentation - ideas
from Danny Scott
2008-04-08 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Tax Transactions reports for Last Fiscal Year
2008-04-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Tax Transactions by Payee report
* Added Investment Holdings Pie report
* Fixed queryTable to filter tax by Payee correctly
2008-04-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Ignore prior date changes when checking for autofill
2008-04-06 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added Today option to time filter combo
2008-04-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed an i18n string issue
* Fixed usage of KMM_DEBUG
* Fixed a bug in the QIF writer that caused a problem when
an account has no opening balance transaction
2008-04-05 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
* Fixed minor typo in new account wizard
2008-04-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Handle single-split GnuCash tx's; tidy up code
2008-04-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated French translation from Patrick Petit
2008-04-04 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
2008-04-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Keep the fraction of an account with the account object in the
2008-04-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some .desktop file issues reported by Andrey Cherepanov
2008-04-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Updated Argentinian translation
2008-04-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1931100 (Minor visibility problem)
* Respect first fiscal day in register for fiscal year group marker
2008-04-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed interface of MyMoneyAccount::adjustBalance() to
support stock splits
* Adjusted testcases
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
2008-03-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed forecast beginDay test when day is last day of month
2008-03-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Force focus to currency selection list in new user wizard
* Fixed tax report and added testcase for it
2008-03-30 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added history method settings to forecast view
2008-03-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Russian translation from Eugene Morozov
* Fixed an i18n issue in the sort order dialog
* Added option 'Enter key moves between the fields'
* Fixed typo in README
* Fixed forecast view to contain a title label and reduced margin to 0
2008-03-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Removed duplicate code and cleaned up code in forecast
* Fixed miscalculation of total row in forecast summary and detail view
2008-03-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
* Regenerated and merged messages
* Added day field to fiscal year setting
2008-03-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow changing the name and currency of the base accounts
* Added testcases
* Change the name of the base accounts to desired language when
loading file
* Updated French translation as provided by Patrick Petit
* Fixed an attribute string in MyMoneyStatement XML presentation
2008-03-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added weighted moving average to history forecast as default for
history-based forecast
* Added setting to forecast to select between simple moving average and
weighted moving average
* Added test case to test empty template
* Added test cases for weighted moving average
2008-03-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing #include statements for GCC 4.3
2008-03-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed removal and loop operation in MyMoneyForecast::
-purgeForecastAccountsBasedOnHistory and
which caused a lockup if no data is present
2008-03-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing #include <typeinfo> statements
2008-03-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a string problem in a dialog when reading an OFX statement
2008-03-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed date locale in forecast view
* Added createBudget to forecast, to forecast budget based on history
* Added unit tests to check budget forecast
* Added budget forecast tab to forecast view
* Changed the way forecast is stored internally to date and cleaned up
code in forecast class
* Added skipOpeningDate setting to forecast
2008-03-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with investment transaction editor due to recent changes
of 'Favorites' handling
2008-03-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
* Fixed widget update problem in schedule editor dialog
2008-03-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow Cancel option when leaving the transaction editor only when
leaving is caused by selection of another transaction in the register
2008-03-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash with OFX download when IBAN field is empty (thanks to
John Whitlock for pointing it out) now for libofx < 0.9
2008-03-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Portuguese translation from José Jorge
* Fixed a lock-up problem with transaction reports that contain transactions
with a single income or expense split
* Added 'Favorites' to the single selection mode account selectors
* Fixed crash with OFX download when IBAN field is empty (thanks to
John Whitlock for pointing it out)
2008-03-13 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed layout of findTransactionDialog
2008-03-12 Tony Bloomfield <>
* New and updated German price sources (thanks to M. Zimmerman and others)
2008-03-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Galician translation as provided by mvillarino
2008-03-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed more spelling problems as reported by mvillarino
2008-03-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed spelling problems as reported by mvillarino
* Fixed message catalog generation
* Regenerated and merged messages
2008-03-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed ROI calculation when ending balance is zero
2008-03-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Minor change in to support NetBSD's shell
* Added automatic insertion of path to perl interpreter for makekdewidgets
* Fixed a leftover problem from conversion of double to MyMoneyMoney
in reports
2008-03-06 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Restored calculation of investment performance (IRR)
* Added new column on investment performance report to show ROI
* Restored original test case for IRR
* Fixed a crash on config report when not showing Include Transfers
2008-03-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added checkbox to hide unused budget categories
2008-03-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed setup of base currency when missing in file
2008-03-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Last changes required to compile w/o KOffice being installed
2008-03-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Always show register header in bold
* Size ledger divider according to the font size
* Refactored wizard modules into their own directory
* Resolved circular dependency between widgets and dialogs
2008-03-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added settings box to forecast view
* Added button to run forecast on modified settings from forecast view
* Forecast settings are now only used on instantiating
* Adjusted forecast test cases due to new way of using settings
2008-03-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with entering budget values that end in 0 and
have no fraction (trailing zeroes were removed)
* Added some testcases to check formatMoney() in more details
* Added our own copy of libkdchart so we don't depend on KOffice anymore
2008-03-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Skip beginForecastDate test cases if 1st or last day of month
2008-03-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed alternating background colors in pivot table based reports
* Added vertical column border for budget vs. actual reports
2008-02-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added compounding frequency widget to new account wizard for loans
* Allow share split transactions with (almost) arbitrary precision ratio
2008-02-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Show all investment accounts in forecast
* Do not calculate account in forecast if there is no relevant
transaction for that account
* Adjusted forecast test cases for investment accounts
2008-02-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unused parentId information from budget account group
* Show details of split transaction as tooltip
2008-02-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed performance calculation when no activity during the report timeframe
* Cleaned up test code in querytable and querytabletest
2008-02-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation as provided by Vincenzo Reale
2008-02-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed a crash due to precision formatting in forecast view
* Change performance return to show the current return, not
annualized - #1897433
* Updated performance return unit test
2008-02-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing code changes due to interface changes
in ReportAccount::currency()
2008-02-22 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Disable Include Transfers checkbox when filtering by Category - #1523508
2008-02-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Require currency string and precision for all formatMoney() calls
* Fixed queryTable testcase to obey selected date formatting
* Prevent crash when hitting Ctrl-W while transaction editor is present
2008-02-20 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added test case to check for correct date and value of closing
balance in query table
2008-02-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added check for MyMoneyMoney constructor to avoid zero denominators
* Fixed a problem with unavailability of the 'mark transaction as' options
* Removed unused code
* Fixed persistancy of balance column setting in reports
* Fixed position of closing balance row in query table reports
* Reverted changes to unit tests made on 2008-02-15 by Alvaro
2008-02-17 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed crash when calculating recent stock prices - #157905 at
* Added warning label about excluding transfers when filtering
transactions by Category
* Updated Argentinian translation
2008-02-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed 'WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalog.' at appl start
2008-02-15 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed unit tests of querytable.cpp broken when adding foreign currency fixes
2008-02-14 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added stock accounts to forecast for historic and scheduled-based methods
2008-02-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated account templates
2008-02-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remember date of last imported transaction with account object
* Fixed a compiler warning
2008-02-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Created new widget for account template loading
* Integrated that into the new user wizard
* New dialog for loading account templates once file is created
* Fixed home page settings
2008-02-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Labels in wizards use KDE color settings
* Fix label frames in new user wizard when started multiple times
2008-02-07 Robert Wadley <>
* Reorganized the old template into new, more modular category
templates and added descriptions.
2008-02-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Keep group membership when saving to a local file
2008-02-07 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed forecast tests for minimum, maximum and average balance methods
2008-02-06 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Changed forecast negative numbers to use KMyMoney settings
* Changed detail forecast to show negative by cell not row - #1877719
* Added negative color to advanced forecast - #1877719
* Added beginDay to calculation of accountMinimumBalanceDateList in forecast
* Removed old setting and method for trendBasedForecast from home page
2008-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed removal of categories
2008-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Ask user if last payment for schedule should be reset in case the next
due date is changed to a date prior to the last payment - patch supplied
by Colin Wright
2008-02-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* New schedule intervals (3, 8 wks) - patch supplied by Colin Wright
2008-02-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed calculation of foreign currency balances and prices in transaction reports
2008-02-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed the example on keeping a stable and development version
on the same machine.
2008-02-02 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed calculation of foreign currency in transaction reports - #1369048
2008-02-01 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added missing files for submissions and settings chapter
2008-02-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed extra qualifier from subAccountByName() declaration
2008-01-31 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added submissions chapter to project handbook - #1394772
* Added settings chapter to project handbook
* Added option to Makefile to preview project handbook
2008-01-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't create the same parent account if it already exists during
account creation
2008-01-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't run overdue test between 28th and 2nd
* Resolved a bunch of compiler warnings
2008-01-29 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed error calculating beginDate when currentDate plus cycle equals beginDay - #1877701
2008-01-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied documentation update provided by Colin Wright
2008-01-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied documentation update provided by Colin Wright
2008-01-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Modified home page forecast cycles according to begin day setting - #1877701
2008-01-28 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added begin day of forecast setting and default - #1877701
* Added calculation to start forecast according to begin day of
forecast setting - #1877701
* Modified summary and advanced to show intervals according to
begin day of forecast setting - #1877701
2008-01-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Block delete payee function when a payee was just deleted
2008-01-26 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed width of summary list when over the width of the screen
2008-01-25 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Fixed off-by-one error when calculating total variation in detail forecast view
2008-01-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added sort indicator to payees list
* Added context menu key handling to payees, investment and budget view
* Fixed crash when using context menu key in account trees
* Handle context menu the KDE way
2008-01-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Swapped rows and columns in detail forecast view
2008-01-24 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Added calculation of base currency balances in Investment
Performance report - bug #1699859
* Removed comments of ReportAccount::deepCurrencyPrice and
baseCurrencyPrice where it said it would return 1.0 if date was not exact
2008-01-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Context Menu Key handling to ledger and account tree views
2008-01-23 Alvaro Soliverez <>
* Adjusted width of forecast columns when refreshing
2008-01-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preserve last selected tab of schedule view
* Use KMyMoneyGlobalSettings for autosave options
2008-01-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Write out id to XML via MyMoneyObject
* Adjusted testcases
* Keep modified budget values when switching to a different view
* Keep focus when changing budget values
* Hide unused budgetary categories when 'Hide unused categories' filter
is active
* Deactivate clear button if budget value is zero
2008-01-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved sorting of schedules view
* Show date in schedule view according to KDE settings
* Double click on scheduled transaction opens schedule editor
* Added two changes from the debian distribution
* Clear out the reconciliation account when closing a file
2008-01-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show date field when manually updateing prices
* Don't show 'Accounts with no institution' item in institution view
if there are no such accounts
* Use date of last new transaction entered also in
investment transaction editor
2008-01-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed text from buttons on top of budget list in budget view
* Converted QMessageBox calls to use KMessageBox in GNCConverter
2008-01-17 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Yahoo Canada Online Quote Source - contributed by Danny Scott
2008-01-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Chinese translation provided by Roy Qu
2008-01-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Added FT Quote source for UK Funds - contributed by Peter Lord
2008-01-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1866855 with patch provided by Chris Roland
* Pressing the enter key during budget value entry moves the focus to the
next (value) field.
2008-01-14 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix desktop file errors
2008-01-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a bunch of reported budget GUI issues
* Replace KMyMoneySettings with KMyMoneyGlobalSettings
* Added searchline widget to schedules view
2008-01-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a bunch of open budget GUI issues
* Adapted testcases to latest changes
2008-01-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'Not marked' as new item to status filter
* Show date field when manually updateing prices
2008-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed operator == for MyMoneyPayee to include match parameters
* Cleaned up payees view and match parameter handling
* Cleanup up budget view and introduced an OK button as in payees view
* KBudgetValues widget sends out valuesChanged() signal upon all changes
2008-01-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Exchanged order of test for OFX and KDChart during configure
to avoid problems with additional libraries (eg curl) as reported
here: .
* Improved error messages when invalid transaction id/key is requested
* Improved consistency check to find invalid references in schedules
2008-01-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added copy budget feature
2008-01-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with price precision in currency calculator dialog
* Fixed a warning in kmymoneytest.cpp
* Fixed problem with keypad return key during transaction entry
* Removed some unused code
* Made some improvement to the balance calculation
* Fixed scrolling problem in ledger when moving the focus with the
cursor keys.
* Refuse loading of data file only if openingBalance is not equal zero
2008-01-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show a marker in the ledger when transactions are possibly filtered
This is shown if the filter is set to any other date than 1900-1-1
* Removed widget in settings dialog that should not be visible
* Fixed loan creation when no payout transaction was selected
* Fixed popup of price editor during loan creation
* Improved detection of splits for loan payment transaction in
loan editor
* Removed all references to MyMoneyAccount::openingBalance
* Fixed a bug in the XML loader that caused the date order to be incorrect
* Fixed QIF writer to write out the opening balance as expected
2008-01-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with creating new transactions when quick filter is active
* Save transaction also on Return pressed on status combo box
* Preset status combo box with 'Not Reconciled' for new transactions
* Got rid of some openingBalance() and setOpeningBalance() calls
* Updated the reporting testcases to construct an opening balance transaction
* Removed an automatic loan account fix. User has to use version 0.8.7
or higher in 0.8 branch to fix the problem.
* Fixed endless loop when loading a broken XML file
* Fixed a bug in processing of online statements
* Fixed MyMoneyObjectContainer handling for updated objects
* Fixed bug introduced on 2007-12-06 where share amount was loaded off
by a factor of 1/1000
* Added general method to create brokerage account name in MyMoneyAccount()
* Removed unused MyMoneyFile::updateBalances()
2008-01-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem in LibOFX 0.9 adapter implementation that caused
statement downloads to fail
* Reduced minimum version for LibOFX to 0.8.2
2008-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed behavior of Return-Key in transaction editor. Acts like a TAB
key except for the amount field where it acts as the Enter button.
2008-01-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez to fix total for yearly budgets
2008-01-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to show/hide row totals in reports
* Removed default total column from non income/expense reports
2007-12-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Store all OFX bank list files in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmymoney2
* Use different VER settings to retrieve information in ofxpartner
* Added webprice quote patch as provided by David Pugal
* Fixed crash when changing account limits
* Added reporting patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
* Leave reports in their group when switching to a different translation
2007-12-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sign problem when selling shares with a price per transaction setting
* LibOFX 0.9.0 now mandatory
* Added missing testcase to consistency check
* Preset brokerage account if available for investment transactions
2007-12-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Catch exceptions thrown in libxml++ during OFX setup
* Store OFX bank list files in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmymoney2
2007-12-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added feature to start KDE language settings from within KMyMoney
* Updated French translation as provided by Patrick Petit
* Fixed a crash when updating multiple transactions
* Fixed documentation to mention 19% VAT for Germany
* Added i18n support to strings in mymoneyfile.cpp
* Fixed the problem of GPG photo id's popping up
* Allow to create a brokerage account for investment accounts
2007-12-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem when loading price information in the investment
transaction editor
2007-12-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added testcase for MyMoneyMoney::reduce()
* Fixed price handling when loading a transaction into the editor
to prevent rounding errors
2007-12-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update balance visibility after sorting the ledger items during view load
* Added feature to either enter price/share or price/transaction
to the investment transaction editor
2007-12-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied budget report patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
2007-12-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with the calculator when starting to enter numbers
using the mouse
* Fixed problem with various negative sign positions
* Show negative numbers in pivot table reports in the selected color
* Removed unused filter settings on the register tab of the settings dialog
* Mark splits as cleared when accepting or matching a transaction
* Show not reconciled and cleared transactions when setting the quick
filter in the ledger view to 'Not reconciled'
2007-12-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added budget() to MyMoneyReport to return the budget id
2007-12-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed layout problem in report configuration dialog
* Fixed payee assignment when deleting a payee
2007-12-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Take the character pressed to start editing a split transaction
as the first character of the category
* Get rid of kMyMoneyDateInput::getQDate()
* Store real budget id with report
* Fixed the signature of a signal
* Added a budget selector widget to report configuration
* Fixed unknown signal/slot problem during startup
2007-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Double click in number field assigns next check number
* Fixed type assignment for schedules to be created
based on existing transactions
* Added split fees and interest to investment transaction editor
* Use two digit month and day values in QIF export
2007-12-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a bug in transaction reports which only showed in the testcases
* Improved the balance calculation of transaction reports
* Show running balance column in 'transactions by account' reports
2007-12-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
2007-12-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remove payee from required field for schedules
2007-12-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unnecessary assignment to MyMoneyPayee::null
* renamed budgetsubaccounts() to budgetSubaccounts() in MyMoneyBudget
* Added more budget entry features (use previously entered value when
switching to another method (eg. from monthly to yearly)
* Added clear button to clear the budget values
* Added running balance column to transaction reports
2007-12-12 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Update default quote strings for Yahoo France
2007-12-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't select different transaction if action is cancelled
2007-12-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Resolved duplicate function parameter name
* Added plugin dialog to show plugin information
* Added warning message when quitting transaction dialog editor
via selection of a different transaction
* Don't show the sort column shaded in KListViews
2007-12-10 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Make GNC import error message translator-friendly
2007-12-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a precision problem when entering the number of shares
2007-12-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated Italian translation as provided by Vincenzo Reale
2007-12-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix Finance::Quote interface to use 'last' price
2007-12-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Dump POT-Creation-Date and PO-Revision-Date in XML output
* Added all available language files to the po directory
* Created kmymoney.pot and merged all language files
2007-12-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* adapted MyMoneyStatement interface to use MyMoneyMoney objects
for monetary values instead of doubles
* Removed KBanking plugin. From now on, the plugin can be found under or via SVN under
* Use same font size for reports as for home page
* Renamed pt_PT.po into pt.po
2007-12-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added readOnly property to kMyMoneyEdit
* Fixed allowEmpty property in kMyMoneyEdit
* Revised budget value widget
2007-12-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed selection of all transactions with ctrl+a
* Applied patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
* Fixed build system to include new files in tarball
2007-12-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Store original price with investment splits for display purposes
* Improved budget UI (except reports)
2007-11-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez to fix some budget report issues
* Improved budget view
2007-11-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to the consistency check to remove invalid payee ids
and replace them with correct ones
* Moved account balance graph into own dialog
2007-11-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez with a few modifications
2007-11-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem in KFindTransactionDlg when entering a user defined date
2007-11-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't include finished schedules in reports
2007-11-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added standing orders and bank transfer as payment types for schedules
2007-11-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use name match if no ticker symbol is present in
security record of OFX file
* Fixed a problem when creating scheduled transactions that the
shares field of the second split was set to 0
2007-11-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem when importing OFX statements with cash dividends
2007-11-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed QIF importer to work with new wizards
2007-11-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't send out data changed signal during file save operation
* Imported GnuCash account template files
2007-11-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added current and last fiscal year to period combo
* Added period combo widget to find transaction dialog
2007-11-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added settings for beginning of fiscal year and drawing of markers for it
* Added ledger markers for current and previous fiscal year
2007-11-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Made some adjustments to charts. Thanks to David Houlden for some of them
* Completed the loan account section in the new account wizard
2007-11-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney() convenience method
2007-10-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show unused securities/currencies in update stock price dialog
2007-10-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem in forecast module (take initial balance into account)
* Adjusted a few signatures of forecast module for better performance
* Fixed a problem with split detection in split transaction editor
2007-10-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added forecast patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
* Modified layout and changed QListView* into KListView* objects in forecast
* Don't include disabled widgets in mandatory field checks
* Fixed a layout problem in enter and edit schedule dialogs when resizing
* Fixed a sizing problem with KMyMoneyCombo widgets
* Removed a spacer in the base wizard logic
* Improved new account wizard
2007-10-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some problems around changing the next due date of schedules
* Added testcases to catch those problems
2007-10-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a few problems around the split transaction editor
2007-10-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem during creation of schedules reported by David Houlden
* Fixed schedule XML loader to adjust old style nextDueDate information
2007-10-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed build problems caused by recent changes
2007-10-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied forecast patch provided by Toan Nguyen
* Applied testcase provided by Alvaro Soliverez
* Initial implementation of the new loan wizard
2007-10-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved sizeHint() of KMyMoneyCombo
2007-10-12 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash importer
- Fix problem caused by improbable zero share quantity
2007-10-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow creation of payees while editing schedules
* Fixed logic to append suffix on the home view for
accounts with the same name
* Fixed re-assigning of an account to a different institution
2007-10-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Preserve fraction denominator of securities in GNC importer
2007-10-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Implemented #1394794 (Duplicate schedule)
2007-10-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Get rid of varargs from GNC importer
2007-10-06 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash importer
- add new schedule intervals
- improve status reporting
- debug changes
2007-10-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added updated testcases for MyMoneyForecast as provided by Alvaro Soliverez
* Added introduction page to new user wizard which is shown
to first time users
2007-10-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added operator < to MyMoneyInstitution
* Added operator < to MyMoneySecurity
* Replaced new account wizard
* Started implementation of KMyMoneyPeriodCombo
* Sort entries in KMyMoneySecuritySelector
* Changed display in KMyMoneySecuritySelctor from "Symbol (Name)"
to Name (Symbol)"
* Improved KMyMoneyWizard base class
* Disable 'postpone reconciliation' and 'finish reconciliation'
buttons during transaction edit
* Updated tips file
* Applied forecast patch provided by Alvaro Soliverez
2007-10-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use KDE window title font for KMyMoneyTitleLabels
* Setup default buttons for KMyMoneyWizard
2007-10-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Avoid display of multiple entries for single time schedules on homepage
2007-10-01 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash importer
- correct schedule import
- handle GnuCash 2.2 files
2007-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem when creating a payee during schedule creation
2007-09-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Clear payee search filter when using the 'Goto payee' function
of the ledger view
* Don't offer creating of a schedule while entering a schedule
* Show warnings if a limit has been reached
* Fixed some schedule creation problems
2007-09-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Modified OFX importer to use Qt::UTC as dateformat
2007-09-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added functionality to help buttons in edit and enter schedule dialog
* Added quick search to accounts and categories view
* Added 'collapse all' and 'expand all' buttons to accounts
and categories view
2007-09-15 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Update developer documentation
2007-09-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added feature to create schedule for new transactions with a postdate
in the future
* Fixed endless loop caused by scheduled transactions with single occurence
* Fix a problem, if last payment and next due date of a schedule are
2007-09-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Overhauled schedule editor
* Store the next due date of a schedule as the post date of the
transaction object within the schedule
* Improved MyMoneyBudget API (use references where possibly)
* Added testcase to test the next due date adjustment according to the
selected weekend option
* Added feature to create schedule based on existing transaction
* Don't allow 'skip transaction' for schedules with frequency 'once'
2007-09-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with loading a split w/o account id
* Don't allow to add/modify a split w/o account id
* Updated testcases
* Thanks to David Walling for providing the anon file to catch that one
2007-09-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when editing splits w/o transaction form. Thanks to
Michael Aichler for tracking it down.
2007-09-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Obey closed accounts in pivot table based reports
2007-09-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed display of first row in investment transaction form
* Use alternate background in the investment view
* Control visibility of rows in the transaction form on a per
transaction basis
2007-08-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed creation of schedules
* Redefined tabstops in edit schedule dialog
* Engine throws exception when the application tries to store a
transaction that contains splits not referencing an account
* Don't show closed accounts in querytable based reports
* Prevent crash when cancel out of the exchange rate editor during
the entry of a scheduled transaction
* Force usage of GPG agent if environment variable GPG_AGENT_INFO is filled
2007-08-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show closed accounts in account query table
2007-08-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unused code from KMyMoneyUtils
2007-08-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added feature to close investments (stock accounts)
Maybe, the report functions need to be adjusted as well
2007-08-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved class documentation for MyMoneyFile::attachStorage()
2007-08-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed layout of GNC import options dialog
* Fixed processing of ROOT type account entry in GNC importer
2007-08-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to hide finished schedules
* Added option to hide closed accounts
* Added feature to 'Select all transactions' via Ctrl+A
* Added note that closed accounts will be not shown if the option is active
whenever an account is closed by the user
2007-08-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow to create an account with the same name on the same
hierarchy level
* Allow to load 'Who am I' address from standard KDE addressbook
2007-08-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added release target in Makefile.dist as proposed by Tony Bloomfield
* Replaced QMessageBox with KMessageBox (except in GNC importer)
2007-08-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed duplicate entry of XFP as default currency
2007-08-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed graph in account balance history
2007-08-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Replaced "acc.accountType == Stock" with "acc.isInvest()"
* Fixed #.... (Allow change of stock type)
* Merge message files during 'make package-messages'
2007-08-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added account field to standard transaction editor
* Allow to change account during entry of scheduled transaction
* Removed references to KMyMoneySettings in designer plugin
2007-08-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added interface for reconciliation report
2007-07-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added "CFP franc" as currency
2007-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed typo. Thanks to David Houlden for finding it
2007-07-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Made MyMoneyFile a static singleton and MyMoneyFile::instance() an
inline method
* Adapted testcases to work with static singleton
* Added toolbutton for HBCI account update to toolbar
2007-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when online price update for exchange rate failed
* Removed some unused engine functions (accountValue/totalAccountValue)
2007-07-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added framework to modify axis parameters in PivotTable::drawChart()
* Fixed creation of account hierarchies
2007-07-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed the 'oldreports' option
* Allow creation of multi currency categories
* Allow changing the base currency
* Removed default parameter of MyMoneyPrice::rate()
* Base currency activities (new, edit, delete, etc.) on KActions
* Show networth graph on home page in base currency
* Fixed a problem with ledger not displaying all transactions when
loading a new account
* Added Euro conversion rates for MTL (Maltese Lira) and CYP (Cyprus Pound)
2007-07-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* calendar->monthString() was the wrong candidate. use calendar->monthName()
instead. The monthName(QDate(),bool) version is broken on older KDE systems
so we use monthName(int,int,bool) instead
* Don't cycle through 'Reconciled' state during reconciliation when
left clicking into the reconciliation state column of the ledger
* Adjust ending balance when changing statement date during reconciliation
2007-07-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem while determining the last used id for accounts
* Remove all references from reports when objects are deleted
* Don't use setId() directly
* convert locale->monthName() to locale->calendar->monthString
2007-06-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when saving user information
2007-06-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unnecessary code in MyMoneyReport
* Made inclusion of stylesheet in HTML exported reports optional
* Enable/disable also the split-button of the category widget
2007-06-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Rewrote the XML parser to be based on a SAX model
* Provide readAll() with larger block sizes in KGPGFile
* Fixed problem with balance cache mishits
* Fixed crash when reading an encrypted file that does not contain
the "kmm-encryption-key" is missing in the file (could happen when
reading rather old files)
* replaced QDate::shortMonthName() with KGlobal::locale()->monthName()
* Only assign check numbers for scheduled payments, if payment type
is 'write check'.
2007-06-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed update of price editor when deleting prices
2007-06-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed price dialog loading
* Fixed deleting accounts that have no sub-accounts
2007-06-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added hook for trend based forecast on homepage
* Added some details about the account types to the file info dialog
2007-06-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed creation of KMyMoneyWizard buttons to work when the KDE
global setting 'icons on buttons' has been turned off
2007-06-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'Move to account ...' logic
* Keep track of all toolbar attributes
2007-06-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new user wizard logic
2007-06-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added #1349502 (Report all categories in income/expense report)
2007-06-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added chinese entries to desktop files
* Improved new user wizard
* Show limits in account balance graph
2007-06-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Pickup new options for the homepage items
2007-06-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added networth forecast graph to homepage
2007-06-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added updated account templates as provided by mvillarino
2007-06-02 Robert Wadley <>
* added a "forcast" icon
2007-05-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* !!! Note SQL support is broken with this version. Will be fixed later. !!!
* Move MyMoneyObjectContainer to MyMoneyFile and make it a general cache
* Added start/commit/reject Transaction to seq access mgr
* Added 'last check number used' to accounts editor
* Don't allow to move stock accounts in institution view
* Modified new account wizard to use new widgets
* Modified new loan wizard ot use new widgets and fixed a bunch
of problems with unassigned share field where a value was present
* New account wizard did not set shares on credit card payment
* Added color setting for background of ledger markers
* Moved the transaction editor code from widgets/ to dialogs/
* Reduced circular dependencies between widgets/ and dialogs/ to a single one
* Removed some unused files
2007-05-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't include splits referencing deselected categories in transaction
report by category
2007-05-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new account template files for Spain (Spanish and Galician)
as provided by MVillarino
* Fixed #1723325 (Cannot quit the program)
2007-05-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when closing the passive popup of the date edit widget
during transaction editing
2007-05-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Include style sheet contents in exported HTML reports
* Prepare integration of general object cache in MyMoneyFile layer
2007-05-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added dialog to select the transaction to be used for autofill if
multiple transactions exist for the same payee
* Show all matching splits in find transaction dialog
2007-05-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use prettyURL() where appropriate
* Renamed KMergeTransactionDlgDecl into KSelectTransactionDlgDecl
2007-05-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Better detection of write errors in GPGFile component
2007-05-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch update to QueryTable provided by Demitrios Vassaras
* Make inclusion of specific accounts (tax, investment or loan)
in reports mutually exclusive
* Added ability to 'Save as...' to a network drive
* Check if save operation would override a file and ask the user for
2007-05-12 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Additional database debug options
* Fix database account balance problem
2007-05-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added report configuration changes supplied by Demitrios Vassaras
2007-05-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed presetting the tabbar when starting to edit an existing transaction
* Applied remaining patches to the report logic provided by Demitrios Vassaras
* Allow investment transactions to be performed against credit card accounts
2007-05-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Clear some transaction attributes before entering a schedule
* Added MyMoneyAccount::isLoan() and testcases
2007-05-10 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Retain status of imported transactions
Patch supplied by Fernando Vilas
2007-05-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed indentation problem in reports
2007-05-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Add all features to auto schedule enter
* Prevent asking too many times for conversion rate during schedule entry
* Created interface class for PivotTable and QueryTable called ReportTable
2007-05-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix crash when saving new file after database activity
2007-05-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed rounding problem when entering investment transactions
2007-05-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Renamed --newreports option into --oldreports
* Use new split based report logic by default
* Fixed crash when reports were opened
* Grey out 'Create schedule' as long as it is not implemented
2007-05-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for stock splits to the pivot table based reports
* Improved performance (only create pivot table once) of report update
* Improved display of delta for changed scheduled transaction during
schedule entry
* Fixed a label display problem in the investment transaction editor
2007-04-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with displaying numbers with high precision
* Added testcase to check for precision
2007-04-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patches to the report logic provided by Demitrios Vassaras
* Introduced TCell as the list member for TGridRows and initial code
to support stock splits in reports (not working yet)
* Re-enabled the value column in the investment register
2007-04-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed sign problem when reconciling liability accounts
2007-04-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added moldavian leu as currency
* Fixed an autofill problem
* Show the investment account for the 'goto account' feature
2007-04-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed all references to MyMoneyObserver and MyMoneySubject
(testcases still use it)
2007-04-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Support 'goto account' also to stock accounts and back
2007-04-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed matching transaction logic to work with investment transactions
* Allow deletion of categories even with transactions assigned on the GUI
level. Re-assign them prior to deletion.
* Fixed a problem with changing the amount in an existing VAT transaction
* Fixed disappearing text 'Split transaction' in the category widget
when opening the split transaction editor
2007-04-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing headers to option menus
2007-04-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Database backend - phase 2
2007-04-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Keep expanded items in reports view expanded when reloading
* Use new KMyMoneyPayeeCombo in the transaction reassign dialog
* Fixed moc inclusion for file info dialog
* Renamed KTransactionReassignDlg into KPayeeReassignDlg
2007-04-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reactivated the automatic entry of scheduled transactions after file open
2007-04-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added display of investment value
* Added balance display for investments
2007-04-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added minimum balance and maximum credit fields to account editor
(not functional yet - storage works)
* Reworked the 'Enter schedule transaction' dialog to use new transaction
* Update schedules view only if visible
* Allow individual column resize in schedules view
2007-04-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with the Ok button in the report configuration dialog
2007-04-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem when creating new investment transactions
* Only update home page if visible
* Don't jump to investment view after editing investment transactions
2007-04-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed code of old kMyMoneyCategory widget
2007-04-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a long pending problem with the visibility of group markers
* Always allow click on reconciliation column to change reconciliation state
* Clicking the reconciliaiont column now toggle through the possible
reconciliation states. Same applies for Ctrl-Space.
* Mark transaction cleared now has a shortcut of Alt-Ctrl-Space
* Fixed autofill problem
2007-04-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Schedule editor does not wipe out split transaction when amount was changed
* Cleanup (removed unused files)
2007-04-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed automatic VAT assignment when gross amount was selected
* Merge transaction dialog uses new register code
* Added menu entries for debug purposes to toggle timers and traces
2007-03-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved isAssetLiability and isIncomeExpense from
ReportAccount to its base class MyMoneyAccount
* Added filter option 'last 11 months' which covers the last 11 full months
* Reworked the search transaction dialog to use the new register code
* Added sort feature to search register
* Fixed the institution testcases to support KVPs
2007-03-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some problems around the latest changes
* Get rid of annoying message that account with same name already exists
* Corrected items in budget time period combo box
2007-03-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated split transaction dialog to use new KMyMoneyCategory object
* Added budget view changes as provided by MVillarino
2007-03-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added BIC and IBAN fields to institution and account dialogs
* Removed manager field from institution dialog
* Add new columns to account / category view
* Mark mandatory fields in account and institution edit dialogs
2007-03-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Code cleanup (remove unused code)
* Don't try to reload default reports from the engine
2007-03-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Support empty thousand separator setting
* Added new category widget to enter/edit schedule dialogs
* Don't append currency id to account name if not foreign currency
when creating CSV export of pivottable reports
2007-03-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update report if report configuration has been changed
* Avoid possible usage of invalid pointer in KMyMoneySelector
2007-03-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated reconciliation wizard to support
- entry of payee
- multiple currencies
- automatic calculation of start end ending balance of statement
- set the statement date to the same day of the following month if
the time span since the last statement is larger than a month
* Fixed a problem when loading non VAT transactions into the editor
* Clear the memo for the second split during autofill to allow overriding
the text by the user
2007-03-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated kmymoney2.desktop
2007-03-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use KDE conrolled date format for kschedulebriefwidget
* Fixed a problem with category creation during transaction entry
* Added two new columns to category and accounts view
2007-03-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed column width of price in investment register
* Respect global price precision setting in price edit widget in
investment transaction editor
* Added some budget view patches provided by mvillarino
* Fixed a crash in KMyMoneyCheckListItem and KMyMoneyListViewItem
2007-03-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some russian files as provided by Andrey Cherepanov
* Fixed title of new file dialog to be based on QString rather than char*
* Fixed a few other i18n problems reported by Andrey Cherepanov
* Fixed duplicate opening of split edit dialog in some circumstances
2007-03-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preload payee widget for new schedules
* Only send out update signal from engine after list of price updates
has been processed to speed up the operation
* Modified the way splits are selected for pivot table reports back to
original code but added a filter for text and amount range.
* Fixed testcase support (global newReport variable)
* Send out MyMoneyFile::dataChanged() once a new file is loaded
* Use a non-null account id when creating InvestmentTransaction objects
2007-03-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added method to remove the buttons from a kMyMoneyAccountSelector
* Correctly fill the account selectors in the new loan wizard
* Replaced setId(QCString()) with clearId()
* Update reports only when required
* Provide MyMoneyFileBitArray to suppress warning when index to QBitArray
is out of bounds
* Resolved some compiler warnings
* Provide --newreports option also in non-debug versions
* Fixed a severe bug which I introduced on 03-15 with the reportAllSplits
change. Files written with this version could not be read in again.
* Fixed calculation of values in the loan wizard
2007-03-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic for auto increment of check number to transaction editor
* Rearranged the register settings dialog (added new tab)
2007-03-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Control character that is produced by the comma on the numeric keypad
to be the monetary decimal symbol regardless of keyboard layout
* Return all splits from MyMoneyTransactionFilter when no filter is
set but reportAllSplits is set
* Changed the way splits are selected for pivot table based reports
This is only available when KMyMoney is started with option --newreports
and has been compiled with --enable-debug=yes or --enable-debug=full
* Re-use post date of a new transaction for next new transaction
* Fixed a problem when autofilling a split transaction
2007-03-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a couple problems introduced with yesterdays changes
(Thanks to Bob Ewart for spotting them)
2007-03-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed transaction tab from investment view
* Removed references to kMyMoneyPayee and replaced them with
the new widget KMyMoneyPayeeCombo
* Added option to synchronize the account in the ledger and investment view
2007-03-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added network transparent file access to import dialog
2007-03-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved layout of find transaction dialog
2007-03-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Replaced getQDate() with date() in ending balance dialog
* Fixed reconciliation of liability accounts
2007-03-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Include children of investment accounts (stock accounts) inthe
reports if the expert mode is not enabled
* Fixed a bunch of warnings
* Improved handling of multiple selected transactions
* Applied some (modified) patches provided by Demitrios Vassaras
2007-03-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem detecting finished schedules
2007-02-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Automagically remove the yellow 'imported' background when a
transaction is modified and has a category
2007-02-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't allow deletion of a category if still referenced by schedule
* Allow creation of new transactions in new (empty) accounts
2007-02-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added statistics script to automaticall generate an overview
about the current status of the translations
* Don't create a scheduled transaction containing splits w/o account ref
2007-02-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated PHB to have correct CVS examples
2007-02-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Force a view reload at midnight
* Fixed a problem when adding new transactions with a number filled in
* Start the loan edit wizard when editing a loan account
* Removed some unnecessary files
2007-02-14 Robert Wadley <>
* added new title label for cvs version
2007-02-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Switched to a newer splash screen
* Added (a bit improved) patch and testcase provided by David Houlden
* Corrected ISO code for new turkish lira and added old turkish lira
to the list of ancient currencies
2007-02-14 Robert Wadley <>
* Adjusted the size of the welcome page images (I got a large monitor for
Christmas and the image breaks apart when viewed full screen.
* Added some images to the pics directory to be used, or not, when needed.
2007-02-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Assign the payee to category splits no matter what
2007-02-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Prevent creation of accounts with the same name and the same parent
* Prevent moving an account to a destination that already has an
account with the same name
* Replaced ":" with MyMoneyFile::AccountSeperator where appropriate
2007-02-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added account column to ledger view of categories
* Improved the 'goto account' function
* Fixed creation of account hierarchies if parts of the hierarchy already
* Allow modification of check number while entering scheduled transactions
of type 'write check'
2007-02-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved handling of hidden transactions in the register
* Allow usage of enter key on numeric keypad to enter transactions
2007-02-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Yahoo France web source
* Added french comment for kmymoney2.desktop
* Fixed Menu name in documentation for investment price update
2007-02-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added ability to print home page
2007-02-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with detection of VPATH environment in Makefiles
Thanks to Bob Ewart for reporting
2007-02-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed refreshing problem with search line widget in register
2007-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash in KMyMoneyListViewItem::isAlternate() and
* Added new price source "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych" as provided
by Piotr Adacha
2007-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved handling of category assignment in mulit selection
* Fixed detection of closed accounts in the account tree widget
* Use localized date format in reports
2007-02-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't modify a transaction when marking for match operation
* Eliminated usage of import verify dialog
2007-01-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to accept imported transactions
* Added transaction menu to menu bar
* Use kde-xgettext as default and check that i18n(c,s) has been extracted
correctly during 'make package-messages'
2007-01-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Converted the private data d-pointers to be of type "* const d"
* Fixed a bunch of missing i18n() calls as reported by Patrick Petit
2007-01-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Some more fixes on the background color
2007-01-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reset the status filter when pressing the clear button
* Use the full width for the filter
* Prevent a crash when clearing a register
2007-01-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't rely on the split id to generate a unique id for a ledger entry
It could change while updating a modifed transaction in the engine
and would therefor not be reselected after the update
* Setup the base currency correctly after loading a new file
* Removed unused code
* Fixed list background color usage and setting
* Fixed loading ledger for specific account from home page
* Added a status combo box to the register quick filter
* Fixed initial column width problem in accounts, categories and institutions
2007-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show a balance in the ledger if an entry has been skipped due
* Optimized painting of group markers
* Balance shown underneath the ledger is the current balance as of today
not including any future transactions
2007-01-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More work on invest transaction editor (should be functional now)
2007-01-24 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix another database record count error
2007-01-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More work on invest transaction editor
2007-01-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow column resizing in accounts, categories and institution view
* Remember column sizes of these views between sessions
* Added sort indicator to the lists in the above mentioned views
* Moved investTransactionTypeE from KMyMoneyRegister to MyMoneySplit
* Fixed path to title label background image
2007-01-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed tab display when starting to create a new transaction via the tab
2007-01-21 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Correct record counts
2007-01-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Finished work on the RegisterSearchLine widget
* More work on the investment transaction editor
2007-01-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem that postpone and finish reconciliation are disabled
whenever the corresponding account object changes (e.g. due to change
of a transaction)
* More work on the RegisterSearchLine widget
2007-01-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with actions being disabled after a transaction
has been entered
* Open ledger for investment account if one of its stock accounts
is selected
2007-01-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added framework for RegisterSearchLine object (not yet functional)
2007-01-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new reconcile overlay icon provided by Rob
* Added display of reconcile overlay to institution and account icon view
* Fixed a problem with selecting transactions
2007-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More investment ledger work
2007-01-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Support all UTF-8 characters in schedule list items and account editor
dialog caption
2007-01-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added detection for libxml++-2.6 in libofx.m4
* Fixed Tony's pesky payee problem
2007-01-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added speed search to the payees view
* Fixed prevention of using unsermake on some systems
2007-01-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Only allow postpone and finish reconciliation in account for
which the reconciliation has been started
* Mark that account in the accounts view
2007-01-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Return references to QStrings instead of copies in MyMoneySecurity
* Added sort by security for investment accounts
* Removed external visibility of sorting by 'entry date'. The user
can use 'entry order' instead. Internally we still need it.
* Fixed broken handling of Return and Escape during edit.
* Disconnect edit widgets from editor object in editor's dtor to
prevent crashes
* Added GroupMarkers for Reconciled state
* Improved auto check number handling
* Added default Ctrl+Shift+Space to mark a transaction reconciled
2007-01-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use Enter/Return as shortcut to start and finish editing transactions
* Improved ledger update to avoid unnecessary resize checks
* Fixed some more spots where we need to escape special chars before
passing text as pattern to QRegExp
2007-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Escape special chars in names before using the text as pattern for QRegExp
2007-01-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Slovenian Tolar to the ancient currencies
2007-01-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Happy New Year!!
* Changed KMyMoney2App::updateActions() into slotUpdateActions()
2006-12-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added reconciliation state to the ledger sort options
2006-12-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use include path given with --with-extra-includes during OpenSP detection
2006-12-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem introduced with changes made on 2006-12-14 and keep
the OK button in the report configuration enabled at all times
* Added support for automake 1.10
* Use KMessageBox for questions when deleting a report
2006-12-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed extra qualification error
2006-12-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Refactoring some code modules
* More work on the transaction editor for investment transactions
(only works in ledger, crashes in form)
2006-12-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved detection of KBanking support
2006-12-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't allow to edit/create transactions in income or expense ledgers
2006-11-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with fancy header on weekstartday set to other than Monday
Thanks to David Houlden for sending a patch
2006-11-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Prevent autofill if date has been changed by user in transaction editor
2006-11-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Implement transaction fix level, for speedier startup
2006-11-03 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a bug where an invalid price was entered into the system for
cash dividend investment transactions imported via OFX/AqBanking.
Hopefully fixes 1581788.
* Added online help for new investment wizard. Partially addresses
* Fixed #1327943 where the user could not abort a QIF import with bad date
2006-11-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when adding new transactions without transaction form active
* Started work on transaction factory for register
2006-11-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with transaction selection
2006-10-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a memory leak and crash when starting with either '--help'
or '--dump-actions'. There is still a leak with '--help' but that
remains due to the fact, that exit() is called within the constructor
and there is no way to obtain a pointer to the KApplication object
* Fixed crash when selecting a different transaction and having the
option 'keep changes when selecting different transaction' selected
2006-10-29 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a memory leak and crash when a second instance of the app
is aborted
2006-10-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Optimized register repainting
* Select a newly created transaction automatically once entered
* Preset From/To according to payment type when creating a new transaction
2006-10-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed capacity()/size() method usage mixup in the register code
* Added logic to block signal emission of the engine during transaction
* Applied patch provided by Fernando Vilas to check for array boundaries
2006-10-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem in the ledger code when loading a different file
* Fixed size problem of combo boxes in transaction form
2006-10-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with account selector dialog
* Fixed display problem when switching to / from reconciliation mode
* Fixed flicker problem with QTable
2006-10-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Renamed MarkColumn in register to ReconcileFlagColumn
* Update actions when view has been changed
* Allow to toggle between cleared/not reconciled during reconciliation
by left clicking on the C column
* Added new attention marker provided by Rob
2006-10-10 Robert Wadley <>
* corrected a minor spelling error.
2006-10-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved painting of fancy headers
2006-10-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Modified fancy markers
* Modified attention sign to use black on yellow exclamation mark
* Fixed logic that causes empty ledgers to show up
2006-10-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a problem with account selection and opening the ledger view
* Fixed Tabbar::copyTabs() to use the correct ids and pointers
* Added configure check for KDChartListTableData::setProp()
2006-10-08 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Implement Finance::Quote interface
2006-10-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when turning on the transaction form while ledger view
is visible
* Fixed problem with payee creation during transaction entry
2006-10-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Brought back the tabbar for the form based input
* Fixed number field appearance in transaction form
2006-10-05 Robert Wadley <>
* updated titlelabel_background.png to reflect 0.9 status
2006-10-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed documentation problems reported by doxygen
* Changed the mark for erroneous transactions to be a white
exclamation mark inside a circle (default color is red)
2006-10-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed extra qualifiers in method definitions
* Added more changes which slipped through in yesterdays checkin
* Reduced margin in investments view
* Removed account button in ledger view
* Added transaction report to account menu
* Fixed a couple register display problems
2006-10-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new ledger logic
2006-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fix the shares and values to have the correct fraction during file load
2006-09-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a duplicate negation during liability account creation
2006-09-19 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a multiplication bug in budget reporting when the user specified
a yearly budget amount.
2006-09-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed rounding problems with automatic VAT assignment
* Fixed problem when modifying values in a transaction that has
a VAT part.
2006-09-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Correct spelling mistakes; patch supplied by Tom Browder
2006-09-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added initial chapter on documentation to PHB (provided by Tom Browder)
* Switched to dblatex for PDF file generation
2006-09-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added -ltdeui to the link phase of the kbanking plugin (was missing)
2006-09-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed old html documentation files
2006-09-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed date widget keyboard behaviour for Up/Down cursor key
2006-09-04 Ace Jones <>
* Minor change to error handling for transaction matching
2006-09-03 Ace Jones <>
* UI, engine, and documentation changes to support substring
payee matching. Still not functional until the matching itself is added.
2006-08-28 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Allow for null return from online price quote source
2006-08-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed duplicate period in kmymoneygpgconfigdecl.ui
2006-08-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Only create the chart in the account dialog, if the resp.
tab is available
2006-08-21 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed an error message in the merge transactions path.
2006-08-21 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Correct currency code for Mexican Peso to MXN
2006-08-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed include path to allow VPATH build environment
2006-08-20 Ace Jones <>
* Added a proper dialog for verifying that the user wants to match 2
transactions on the ledger.
2006-08-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed build environment required for debian builds
* Default for KBanking support is now enabled
2006-08-19 Ace Jones <>
* Improved online stock quotes so the "Update all" continues even if
one stock is unable to be updated.
* Added a dialog to prompt the user whether he wants to disable online
quotes for this stock in this case.
2006-08-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Integrated new icons into the application
* Changed shortcut for 'show all accounts' to Ctrl+Shift+A
2006-08-18 Robert Wadley <>
* added some icons to use in the icon bar for 'show/hide reconcile',
'show/hide unused categories', and 'update prices' (investments)
2006-08-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by David Houlden to support automake and
autoheader 2.6
2006-08-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash importer changes
- Support for GnuCash V2.0 files (maybe incomplete)
- Handle additional account and schedule types
- Preserve account's tax-related status
- Minor coding changes
2006-08-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash importer
- Add non UTF-8 support (manual selection)
- remove unnecessary "Unknown payee" references
2006-07-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show price/value if price information is invalid
2006-07-04 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed bank ID handling in QIF imports (This was the purpose of my 5/29
checkin, but that was incomplete)
* Added budget-vs-actual report logic (HTML output only, CSV still needs
to be written
2006-06-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1514522 (Zero-amounted transfer transaction leads to crash)
* Added check for minimum KDE version
* Adjusted minimum KDE and QT versions in
2006-06-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Replace parenthesis with brackets in GPG key information
* Comment modification to fix problems reported by Doxygen
* Added chapter 'Making most of KMyMoney' to manual
2006-06-15 Darren Gould <>
* Improvements in budget implementation
(Patch applied by Ace Jones)
2006-06-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1505732 (Frequent crash on changing/opening file)
2006-06-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch for cppunit.m4 provided by Daniel Calvi<76> S<>chez
2006-06-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed more GPG problems in KGPGFile::GPGAvailable and
KGPGFile::keyAvailable by applying the same fix as on 2006-06-05
2006-06-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem in KGPGFile::open which reported an error when a read
operation was finished before open gets around to check for the presence
of the process.
2006-06-02 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a small error with the X axis labels in charts. The label for the
first column was repeated after the last column.
* Added %mm-%dd-%yyyy QIF date format (Addresses #1449744)
2006-05-31 Ace Jones <>
* Replaced the Edit Account chart generation logic with a safer
implementation that uses the public interface of MyMoneyReport.
2006-05-30 Ace Jones <>
* Added a "last 3 to next 3" months option for transaction filter (and
reports) date lock. This is not exposed to the user yet, so it's
only for use by generated reports.
2006-05-29 Ace Jones <>
* Modified bank ID handling for QIF files so the ID's are handled the same
as other imported statements.
* Added a file filter (e.g. "*.qif") to QIF profile when an input filter is
used. (Addresses RFE #1172030)
2006-05-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1496258 (Chart doesn't repaint when configured)
2006-05-27 Ace Jones <>
* Updated user manual for deleting accounts
2006-05-26 Ace Jones <>
* Removed a spacer from the report configuration and find transaction
dialogs. This allows users to maximize the report config dialog,
for better selection of accounts BUT it means the ledger won't be as
large in the find transaction dialog.
2006-05-23 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed tax transaction report, which was erroneously including transfers
2006-05-22 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix Schedule Payment History storage
* Correct account balances on database read
2006-05-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed usage of --enable-final configure option
* Fixed cvs example in project handbook
2006-05-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed extra qualifiers as reported by Nico Kruber
2006-05-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added general asset and liability accounts to be shown as payment
sources for loan schedules
2006-05-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preserve file permissions for compressed and encrypted files
2006-05-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Skip schedule function
2006-05-01 Ryan Buschert <>
* Fixed #1463167 (Account change in Enter Schedule Dialog not used)
(Patch applied by Thomas Baumgart)
2006-04-29 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed #1478758 (ONLINEBANKING tag not anonymized).
I just removed it from the anon file entirely.
2006-04-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Add better support for KOffice 1.5 libraries/includes
* Fixed a problem in MyMoneySchedule::paymentDates() and added testcase
2006-04-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed "Overdue schedules with a single payment cause KMM to hang
when showing the home page". Many thanks to Joel Webb for his
assistance to nail this one down.
2006-04-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Corrected spelling
2006-04-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed another location of the lockup for loan transfers
2006-04-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Dirk Mueller <>
2006-04-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed translation of messages in KBanking plugin
* Fixed pot generation again
2006-04-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed massive creation of temp files when saving followed by
crash of the application
2006-04-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed pot generation (strings in ui files in subdirs were not included)
* Added logic to extract the comment field from UI string fields
to support context translation for UI files. See
for details
* Fixed problem with loan transfers
2006-04-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added lithuanian translation as provided by Donates Glodenis
* Renamed kMyMoneyAccountCombo into KMyMoneyAccountCombo
* Added KMyMoneyAccountCombo to designer widgets
2006-04-10 Robert Wadley <>
* Clarified text relating to the "payout transaction" in the new loan wizard.
2006-04-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added backward information from split to transaction
2006-04-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed speed/lockup issue during startup (thanks to Markus Draeger
for providing an anonymized file to duplicate the problem)
* Improved some interfaces to avoid unnecessary object copying
2006-04-06 Robert Wadley <>
* Changed text "Amortization" to "principal" in the new loan wizard.
2006-04-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1439099 (Balance entry on import messed up)
2006-03-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show invalid smallest cash fraction value in security editor for
non currency securities entries
2006-03-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1434611 (Can't edit account to 'No Institution')
2006-03-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Refixed #1439701 (Deposits don't book as deposits)
2006-03-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remove splits from scheduled transactions that reference not existing
2006-03-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated online documentation
2006-03-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1398411 (Exchange rate not used when recording a transaction)
* Disable transaction edit in context menu when account is closed
* Create new transaction when first empty entry in ledger is double clicked
* Fill buttons with securities/currencies in new price editor dialog
* Renamed widget from m_commodity in m_security in price editor dialog
* Fixed #1439701 (Deposits don't book as deposits)
2006-03-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1447764 (KMyMoney crashes when loading file)
* Fixed #1445815 (Hidden category warning when editing a category)
Thanks to Ryan Buschert for supplying a patch
2006-03-08 Martin Preuss <>
* kbanking.cpp: When importing transactions now also read the FIID
of the transaction (if any) and the account type.
Replaced my code for KBankingPlugin::slotAccountOnlineUpdate() with a
more elaborate version (now asks the user for the first date for which
transaction reports are to be retrieved).
2006-03-04 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a bug in statement importer where transactions imported
into an investment brokerage account were not getting auto-
filled based on payee.
2006-03-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Present information message, that an account must be specified
before splits can be defined while creating a schedule
* Don't override amount specified if all splits have been cleared
and the split edit dialog has been left with OK back to the schedule dialog
* Update OK button in schedule dialog when the last thing required and
added are the splits of a split transaction
* Allow manual update of KMandatoryFieldGroup
* Only show asset and liability accounts in From/To field for schedules
* Only show income and expense account in Category field for schedules
* Avoid usage of std::find with QValueLists
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::hasAutoCalcSplit() and testcase
* Fixed Doxygen problems in budget headers
* Added start of New User Wizard
* Improved KMyMoneyWizard
2006-03-02 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a subtle bug in my 2/11 checkin. When transactions were auto-filled
in based on payee, the split bank ID would get brought in, too. This
make it impossible to later match that transaction.
2006-03-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneySplit::isAutoCalc()
* Optimization of MyMoneySplit return parameters
* Fixed #1441071 (Investment transaction Enter button not enabled)
2006-03-01 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix base currency dialog for GNC import
2006-02-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reorganized layout of account editor
* Added balance history/preview to account editor
* Setup shares field for scheduled transactions
* Added KReportChartView::setProperty()
* Added new timestamp() trace function
* Removed MyMoneyObserver functionality from KMyMoneyCurrencySelector
2006-02-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update developer documentation
* Speedup build process
2006-02-23 Darren Gould <>
* Added budgeting capability on the account level
* hooked up the KMyMoneyAccountTree to the BudgetList
(Patch applied by Ace Jones)
2006-02-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added method to remove account from account selection widget
2006-02-23 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix outdated hyperlink
2006-02-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Sort accounts on homepage in alphabetical order
* Show number of overdue payments on homepage and sum-up payments
if more than one payment is overdue for a schedule
* Added Netherland Antillian Guilder to currency list
* Added feature to create new currency entries
2006-02-21 Bjorn Helgaas <>
* Remove needless status bar updates
(Patch applied by Thomas Baumgart)
2006-02-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed documentation problems in MyMoneyBudget
* Added KMyMoneyWizard framework
* Fixed build system to better support FreeBSD
2006-02-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show closed accounts on home and institution view
* Don't allow to close accounts referenced by schedules
2006-02-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added feature to close/re-open accounts
* Fixed currency list in new account wizard
* Fixed layout of new account wizard opening balance page
2006-02-12 Darren Gould <>
* Added new budget, rename budget, delete budget support
* Support for changing the budget start date
2006-02-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Adjusted Andreas' changes here and there a bit and checked in the
whole package
2006-02-12 Andreas Nicolai <>
* Added : categories menu to main menu and category specific context menu
to categories view
* Added : whole hierarchies of (unused) categories can now be deleted,
also the user can again delete an unused category and have its
child-categories moved one level up in the hierarchy
* Fixed : when account/category got deleted, the actions and currently
selected account weren't updated
2006-02-11 Ace Jones <>
* Added rudimentary implementation of manual transaction matching
2006-02-11 Andreas Nicolai <>
* Added Feature request #1395262 (Allow customization of Home Page Font Size)
* Added : font scaling (adjustable with CTRL + mouse wheel) is now
saved on exit and restored on next restart
* Added : font scaling can be directly set in "Home" configuration page,
also the "remember font size on exit" feature can be turned on
and off in the configuration dialog
2006-02-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Mathieu Ouridoux to check for a possible difference
when ending reconciliation and warn the user
* Added missing include of locale.h
2006-02-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Read Gnucash V2 files
2006-02-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remove includehints from *.ui files
* Added support of equity group to MyMoneyFile::consistencyCheck
* Converted --notimers to --timers option
* Started adding KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePlugin interface
2006-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved encryption selection on file-by-file basis
* Bumped internal version of kmymoney2ui.rc due to recent changes
2006-02-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Patch to allow compile on FreeBSD
* Add (some) field descriptions to Investment Register
2006-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added feature to retrieve secret keys from GPG keyring
* Added #1280473 (Encryption on a file-by-file basis)
2006-02-03 Darren Gould <>
* Added MyMoneyBudget write and readXML capability
* Tied XML writing/reading into KBudgetView
2006-02-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Extend field descriptor hint to category/memo fields
2006-02-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update networth manually at the end of institution processing to get
correct numbers
* Revised mandatory field handling for KMyMoneyEdit object
2006-02-02 Ace Jones <>
* Laid the groundwork for budget reports
2006-02-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Generalized signal connection for ledger views
* Prevent from dropping a parent account onto one of its children/grand-
* Support calling of configure with absolute pathname
* Fixed #1422382 (Adding payees)
2006-01-31 Ace Jones <>
* Added a --notimers option to get rid of my nemesis, the Timer messages.
2006-01-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed build system to keep po/*.gmo files from being included
in the distributioin tar-ball
* Include fixuifiles in distribution
* Do not recurse into subdirectories that are not part of the
project distribution
* Updated experimental field descriptor
* Updated tool detection logic to the latest version from the KDE repository
2006-01-31 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Experimental - add field descriptor to ledger view
2006-01-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show stock accounts as children of corresponding investment account
in institutions view
2006-01-29 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed #1394647 (Stock splits broken)
2006-01-29 Tony Bloomfield <>
* A tidier implementation of mandatory fields
2006-01-28 Ace Jones <>
* Automatically create securities and stock accounts for securities
found in an OFX file. Removes the requirement that the security
already be present in your file before importing.
2006-01-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a translation error in the German version (thanks to Karin Capey
for reporting)
* Fixed 1400746 (Entering scheduled transaction for a loan crashes)
(at least shows a somewhat more descriptive error message)
* Removed unused code
* Show stock accounts in the correct institution if the parent
investment account is assigned to an institution
* Improved signal handling in KMyMoneyAccountTree
* Improved selection of accounts and investments
* Reactivated icon tab in accounts view
* Added #1058732 (Save Account Icon Position)
2006-01-27 Ace Jones <>
* Disallow importing into a stock account.
Fixes #1395656
* Removed online banking setup options when editing a stock account
2006-01-27 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Apply required field status/color to edit schedule dialog
2006-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added fixuifiles to the admin directory and included it in Makefiles
2006-01-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Sort list of payees in the Reassign transactions dialog by name
* Improved RMB behaviour in some views/widgets
2006-01-25 Ace Jones <>
* Modified ofx plugin to accept ofc files
* #if0'd out some broken logic in ofx importer. Some OFX files don't follow
the spec wrt totals, and this was a poor attempt to deal with that. It
ended up breaking many more common cases.
2006-01-25 Darren Gould <>
* added XML ability and mymoneybudget class for budget feature
2006-01-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1398924 (Incorrect calculation of investment price)
* Fixed #1390918 (Can't use more than 2 decimal places in manual price update)
* Added setting capability for background of required fields
2006-01-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added capability to modify/add the opening balance in the account
edit dialog
* Renamed kMyMoneyCurrencySelector to KMyMoneyCurrencySelector
* Renamed kMyMoneySecuritySelector to KMyMoneySecuritySelector
* Added both of the above to Qt designer widgets
* Reworked payees view to use new KAction logic
2006-01-21 Darren Gould <>
* Initial budgeting view and report mockup
2006-01-20 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Developer documentation for dialog boxes
2006-01-19 Ace Jones <>
* Added README.ofx to help people build with OFX support
2006-01-18 Bjorn Helgaas <>
* Remove unused and commented-out code from account, institution, money,
payee, security, and transaction
2006-01-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed definition of USE_OFX_DIRECTCONNECT to be numeric as all others
* Fixed problem with investment view context menu not poping up anymore
* Finalized integration into build system for online banking setup wizard
2006-01-16 Ace Jones <>
* Updated unit tests for my last checkin
2006-01-14 Ace Jones <>
* Added account setup for OFX direct connect
* Revived OFX direct connect (it's been broken since the KAction changes)
* OFX direct connect is now officially supproted!
* Even added some docs
2006-01-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed documentation problems
* Added option to resize icons in navigation bar
2006-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow equity accounts in templates
* Don't modify account type while reparenting account
* Made MyMoneyFile a QObject derivative to be able to emit signals.
* Started to replace notifications with signals
* Updated some code of KMyMoneyTitleLabel
* Complete rewrite of KMyMoneyAccountTree and KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem
* Added KMyMoneyAccountTree to the Qt-Designer widget library
* Started reworking the views to be more efficient
* Removed some unused code and files
2006-01-11 Robert Wadley <>
* Added 'budget' icons
* Added an alternate titlebar image with no logo.
* Added new "default_categories-template" to "C" and "en_US".
The template in "en_US" contains some additional US specific
categories (taxes, etc.)
* Renamed existing "default_accounts" to "old-default_accounts"
* Added Joel Webbs schedule E and schedule E templates to en_US
2006-01-07 Ace Jones <>
* Added UI for OFX online banking account setup
2006-01-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix #1393899 (Add support for new Russian Ruble - RUB)
Backport to 0.8
2005-12-28 Ace Jones <>
* Added a "Transaction Report" option to the Account Menu pull-down in
ledgers. This allows you to quickly get a report for the current account.
This is part of my insidious plan to weave reports throughout the app.
* Fixed a bug that prohibited reports from loading, introduced in the 12/22
2005-12-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1390918 (Can't use more than 2 decimal places in manual price update)
* Moved maintenance logic for account's balances from MMFile to MMSeqAccessMgr
* Fixed #1318972 (Currency symbol for foreign stock mis-displayed after quote)
2005-12-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added #1280473 (Ecryption on a file-by-file basis)
2005-12-25 Ace Jones <>
* Added ability to sort report groups in pivottable reports
(e.g. Income, Expense).
* Forced Income group to come before Expenses in spending reports.
* Merry Christmas!
2005-12-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Handle stock accounts in forecast
2005-12-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed binary reader (left a message if someone tries to load such a file)
* Added balance to MyMoneyAccount as balance cache for all stored transactions
* Applied patches provided by Bjorn Helgaas
2005-12-22 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed currency conversion in daily/weekly reports
2005-12-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with disabled Finish button in reconcile dialog
* Added (in)equality operator to MyMoneyPrice
* Added support for new Romanian Leu
* Added reference check for price table
2005-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* changed readXML methods to a constructor of the resp. MyMoneyXXX object
* adopted testcases
* Fixed argument to qDebug call in MyMoneyStorageSQL
* Added patch supplied by Bjorn Helgaas to preset the default currency
when creating a file
* Removed some unused code
2005-12-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Implemented MyMoneyAccountLoan::hasReferenceTo()
* Added database documentation files to list of distributed files
* Fixed markup of database documentation to follow DTD
* Use new isReferenced() method to enable certain actions
* Applied patch provided by Bjorn Helgaas (passing references)
2005-12-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Document database usage
* Implement database code with timing improvements
2005-12-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Started to fix KDE #115863 (--enable-final and 'make check' fails)
Now we can compile but still get link errors
2005-12-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Andreas Nicolei to also change the payee
within scheduled transactions
* Fixed new account dialog to assign currency to returned account object
2005-12-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed spelling error in payees view
* Added reference check logic to objects and engine code
Calls at appropriate locations must still be added
2005-12-10 Ace Jones <>
* Added a Loan Transactions report. This shows loan-specific information
about transactions in loan accounts. It doesn't provide future-looking
amortization information or loan summary information.
2005-12-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed export of symbols missing from patch applied on 2005-11-29
* Fixed missing definition in mymoneymoneytest.cpp
* Fixed export of symbols in test environment
2005-12-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Trap database errors; provide timing traces
2005-12-01 Andreas Nicolai <>
* added new dialog KTransactionReassignDlg
* new features in payees view:
- multiple payees can be selected, payee info is only shown
when a single payee is selected (otherwise info widget is disabled)
- 'in place' renaming is only possible when a single payee is selected
- renaming a payee to an existing payees name gives a warning
- whitespaces in payee names (entered via 'rename' or 'new payee'
actions) are stripped
- 'New payee' creates a unique payee name of the format 'New payee [?]'
- Action 'Delete payee' is now possible for several selected payees
- when payees are deleted and still assigned to transactions, the user
can now select an alternative payee who should be used for the
* new comparison operator for MyMoneyPayee to find payees by their id
2005-12-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1375112 (Can't configure home page)
2005-12-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Provide utility routine for schedule weekend option
* More database stuff (work still ongoing)
2005-12-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Integrate database into menu structure
2005-12-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch provided by Bjorn Helgaas entitled 'remove
superfluous QString() usage'
2005-12-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked the category creation from within the widget
* Allow creation of complete category hierarchy in one step from
within the 'Create category' dialog
2005-11-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added view actions to toggle 'hide reconciled transactions' and
'hide unused categories'
* Applied patches provided by Bjorn Helgaas
2005-11-27 Ace Jones <>
* Install the 48x48 application icon. Fixes KDE bug #117044.
* Inverted the sign for expenses and liabilities in reports and charts.
* Added a "7-day cashflow forecast" report under the "Net Worth Reports".
Hopefully this addresses #1238112
* Added a "year-to-month" date filter in transaction search and reports.
Addresses #1260311
* Added option to include transfers on income/expense reports. This
addresses #1297972.
* Added ability to configure reports to have days or weeks as the column.
2005-11-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked settings dialog to be based on KConfigDialog
* Allow quit when trying to open the same file as already opened in
another instance of KMyMoney
* Install kgpgfile.h
* Removed deprecated method kMyMoneyEdit::getMoneyValue()
* Use kMyMoneyEdit::setValue() rather than setText() to load values
* Changed MyMoneyPayee to use references in constructor
2005-11-24 Ace Jones <>
* Added mid- and low-level support for days-based grid reports. (High-
level UI support has not been added yet.)
* Removed opening balance tests in reports, which now failed thanks to
opening balances being removed.
* Fixed a bug where duplicate securities were not getting picked up
correctly in online quotes.
2005-11-22 Ace Jones <>
* Better handling of missing &...; sequences in HTML returned during online
* Added an Account button to the checking & loan ledger
2005-11-19 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix doxygenation...
2005-11-19 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Doxygenate SQL stuff
2005-11-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added autosave patch provided by Marcellino Villarino with a few
* Combined multiple ways of commiting a scheduled transaction into a
single path
* Send out notification when MyMoneyFile::setUser() was called
2005-11-18 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Initial checkin of SQL backend code
2005-11-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added factor feature for online price updates
2005-11-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Converted schedules view to use new action structure
* Don't colorize lines in schedule view that do not contain a schedule
2005-11-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added date modification widget to KCurrencyCalculator to allow
manual price updates in a single dialog
* Converted investment view to use new action structure
2005-11-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with opening balance transactions for investment accounts
* Fixed a problem when the current selected investment account is removed
* Added toolbar button to start KCalc
2005-11-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch as provided by Bjorn Helgaas to collect user
information in a MyMoneyPayee object.
* Fixed display suppression of unused categories
2005-11-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved most context menus to kmymoney2ui.rc
* Modified menu structure
* Revised logic around actions, context menus
* Adapted plugin interface to new action handling
* Print error when running 'make package-messages' in a VPATH environment
* Differentiate 'split transaction' for usage as category and caption
2005-11-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved some action slots to KMyMoney2App:
* Revised KAction handling
* Fixed date calculation in isOverdue testcase, enhanced testcase
* Restructured action handling
* Renamed some members in the new account wizard
* Changed open balance handling in new account wizard to use
'opening balance transaction'
2005-11-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated files for german and galician translation
2005-11-06 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Save/restore payee email address
Could backport to 0.8
2005-11-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1348087 (Save not enabled)
* Added command line option '-n' to startup without the last file opened
* Adjust the size of the 'move account to ...' selector based on the
length of the account names
2005-11-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added ledger sort mode for 'order of entry' (based on transaction-id)
* Fixed MyMoneyScheduled::isOverdue() to return correct information
* Added testcase for MyMoneyScheduled::isOverdue()
* Fixed calculation of net-worth in views
* Added 'Move to account ...' functionality
2005-11-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make MyMoneySchedule::transaction() return a reference
* Catch exceptions during forecast processing
2005-11-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1323166 (Investment balances on homepage are the number of shares)
with patch provided by Maik Hinrichs
* Applied patch to add *.a to .cvsignore as provided by Maik Hinrichs
2005-10-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed MyMoneyStorageANON to write out correct data
* Added performance test feature
* Performance improvements in accounts view and engine code
* ::timetrace changes
* Write error message about thrown exception to stderr in pivottable.cpp
* Added patch required for gcc 4.1 as provided by Stephan Binner
* Added patch to remove invalid includehints from *.ui file as provided
by Stephan Binner
2005-10-27 Ace Jones <>
* Updated MyMoneyReport object to use MyMoneyObject
* Change MyMoneyStorageANON to calculate the quasi-random offset
factor once and use it every time.
* Also removed some extraneous consts from returned-by-value objects
2005-10-23 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Allow entry of new categories; check Payee present
Backport to 0.8
2005-10-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't crash on schedules w/ strange transactions during forecast
* Only allow entering of schedules when all needed values are present
* More changes due to introduction of MyMoneyObject
2005-10-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneyKeyValueContainer::clear()
* Added testcases and fixed a few problems here and there in the read/write
XML methods
* Added configure options for Mandriva 2006 as reported by Paul Doig
2005-10-17 Robert Wadley <>
* Made corrections to the 'what's new' html page.
2005-10-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added writeXML and readXML to MyMoneyInstitution, MyMoneyPayee
* Added testcases for those routines
* Changed storage MyMoneyStorageXML to use these routines
* Fixed non-working quit button, shortcut and menu entry
* Don't allow negative values for 'enter schedules # days in advance'
2005-10-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated MyMoneyObject as discussed on mailing list
* Added writeXML and readXML methods to MyMoneyAccount and
* Added testcases for those routines
* Changed storage MyMoneyStorageXML to use these routines
* Added number of stored prices to file info dialog
2005-10-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix 1323157 - Price Editor showed reciprocal value
* Gnucash reader - set shares = value where split currency = tx currency
2005-10-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Preliminary signals for proposed file ops plugin
2005-10-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't include todays transactions twice in the forecast
2005-10-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added fileinfo dialog to show object counts of current file
* Added traces for time measurement
* Added patches to Makefile.dist as provided by Bjorn Helgaas
* Incremented min automake version to 1.7.9
2005-10-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix a typo which has long annoyed me, tho' nobbut a Brit would notice
2005-10-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneyObject as base object to be used for all storable
MyMoneyXXX objects.
* Converted MyMoneyAccount to use MyMoneyObject
2005-10-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash reader - link dialog help to online manual (requires 'make install')
2005-10-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1221979 (KMyMoney won't start)
2005-10-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix transaction types for Create Schedule
2005-09-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Linked help button in reports configuration dialog to online manual
2005-10-02 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a raft of broken logic in calculation of scheduled payment dates
* Added option to include scheduled transactions in pivottable reports.
2005-09-30 Ace Jones <>
* Vastly simplified OFX dependency checking. Now relies on pkg-config to
sort out OFX versions.
* Enabled debugging details for all load-time fixups. I want to root out
the source of all fixups upon load.
* Added debugging information around ofx direct connect sessions, in an
attempt to troubleshoot certain problems for users in that area.
2005-09-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Made calculatorButtonVisible available for Qt-Designer
* Added kMyMoneyPayee to designer library
* Removed calculator button from minimum balance field in new account dialog
2005-09-30 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Avoid problem when creating schedule from Check or ATM transaction.
Unlikely, but...
2005-09-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed library dependency during build by including the required object file
2005-09-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make sure UIC uses our own widget library
* always build widget library, install for designer upon request
* Applied patches by Erik Johansson to be Up/Down the same as +/- and
the day field receives focus when the widget is selected no matter
which date format is selected
* Fixed #1289026 (Transfer creates flashing red entry in destination account)
2005-09-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed debug output for price conversion
* Added minimum balance for asset/liability accounts
* Improved 90 day forecast to show warnings when balance drops
below the minimum balance setting or even below 0
2005-09-24 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed #1289811 (Account balance incorrect when opening kmymoney) by...
* Disallow importing a QIF transaction that transfers from/to the same
* Properly fix the problem where KDE currency settings would interfere with
QIF date parsing.
2005-09-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 90 day forecast to home view
2005-09-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneyPrice unit tests
* Fixed #1285995 (Accounts view shows wrong balance with foreign currency)
actually a problem in conversion rate extraction in MyMoneyPrice
* Added date parameter to totalValue() and accountValue() in MyMoneyFile
2005-09-22 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fixed spelling problem reported by Jochen Rundholz
2005-09-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1264916 (Cannot edit fund details in investments)
* Set default fraction for new investments to 100
* Improved numeric validator for kMyMoneyEdit objects
2005-09-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Editorial changes to the project handbook
* Use correct character set for HTML version of project handbook
* Added note about usage of interest field in reconciliation wizard to docs
* Added version number to title page of online documentation
2005-09-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added version history for the project handbook
* Added chapter about translations provided by Jochen Rundholz to project
* Fixed problems around editing multi-currency transactions based
on a different currency than the current account.
* Balance transactions in anonymized files by using a single,
somewhat random factor per transaction
2005-09-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1288592 (Crash with Auto fill)
* Added danish translation file as provided by Daniel Sørensen
<> (he says only 20% are done but he does not have time
to continue)
2005-09-15 Robert Wadley <>
* replaced reports icons
* added some 22x22 "chart style" icons
2005-09-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1287850 (Empty action box)
* Fixed #1286028 (Edit Account dialog shows wrong currency)
* Fixed #1286033 (KMyMoney hangs up)
* Fixed result calculation in KCurrencyCalculator to produce smaller
numerators and denominators
* Added unit testcase for problem #1291044
* Fixed #1291044 (Cannot apply $0.01US interest expense in a split)
* Fixed typos reported by Jochen Rundholz
2005-09-13 Ace Jones <>
* Updated to CVS version of libOFX
* Added support for fees to OFX and Statement imports
* Fixed sign reversal on OFX dividend imports
* Support QIF imports without a "Type" line
* Added Wallstreet-Online.DE online quote source
Submitted by Marc Zahnlecker <>
2005-09-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed minimum KDE version to 3.2 in
* Added patch provided by Erik Johansson to display the selected date
including the weekday in a KPassivePopup
* Adjusted build system to work from in initially empty sandbox
2005-09-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - fix locale-dependent problem on schedules
- stop crash on invalid price
2005-09-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Restrict type of accounts allowed as payment/asset accounts for loans
* Sort transactions in ledger on same date by check no and then by value
* Keep check number if already entered when autofilling a transaction
* Updated link to PDF version of project handbook
* Added local rules to make online versions for project handbook and manual
(requires a script which I currently only have on my local system)
* Changed spelling of Ruble to be consistent
* Translate currency names when loading file with different language set
* Don't override user supplied check no when loading prev. transaction
* Fixed #1264927 (check number for same day not in ascending order)
* Removed GWEN logger settings as requested by Martin
* Added hint to sort order of transactions in online manual
2005-09-04 Ace Jones <>
* Update docs to say that you have to remove all the transactions from an
account before deleting it.
* Fixed a bug where in online price update, the local KDE currency was being
shown for foreign stocks, instead of the stock's own currency.
* Added VWD.DE online quote source, useful for german funds
* Added ability to handle quote sources where the decimal separator
is not period
* Added ability to handle quote sources which contain a thousands separator
* Added docs on how to find the trading symbol for a security supported
by Yahoo
* Chart documentation
2005-09-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support to build widget library for Qt-Designer (needs to be
enabled via configure)
* Include new options in configure summary.
* Separated configure summary in user and developer optionsa
* Separated generation of kmymoney2.pot from merging of language files
* Allow to run in VPATH environment
* Added patch provided by Mathieu Ourioux to hide reconciled
transactions in ledger view
* Added patch provided by Erik Johansson to allow * to decrement the
date and use T to set date to today
* Updated documentation
* Include a missing string in pot file
* Use KMessageBox rather than QMessageBox
2005-09-02 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed legend on circular charts
* Don't give option to display charts for querytable reports
* Don't populate default charts if charts are not compiled in
* Change all uses of "security" to "encryption" where that's what it means.
Eliminates terminology conflict with "security" where it means "stock/etc".
* Change uses of "Transfer from/to" to "Convert from/to" in currency converter.
Linguistically more accurate.
2005-08-29 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader
- correct split action types
- detect checks properly
- fix locale-dependent problem on schedules
2005-08-27 Ace Jones <>
* When importing investments via OFX into an investment account with an
associated brokerage account, use that account for the buys/sells &
cash dividends.
* When importing investments via OFX into an investment account with an
associated brokerage account, allow non-investment transactions. Dump
them into the brokerage account.
* Added fees to MMStatement::Transaction struct for later use
* Commented some obscure aspects of MMStatement
* Also match imported securities by name if they have no symbol
2005-08-26 Ace Jones <>
* Added ability for import plugins to specify the file format filter to use
when looking for those files
* Added "*.qfx" to file format filter in OFX import plugin
* Added three new default chart-type reports
* Added a new "Charts" section to the reports summary which collects all
reports that are set to display initially as charts
2005-08-25 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed crash in chart configuration
* Added stacked bar chart
* Changed ring chart to be proportional widths (not sure I like this)
* Changed pie charts to look 3D
2005-08-23 Ace Jones <>
* Chart configuration dialog
* Added line, bar, pie & ring charts
* Ability to configure a report to always show up as a chart
* Ability to toggle grid lines and printed data values
* These new values are saved to the KMM file.
2005-08-22 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed text string problems. Thanks to Jochen Rundholz for identifying.
* Attempted to fix QIF import problem where it was hampered by having
the KDE locale's negative sign position set to "Parens Around".
2005-08-19 Ace Jones <>
* Modified pivottable reports to be configurable to four levels of detail
(sub-accounts, top-accounts, groups, total)
* Charting and HTML rendering respects the new levels of detail. This
makes charting much more useful, IMO.
2005-08-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1263755 (Crash when moving account from one subgroup to another)
2005-08-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* updated admin/
* Fixed KDE BUG #110851 (Wrong date formatting in forms)
2005-08-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1260732 (Reconciling multiple currencies) Thanks to
"pSmart" for reporting
* Fixed #1261797 (Manual price entry/update does not store values)
* Added complete check for KDChart availability
2005-08-16 Ace Jones <>
* Modified charts to show one line per sub-account or per top-account
depending on the setting of the "Show Top Accounts" configuration option.
2005-08-15 Ace Jones <>
* Initial integration of charts. For pivottable reports (income/expenses and
net worth), the "Chart" button will display a single line graph of the
total. To use it, ensure you have and configure with
2005-08-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1259351 (Icons view doesn't honor single click preference)
* Fixed minor problem in build environment
* Bumped minimum required version of KBanking to new AqBanking package
2005-08-14 Ace Jones <>
* Explain how to convert from another encoding to UTF8
* Fixed a problem in my last checkin where libofx was
required to build CVS version.
2005-08-13 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a recently-introduced bug where the wrong price
source was being used.
* Updated OFX Direct Connect to use libofx 0.8.0
* #if0'd OFX unit tests this will get moved to a plugin unit tester.
* #if0'd code to create OFX response files. This will get moved to
* Added support for stock splits
2005-08-12 Ace Jones <>
* Catch exceptions in QIF importer when turning back on notifications
2005-08-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* If auto enter is selected for a schedule, enter it if it's due today
not only if it is overdue
* Fixed #1256431 (tx switch from Dep. to Withdr.)
* Released 0.8
2005-08-09 Ace Jones <>
* Added progress to the progress bar when importing a KMM statement
* In KMM statement importer, post dividend income to "_Dividend" account
* "By institution" reports now group by institution & topaccount
* Accounts with no institution now get their institution from the topaccount
* Investment accounts are not included in account-based query reports
2005-08-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make sure the Finish button is enabled on the last page of
the edit loan wizard
* Update schedule view when a new loan account has been added
* Don't show error if schedule has no payee assigned
* Fixed a problem in KFilterDev by providing our own version
of QIODevice::readAll() in mymoneystoragexml.cpp This caused
the program to lock up on certain compressed files
2005-08-08 Robert Wadley <>
* Changed my email address as listed in the docs
* Assorted image resolution tweeks to improve PDF output.
2005-08-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Send out notification when report is added to engine
2005-08-06 Robert Wadley <>
* Added the 0.8 splash screen and titlebar image.
2005-08-06 Ace Jones <>
* Edited loan docs
2005-08-06 Robert Wadley <>
* Adjusted image sizes for PDF output.
2005-08-05 Ace Jones <>
* Spelling fixes in loans docs from Darin
2005-08-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added --enable-pdf-docs to configure which controls the generation
of the PDF version of the developer handbook and the user manual.
This setting defaults to 'no'
* Fixed a problem around creating symbolic links to header files in
VPATH build environments
* Added online help to
- settings dialog
- QIF profile editor
- Schedule dialog
2005-08-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1250608 (Calculator calculates wrong)
* Fixed crash when using option 'Goto other side of transfer transaction'
2005-08-03 Ace Jones <>
* Spelling fixes in loans docs from Darin
2005-08-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show the 'ancient' currencies in the online update dialog
2005-08-01 Ace Jones <>
* Handle 'yield' transactions in reports. Previously, they were
universally ignored.
* New Loans chapter for manual from Darin.
* Updated search chapter for manual from Darin.
2005-08-01 Robert Wadley <>
* Added more screenshots for the manual
* Clarified some text in the manual (Schedules)
* Made some small changes in the manual for consistency.(First time)
2005-07-31 Ace Jones <>
* Added a "continue/cancel" dialog when there is a problem importing
a single transaction. Otherwise, the user will keep getting the
error dialog continuously in a large file.
* Fixes a bug in the investment performance report: "shares bought on
the report start day are included in the starting balance and in buys.
The solution is to take the starting balance from the day before the
start of the report."
As submitted by Peter Pointner <>
2005-07-31 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - implement (and document) ancient currency support
2005-07-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added auto loading of 'ancient' currencies to
* Added all currencies that were converted to EURO to this list
* Maintain setting of 'update price history' between sessions
* Correctly interpret the amount entered for foreign currency
transactions (required a TAB to update the values before pressing OK)
* Do not allow to modify ancient currency prices
2005-07-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Maintain identification entered for investments
* Modified home view to catch exceptions when information is somewhat
2005-07-30 Robert Wadley <>
* fixed some screenshot mistakes
2005-07-30 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - handle transactions without a currency
2005-07-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Released 0.7.5
* Regenerated strings for translations
* Added updated Italian and German translation
* Fixed #1241831 (Encryption/Decryption problem with 0.7.4)
Many thanks to Thomas Schlesinger for his help to resolve this problem
2005-07-29 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader
- fix account type error message
- fix sloppy coding errors which I've been getting away with for too long
- update documentation
2005-07-27 Robert Wadley <>
* Added some screenshots for the user manual for Tony.
2005-07-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem with total value not including fees when editing
investment transactions (reported by Peter Pointner)
* Fixed #1243365 (Wrong symbol of foreign currency on homepage)
* Hide unused widget in currency editor
2005-07-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Enter and show reconciliation values for liability accounts as
positive values
2005-07-24 Ace Jones <>
* More handbook changes
- Added & edited Roger's Settings chapter
- Retooled introduction chapter
- Added lots of links between various sections
- Added more details on the price editor
- Added authorinfo tags to chapters where they were missing
- Wrote instructions on how to write high-quality bugs
- Various edits throughout the manual
2005-07-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed misdetection of EOF in KGPGFile
* Make sure edit session ends when switching from investment transaction tab
to investment summary tab
2005-07-23 Robert Wadley <>
* Added some investment screenshots to the user manual.
2005-07-23 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - handle Currency account type
- update documentation
2005-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem when opening an encrypted file w/o using the gpg-agent
This was broken due to the changes added on 2005-07-15
2005-07-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when selecting print with no report selected
2005-07-20 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed QIF importer to deal with reinvest dividend transactions that have
fees associated with them.
2005-07-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed auto increment of check number field to work with non-numeric
2005-07-18 Ace Jones <>
* More handbook changes
- Explained the price editor
- Finished investment documentation
- Added lots of "Screen Shot" cues for Rob
- Added Rob to the manual credits
2005-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow opening the split editor on new transactions when the
transaction form is not visible
2005-07-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed tab order in new investment wizard
* Added help button to reconcile wizard
* Released 0.7.4
* Bumped version to 0.7.5
2005-07-18 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - stand-alone anonymizer fixes
- fix memory leak when deferred interval present
2005-07-18 Robert Wadley <>
* Added quite a few more screenshots to the user manual.
2005-07-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Minor layout changes (use tags where possible)
* Added Ctrl-Ins to create new transactions/splits
* Use $(MAKE) instead of 'make' to be able to switch make program
* Removed unused code enclosed with "#if __WORDSIZE == 32"
* Removed unused declarations in mymoneymoney.h
* Allow to compile mymoneymoneytest on FreeBSD
2005-07-16 Ace Jones <>
* QIF Importer improvements for investments
- Supports O and L fields (transaction fees and account transfer)
- Disallow transfers INTO an investment account
* Major revision of the handbook
- Pared down 'firsttime' section significantly
- Moved most 'firsttime' information down into the details
- Merged MTE's 'firsttime' information with Roger's sections
- Added Roger's latest: Menus reference
- Removed "Views" reference
- Removed "Integrity Checks"
- Removed "Other documentation"
- Removed my "Files" section. Tom's is better.
- Added links for the 2 remaining "whats new" items without links
2005-07-16 Robert Wadley <>
* Added screenshots for details-widgets.docbook in the user manual.
2005-07-15 Robert Wadley <>
* Applied patches submitted by Darin Strait for the user manual.
2005-07-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow modification of due date for newly created schedules based on
existing transactions
* Fixed a nasty problem when two-byte characters across a 512 byte
boundary in a GPG encrypted file causing a false EOF report in KGPGFile.
2005-07-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Destroy objects in MyMoneyStorageXML::readFile even if file is not
parsable to avoid memory leaks
* Added capability to modify fraction of securities/investments
ie. Fixed #1175904 (Edit investment shares precision)
* Use precision setting for price fields in investment handling
* Fixed email link in documentation
* Suppress engine notifications during auto entering due schedules
after file load
2005-07-13 Robert Wadley <>
* added screenshots submitted by Darin Strait for the user manual.
2005-07-10 Ace Jones <>
* When saving an anonymous file, retain the linkage from investment account
to brokerage account
* QIF Importer improvements for investments
- Fixed reversed sign on dividend importing
- Fixed price importing. Previously, it only imported prices for the
current account. But really it should import them for any prices you have
in your KMM file.
- Added line number to warnings, to make it easier to track them down
- Converted many dialog-box warnings to debug output. They weren't that
useful in dialogs
- Removed "QIF/" from bank ID's. It was a bad design decision to include
that. If you import the same transaction 2 different ways, it will
seem different to KMM, but it should look like the same transaction.
- Warn when importing an investment transaction without a stock
- Warn when ignoring a transaction because the stock was not found
- Warn when ignoring a stock split
2005-07-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch provided by Christian Nolte <>
* Use QFile as base class instead of QIODevice
* Bumped version number to 0.7.4
2005-07-10 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - improve formula detection in schedules
- minor stand-alone anonymizer changes
2005-07-09 Ace Jones <>
* Updated ledger docs from Roger
* Small fixes here and there in the docs
* Modified home view to show total value of favorite accounts
(this includes balances of sub-accounts, and correctly handles currency)
2005-07-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Regenerated message files
* Released 0.7.3
2005-07-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added quick-fix to avoid crash on schedule creation
* Applied doc patch provided by Jerry Amundsen
2005-07-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Save equity account to file
* Re-attach children of equity account when loading old file
2005-07-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved stockSplit() and transactionType() from KLedgerView to KMyMoneyUtils
* Improved display of investment transactions in other ledger views
* Added help button to new account wizard and linked to online doc
* Fixed some of the screenshot stuff
2005-07-05 Robert Wadley <>
* screenshot stuff
2005-07-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added index.html to .cvsignore in doc/en
* Fixed #1231925 (Institutions view: totals do not reflect the accounts)
* Changed section tags into sect1 tags
* Changed 'KMyMoney' to &kappname;
* Added missing files to doc/en/
* Added home.html and whats_new.html for french as provided by
2005-07-02 Robert Wadley <>
* Added screenshots for the manual.
* Made some small changes to some of the image names in the manual.
* Added image names to the makefile
2005-06-28 Ace Jones <>
* Added meta tag to html reports. Apparantly this makes them show up better
on Windows. Submitted by Duloup <>
2005-06-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Selecting a different payee during renaming of another payee will
now enter the changes if the 'Keep changes when selecting a
different transaction/split' register setting is selected.
See also ChangeLog entry dated 2005-03-12.
* New categories will be shown as sub-account of expenses (#1061790)
* Applied patch provided by Laurent Montel to kmymoney2ui.rc
2005-06-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed 'undefined INT_MIN, INT_MAX' problem
* Resolved compiler warnings in kofxdirectconnectdlg.cpp
* Fixed #1216779 (Fails to save with space in path)
* Added italian what's new page provided by Samuel Algisi and Andrea Nironi
2005-06-20 Ace Jones <>
* Surround CSV fields with quotes in report export. Fixes #1210755
2005-06-20 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - fix QMessageBox change/bug
2005-06-15 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - make anonymized names more readable
2005-06-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved mymoneymoney.cpp to be the first module included when
building with --enable-final=yes, so that __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS is defined
before stdint.h is included for the first time
2005-06-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Bumped version number to 0.7.3
* Applied fix-compile-visibility patch by Laurent Montel
* Updated and from KDE/admin
* Pick up unusual places for the KDE basedir (e.g. /usr/lib/kde/3.3)
* Allow generation of pot file even if kde-config --install include
returns NONE
2005-06-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added description of common widgets
* Extract path for stylesheet from $(KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET)
* Applied ui-dialog patch provided by Laurent Montel
2005-06-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added function to select/unselect an account subtree in the
account selector widget via the right mouse button
* Fixed nested 'if' in
* Fixed reported problems with missing $(DESTDIR)
2005-06-07 Ace Jones <>
* Added Roger's chapter on institutions
* Updated some documentor assignments
* Added Roger to the doc credits
2005-06-06 Ace Jones <>
QIF Importer fixes for investments
* Don't create the cash side of the split if there is no cash involved
(Reinvest dividends and add/subtract shares)
* Fix Reinvest Dividends to use an income account also
* Support reinvlg, reinvsh (doing this on blind faith..I'm not really sure
what these transactions look like)
* Fix missing 'else' that caused reinvested dividends to show up as
* Support "sellx", "divx", etc
* Clarified the warning that !Type:Bank + NInvst isn't really supported
* Clarified the warning that Memorized Transactions are not supported
2005-06-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added access to online help to find transaction dialog
* Made the transaction history the default in payees view
* Added chapter about widgets to documentation
* Convert html to encoding 'utf-8' for make preview
* Added 'make show' which opens the preview in konqueror
* Updated italian translation provided by Samuel Algisi and Andrea Nironi
* Revised german pages
2005-06-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash Reader - fix crash in Tools/Prices
2005-06-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash reader documentation (forgot --check - sorry!)
2005-06-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* GnuCash reader documentation
2005-06-03 Ace Jones <>
* Refined the language regarding report configuration & report favorites
* Fixed the QIF import progress dialog for adding transactions to your
ledger, so now it displays properly.
2005-06-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed broken actions (find transactions, print, reconcile)
* Removed some recently added debug output
* Applied i18n-patch provided by Laurent Montel with slight modifications
2005-06-03 Ace Jones <>
* Added some i18n's in report configuration. Submitted by Laurent Montel
2005-06-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Add a bit of code that got lost yesterday
2005-06-02 Ace Jones <>
* Massive speed-up to QIF import. 3,000 transactions now takes less than a
minute, instead of >45. The progress dialog needs help, though.
* Fixed OFX direct connect, that has been broken since I purged the non-
plugin OFX importer.
* Changes to experiment with link replacement in home.html. These are all
#if0'd out.
2005-06-02 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Don't allow GnuCash import into existing file
2005-06-02 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Allow to open/import GnuCash files without suffix
2005-05-31 Ace Jones <>
* Added Categories and Accounts help as submitted by
Roger Lum <>
* Added Search Transactions help as submitted by
Darin Strait <>
2005-05-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Released 0.7.2
2005-05-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added detection of html2ps and ps2pdf14 during configure
* Added conditional conversion of project handbook into pdf if
the necessary tools are present
* Don't compress file if named .xml
* Fixed warning about missing argument to QString::arg() in KMyMoneyView
2005-05-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Pickup i18n version of whats_new.html
* Added KMyMoneyUtils::findResource() which searches different
filenames to find a translated file
* Added some more Galician files provided by Marcellino
* Added German translation to home page and what's new page
* Added (partial) italian translation provided by Samuel Algisi
2005-05-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Calculator widget will clear display upon first digit/comma/period when
opened via the button
* Fixed payee rename to happen immediately
* Don't crash if splash screen is not correctly installed
* Renamed gl_ES.po and es_ES.po into gl.po and es.po
* Updated -fvisibility detection and usage
* Added 'make preview' to online documentation
* Generate PHB using meinproc
2005-05-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for unsermake (updated to current versions of and in the admin subdir)
* Added support for -fvisibility (slightly modified patch
provided by Laurent Montel)
* Fixed build-system in kgncpricesourcedlg.h (I made this change
already for 0.7.1 but it got lost/overwritten in the meantime)
2005-05-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patches provided by Laurent Montel
* Added entry for Laurent on the about page
* Added shortcut Ctrl-Ins to start a new transaction/split
* Changed copy split to only work with Ctrl-C
2005-05-23 Ace Jones <>
* Updated help files for reports, investments, and qif/ofx import
2005-05-23 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash Reader
* Add dialog for Price Source
* Fix stock transfer crash
* Stand-alone anonymizer fix
2005-05-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fix selection of investment accounts when account is selected in
another view
2005-05-21 Ace Jones <>
* First draft of help files for reports, online quotes, and qif/ofx import
2005-05-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Bumped version to 0.7.2
* Added == and != operators to MyMoneySecurity
* Added testcases for the above
* Fixed new investment wizard to store modified security information
2005-05-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed drag&drop of accounts between institutions
* Fixed build system for documentation
* Released 0.7.1
2005-05-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed dependencies and install instructions for documentation
* Added initial doc on currencies
* Removed outbox view from documentation as it is not part of 0.8
2005-05-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Avoid warning about unknown macro in kmymoney2.cpp
* Fixed escape sequence in kmymoneyedit.cpp
* Allow --enable-final to work properly with prior modifications
* Don't include the docbook source files in the installation
* Added new docbook files provided by Ace
* Added patch provided by Laurent Montel to fix some cvsignore files
* Fixed some more .cvsignore problems
2005-05-14 Ace Jones <>
* Added investment handling to QIF importing. Handles !Type:Invst
!Type:Price and !Type:Security.
* Started "KMyMoney Files" help file
2005-05-14 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash Reader
* Infrastructure for Price Source fix
2005-05-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Display all values in the investment transaction form as they show
up in the edit widgets
* Display currency symbol in investment transaction's value column
* Updated language specific files
* Released 0.7.0
2005-05-13 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash Reader: allow edit of suspect scheduled transactions
2005-05-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated am_edit to state currently found in KDE admin directory
* Fixed am_edit to setup dependencies correctly
* Show currency symbols in investment ledger
2005-05-12 Robert Wadley <>
* Changed the version number in the "about this release" page to 0.7
2005-05-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update field descriptions according to tab for all fields empty
* Fixed scheduled transactions to work from non-base-currency accounts
* Fix commodity of scheduled transactions if empty when loading file
2005-05-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update balances in accounts and institutio view when prices are changed
* Fixed handling of 'parens around' handling for negative values
* Fixed layout of details tab in FindTransactionDlg
* Speedup processing of page-up/page-down of register display
2005-05-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed flickering of register when running w/o transaction form
* Fixed crash when loading different file
* Fixed initial selection of account in investment view
2005-05-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Force pointers to deleted objects to point to 0x00
* Fixed update of transaction type tabs and field description strings
* Fixed update of transaction type widget in ledger entry mode
* Removed unused code in kMyMoneyCombo
* Fixed signal emition of kMyMoneyCombo
2005-05-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Switch to ledger view when double-clicking an account in the
institutions view
* Fixed title label of institution view
2005-04-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed display of positive net-worth (no more &nbsp;)
* Added auto increment check number
* Fixed a bug in the build system around the man pages
2005-04-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when adding new investment transactions via clicking
on the emtpy line at the end of the ledger.
* Fixed some problems around widget updates during entry of
investment transactions
* Fixed initial column width of transaction list in payees view
* Removed non-existant files in doc/en from distribution list
2005-04-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added methods checkNoUsed() and highestCheckNo() to MyMoneyFile
* Warn user if check no is already in use
* When creating a transaction based on a previous one, set
check no to 'highest number used' plus 1.
* Update check no field if scheduled bill is paid with check
(This partially fixes #972028)
2005-04-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added setting for color used to identify values that are based
on missing conversion rates (default=blue)
* Fixed values in the institution view when stock accounts are involved
* Fixed sign of values in institution view
* Added KGlobalLedgerView::accountId() to return id of selected account
2005-04-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed editing schedules with a single split
* Improved exception messeages if split is not found
* Added capability to select reconcile from menu / toolbar
2005-04-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed deprecated method from KLedgerView
* Fixed creation of categories when editing transaction with
single split
2005-04-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preserve file permission when saving
* Don't store ID for splits within transaction. They will be re-assigned
during file load anyway.
* Start editing split when any printable key is pressed
* Fixed crash in split editor when quitting using ESCape
* Advance selection bar to next split when saving a split
2005-04-18 Ace Jones <>
* Applied patch #1183190: Online quotes locale patch
Submitted by Andy Thaller <>
* Fixes an error in online quotes on locales which use a different
comma and period placement scheme from the quote source.
2005-04-17 Robert Wadley <>
* Added a background image
2005-04-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added template exporter
* Allow start editing in split editor with any key if table has focus
2005-04-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed from repository because it is automatically generated
* Fixed initial setting of LED in gpg config dialog when key field is empty
* Added ability to turn off VAT handling for specific accounts
2005-04-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added configure switch to turn off online tests by default
* Added this switch to the respective unit tests
2005-04-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed generation of symbolic links to header files to support
building for different environments and using the header files
of the sandbox and not the one's installed in $KDEDIR/include/kmymoney
* Fixed buildsystem again to use top_builddir in some circumstances rather
than top_srcdir
* Make sure to remove temporary files during distclean
* Fixed distribution directory for conditional subdirectories (plugins)
2005-04-06 Robert Wadley <>
* Changed the size of the title text in welcome.html and whats_new.html
to allow for languages that require more space.
* Added the capability of using a background image for the welcome and
whats_new pages.
2005-04-06 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix spurious re-display of split editor window
2005-04-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Remove old GNC reader
2005-04-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Tidy up converter Makefile
2005-04-03 Ace Jones <>
* Fix QIF import to set shares as well as value. This bug caused reports to
be all 0's until the file was saved and reloaded. The reload ran it
through KMMView::fixTransactions(), which fixed the problem.
* Added a custom '#' field which contains the unique transaction ID. The QIF
importer will refuse to load a transaction which contains the same
transaction ID as an existing transaction.
* Separated --enable-ofx into --enable-ofxplugin and --enable-ofxbanking.
ofxplugin enables ofx support only in the plugin. It defualts ON, and
should be left on for the release. ofxbanking enables OFX direct
connect, and causes the main application to require libofx. This
is experimental and is not desired for production use.
* More thorough error checking in KEnterScheduleDialog.
2005-04-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Move GnuCash reader to converter directory
2005-04-01 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed #937728: Opening balances sometimes not picked up in QIF files
* Set the 'finish' button to be default in the last page of the new account
* Fixed bug in account select dialog. When using it to create a loan
account, the schedule is not created, which causes the account to need
to be "fixed" when its loaded.
2005-03-31 Ace Jones <>
* Added support for utf8-encoded QIF files
* Cleaned up some character-based string handling in QIF imports
2005-03-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Set all values when entering scheduled transactions
* Don't show 'More ...' in home view, if there are no more scheduled tx
2005-03-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed a crash on startup when compiled w/o debug options
* Fixed behaviour of briefScheduleWidget
* Fixed layout of briefScheduleWidget
* Made widgets inside briefScheduleWidget more readable
2005-03-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added cancel button to new file dialog
* Hide load button for address data if no data is found for the owner
and also shows a message if the logic is started anyway.
* Fix enabling reports view
* Display currency symbol for payments
2005-03-29 Ace Jones <>
* Cleaned up welcome html pages a bit, with some help from Rob.
2005-03-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX definition problem
* Fixed initial startup behaviour
* Added tabs for personal information and transaction history in payees view
* Remove symlinks to header files before (re-)creating them during configure
2005-03-27 Ace Jones <>
* Added new welcome and whats new screens
(Submitted by Robert Wadley <>)
* Hooked up logic for all the links and added a bunch of whats new text
2005-03-26 Ace Jones <>
* Handle QIF-imported opening balances the new way
* Terminology changes to US-english-ize the base text
(Submitted by Robert Wadley <>)
* Fixed #1171039 (Made spaces in value amounts non-breaking in home view)
* Fixed a bug in QIF import. When a transfer transaction was imported,
the remainder of the transactions were imported into that account.
2005-03-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Remove window size display from caption when compiled w/o debug support
2005-03-25 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Avoid inadvertent overwrite of foreign file types
2005-03-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unused files
* Added missing header file to support 'make bcheck'
* Remove symlinks to header files before re-creating them
2005-03-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fix mymoneymoneytest.cpp to work with 64 bit systems
* Fixed description of kbanking.m4 and libofx.m4 to match behaviour
2005-03-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Resolved doxygen warnings in kfindtransactiondlg.h
* Added missing include stoppers in kmymoneypricedlg.h
* Fixed duplicate #defines when building with --enable-final
* Revised install/uninstall instructions in icons subdirectories to
support $(DESTDIR) setting used in e.g. RPM builds
* Revised build system to support 'make distcheck'
2005-03-22 Ace Jones <>
* Added "Are you sure you wish to cancel?" to import verify dialog.
2005-03-21 Ace Jones <>
* Modified MMTransaction::isDuplicate to consider split numbers
* Added an option to MMQifProfile to turn off the check for duplicate
* Made QIF import account type check less brittle by ignoring case and
white space. Also added "Credit Card" as a type instead of just
2005-03-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked build logic (
2005-03-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed reparenting of stock and investment accounts in engine
* Started to setup environment for external plugins
2005-03-19 Ace Jones <>
* Cleaned up small issues in reports wrt foreign stocks. These were
exposed by the fixes in Tom's last checkin.
* Edited the warning message for foreign stocks.
* Infrastructure for QIF investment imports. Doesn't actually handle them
yet, but the parsing is in place to do so. Also warns the user that
investments are not supported.
* Terminology changes to US-english-ize the base text
(Submitted by Robert Wadley <>)
* Fixed all warnings
* Removed old online quotes system
2005-03-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow payment of stock transactions to be in different currency
than the stock's security
2005-03-18 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed mkinstalldirs for kmymoney.desktop
2005-03-17 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash Importer
- Handle A/Payable and A/Receivable account types
2005-03-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed splash screen handling
* Fixed handling to delete investment accounts
2005-03-15 Ace Jones <>
* Added new titlebar background
(Submitted by Robert Wadley <>)
* Removed text shadow in title label widget. I couldn't find a way to ensure
it looked good in all color schemes.
2005-03-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Revised install/uninstall instructions in icons subdirectories
* Improved reparenting of accounts
* Don't allow removal of accounts that have transactions assigned
* Remove reference to kapptest. KDExecutor is much better ;-)
* Removed unused icon file kfm_home.png
* Allow removal of unused stock accounts
2005-03-13 Ace Jones <>
* Online quotes will now only fetch quotes for the first security using a
given trading symbol. It's assumed that multiple securities using the
same symbol is an error condition.
2005-03-12 Ace Jones <>
* Removed most OFX dependencies in the main program--all that's left is the
OFX Direct Connect and the OFX importer test cases
* Reworked Web Connect to work on ANY plugin-handled file, not just
* Removed "stripped.txt" from being output during online quote retrieval
2005-03-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to control whether selecting a different transaction/split
using the mouse should be treated as Enter (saving changes) or Cancel
(discarding changes).
* Added option to activate auto fill feature in transaction entry
* Fixed crash when scrolling payees view
2005-03-11 Ace Jones <>
* Honor price precision setting in Online Quotes
* Honor price precision setting in Investment Summary
2005-03-11 Tony Bloomfield <>
* AutoEnter Schedules
- 1105503 - avoid lockup, produce debug data
2005-03-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Qif Profile Editor
- Added patch provided by Tami King
- Reworked layout management to align objects
2005-03-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Improved future payment display in financial overview page
* Revised KDE menu integration
2005-03-09 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
- Fix handling of credit card accounts
2005-03-08 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a crash in checking ledger when attempting to edit the splits of
an investment transaction
* Added memos in the case of split transactions to transaction reports
(Submitted by Andy Thaller <>
2005-03-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added duplicate split feature
* Added menu dynamics to the HBCI plugin
2005-03-04 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
- Fix #1151541 handle invalid value in splits causing crash
- Fix #1078850 remove dailym_f schedule which we can't currently handle
2005-03-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to update color settings for CSS
2005-02-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Pulled titlelabel_background.png out of the attic
* Allow plugins to access the new title label object
* Added new title label to AqBanking plugin
* Added icon to institution list
* Removed unused icon files
* Install title label background image
* Added base class for views
2005-02-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added icon to institutions in institution view
2005-02-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added OK and Cancel buttons for the mouse users to the split widget
* Added .cvsignore to ofx plugin directory
2005-02-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Preload split widget when category is not known
* Assign values when moving focus from e.g. amount field to split button
* Cancel any edit activity during reconciliation when pressing finish
or postpone button
* Removed unused member variables of split widget
* Fixed abnormal termination during read of encrypted files
* Improved performance of KGPGFile::atEnd()
2005-02-16 Ace Jones <>
* Changed the title bar to draw the text in at runtime. Thanks to THB.
* Robert Wadley's latest 32x32 ledger icon
* Moved reports into kmymoney2/reports directory, and exploded the reports
source files into more files.
* Moved converter unit tests into kmymoney2/converter directory.
2005-02-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed reported documentation inconsistencies
2005-02-16 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
- fix scheduled transactions >999.99
2005-02-15 Ace Jones <>
Latest Robert Wadley icons
* Made the colors more consistent,
* Fixed the contrast to better match icons next to them
* Changed the reconcile icons to make it more obvious that it is an account
being reconciled.
* Changed the find_transaction icon to look like its actually magnifying, and
added a white row.
* Toned down the green in the '+' symbols
* Fixed ledger icon (accidentally cut off part of the icon when I exported
the images) which causes the ledger icon to look too big.
2005-02-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added complete re-work of the split transaction widget and dialog
* Increased height of transaction form items
* Another s/Splitted/Split/
* Improved MyMoneyMoney::operator ==(const MyMoneyMoney&)
* Added new MyMoneyTracer constructor
2005-02-15 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
- doxygen update
- add online quote source to imported securities
2005-02-13 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed doxygen warnings
* Added new icons supplied by Robert Wadley
2005-02-13 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
- normalize monetary amounts
- correct Investment Account description
2005-02-12 Ace Jones <>
* Refactored PivotTable::AccountDescriptor into ReportAccount, which is now
a subclass of MyMoneyAccount, with hierarchy, currency, and
other convenience methods.
* Propagated ReportAccount throughout the entire reporting engine. The
reporting engine should never ever use a MyMoneyAccount.
* Numerous object logic cleanups throughout reports. I moved each method to
the proper object upon which it acted. Should improve readability. This
involved pushing a lot of functionality into the MyMoneyReport class.
* Fixed pivot table reports to handle foreign stocks
* Fixed report unit test helpers to deal with foreign currencies better
* Fixed MyMoneyMoney multiplication overflow in account query reports
* Made MyMoneyMoney::reduce() public so I can use it in reports
2005-02-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use the correct account when selecting 'edit' from within
the institution view
2005-02-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import - anonymizer changes, restore Ace's credit
* Fix editing of some frequencies (e.g. Quarterly)
2005-02-05 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed account query reports to handle foreign stocks
* Minor clean-ups in query reports
* Really fixed report unit tests to deal with changes in handling of
opening balances
* Updated artwork supplied by Robert Wadley
* Added Tony Bloomfield to the credits
2005-02-03 Ace Jones <>
* Added more colorful title labels for the views in MyMoneyView using
artwork and conceptual design supplied by Robert Wadley
2005-02-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed name of #define to make memory leak check feature work
* Added MyMoneyTracer trace logic
* Fixed a nasty bug in categories view
* Added 0.7 splash screen
2005-01-31 Ace Jones <>
* Updated unit tests to match new handling of opening balances
2005-01-30 Ace Jones <>
* Moved OFX import logic to a plugin.
* Some refinements to GNC import options dialog
2005-01-30 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import - implement option dialog
2005-01-28 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a subtle bug in reports that caused a crash if you double-clicked on
empty areas.
* Relaxed MyMoneyStorageANON::writeSecurity to pass through the trading
symbol, trading currency, and quote source for securities. This is useful
for debugging online quotes problems.
2005-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed open balances handling to be transaction based
* Show balance per institution in institution view
* Added recursive option to MyMoneyFile::accountList()
2005-01-26 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
* Properly fix coding error picked up by stricter compiler!
2005-01-24 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
* Fix coding error picked up by stricter compiler
2005-01-22 Ace Jones <>
* Hooked up the "online price updates" button in the price editor
2005-01-20 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import
* Scheduled transactions default to Bills rather than Deposits
* Reinstated default currency calculation
2005-01-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow modification of end date for scheduled transactions at any time
* Allow to add splits to scheduled transfers
* Loan wizard now treats final payment as 0 if two fields are left blank
* Updated handling of calculated last payment vs. final payment
* Fixed rounding problems in financial calculator
* Added testcases to financial calculator based on user's error reports
* Enter manually added price information into engine
2005-01-18 Ace Jones <>
* Added MSN.CA as another canadian source
* Fixed the online quote config dialog that I broke in my last checkin
2005-01-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* add shared library support for external plugins
* Fixed #1074957 (Create loan accounts)
* Improved the check for a valid GPG id in the settings dialog
* Fixed crash when closeing the base currency selection dialog
* Allow changing the amount of a transaction w/o having a categroy assigned
* suppress version control of *.lo files
2005-01-12 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed reports test failure caused by fixing bug #1079427 ("Checkings" now
reads "Checking")
2005-01-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* removed unnecessary include at the end of kmymoneyonlinequoteconfig.cpp
* Fixed #1079427 ("Checkings" should read "Checking")
* Fixed problem with generated header files
* Added general plugin structure and mechanism
* Made KBanking a real plugin
2005-01-10 Ace Jones <>
* Added customizable date parsing to online quotes
* Added canadian mutual funds source
* Created a general-purpose date format parsing object
* Added date-parsing unit tests
2005-01-07 Ace Jones <>
* Online price quotes for foreign stocks will now automatically include a
price quote for the foreign currency
2005-01-06 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed single-shot price updates
* Added functionality to retrieve single-shot currency price updates,
although this is not hooked up to the UI.
* Added right-click option in price editor to do an online price update
for a single currency pair
* Cleaned up parsing of multiple currencies passed around as a single
string in online price updating pipeline
2005-01-05 Ace Jones <>
* Added online quotes for currencies
2005-01-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import - complete rewrite
* Uses Qt SAX2 XML Parser; simpler interface, more structured code
* Uses imymoneystorage interface rather than imymoneyserialize
* Separates XML reading and conversion code
* More user options on Schedules and Investments
(selection dialog to be written)
* Better exception handling and reporting
* Conversion code tidied up considerably
2005-01-04 Ace Jones <>
* Hooked up multiple sources for online quotes
* Moved online quote logic out of KEquityPriceUpdateDlg and into the new
WebPriceQuote class.
* Moved online quote configuration logic out of kMyMoneyOnlineQuoteConfig
and into the new WebPriceQuote class.
* Fixed a test case in KReportsViewTest::testInvestment to use the correct
year (2004, not "current year").
2005-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added currency New Turkish Lira (YTL) for newly created files
* reassigned id of New Israeli Shekel from ILS to NIS for newly created files
* added configuration dialog for data encryption
* added support for gpg-agent in libkgpgfile
* updated drag&drop support
* Added README.Fileformats
2005-01-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show preferred investment accounts on home page
* Added tip on anonymous save
* Fixed creation of securities - do not override information of existing
securities for new stock accounts
* Modified link order to avoid problems with unresolved symbols
* Added drag and drop to accounts, categories and institution view
2005-01-01 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed tab order in KNewFileDlgDecl
2005-01-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Happy new year to all KMyMoney developers and users!
* Show preferred investment accounts on home page
* Added tip on anonymous save
* Fixed creation of securities - do not override information of existing
securities for new stock accounts
* Added setting for memory leak checker to configure scripts
2004-12-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed ChangeLog entry to show the correct author
* Added more price entry logic (manual add, delete, etc.)
* Added icon to institution view
* Removed settings logic to distinguish between old and new accounts view
* Resolved a few warnings about deprecated methods
* Display a note in accounts and categories view if categories are hidden
by settings because they are unused (are not referenced by any split)
* Enhanced logic to convert account values into the base currency
* Fixed MyMoneyFile::security(const QCString& id) to return the baseCurrency
in case id is empty
* Fixed designer version problem in dialogs/keditschedtransdlgdecl.ui
* Added configure summary
* renamed kmymoneyonlinequoteconfig.ui into kmymoneyonlinequoteconfigdecl.ui
2004-12-29 Ace Jones <>
* Added simple category matcher for OFX import. This fills in the rest of an
imported transaction using the most recent transaction with this payee as a
* Maintain backward compatibility with Qt designer 3.2
* Removed support for older versions of LibOFX
* Removed check for libuuid (not using this anymore, see 12/14 checkin)
2004-12-28 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed #944780 (Schedule Brief Widget)
* Fixed # 972028 (Does not honour Scheduled Method)
* Fixed #987465 (cant edit scheduled transactions)
* Fixed #1012273 (Cant enter overdue payments at real date)
* Fixed #1035730 (No number edit in enter schedule dialog)
2004-12-28 Michael Edwardes <>
* 64bit fixes for MyMoneyMoney
2004-12-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new admin directory from kdelibs 3.3.0
2004-12-23 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import - Christmas crash fix
* setTradingCurrency for new regime
2004-12-20 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed bug in net worth reports with investments, related to new price scheme
* Added test case to catch this bug next time
2004-12-19 Ace Jones <>
* Adjustments to work with new price scheme
2004-12-18 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added a new institution view, so users can easily edit
institution properties.
2004-12-17 Ace Jones <>
* Maintain backward compatibility with Qt designer 3.2
2004-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some changes for KDE 3.0 backward compatibility
* Added patch supplied by Leonardo Skorianez to load one's own data
* Added definition of QT_IS_VERSION to kdecompat.h
* Remove reconciliation flag if creating a transaction from a previous one
* Reduced flickering in ledger views
* Repackaged MyMoneyEquity and MyMoneyCurrency into MyMoneySecurity
* Added new investment wizard
* Added Equity base account which will hold opening balance accounts
* Removed (int) operators from MyMoneyMoney
* Added isZero(), isNegative() and isPositive() to MyMoneyMoney
* Added --without-arts configure option to
* Removed unused MyMoneyFile* from engine objects
* Improved status display during online price update
* Added checks for referential integrity to MyMoneyFile
* Modified KEquityPriceUpdateDlg to support multi-selections
* Perform engine notifications based on a local copy of the notification
list to allow modification of the list during update()
* Enhanced parsing of MyMoneyMoney(QString) constructor
* Added automatically generated files to widgets/.cvsignore
* Added spanish and galician translation provided by Marcelino Villarino
* ... maybe a few other things I have forgotten ...
2004-12-14 Ace Jones <>
* Added Investment Performance reports (by account & type)
* Expanded unit tests for OFX imports
* Finished ability to create OFX files from KMyMoney data (currently only used
for unit tests, but could be expanded).
* Added unit tests for investment reports
* Added XMLandBack calls to reports that were missing it
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::splitByAccount(QCStringList&,bool)
* Added MyMoneyTransactionFilter::clearAccountFilter()
* Removed use of libuuid (OFX uid's don't need to be universally unique,
locally unique is good enough.)
2004-12-10 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import - minor bug fixes
* - preserve memo in scheduled transactions
* - correct account opening dates
2004-12-07 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Fix sloppy coding error in Edit Schedule dialog
* Sorry, will try harder next time
2004-12-05 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Gnucash import changes
* Improve exception reporting
* More comprehensive scheduled transaction processing
2004-12-05 Ace Jones <>
* Added unit tests for OFX import of bank statements
* Maintain libofx 0.6.6 compatability
* Separated "From/To (account)" and "From/To (date)" for translation purposes
2004-12-03 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Implement KMyMoneyAccountCombo in scheduled transaction dialogs
* Allows selecting any asset/liability account for bills, etc.
2004-11-28 Tony Bloomfield <>
* Partial correction of share price import
* Fix bug 1067499 - crash on import
* Create orphan accounts for unknown account ids
2004-11-28 Ace Jones <>
* Replaced 'splitted' with 'split', which is more gramatically correct
* Added support for cash dividends in OFX importing. (Cash dividends are
dividends which are NOT reinvested).
2004-11-27 Ace Jones <>
* More test cases for transaction reports
* Added error-checking in OFX import/download
* Fixed bug in transaction reports where grand total was getting too large
when multiple levels of subtotalling were in effect
* Better handling of the memo field on transaction reports
2004-11-25 Ace Jones <>
* Added "Anonymous" as a file saving type, which will save off a
version of the user's data with all private information (names,
strings, amounts) masked. Hopefully this will be enough to get
users to be willing to send their data files to us when they have
a problem.
* Avoid runtime warnings concerning MyMoneyMoney::operator== in unit
* Replaced some various MyMoneyMoney::operator==() calls with
2004-11-21 Ace Jones <>
* Added support for OFX Direct Connect. Thus you can download statements
directly from your bank if they expose an OFX server. Detailed online help
file included, and posted to the dev list.
* Consolidated the work of OFX importing at the KMyMoneyApp level into a
single slot, KMyMoney2App::slotOfxStatementImport
* Better handling for online price update when selecting it for a single
stock using the right-click menu in investment summary. Automatically
starts the update, and only shows the selected stock.
* Respect KDE-wide settings for negative money sign position in reports
2004-11-08 Ace Jones <>
* Added support for multiple accounts in a single OFX file, based on a patch
by Chris B <>.
2004-10-29 Ace Jones <>
* Added option to obtain online stock quotes using a local shell script
2004-10-23 Ace Jones <>
* Investment Transactions report
* Investment Holdings by Account report
* Investment Holdings by Type report
* Account Balances by Institution report
* Account Balances by Type report
* Added grand total row to all transaction reports
* Added underlying support for account reports, which builds on
transaction reports
* Added KMyMoneyUtils::equityTypeToString
2004-10-21 Ace Jones <>
* Added settings tab for online quotes
2004-10-17 Ace Jones <>
* Automatically close all report tabs when the file closes
* Added right-click access to on-line price updating in investment view
2004-10-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed crash when creating new categories while entering transactions
* Added "Don't ask again" switch to question if new category should be
* Removed unused tabs in new account dialog rather than disableing them
from the KABC addressbook.
2004-10-16 Ace Jones <>
* Added online price updating for equities
* Added "Favorite Reports" to the home page.
* Added investment view to the global ledger view, which is needed for
investment accounts to show up in the verify import dialog.
* Fixed handling of "Sell" transactions in transaction reports. They were
still being reported as "Buy" transactions.
* Tweaked the logic for handling account filters with transfer transactions
in transaction reports. Now the transaction will be included once
if only one of the accounts is included in the filter.
* Added cash flow analysis tools for future investment reports
* Cleaned up random investment data generator (in KReportsViewTest)
2004-10-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added VAT handling
* Added MyMoneyMoney::isZero()
2004-10-13 Ace Jones <>
* Added investment fields to transaction reports (action, shares, price)
* Added 'value' field to investment summary. This displays the net value of
each holding. Renamed previous 'current value' to 'price'
2004-10-11 Ace Jones <>
* Implemented "Edit..." from context menu in investment view summary
2004-10-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated splash screen handling. Using KSplashScreen on KDE >= 3.2.0
2004-10-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #1043892 (crash when changing action in checkings view)
* Fixed #1040653 (GNC import doesn't handle equity accounts correctly)
as provided by Tony Bloomfield
* Allow double click in investment view on any column
2004-10-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Reworked keyboard event handler
* Removed signalEnter() and signalEsc() signals
* Fixed initial size of cash account completion box
* Avoid some of the register flickering introduced in investment stuff
* Fixed a problem in reinvest dividend transactions when a fee was
assigned to an interest account
* Fixed switching to investment view when start editing an investment
transaction in a different view
* Reduced min version for autoconf to 2.53
* Maintain 3.0 backward compatibility
2004-10-09 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a bug in collapsed-column net worth reports (quarterly, yearly, etc)
where currency conversion was involved. The wrong price was being used.
2004-10-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* make sure widgets are destroyed when edit transaction mode is left
before any other operation is started. There used to be a race
condition somewhere which caused the program to crash
* Enable to clear the category field and save the transaction
* Added a 'use system font' switch to the configuration (Fixes #1039342)
2004-10-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated changes for equity price edit dialog
* Updated currency edit dialog to show a better equation for price
2004-10-04 Ace Jones <>
* Added importing of investment statements via OFX files. This is highly
experimental, and should not be used with any real data!!
* Added MyMoneyStatement XML files as an acceptable file format for
web connect. This is just for debugging.
* Changed equity price edit dialog to use the same widget as the currency
price edit dialog.
2004-10-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch supplied by Alexander Novitsky
* Fixed logic so that register is updated when a transaction is
* Corrected error messages to point to the right method names
2004-09-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed memory leak in KEditEquityEntryDlg
* Added icons to buttons in KEditEquityEntryDlg
* removed compile warnings in KEditEquityEntryDlg
* disable edit/remove button when no entry is selected
2004-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Use QGuardedPtr for pointers to widgets
* Renamed hideWidgets() into destroyWidgets()
* Don't re-create edit widgets when changing type of investment
transaction. This solved the misterious crash.
* Use highest compression rate for man pages
2004-09-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch for FreeBSD supplied by Alec
* Added feature request #929127 (new transaction default based on payee)
2004-09-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added buttons to register edit mode
* revised the string comparison in operator == of our objects
* fixed bug in MyMoneyMoney::operator -(int)
* added option to re-enable all (don't show again) messages
* added setting (not in GUI yet) do suppress display of calculator button
2004-09-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated investment logic to support change of action during edit
* Generalized tab order handling in ledger view
* Improved tab order handling
* Fixed focus display of account combo box
* Added more investment logic (register based input)
* Cancel investment edit when focus is lost
* Fixed logic of account combo box
* Updated interface to MyMoneyEquity::hasPrice()
2004-09-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update investment summary when different account is selected
* Update ledger register when account with no transactions is selected
* Set the default smallest fraction for new equities to 100
* Check all equity parameters before accepting them
2004-09-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved m_smallestAccountFraction from MyMoneyCurrency to MyMoneyEquity
* Added fraction field to equity object
* Added icons to buttons in equity dialogs
* Added edit field for totals in investment ledger
* Revised calculation of values (e.g. total) in investment ledger
2004-09-15 Ace Jones <>
* Applied latest patch from Martin Preuss: Imported data is UTF8.
* Reversed sign on OFX statement import when transactions are
investment transactions. I haven't figured out yet why this is needed.
2004-09-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Turned KMyMoneyBanking into a singleton object
* Reduced dependency of KBanking down to converter/mymoneybanking
* Present reasonable error message when trying to load a directory as template
2004-09-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Do not allow any action that requires a file if no file is open
2004-09-11 Ace Jones <>
* Modified OFX Web Connect to deal with the case where the user does not
have any file open at all.
* Modified OFX Web Connect to bring the window to the forefront in KDE < 3.2
* Moved "Tools | Banking Settings" to "Settings | Configure Online Banking"
2004-09-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed inclusion order of header files
* Include xmethod generated files prior to any other header file
* Fixed argument for QMessageBox in kmymoney2.cpp
2004-09-10 Ace Jones <>
* Added patch from Martin Preuss to import files via AqBanking
2004-09-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More investment view work (mainly register based editing)
2004-09-09 Ace Jones <>
* Changed the way the program raised itself to the forefront when
receiving an ofxWebConnect DCOP call. This method was suggested by
Lubos Lunak <> of the KDE core development team.
* Fixed compile problems when neither HAVE_NEW_OFX or HAVE_LIB_OFX
are defined.
* Copied new "OFX not available" message to the other place it's used.
* Unified the 2 interfaces to LibOFX (pre-0.7 and post-0.7). They now
share the same code for processing the data, the only differences are
in how it interacts with the library.
* Fixed memory leak in KMyMoney2App::slotBankingSettings()
2004-09-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added KBanking support supplied by Martin Preuss
* Set focus to register after deleting a transaction
2004-09-04 Ace Jones <>
* Added support for Quicken "web connect". To enable this, set up KMM to
handle the mimetypes "application/vnd.intu.qfx", "application/x-ofx". KMM
will launch and import those transactions. If there is another instance of
KMM open at the time, it will import them into THAT instance.
* Added bankID's to MyMoneyStatement & MyMoneyTransaction. This is a
unique bank-assigned ID that can be used to detect duplicate transactions.
* Modified MyMoneyStatement importer to skip transactions with BankID's that
are already in the file.
* Added type identifier to MyMoneyStatement (checkings, savings, etc)
* Cleaned up MyMoneyStatement importer
2004-09-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added set/get functions to MyMoneyMoney for completeness
* Added formatting testcases to MyMoneyMoneyTest
* Improved libofx autoconf logic and put into separate file
* Check for a minimum version of the automake package
2004-09-02 Martin Preuss <>
* added optional support for next generation of LibOFX
* Online banking: Importing transaction statements from the result of
online requests now works.
2004-08-31 Ace Jones <>
* Added importing of OFX files
* Added libofx to the project
* Added AC_CHECK_LIB_WPROLOGUE to check for libofx
* Added MyMoneyStatement. This class represents a paper bank statement,
and acts as an interface between providers of such data (OFX, HBCI)
and the program.
* Fixed crash in QIF import when filter was set to %d/%mmm/%yyyy and
data was actually %d/%m/%yyyy
2004-08-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed "Create Me" files from
* Better handling of next due date in loan wizard
* Updated README with instructions about how to get the memory leak
detection code compiled in
* Fixed #1016219 (Account creation fails after loan creation)
* Added page to loan account wizard to specifiy the loan payout transaction
* More investment view work (now can create and edit all transaction types)
2004-08-26 Martin Preuss <>
* added support for online banking using kbanking
configure now checks whether KBanking is available and simply skips
support for it if kbanking is not found.
2004-08-24 Ace Jones <>
* Removed "Create Me" graphics from all dialogs
2004-08-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some logic errors in KAccountComboBox and completion object
* More work on the investment view
2004-08-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed conflicts due to merge with changes made by Ace
* Preload the KDE default settings for monetary display
* Fixed #1012257 (Calculator does not honor localized settings)
* Added flag support to MyMoneyTemplate
* Reconverted old default category files to new format (incl. flags)
* Added display only mode to kMyMoneyCategory which does not try to
create accounts
2004-08-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added idlist as parameter to MyMoneyFile::accountList()
* Added testcase for the above
* Fixed MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney() to avoid displaying the decimal
separator if currency does not have a fractional part (e.g. HUF, IRR)
* Added new account template loader
* Removed old default category loader
* Removed old default account files
* Added new i18n based template directories for accounts
* Converted old default category files to new format
* Rearranged the ledger views to better support 800x600
* Added size display in caption
* Resized payees view to better support 800x600
2004-08-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added button to kMyMoneyEdit to start the calculator
* Fixed icon display on date and money edit fields
* Converted button of kMyMoneyDateInput to KPushButton
* Fixed account selection button to show the correct
account after switch to different account type
* Fixed initial header of empty schedule view
* Fixed default button in schedule edit dialog
* Added KGPGFile::keyAvailable()
* Made OK the default button in edit schedule dialog
2004-08-21 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a bug in transaction reports where totals did not work
with the new parentheses-around money format
* Added "Do not ask again" to "Do you want to override the opening balance
of this account currently set to %1 with %2?" in QIF reader.
* Added "Automatically create missing payees" to "Last Use Settings" in
configuration file.
2004-08-17 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed a bug where creating a new category would not properly use the
currently selected account as the parent, for expense accounts.
* Implemented double-clicking in accounts and categories views.
2004-08-16 Ace Jones <>
* Modified reports to use ()'s for negative values
* Added Tax notation in GB default accounts
(Thanks to Tony Bloomfield)
2004-08-14 Ace Jones <>
* Added an initial Tax Transactions report. Still more work needed
to make it fully-featured.
* Added "Include on Tax Reports" property in category edit dialog
* Added Tax notation in US default accounts
* Commented MyMoneyReport class
* More information on "Unexpected exception in KLedgerView::
* Inverted sign of values in Transactions reports to match standard
cash flow notation.
2004-08-11 Ace Jones <>
* Added stock accounts to kMyMoneyAccountSelector
2004-08-08 Ace Jones <>
* Added the ability to designate some reports as your favorite, and
they'll be grouped together.
* Altered handling of reports index list, so customized reports are stashed
in the same heading as their parent reports.
* Fixed a bug in running sum reports (Net Worth, et al). When either end
of the date range was QDate() the opening balance could be calculated wrong.
2004-08-07 Ace Jones <>
* Added MS Money date format as an option to QIF importer (%m/%d'%yyyy)
* Added some new default reports, which are permutations of the old ones
* Modified the reports index list to show a tree view, organized by type of
* Modified reports to remember the plain language date range setting,
so if you set a report to "Current Month", it will ALWAYS show the
current month.
* Added rudimentary help to report configuration dialog.
* Added 'close' button to report configuration dialog.
2004-08-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More changes to maintain backward compatibility with older Qt versions.
Application now compiles under KDE 3.0 again.
2004-08-04 Ace Jones <>
* Added more operators to reports::QueryTable::TableRow to satisfy
qHeapSort in earlier versions of QT
2004-08-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Maintain backward compatibility with older Qt versions
* Fixed initialization order of kgpgfile objects
2004-08-03 Ace Jones <>
* Added ISO date format as an option to QIF importer (%yyyy-%mm%-dd)
* Added CSV export for Transaction Reports
* Added Currency conversion for Transaction Reports
2004-08-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added workaround for bug in KFilterDev
2004-08-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added GPG encryption logic
2004-08-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed asset loan view activation
* Fixed new category/equity process
2004-07-31 Ace Jones <>
* First draft of transaction reports. Doesn't yet convert currency or export
to CSV, and definitely needs more testing.
* Changed the currency identifier for "don't convert to base currency" reports
from the trading symbol (e.g. $ which could mean USD, or AUD, or CAD) to the
ID (e.g. USD, AUD, CAD, etc) which is more specific
* Reworked the report configuration dialog. Now instead of bolting on an
additional frame, the report configs are additional tabs inserted at the
beginning. Looks a bit cleaner. Also brought them into QT Designer.
2004-07-29 Ace Jones <>
* Removed KTabWidget for KDE < 3.2 in the report tabs
* Fixed CSV report export so larger (>10,000) values are not rounded
* Fixed the case where the user enters transactions before the
opening date of the account and calls for a net worth report.
2004-07-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Maintain backward compatibility for KDE 3.0 (it's still broken
due to usage to KTabWidget which only exists in KDE >= 3.2)
2004-07-28 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed bug in reporting logic. AccountDescriptor::operator<() was broken,
missing a case.
2004-07-27 Ace Jones <>
* Fixed CSV report export so no commas are contained in values. Values are
now saved as double's instead of formatted strings.
* Fixed spelling error in reports exception dialog.
2004-07-26 Ace Jones <>
* Added numerous exceptions for overflow conditions in reports
2004-07-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed alignment of institution dialog
2004-07-26 Ace Jones <>
* Standardized formatting of headers for scheduled payments on home page
2004-07-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added more investment logic (register layout)
2004-07-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* set id of category before emitting signal in kMyMoneyCategory
* added more investment logic (automatic form adaption)
2004-07-23 Ace Jones <>
* Replaced report control hyperlinks with a new button bar widget at the
top of the tab
* Added a chart view for report charts. No actual charts yet, just stubs.
2004-07-23 Ace Jones <>
* Preliminary rough implementation of transaction report
2004-07-22 Ace Jones <>
* Added ability to save reports as CSV
* Moved reports::AccountDescriptor into reports::PivotTable
2004-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed painting of kMyMoneyAccountCombo
2004-07-20 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Expanded Backup Dialog so we can see the OK and Cancel Buttons.
2004-07-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Maintain backward compatibility with older Qt and KDE versions
* Added File/Import/Gnucash menu entry and logic to call the reader
2004-07-17 Ace Jones <>
* Added 'comment' field for reports, displayed in the reports list tab
2004-07-17 Ace Jones <>
* Ability to delete reports
* Context menu (right click) from the reports list to access the report
management actions. (The same actions that are available as links in
the report tabs)
2004-07-16 Ace Jones <>
* Interface to contain the reports, as suggested by Tom. Completely re-wrote
KReportsView in the process.
2004-07-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #987465 (can't edit scheduled transactions)
2004-07-14 Ace Jones <>
* Creation of new reports. Interface is pretty rudimentary.
* Center reports within tab frame
2004-07-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More investment work
* Moved showWidgets() from the various ledger views to the base class
as it was the same code in all derivatives
2004-07-14 Ace Jones <>
* Don't attempt to 'fix' transfers from/to a credit card account on load
2004-07-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* More investment view work
2004-07-14 Ace Jones <>
* Created MyMoneyReport object, which replaces ReportConfigurationFilter
* Serialize MyMoneyReport objects to/from XML storage file, so users' changes
to their reports will be saved/loaded automatically
* Updated all report test cases to also test serialization
2004-07-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added more logic for investment view
* Fixed word wrap in split transaction dialog
* Show warning message when a category is created and the unused
categories are hidden by user settings
* Added investment register framework
2004-07-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Add creation of stock accounts through investment view
* Added equities to MyMoneyStorageDump
* Really remove price information from equity history
* Added new loadList method to kMyMoneyAccountSelector
2004-07-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added stock account type
* Added checks to make sure that stock accounts have an investment parent
* Added testcases
2004-07-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added possibility to update currency rate for foreign currency accounts
during account creation
* Added duplicate transaction detection and use it during QIF import
2004-07-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed spelling of institution
* Added test for presence of round() function
* Modified MyMoneyFinancialCalculator to use own rounding function if
round() is not available
* Fixed #979747 (Interest rate does not get updated)
* Added constant MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc used to identify automatically
calculated values.
2004-07-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch supplied by Ace Jones
* Fixed the 'all dates' option in the report generation as proposed
by Ace
* Changed currency code for Ukraine Hryvnia from UAG to UAH
* Calling kMyMoneyDateInput::setDate() with QDate() as argument sets
date to 00.00.0000 which will be returned as QDate() (the invalid date)
2004-06-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Don't show investment accounts in category selector widget
* Added general test environment for automated application tests
* Allow three digit fractional part for loan interest rates
2004-06-27 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added widgets to the online stock price update dialog
* added placeholder dialog for the config options for the online update feature.
* added a class in the engine to handle price updates from the online updater.
This will allow dialogs to expose that feature, without burying logic to update
the engine objects in the dialog.
* some work on the investment view feature
2004-06-23 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added new dialog (doesn't do anything yet) as a placeholder for the online
stock/currency price update features.
* Added a menu item under the Tools menu to access this. It will also be
available in the investment view.
2004-06-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch(es) supplied by Ace Jones
* Fixed QIF generation errors
* Added method hasAccount() to MyMoneyFile
* Added testcases for this method
2004-06-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Report failures of unit tests correctly
* Fixed transaction filter handling for reports
* Fixed #968755 (Unwanted ledger view switch)
* Partial cleanup of unused code
* Fixed #975134 (Finished transactions will be shown on homepage)
2004-06-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added patch supplied by Ace Jones
* Show preferred account after startup
* Fixed logic for KDE 3.2
2004-06-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Replaced KLineEditDlg with KInputDialog for KDE >= 3.2.0
* Replaced some deprecated methods in KDE >= 3.2.0
* Fixed #968338 (Quarterly schedules are not calculated correctly)
2004-06-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed problem in find transaction logic
* Fixed problem with scheduled payments when payment is on 29th-31st but
month has less days
2004-06-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added kMyMoneyEquity to KLedgerViewInvestment
* Removed unused members from kMyMoneyCategory
* Fixed new equity entry dialog to keep updated values in member vars
* Fixed some make issues
* Fix endless loop when using with Qt < 3.2.1
2004-06-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Renamed newAccount() to addAccount() in the engine code to
maintain consistency
* Adapted testcases to reflect above change
* Adapted kmymoneytest.cpp to work with CPPUNIT 1.9.14
2004-06-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Setup minimum size of kMyMoneyAccountCombo
* Clear out text on account combo if no account present
* Disable account combo box if no account available
* Disable register if no account available
* Fixed parameter setup for call of split transaction dialog
2004-05-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make sure datepicker widget is always shown completely on screen
* Fixed category/amount assignment problem
* Created kMyMoneyAccountCombo widget
2004-05-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added KDE compatability header file. Should be used instead of kdeversion.h
* Added global test container that can be built and run using 'make check'
* Added patch for report configuration supplied by Ace Jones
2004-05-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Enable more button even if transaction is not edited
* Keep the payee id for transfer transactions
2004-05-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Allow arbitrary category/account selection in category field
* Reworked the ledger view code to support new features
* Investmentview is still broken!!
* Fixed spelling in de.po
* Fixed an issue with XML writing on KDE 3.2
* Added setWeekendOption to MyMoneySchedule
2004-05-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Applied patch supplied by Ace Jones
* Fixed #952804 (marking 'cleared' in transaction entry form doesn't work)
* Started to implement equity accounts
2004-05-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some issues around multiple currencies / exchange rates
* Fixed #952696 (Mis-assigned shortcut Alt-M in transaction form)
2004-05-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed comparison of account objects
* Added testcases for equality of MyMoneyAccount object
* Removed unused code from kmymoneycategory.*
* Keep account completion box in same position when resizing
2004-05-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added price precision setting to settings dialog
* Use price precision setting in price edit dialog
* Maintain backward compatability with Qt 3.1
2004-05-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #944771 (Transaction form moves down the screen)
* Fixed #944778 (File/Save As not working properly)
* Fixed #944761 (Next date not calculated properly)
* Fixed #932681 (no action for esc/enter in nr. field)
* Allow to enter a '-' as first character in monetary fields without
starting the calculator
This issue only occured in the credit card and liability view
* Enhanced MyMoneyFile::balance() and totalBalance() with date parameter
* optimized MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter()
* optimized reporting code
2004-04-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Close dialog after the default currency has been selected
* Allow to override opening balance of existing account when
importing QIF file
2004-04-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed layout of initial import dialog
* Fixed #906749 (Hang in loop on QIF import)
* Fixed #933064 (MS-Money sub-categories make QIF import hang)
* Fixed a problem with importing QIF dates using spaces
* Maintain description field when importing accounts via QIF
* Preload account types for account creation wizard in constructor
2004-04-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing layout to loan wizard
2004-04-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some problems around multi currency and account/category creation
* KUpdateStockPriceDlg now uses kMyMoneyEdit for price field
* Revised interface of KUpdateStockPriceDlg
* Enabled Return/Esc handling for KUpdateStockPriceDlg
* Fixed problems with inline documentation
* Fixed layout of amount tab in find transaction dialog
2004-04-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Revised view activation signalling
* Added print button and file print option which is active for reports
view only
* Revised handling of cross-directory dependency to support older versions
of automake
* Removed m_file member from ReportsView::PivotTable
* Added kMyMoneyCurrencySelector widget
* Moved styles for report generation from code to kmymoney2.css
* Added support for shares to XML storage object
* Fixed a problem in MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney if precision is larger than 4
* Added KCategoryListItem to differentiate between accounts and category
* Added observer functionality to KInvestmentView
2004-04-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added improvement for reporting
* Added icon for reporting
2004-04-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added basic multiple currency work (currencies can be managed but
they are not used for accounts and transactions yet)
* Added reporting view supplied by Ace Jones
* Made some changes to the reporting view to support printing through KDE
* Added detection of multiple KMyMoney instances and issue warning
* Prevent loading the same file into multiple instances of KMyMoney
2004-03-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #922678 (number field is not saved to XML file)
2004-03-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed layout of split correction dialog
* Allow transfers with partial income/expense
* Fixed display of form for investment ledger
* Added missing investmentview files to project
* Added equity tests to unit test framework
2004-03-13 Kevin Tambascio <>
* A good chunk of functionality for investments is checked in. Includes support for
reading/writing MyMoneyEquity objects. Can add investment accounts through
the new account wizard. Can use the investment view to view all your investment
accounts. XML reader/writer will read and persist the new objects.
2004-03-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added investment view and started integration of it
2004-02-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Revised payees view
* Added validator function for kMyMoneyEdit that respects monetary
* Updated project file
* Fixed sizing of widgets in ledger view
* MyMoneyFile emits more notifications for payees
2004-02-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #897033 (fixed open file handling)
* Fixed #902580 (unable to create category during transaction entry)
* Fixed #902581 (unable to modify date correctly in ledger view)
* Set initial focus of new account wizard to account name
2004-02-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new MyMoneyMoney implementation which is based on
numerators and denominators (based on GNUCash's gnc_numeric
and converted to our object oriented environment)
2004-02-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #892954 (Creating accounts within QIF import crashes application)
2004-02-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* 0.6rc2 released
2004-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* updated messages for further translation
2004-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated fix for #886979
2004-02-03 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix #886979
2004-02-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed bug in 'create schedule' to include all splits of the originating
* Make a selected schedule visible when coming from the 'home' page
through a link on the schedule
* Fixed EOL coding from CRLF to LF in all relevant files
2004-01-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #887044 (cannot rename categories)
* Fixed #887048 (account icons not updated after rename)
* update of previous fixes. We now allow multiple splits with
the same category for one transaction. This certainly makes sense.
2004-01-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed #884364 (Support for variable amounts in startup code).
* Fixed config read/write in settings dialog.
* Fixed 883085 (Options for schedules stored in wrong group)
* Fixed 883260 (The schedule 'engine' doesnt honour the days in advance option)
* Fix edit schedule dialog that sets the estimate option even when not set.
(Only occurs if you never click on the checkbox).
* Fixed #880052 (Adjustment of payment date when scheduled for weekend).
(I think its a bug...)
* Call refresh properly in KScheduleView::slotNewXX.
* Set the icons for the new file dialog in both constructors.
* Make KBankListItem, KMyMoneySplitTable, KMyMoneyRegister honour the list colours option.
2004-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed #881136 (No warning when filesave fails)
* Fixed #878380 (initial font setting)
* Fixed #879317 (missing word-wrap for a label field)
* Fixed #883778 (Maximum number of editable splits)
* Fixed #884190 (Transaction containing two splits referencing same account)
* Fixed #877819 (i18n of standard account names)
* Fixed #882330 (Account button does not show correct account)
* Fixed #879002 (account button does not get updated)
* Fixed #884226 (Cannot edit loan transaction)
* Fixed #882290 (Default accounts only support ISO8859-1 charset)
* Fixed #884224 (Transaction details missing in search dialog)
* added russian homepage, default accounts and po file
2004-01-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* 0.6rc1 released
2004-01-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated integration into KDE (desktop files)
* Fixed installation location for x-kmymoney2.desktop
* Updated home pages
* Added German home page
2004-01-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Make sure tips are included in pot file
* Added tips for German and French translation
2004-01-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* made some editorial changes to dialogs for better i18n support
* added German translation file (many thanks to Raphael Langerhorst
<> who has done a great job
* updated kmymoney2.pot file
2004-01-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added info about mandir setting in README
* added man page found in MEPIS distro
* added new application icon
* added creation of symbolic link kmymoney -> kmymoney2 in $(bindir)
during 'make install'
2004-01-05 Kevin Tambascio <>
* added support for the progress bar during read operations.
* added QStringEmpty and QCStringEmpty functions to properly handle
empty strings from the XML file.
* removed the bold when you hover over a link in the HTML view
(seemed to look strange when using it).
2004-01-04 Kevin Tambascio <>
* removed the "nextid" attribute from some of the top-level XML attributes.
* added qWarnings and qError statements when irregularities in the file
are found.
* personal data dialog box had lower case "O" and "C" for the
ok and cancel buttons, which is inconsistent.
* added some Q_CHECK_PTR() functions to check for invalid pointer values,
which issues a warning to stderr.
* added some Q_ASSERT checks in various places in the XML Reader/Writer code.
* added a version field to keep track of different XML file versions,
in a similar fashion to the binary reader/writer.
2004-01-04 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added button icons to KEnterScheduleDialog.
* Fixed handling of lastPayment in KEnterScheduleDialog.
* Increased vertical space to KEditScheduleDialog.
* Quick fix to make the split button work with no category.
* Check the date when entering schedules.
2004-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added engine observer functionality to kMyMoneyAccountSelector
* correcting Mike's widget/ change in the project file
so that it will be maintained over the next regeneration of
widgets/ by KDevelop
* show correct icons in account's icon view
* fixed category assignment
2004-01-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* suppress standard F2 handling while in ledger's inline-edit-mode
* fix problem when to-account is empty and more button is pressed for
transfer transactions
* clear the transaction list in payees view if required
* overhauled some i18n stuff
2003-12-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update search result when data in engine is changed
* Fixed all (but one) compiler warnings
* Regenerated kmymoney2.pot translation source
2003-12-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* select account for QIF import if it already exists
* fixed visibility of selected account in kMyMoneyAccountSelector
* re-arranged introduction to "import verification" message and
allow to turn it off in the future (DontShowAgain)
* removed check for C-only options (-Wbad-function-cast) in
* added bzip2 tarball generation to
* added alternate background to transaction list in payees view and
account selector widget
* Added general method to extract colors respecting the user settings
2003-12-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* display correct action strings for credit card accounts in ledger
* support i18n of action strings in ledger
* added tip(s)
* fixed action assignment during QIF import
* changed QIF import to use KProcess instead of QProcess.
* added more automatic fixes after 'file open'
2003-12-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* resized starting size of split dialog
* use different icons for loan accounts in the account icon view
* added inequality operator to MyMoneyTransaction
* fixed logic of terminating notification suspending in MyMoneyFile
* added more debug output to MyMoneyStorageDump
* added default color settings to be drawn from KMyMoneyUtils
* show template page during startup if no other info was found. This
allows straight file generation for the first time user
* speedup reading of default income/expense categories
* finished work on reconciliation wizard
* added consitency check to the new account wizard (Don't allow to
proceed if data is not entered)
* allow creation of new payees from new account wizard
* added icons to KNewAccountDlg
* allow 'reverse' category for schedule, but warn if it is selected
* added button icons to KBackupDlg
2003-12-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* reworked KEndingBalanceDlg to be a wizard
* added function to add interest and charge transactions during
* renamed 'total profit' into 'net worth'
* added changes required to compile engine on MAC
2003-12-16 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added ability for the user's last used directory to be stored in the
save and open dialogs.
* Left old code in place pending reviews from the team.
2003-12-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed some bugs in handling w/o inline editing (no transaction form)
* Some marketing on the about page
* Store balances and dates in a locale-neutral form with accounts
* Make Home and End button work in ledger views and find transaction dialog
* fixed #859083 (false right alignment of input widgets based on
2003-12-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* don't crash when closing file in ledger view showing loan account
* newly entered transaction becomes the current selected transaction
2003-12-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* show correct category underneath the ledger lens
* don't update screen while marking splits as reconciled
* delete key now enables to delete transactions in the ledger views
* optimized screen update for ledger view
* page up/page down keys now scroll correctly in ledger view
2003-12-13 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Changed the khomeview.cpp and css file to brighten up the colors,
and use better fonts.
2003-12-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* respect date changes when entering schedule transactions
* create new payees during loan account creation (#859079)
2003-12-12 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Able to read and write all elements of the storage file using XML.
* Added a US list of account categories. This file is called
'default_accounts_enUS.dat', and it requires the user to select it,
it's not the default list.
2003-12-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* reset the reconcile flag when creating schedules from existing
* fix existing schedules with reconciliation flag set
* added more details to dumper
2003-12-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* emit stateChanged in kMyMoneyAccountSelector in single selection mode
when selection changed
* added missing pages to the loan wizard
* fixed crash in settings dialog
* don't show 'unknown institution' if no account w/o institution is found
* added account's kvp to memory dump
* fixed 'file/open...' handling
* added testcases for them
* added wizard to modify loan data
* added ActionInterest
* added testcases for large values to MyMoneyMoneyTest::testFormatMoney()
* fixed MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney() for large values
* added new type for loan schedules
* updated the enter schedule dialogs to reflect loan payments
* don't show number of transactions in accountsview for standard accounts
(asset, income, etc.)
* added field to setup the number of days before the actual occurence of a
scheduled transaction it will be shown (functionality not implemented)
2003-11-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added conversion to l10n free form for MyMoneyMoney objects
* removed KDE specific code from engine code
* added MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest
2003-10-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* move resize-grip in find transaction dialog
* fixed minor problems in transaction filter
* fixed duplicates for transalations in KMyMoneyUtils::stringToAccountType
* added investment loan to the new account wizard
* added button icons to KImportVerifyDlg
* show accounts in sorted order in the combo box of the ledger view
* make sure that kMyMoneyEdit fields always have a fractional part
* keep QIF profiles created during QIF input
* added financial calculator class MyMoneyFinancialCalculator
* force usage of new account wizard for creation of accounts
* removed selection of wizard from settings
* updated french translation file
2003-10-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* modify transfers to/from loan accounts to amortization payments
when a new transaction is entered into the engine
* added more logic for loan ledger view
* added logic to read categories from QIF file
* removed libxml++ references in configure stuff
* improved QIF import performance
* added method to turn off/on engine notifications for bulk updates
* send out notification if an account was moved to another institution
* if no filename is known, show 'Untitled' in caption
* allow creation of categories while entering transactions
* replaced "" with QCString() in all id handling spots
* replaced comparison against "" with call to isEmpty() method
* removed member m_file from MyMoneyTransaction
* adapted testcases to the QCString() changes
* don't popup transaction form when modifying transaction in
reconciliation phase
* removed message about file closing if no data has been changed
* added startup logo for version 0.6 (hope you like it ;-) )
* fixed crash in transaction filter
* fixed initial setting of post date for new transactions
2003-09-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Create a liability ledger view.
* Confirm that the user meant to enter a positive number for the
opening balance when creating liability accounts. (Should usually
enter a negative amount).
2003-09-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Change the end date when the start date changes while editing schedules.
* Re-implement paintFocus in KAccountListItem and KScheduledListItem.
* Use the doubleClicked() signal instead of executed() in the schedule list
2003-09-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* smarter detection of filetype to be read (looks at file contents
not the extension)
* fixed edit/delete options in AccountIconView
* fixed listview handling with the changes for the background painting
2003-09-26 Michael Edwardes <>
* Select the new institution in KNewAccountWizard.
* Pre-select the institution if we right click on an institution and choose
create new account.
* Remove the new, edit and delete buttons from the categories view.
* Select the payee after adding it in the payees view.
* Dont let account types not supported by engine at this time get created.
* Add a, non functional, help button to the new schedule dialog.
2003-09-25 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Able to write out files in XML with all the categories present in the new engine.
* Started the code for reading the XML files.
2003-09-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* moved KMyMoneyUtils::isCreditPayment to MyMoneyTransaction::isLoanPayment
* added testcase for MyMoneyTransaction::isLoanPayment
* removed unused code in MyMoneyTransaction
* marked addXXX methods of IMyMoneySerialize as deprecated in the docs
* added loan payment transactions (rudimentary support)
2003-09-24 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Made GUI changes to allow the user to save their file as an XML file.
* Removed checks for conditionally compiling XML suport.
This is possible because I am now using the QT API's, and everyone
has support for those.
* Able to now save a basic XML file. It only currently saves the user
information, and it provides placeholders for the other sections of
our file.
2003-09-24 Michael Edwardes <>
* Draw the background colour across the _whole_ list view in schedule
* Use alternating colours for the accounts and categories view.
* Start with the alternate colour in the list views.
2003-09-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added new account selection widget
* find transaction dialog uses new account selection widget
* QIF import uses new account selection widget
* added convenience methods to MyMoneyTransactionFilter
* added button icons to the institution dialog
* added button icons to the category/account selection dialog
* fixed KFindTransactionDlg so that references to income and
expense accounts are not shown
* fixed transaction display in payees view
* added new reconcile icon for buttons
* fixed isValid() in kMyMoneyEdit
* added MyMoneyMoney::abs()
* added testcase for MyMoneyMoney::abs()
* fixed the amount filter to work with absolute values only and
to make sure that from <= to
* removed debug output in payees view
2003-09-18 Michael Edwardes <>
* MyMoneySchedule::isFinished() now works for occurences of 'Once'.
* Added 'Todays payments' to the home view to make it easier to spot them.
* If the schedule has finished use the word Finished instead of the next
payment date in the schedule list view.
* Select the account type in the account wizard.
2003-09-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added new fr.po supplied by Laurent
* fixed loading new account wizard widgets after loading of file
* update caption when QIF import is finished
2003-09-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* More validation on the KEditScheduleDialog user input.
* Add a gap to the home page just before 'Future Payments'.
* Fix creating a schedule from a transfer transaction.
* Set the right schedule type in KNewAccountWizard::accept.
* Work around backwards transfers in several places.
2003-09-16 Michael Edwardes <>
* You can only create schedules with a start date <= today if
they are not automatically entered.
* New option to the settings dialog to check schedules upon startup.
* MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::scheduleList() now calls MyMoneySchedule::isOverdue()
which takes into account the recorded payments for a schedule.
* Refresh the schedule view list items starting with the background colour.
* Take into account recorded payments when calculating the next payment
for a schedule.
2003-09-15 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix memory leak in new account wizard when checking if a payee exists.
* Individual occurences for a schedule can now be entered
2003-09-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added MyMoneySplit::ActionAmortization
* added MyMoneySplit::isAmoritizationSplit
* added KMyMoneyUtils::isCreditPayment
* added kMyMoneyRegisterLoan
* fixed a bug in KNewAccountDialog when creating new accounts and
the accounts or category view is active
* force every account to have a parent in KNewAccountDlg
* allow to select all accounts as parents when creating an account
* fixed update of entry count in accounts/categories view
* fixed problem with date mark in ledger if all transactions are in
the future
* show matching substrings for payees in the transaction form the
same way as for categories/accounts
* added auto payee creation to QIF import
* do not allow to create account with same name
* fixed nasty bug that occured that occured during the cycle import /
verify / cancel /import and had to do with a loose observer object
* added case insensitive account names as suggested by Michael
2003-09-15 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed some old search code from KMyMoneyView and some compile warnings.
* Fix credit card schedule creation.
* Use StrongFocus for certain widgets in the accout wizard ui.
* Force the user to use the correct category type when creating schedules.
* Fix bug in KEditScheduleDialog that wrongly negated the entered amount.
2003-09-10 Michael Edwardes <>
* Implemented adding a schedule for the credit card account type when
using the account wizard.
* When executing a schedule list item, set the date to the real next payment.
* Only call the slots in KEditScheduleDialog::relodFromFile() if its a new
* Only load the 'to' accounts if the schedule's type is transfer.
* Only set the name field of the account dialog if we are editing.
* Add ability to create category hierarchy to MyMoneyFile.
* You can now create categories directly from the edit schedule dialog.
* You can now create categories directly from the enter schedule dialog.
* Masses of fixes to KEditScheduleDialog.
* Setup KEnterScheduleDialog with the correct date.
* The schedule's transaction can now be committed to the engine via a manual
* Added two methods to MyMoneySchedule : isOverdue() and isFinished().
* Changed the enums for MyMoneySchedule members.
* Only show the enter button for valid schedule next payments.
* Schedules that have finished now have green text.
2003-09-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* use the accounts view as standard, not the institutions view
* added 'Unknown institution' as standard to institutions view
* fixed memory leak in exception handling of KAccountsView::slotListRightMouse
* create Default QIF profile if not existant during QIF import/export
* use KDE documentpath to start looking for files to be imported
* fixed missing notifications when adding/modifying/removing institutions
* removed i18n() from certain non-translatable strings in the QIF profile
* improved error messages during QIF import and display QIF entry
during account/category selection for user's reference
* set focus in KAccountSelectDlg to create button
* fixed edit and delete operation of RMB menu for institutions
2003-09-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed visibility of new institution dialog when import a QIF file
* use current date as opening date for new accounts if the date
passed from e.g. a QIF source is invalid
2003-09-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added kMyMoneyEdit::isValid()
* added MyMoneyAccount::accountGroup(void)
* revised interface between KLedgerView and kMyMoneyRegister
* Added KMyMoneyTransaction which is based on MyMoneyTransaction
but also keeps additonal information required for display purposes
* renamed MyMoneyTransaction::split to splitByAccount
* added MyMoneyTransaction::splitById which returns a split by split id
* optimized space for items in search register
* added full search functionality
* fixed bug in font handling of register code
* added possibility to create scheduled transaction from ledger view
based on existing transaction
* added button icons to find transaction dialog
2003-09-04 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix bug in KEditScheduleDlg::slotSplitClicked() and
* More split related bugs fixed in KEditScheduleDialog and
* Re-wrote most of KEditScheduleDialog. Fixes _many_ bugs.
2003-09-02 Michael Edwardes <>
* Show overdue schedules with red text in the list view.
* Fixed stupid bug when creating schedules.
* Schedule brief widget now shows only the schedule for the date we are over.
* Added initial ui file to enter schedules manually.
* Added class for the enter dialog.
* Display overdue schedules in red in the calendar.
* Added ability to right click on schedule in the list to enter it manually.
* Added an Enter button to the Brief schedule widget.
2003-09-01 Michael Edwardes <>
* Made the list colours in the schedule view match the home view.
* Implemented the schedule link from the home page.
2003-08-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added MyMoneyTransactionFilter class
* modified engine to use MyMoneyTransactionFilter instead of dedicated code
* modified GUI code to use MyMoneyTransactionFilter
* added 'case sensitivity' and 'regular expression' switch to
* added definition of MyMoneyMoney::minValue and MyMoneyMoney::maxValue
* major overhaul of the view interface
2003-08-31 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added a default default_accounts_enC.dat file.
* Set KDialog to look for the default_accounts_enC.dat file for its
initial dir.
* Fix the mouse tracking in the calendar table.
* Popup the Schedule brief widget 'intelligently'.
* Make sure default_accounts_enGB.dat, default_accounts_enC.dat and
comptes_par_defaut_fr.dat are installed.
* Made the Schedule brief widget borderless and added a close button.
2003-08-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added french files provided by Laurent Colognes
2003-08-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added more logic to the find dialog
* added more output to dump
* Fixed a bug in KNewAccount Wizard when creating liability accounts
* Differentiate accounts and categories with the same name during import
* added consistency check tool
* allow to move accounts between expense/income group
* Fixed close window function, again
2003-08-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* backup file name is now constructed using international date format
* added progress bar to backup function
* added new find transaction dialog (no functionality yet)
* revised register class
2003-08-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* avoid more compiler warnings
* use last used post date for new transactions
* fix view update after loading a file
* force memo field in transaction form to be left aligned
* fixed bugs in settings dialog (grid setting was not written)
* removed color settings for transactions
* some speed improvements after loading a file
2003-08-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* set date fields in export QIF dialog to the posting dates of the
first and last transaction found in the selected account
* made appendCorrectFileExt() a static method of KMyMoneyUtils and
removed it in all other places
* removed unused connections in KMyMoney2App
2003-08-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* show full url as tooltip in start dialog
* fixed endless loop when recent file list contains abandoned files
* disable dragability of items in start dialog
* added icon to reset button in settings dialog
* added logic for customization of home page to settings dialog
it is not yet used in the home page logic
* use KDE settings for font calculation in settings dialog
* allow setting of Preferred attribute in KNewAccountWizard
* removed reference to unknown signals/slots in KMyMoney2App::slotQifExport
* added button icons to QIF export dialog
* added button icons to QIF import dialog
* cleaned up QIF import code from leftovers of old implementation
* added button icons to QIF profile editor
2003-07-31 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix the nasty bug i introduced into the start dialog.
* Removed the fileNew action.
* File Save/Save As default to Documents folder.
* Removed unnecessary actions.
* Fix crash when File|Close is chosen.
2003-07-30 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed duplicate entries from default_accounts.dat.
* Renamed default_accounts.dat to default_accounts_enGB.dat
* Display only the filename in the recent files icon view.
* Default to the 'Documents' folder in the start dialog.
2003-07-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added button icons to the ledger view
* added button icons to split dialog
* removed warnings in ksplittransactiondlg.cpp
* added button icons to split correction dialog
* added french home page
2003-07-30 Michael Edwardes <>
* Use the IconGroup User to load icons.
* Add icons to the schedule list view items.
* Use the global icon loader object.
2003-07-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Add icons to the edit schedule dialog.
* Added icons to the schedule dialog.
* Added icons to the new file dialog, schedule view.
* Use colours in the schedule list.
2003-07-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* disable save button and menu entry if data in engine is unchanged
* fix memory leak in KLedgerView
* added feature to have country and language specific home page
2003-07-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed loading of blank icon in the startup dialog.
* Fix schedule errors.
2003-07-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed setting of 'startup file options' in settings dialog when
the reset button is pressed
* added feature to select the last page viewed when starting the application
* use QPushButton::setPopup for the MORE button in the transaction form
* use the british english spelling Cheque
* fixed compile error in MyMoneyStorageBin
* fixed crash when exiting the startup dialog with 'Cancel'
2003-07-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added concept of preferred account
* remove KDE specifics from MyMoneySchedule
* MyMoneySchedule now uses QDate::isValid() to determine validity of dates
* align values to the right in the schedule list view
* re-arranged inclusion of header files to speed up compilation
* MyMoneySchedule::account() now returns MyMoneyAccount object
* Added 'dynamic home page'
2003-07-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix handling of split dialog.
* Save open state of top level items in schedule list view.
2003-07-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show filename and modification mark in caption of main window
* Avoid some compiler warnings
* Fixed order when reading items from file
* Suppress false memory leakage message during autotest
* Added < operator to MyMoneySchedule to allow sorting
2003-07-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed unnecessary schedule edit classes.
* Removed old unnecessary classes.
* Changing transactions remaining also changes end date in edit dialog.
* Changing end date also changes transactions remaining in edit dialog.
* Fix IEditScheduleDialog.
* Set default list view items to open.
* Save memo field in KEditScheduleDialog.
2003-07-22 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed unnecessary atributes from MyMoneySchedule.
2003-07-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* always select a transaction in the ledger view if one's available
2003-07-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed testcases for MyMoneySchedule related tests in
* modified construction of transfer transactions in
2003-07-18 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added the equality operator to MyMoneySchedule.
* List and calendar view honour the account filter.
* Implemented file reading and saving of schedules.
* Added a transferAccount member attribute to MyMoneySchedule.
* Updated the read and save routines.
2003-07-18 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix MyMoneySchedule::nextPayment()
* Clear splits when KSplitTransactionDlg sets only one. (Workaround).
* Fixed occurence of schedules.
* Fixed tab order in new schedule dialogs.
* Show the accounts that can be filtered on.
2003-07-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* Use MyMoneySchedule::validate() when adding schedules.
(validate() will be fully implemented later).
* Added some convenience methods to kMyMoneyCombo to reduce code duplication.
* Removed the MyMoneyScheduled class.
* Added an accountId member to MyMoneySchedule.
* Added a combo box to filter on accounts in the list & calendar view.
2003-07-16 Michael Edwardes <>
* Updated the UI to use MyMoneyFile for sheduled transactions.
2003-07-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for scheduled transactions to the MyMoney engine code
GUI code does not use it yet, but testcases do
2003-07-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* cleanup in headerfile includes
* refresh schedule view upon loading of a new file
2003-07-07 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added a hoverDate signal to the table.
* Set mouse tracking in the table so we get all mouse move events. (Doesnt Work?)
* Added UI file for the schedule brief description widget.
* Implemented the select schedules combo box option to filter the calendar
on schedule types.
* Use contentsMouseReleaseEvent rather than contentsMousePressEvent in
the base class kMyMoneyDateTbl.
* Fix implementation of kMyMoneyScheduledDateTbl::addDayPostfix.
2003-07-05 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug in KMyMoneyCalendar to create the private objects *before* the
* Draw the userButtons after the first 'styleControl' button.
* Added schedule type selection to the calendar via the new user
* Implemented the weekly view of the calendar. (Note, always uses Monday
as the start of week, (ignores kde settings at the moment)).
* Started work on integrating the schedules into the calendar view.
* Changes to the account selection are notified to the schedule calendar
* The date for the current cell to be painted is passed to the
drawCellContents method.
* Changed the list view widget in KScheduleView to a KListView so I can use
the executed signal.
* Implemented an executed slot on a schedule list item that shows the next
payment date in the calendar.
* Removed the edit and delete buttons. These are accessed via a right mouse
click on the item.
* Removed the selection signal from the schedule list view.
2003-07-04 Michael Edwardes <>
* More work on the calendar view, including deriving a new class from
kMyMoneyDateTbl as kMyMoneyScheduledDateTbl.
* Added a style control button to the calendar view. (Not working).
* Draw rectangles around the days. (Will be configurable in future).
* Added ability to add 'user buttons' to the calendar. This will be
used by the schedule table to display schedule options for the
calendar. Only two user buttons are currently supported.
* Fixed bug in KDateTable::setEnabled()
2003-07-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fill AccountsView with standard accounts even if there are
no further accounts defined
* preset correct type of new account according to current selected
account in the accounts and categories view
* made new widgets compilable under KDE 3.0 - while loosing some
functionality :-(
2003-07-03 Michael Edwardes <>
* Subclassed a new more specific to schedules calendar class
from kMyMoneyCalendar.
* Added a close button to kMyMoneyDateInput, (Requires >= KDE-3.1).
* Imported the KDatePicker & KDateTable classes into KMyMoney to use
as the basis for the calendar view. Custom implementation still to
be done.
2003-07-02 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed editing the schedule's transaction splits.
* Display only positive amounts in the schedule list view.
* More work on the scheduled transfer dialog.
* Fixed schedule validation for transfers.
* Added a name property to MyMoneySchedule.
* Updated UI dialogs to handle the schedule name.
* Added the initial widget for the calendar view. (Does nothing yet).
2003-07-01 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed crash in KScheduleView::refresh when no accounts exist.
* Monitor selections in KStartDlg so the user can select an item
and then press on OK and the item is executed as expected.
* Deselect all other highlights in KStartDlg when a selection occurs.
* Remember the last page in KStartDlg, (defaults to recent files page).
* Context menu can appear in the schedule view when there are no items.
* Disable schedule view if no account is available.
2003-06-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* updated 'home' page for next release
* differentiate between new account and new category
* cleanup of slot interface between KMyMoney2App and KMyMoneyView
* removed debug output messages in various classes
* added function to create new institution during QIF import
* fixed bugs while importing splitted transactions
* set opening date on accounts only if date passed is invalid
* fixed KNewAccountWizard to set opening date correct
* added filter location entry to QIF profile
* disable ledger view if no account is available
* added external filter support for QIF import
* prepared external filter support for QIF export
* added duplicate method to IMyMoneyStorage objects and testcase
2003-06-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* show liability and asset accounts when no account info is found
in the QIF source file for account selection
* KMyMoneyUtils::stringToAccountType() now works case insensitive
* Fixed the account selection dialog to allow creation of categories
* Added method to extract the parent name of a colon-seperated
hierarchical category name to MyMoneyFile
* Fixed some problems of the KNewAccountDlg with respect to categories
* Don't allow to create accounts of type income and expense in
KNewAccountDlg when not called as category editor
* Use KMyMoneyUtils to convert from textual form of account type
to numeric representation
* Cleanup of account and category editing
* Removed MyMoneyAccount::setAccountTypeByString in favor of
usage of KMyMoneyUtils::stringToAccountType
* Make sure, one cannot select an account as it's own parent account
* Show selected parent account when opening KNewAccountDlg
* Added support to suppress updates during lengthy operations to
more views
* Fixed uninitalized variable in KAccountSelectDlg
* Added date import conversion to MyMoneyQifProfile
* Added coloring for imported transactions to kMyMoneyRegister
* Added parameter 'name' to kMyMoneyCombo constructor(s)
* Cleanup of KGlobalLedgerView member variables
2003-03-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved categoryTypeE to KMyMoneyUtils
* Updated template files to contain standard text
* Added tips entry
* added MyMoneyKeyValueContainer functionality to MyMoneyTransaction
* more work on the QIF import (not done yet)
2003-02-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* include config.h in mymoneymoney.h
* changed the state-engine during backup
* fixed backup procedure (error report #692390)
* added "Don't ask again" to warning box about new file layout
2003-02-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing account types to utility functions
* Fixed online documentation in MyMoneyFile
* Added dialog to select an account
* Moved the MyMoneyQifProfileEditor to the dialog subdir
* Removed some circular references among classes
* More work on QIF import
2003-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added some methods to KNewAccountWizard to be capable to preset values
* Added opening date to account wizard
* Added method to set account type to new account wizard
* Added KMyMoneyUtils as container for utility functions requiring KDE
* Moved accountTypeToString and stringToAccountType to KMyMoneyUtils
* Removed some warnings
* Added some more values to the data dumper
* Added more teststeps to MyMoneySeqAccessMgrTest
2003-01-30 Michael Edwardes <>
* More work on the scheduled view and dialogs.
* Fixed combo box selection bug in okClicked for all dialogs.
* Disable transfer dialog until i fully understand whats needed.
* Implemented the edit schedule feature for bills and deposits.
* Implemented the delete schedule feature.
* Added context menus to the list view.
2003-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added new method MyMoneyFile::storage() and tests
* Added equality operators for MyMoneyPayee, MyMoneyAccount,
* Added test for them
* Removed necessity for KMyMoneyFile object
* Added feature to hide unused categories in lists
* Added method transactionCountMap to MyMoneyFile
* Started working of QIF import
* Removed duplicates from tips, fixed HTML code in tips
* Added missing converter directory to CVS
2003-01-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* Started work on UI for schedules.
* Started work on the 'New Bill' schedule interface dialog.
* Updated MyMoneyScheduled for account specification, preparing it for
inclusion into MyMoneyFile.
* Updated the schedule tests to add the account references.
* Started work on the 'New Deposit' schedule interface dialog.
* Started work on the 'New Transfer' schedule interface dialog.
2003-01-21 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added the beginnings of recurring transaction support.
* Added some test cases for the MyMoneyScheduled and
MyMoneySchedule classes.
2003-01-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Honor start date setting in ledger view was broken after startup
* Added QifProfile and QifProfileEditor classes
* Fixed memory leaks when editing in-register is selected
* Calculate the size required for the datepicker according to it's sizeHint()
* Fixed documentation bug in MyMoneyFile
* Allow empty separators for decimal and thousands in MyMoneyMoney
* Added QIF export functionality
* Use standard menu icons where available
* Added method to refresh the payees view after loading a file
* Moved logic to drop some progress bar updates to KMyMoney2
* Allow empty separators in MyMoneyMoney
* Added method to return current cell font to kMyMoneyRegister
* Added display of number of transactions in accounts view
* Updated menu structure
* Updated message file (POT)
2003-01-03 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added display of number of transactions in accounts list view
* Added to project for inclusion in source distribution
* Created Source package for version 0.5.1
2003-01-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added section about signing an RPM to the project handbook
* Added some more documentation to source at various places
2002-12-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed some inline documentation
* Payee's transaction list respects list font settings
* Reduced cell height in register and split register
2002-12-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added list of transactions to payee view
* Added fixup for splits in KLedgerView and MyMoneyStorageBin
* Added method to extract a split from a transaction by payee-Id
* Added class KTransactionListItem()
* Double click on transaction in payee view opens ledger view
with this transaction selected
* Added function to move from selected transaction in ledger view
to the assigned payee
2002-12-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added functionality to 'More' button in transaction form
2002-12-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Force static linking of libxml++ if present
2002-12-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added missing admin/am_edit to source distribution
* Added some tips
* Added some description to the 'home page'
* Added descriptive warning to the save operation
2002-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed translation problem in KReconcileDlgDecl.ui
* Remember the type of accounts view the user selected last
2002-12-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Dynamically allocate application object to cover more code with
memory leakage checker
* Added method to clean static objects in KAccountListItem
* Fixed progress bar when reading old format files
* Fixed memory leak in KMyMoneyFile, KNewAccountDlg, KNewFileDlg,
KEndingBalanceDlg, KBackupDlg, KChooseImportExportDlg, KCsvProgressDlg,
KExportDlg, KFindTransactionDlg, KImportDlg
* Including XML support needs special compiler option
* Updated a couple of for the RPM distribution
2002-12-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated PHB to contain information about building RPMs
* Fixed compilation with _CHECK_MEMORY defined
2002-12-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unknown file references from the KDevelop project file
* Removed some debug output that is not needed anymore
* Modified some to not include unnecessary files
in the source distribution
* Updated README with up-to-date installation instructions
2002-12-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Speedup load operation by filling the balance cache while loading
* Added some more tips
* Replaced progress dialog with global progress bar in status line
* Added progress callback to MyMoneyStorageBin, MyMoneyStorageXML
and IMyMoneyFormat
* Corrected display of status message in status bar
* Moved tip of the day logic to main()
* Close the splash screen upon the first call to the application
* Revised startup code in main() and KMyMoney2App()
2002-12-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added mark of current date in ledger view if it's sorted by posting date
* Removed a few unused member variables from kMyMoneyRegister
* Added sorttype 'Number' to ledger views
* Don't override the entry date of transactions when loading a file
* Added option to show a nr field in any transaction form
* Added option to insert the transaction type into the nr field upon
creation of a new transaction
* Terminate any edit session before starting the settings dialog
* Cancel edit session before re-sorting
* Keep the transaction selected after re-sorting
* Removed old categories file from project
* Added a german account template file
* Added a file dialog to select the initial account/category set
for a new file
* Added progress bar when reading the initial account/category set
* Update ledger view after loading a different file
* Allow to edit the number field in credit card view
2002-12-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added 'tip of the day' feature
* Added different images to account icon view
* Added key value container to MyMoneySeqAccessMgr, it's interface
IMyMoneyStorage and MyMoneyFile.
* Store and load the key value container with the (binary) file
* Moved account icons from kbankviewdecl.ui to kbanksview.cpp
* Converted account icon view from QIconView to KIconView
* Added KAccountIconItem class
* Reset values in new account wizard when starting
* Added account types asset and liability to account dialog
* Suppress a few options in the account context menu
* Added functionality to the Account detail button in the ledger view
2002-12-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added possibility to change from transfer to non-transfer and vice
versa in in-register edit mode
* Added cash and asset account types
* Added missing Nr label during entry of ATM transactions in the form
* Cancel any transaction edit session if an account is selected with
the ComboBox in the ledger view
* Added new sort types for ledger sorting (Type, Nr, Receiver).
See KTransactionPtrVector for details
* Added context menu to change sort order
* Fixed functionality of context menu in accounts view
* Added context menu to categories view
2002-12-02 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Show transaction action also in register underneath the date
* Changes to payment/deposit and transaction type are reflected
in the 'other widgets' during the edit phase of a transaction
* Updated kMyMoneyCombo to serve as widget for the ledger view
* Preset post date only, if invalid. Otherwise, take user's input
* kMyMoneyEdit will respect selected text upon entry of arithmetic
operators (e.g. +, -, *, etc.)
2002-11-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Balance of accounts in accounts and category view did not get updated
* Show liablities also as positive values in accounts view
* Summary line shows balance in red if negative
* Exit any pending edit activities in ledger views when switching to
a different view (e.g. payees or schedule view)
* Added Credit Card ledgerview
* Added automatic preset of from/to account if opposite is not
the current selected account
* Update split.action() when a negative amount is entered
* Handle from/to account of transfer when entering negative amounts
* Made the finish button the default for the split dialog
* Made Enter button the default button in transaction form
2002-11-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added RBM context menu to the ledger view
* Saving the file in binary format now clears the dirty flag
* Added option to 'jump' to the opposite split of a transfer transaction
in the context menu
* Prepared to store scheduled transactions in the binary file
* Fixed decimal problem in kMyMoneyCalculator
* Removed some debug output which I do not need anymore
* Fixed bugs in MyMoneyMoney(QString) constructor regarding fractions
Added testcases to find them the next time
* Write balance in register in red when negative
* Fixed a problem introduced by removing an entry from settings dlg
* Re-organized keyboard handling in split dialog
* Fixed a bug in register keyboard handling
* Added split handling to savings ledger view
* Don't open calculator if first character is plus or minus
* Added possibility to create transactions with an empty category
* Fixed the 'leave unassigned' feature for splitted transactions
* Incorrect transactions (less than 2 splits, sum of splits not equal 0)
will change their textcolor in the register with 1Hz
* Removed more unused code
2002-11-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Removed unused files from project
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney() when value is negative and
fraction is 0
* Modifed the MyMoneyMoney stream in/out operators to support 64 bit values
Write out warnings, if old format is used
* Fixed handling of locale settings in MyMoneyMoney
* Setup locale settings in MyMoneyMoney before the first usage
* Integrated the split dialog
* Fixed visual appearance of calculator
* Removed setting for textual prompt as it is not provided anymore
* Added border around KMyMoneyView in KMyMoney2App
* Fixed minor details while going from gcc 2.95 to gcc 3.2
* Set the row height of the transaction form to a fixed value
* Corrected usage of filters during reconciliation
2002-11-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed filter set for reconciliation
* Added difference display in reconciliation view
* Fixed alignment of display in reconciliation view
* Added switch to turn on transaction form during reconciliation
* Fixed bug introduced with last change to kMyMoneyEdit
* Made sure that the datepicker is always shown completely on screen
* Added icon to the datepicker button
2002-11-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneyKeyValueContainer class to have the ability to
add a variable number of arguments to an engine object
* Fixed reader for old format to interpret account type correctly
* Fixed testcases as well
* Fixed settings dialog to set the startdate to 1.1.1970 if not
present in kmymoney2rc file. Otherwise, it would use currentDate.
* Added MyMoneyKeyValueContainer to MyMoneyAccount
* Added testcases for MyMoneyKeyValueContainer and updated
testcases for MyMoneyAccount
* Added a widget stack to the ledger view and use it within the
the checkings and savings ledger view to switch between the
buttons and reconcile data
* Added methods to interface IMyMoneySerialize to load the internal id's
* Fixed KEndingBalanceDlg (activated code, made member vars private, etc)
* Started working on reconciliation for checkings and savings accounts
* Fixed a missing pointer assignment int kMyMoneyRegister
* Fixed resetting the next...Id values inside MyMoneySeqAccessMgr during
file reading
* Fixed flickering when redrawing the register
* Added first implementation of reconciliation code
* Modified kmymoneyview.cpp to correctly interpret the filename for
files accessed through a network-URL
* Fixed event processing in kMyMoneyEdit
* Added signalSpace() to kMyMoneyRegister
2002-11-14 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Modified kmymoneyview.cpp, to allow XML files to be passed to the right
file parser.
* Added mymoneyxmlparser.h, which extends the xml++.h class.
* removed mymoneystoragexmlcallback files, because they weren't needed.
* more work on the XML Reader code.
2002-11-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for network file access over the protocols
provided by KIO (ftp, http, smb etc.)
2002-11-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added support for compressed file I/O. The reader checks if an
uncompressed or compressed file is read. The writer always adds
compression. This can be turned off by setting the switch
'WriteDataUncompressed' in the [General Options] section of
the kmymoney2rc file. A UI in the settings dialog is not supported
as the end-user should always get a compressed file
* Therefor changed the interface to IMyMoneyStorageFormat to pass a
QIODevice* instead of a QFile*
2002-11-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyMoney locale handling
* Added testcase for that
* Removed some more references to the old transaction view
* Added a summary line underneath the register in the ledger view
* Added the savings view
* Added warning when trying to edit a reconciled transaction
* Frozen transactions cannot be edited anymore
* Cleaned up code of checkings view
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::setEntryDate (no testcase yet)
* Added new binary writer/reader pair (alpha state, you have been warned)
* Removed unnecessary methods from MyMoneyStorageXML
* Modified interface to IMyMoneyStorageFormat to pass a QFile* instead
of a QDataStream&
* Prepared file operations in KMyMoneyView to support network access
via e.g. HTTP / FTP.
2002-11-08 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Made changes in MyMoneyStorageXML to begin the support of reading
XML-based files. There is no real functionality yet, I just wanted to
archive my changes.
2002-11-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* kMyMoneyRegister now fully supports font changes of cell and
header Font
* Ctrl-T now switches the register detailed view on/off. The form
visibility can be changed using the settings dialog
* Setting for row count in register deprecated and removed from
settings dialog
* Fixed recursive loop in kMyMoneyDateInput widget
* Eliminated unused method slotEnterPressed()
* Fixed kMyMoneyDateInput to obey KDE's locale settings
* Added locale handling interface to MyMoneyMoney
([set]decimalSeparator() and [set]thousandSeparator()
* Modified MyMoneyMoney::formatMoney() and MyMoneyMoney(QString&)
constructor to support locale settings
* Added testcases for the MyMoneyMoney locale stuff
* Added some more API documentation
* Fixed a bunch of problems introduced with the latest
check-in by Kevin
2002-11-04 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added new pure virtual class to describe the file type reader classes,
IMyMoneyStorageFormat.cpp and .h.
* Updated project files to include these new files.
2002-11-01 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed return code of kMyMoneyLedgerViewCheckings::focusNextPrevChild()
* Improved KLedgerView::focusNextPrevChild to handle invisible and
disabled widgets
* Added ledger lens to show all rows of the selected transaction
in the ledger. This is the default when the transaction form
is turned off.
* Added settings options for the ledger lens and the transaction form
* Added the new icons to the settings dialog
2002-10-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added parameter name to constructor of kMyMoneyLineEdit
* Added kMyMoneyDateEdit::focusWidget()
* Fixed tab order handling in form based transaction entry
* Fixed calculator to return first operand as result if no second operand
has been entered after an operation was selected
* Improved keyboard support for ledger view
* Added more source code documentation
* Removed some unused code
2002-10-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added detection of libxml2 and libxml++ to configure
* Fixed initial loading of KAccountListItem
2002-10-25 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Changed line number in MyMoneyException to unsigned long
* Added documentation to some engine and view classes
* Removed references to MyMoneyFile within a transaction
* Renamed 'Bills & Reminders' into 'Schedule' in icon list
* Added icons for the icon list to icons/48x48/apps
* Added accountTypeToString and stringToAccountType helper methods
to KMyMoneyFile
* Added KTransactionPtrVector::setSortType()
2002-10-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Modified name of member variable in KCategoryView
* Added checks for atoll and strtoll to
* Replace atoll with strtoll in mymoneymoney.h
* Reduced number of arguments for KAccountListItem constructors
* Added documentation to KAccountListItem
* Eliminated the ugly hack in KAccountsView that Michael wanted a
solution for
* Fixed resizeing of CategoryView and AccountView
* Replaced includes with forward class references where applicable
* Added kMyMoneyCalculator widget to kMyMoneyEdit
* Improved performance when building account trees
* Added missing mymoney/autotest.h file to the repository
2002-10-15 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added notification classes for payees, institutions, accounts
and account-hierarchy to MyMoneyFile
* updated test cases
* Added logic to support transfer transactions
* Updated KPayeesView to interface to new MyMoneyFile object
* Moved general logic from KLedgerViewCheckings to KLedgerView
* If an account is opened, the ledger view is selected instead of
the 'old' transactionview.
* Fixed handling of Finish-Button in Account-Wizard
* Added descriptive error messages to MyMoneyFile::addAccount()
* Fixed documentation of MyMoneyFile::attach()
* Fixed MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::totalBalance() to use totalBalance() of
subordinate accounts instead of balance().
* Delete objects in KMyMoneyFile::close()
* Added eventFilter to class kMyMoneyTransactionFormTable
* Added framework for iconlist to account view
* Allow a maximum of three rows per transaction in the settings dialog
* Fixed names of standard account names to have only two colons max
2002-09-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::payeeByName() and MyMoneyFile::payeeByName()
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::splitSum()
* Added MyMoneyFile::categoryToAccount() and MyMoneyFile::nameToAccount()
* Added testcase for the above functions
* Fixed bug in MyMoneySplit::operator ==
* Changed interface to MyMoneyTransaction::addSplit to use reference
* Added MyMoneyTransaction::splitSum() and testcases
* Added some details to exceptions in MyMoneyTransaction
* Added central function to display info about unexpected exceptions
in autotest.cpp
* Added logic to fill checkings form and to add/modify transactions
* Fixed kmymoney2/ to be able to extract the i18n messages
* Added new startup logo customized for version 0.5
2002-08-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed configure problem when CPPUNIT is not installed
* Fixed MyMoneyMoney::format() to return fractional part for value 0
2002-08-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Do not allow in-register editing if the form is visible
* Added payee widget with auto completion feature
* Fixed some problems showing up with GCC 3.x, thanks to Jim Blomo
for reporting them
2002-08-07 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added option to show/hide the transaction form in a ledger view in the
settings menu and through shortcut (Ctrl-T)
2002-08-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added reconciliation flag display in KMyMoneyRegisterCheckings
* Added MyMoneyFile::accountToCategory()
* Added enable/disable of buttons in transaction form
* Added display of category within transactions
* Display only absolute value of amount in transaction form
* Fixed initial visibility if more than 1 row per transaction is selected
2002-08-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added number and action handling to MyMoneySplit
* Added number and action handling to MyMoneyStorageBin
* Added kMyMoneyTransactionFrom widget
* Added transaction selection in ledger register widget with mouse
* Added form display for checking accounts
* Fixed grammer error in project handbook
2002-07-23 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added logic to support selection bar in kMyMoneyRegister
* Added payee data loading from old file format
* Catch exceptions when reading data from file
2002-07-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added balance cache to MyMoneySeqAccessMgr for better performance
* Added balance display to ledger view and register widget
2002-07-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added global function timetrace() for simple time measurement
* Added ledger view (base class and checkings implementation)
* Added function to return matching and non-matching split
for a given account from a transaction to MyMoneyTransaction::split()
2002-07-09 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed account creation with through standard dialog
* Added more logic to the Account Creation Wizard
2002-07-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added Account Creation Wizard
* Added configuration setting to select between wizard and dialog
for new account creation
2002-06-24 Michael Edwardes <>
* Made KTransactionView enabled.
* Fixed transaction refresh.
2002-06-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* removed MyMoneyAccount::Transaction, all references and tests
* added MyMoneyTransaction::split(const QCString& accountId) and tests
* added MyMoneyFile::attachStorage and MyMoneyFile::detachStorage
* check for presence of storage object prior to use it inside MyMoneyFile
* added MyMoneyFile::payeeList()
* made MyMoneyFile a Singleton object
* removed singleton behaviour from KMyMoneyFile
* filled logic for KMyMoneyView::loadDefaultCategories
* default accounts are now stored in file 'default_accounts.dat'
* 'default_categories.dat' is not used anymore. I kept it for referenc
in the repository
* show error message, if a file could not be loaded in KMyMoneyView::readFile
* made KCategoriesView an observer of the MyMoneyFile object to track
any changes to any account in the 'income' and 'expense' hierarchy
2002-06-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added accountId as parameter to MyMoneyFile::transactionCount()
* added test cases for it
* removeing an account did not remove it from it's parent accountList.
2002-06-16 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed the singleton pattern
* Added double constructor for MyMoneyMoney and testcase
* Modified MyMoneyStorageBin to use the new constructor when reading old
* use macro supplied by CPPUNIT to detect presence of CPPUNIT >= 1.8.0
* don't try to compile test code, if CPPUNIT is not present
* added chapter about unit testing and example code to the PHB
* minor spelling modifications in the PHB
* Added payeeList() method
* Fixed ambiguity error in KBanksView
* Return value for KMyMoneyView::isopen()
2002-06-14 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved the 'file open' logic.
* Fixed the infinite loop on exit. Can't believe we didn't spot this
* Use MyMoneyFile::totalBalance() instead of MyMoneyAccount::balance() when
displaying accounts in the accounts & categories view.
2002-06-13 Michael Edwardes <>
* Right click on accounts view now works.
* Editing/deleting an institution works.
* Types and balances are shown again in the accounts view.
* Categories view updated.
* KCategoryListItem removed.
* The accounts view type is now configurable through the settings dialog
in the page 'Accounts View'. (Institution or Accounts view).
2002-06-11 Michael Edwardes <>
* Categories view now works as before.
* Made the new account dialog also serve as a new category dialog.
* The accounts view defaults to the original institution view.
* Removed some more old classes, (KNewCategoryDlg, KFileInfoDlg).
2002-06-10 Michael Edwardes <>
* Converted KMyMoneyView to use a singleton pattern for access
to the MyMoneyFile.
* Cleaned up the menu entries a bit.
* You can now view the categories, (its just the income and expense accounts).
2002-06-09 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed the date input widget.
* New account dialog is now fully functional.
* Fixed the accounts view window. You can now use the old banks view
or the newer accounts view. Currently this can only be done
manually, by adding the following line to the "List Options"
group in ~/.kde/share/config/kmymoney2rc:
Set it to true for the banks view, false for the accounts view.
2002-06-07 Michael Edwardes <>
* Adding institution in the account dialog now works.
* The edit account dialog now loads nearly all the 'fields'
* Integrated the date input widget changes from the 0-4-trinity-branch.
2002-06-06 Michael Edwardes <>
* Selecting the four root accounts in the parent account widget
now works.
2002-06-05 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed the action enabling logic.
* You can now read a file into KMyMoney2 again.
* Using MyMoneyStorageDump we can now dump the file by
choosing the menu option File|Info.
* You can now add institutions, (but not see them).
* You can also add accounts, (in a limited fashion).
* Added the ability to set a parent account when creating new
2002-06-04 Michael Edwardes <>
* Made some of the accounts view work with the new engine.
2002-05-31 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added initial MyMoneyPayee support
2002-05-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added setAccountName() method to engine
* Preparations for payee handling (not yet finished)
2002-05-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Moved testcase implementation into separate source files
2002-05-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added transactionList(const QCString& acc) to engine interface
2002-05-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added unary minus operator to MyMoneyMoney
2002-05-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Converted all id references from QString to QCString
* In order to activate the memory leak checks, one must
specify the compiler option -D_CHECK_MEMORY in KDevelop
2002-05-22 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added the string 'Id' to all engine methods returning or
setting an id
* Made accountType settable
2002-05-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added notification logic to the engine
2002-05-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* merged new engine branch
2002-04-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed compile and link order problem
* Updated developer list in About window
2002-04-26 Arni Ingimundarson <>
* Got rid of KTempDatePicker and used the standar kde
KDatePicker. A popup problem still remains.
2002-03-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug #535840. 'Annoying window refresh'.
2002-03-22 Arni Ingimundarson <>
* Added support for keyboard input in kMyMoneyDateInput
+/- now works and PgDn popsup the DatePickerWidget.
2002-03-20 Arni Ingimundarson <>
* Fixed Datepicker inconsistency (bug 502805)
2002-03-19 Arni Ingimundarson <>
* Fixed file dialog choose->cancel bug (490427)
in kbackupdlg.cpp, kexportdlg.cpp and kimportdlg.cpp
2002-03-14 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed disappearing categories bug.
2002-03-14 Arni Ingimundarson <>
* Fixed a sorting bug in KReconcileDlg
2002-03-10 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fix for autoconf 2.5 which KDE 3 now requires.
2002-03-07 Michael Edwardes <>
* Commited Javi C's new icons. <>
2002-02-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* New <template> dialogs for scheduled transactions.
* Changed the scheduled view to use a tool button.
* Improved functionality in the dialogs.
* Changed scheduled interface in mymoney api.
2002-02-14 Michael Edwardes <>
* Made the source fully KDE3 compatable.
2002-02-13 Michael Edwardes <>
* Updated KDE 3 support to current KDE 3 cvs.
2002-02-12 Kevin Tambascio <>
* more investment work.
2002-02-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed wrong examples in the project handbook
2002-02-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added section about release management to the project handbook
2002-02-09 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved handling of the views.
2002-02-09 Kevin Tambascio <>
* More changes for stock transactions.
* added dialog to update stock prices.
2002-02-07 Kevin Tambascio <>
* More changes for stock transactions.
2002-02-07 Michael Edwardes <>
* Some views now emit activated signals.
* KMyMoneyView prepped for new toolbar/menu entry enabling code
dependant upon what the user is viewing.
2002-02-06 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed deletion of transaction bug where it diddn't refrsh list properly.
2002-02-05 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added framework for automated regression testing to mymoney modules
2002-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added current date mark in transaction view
* Modified exit handling
* Setup m_viewType first and then emit signals in
* Removed locale error messages
2002-02-04 Kevin Tambascio <>
* More stock transaction work.
2002-02-04 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated project file to include all new files
* Fixed a missing semicolon
2002-02-03 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added MyMoneyInvestTransaction class to hold transaction information for investments.
* Made some more progress with the stock transactions.
* Fixed problem in the transaction view, not showing any transactions (Fix from Michael's email).
2002-01-31 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added scheduled transaction addition dialog.
* Fixed constructor of kmymoneycombo. Didn't fix the rest though.
2002-01-30 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Fixed problem with showing the kinvestmentview and kstocktransactionview class as widgets, instead of dialogs.
2002-01-30 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added a new investment view, started to add code to show investment view when an investment account is selected.
2002-01-29 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added a dialog for entering information about a new stock or mutual fund.
2002-01-29 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added MyMoneyEquity and MyMoneyEquityList classes, to store information about stocks, mutul funds.
* Added MyMoneyUtil.cpp and .h to put global/static utility functions, typedefs.
* Added STL support for the MyMoneyUtil class. Just include "mymoneyutils.h" to access STL.
2002-01-29 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added stock transaction view files, no new functionality yet.
2002-01-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Added section in the PHB about files to be checked in and
files that should not be checked in
2002-01-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added support for specifying the start date in viewing transactions.
* Added the view for recurring transactions.
2002-01-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed generation of PHB
* Fixed sizing problems with kMyMoneyTable widget
* Allow empty category (default)
2002-01-25 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed the pics and text from the payees/categories view.
2002-01-25 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Added account types in mymoneyaccount class.
* Forgot to add loans and mortgage category in the dialog.
* Made a few other changes to display the proper account type in the bankview listview.
2002-01-25 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Modified new account dialog for some of the new account types.
2002-01-24 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added functionality to the categories view.
* Added an intial payees page.
* Added functionality to the payees view.
* Fixed bug on payee view initialisation.
2002-01-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added tab/back-tab handling to kMyMoneyEdit and kMyMoneyLineEdit
* added keyboard handling to KSplitTransactionDlg
* added debug output if QIF import date conversion fails
* added new method setCurrentItem(QString &) to kMyMoneyCombo and
use it in KTransactionView::setInputData()
* check for valid category is now done in kMyMoneyComboBox. One cannot
select the special entries like '--- Income ---' anymore.
* removed check for those special entries in KTransactionView
2002-01-22 Michael Edwardes <>
* Created a views directory for the different views of mymoney and
added the relevant classes to that dir.
* Initial view files added.
2002-01-18 Kevin Tambascio <>
* added newline to mymoneytransactionbase.h, because it was causing compiler
warnings all over the place.
2002-01-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added more functionality to the split transaction handling
which is not yet done.
2002-01-16 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed some old 'recurring transactions' code.
* Removed the unneeded KMainView class and converted KMyMoneyView
to use the KBanksView and KTransactionView classes directly.
* Moved all the dialogs into the dialogs subdir.
2002-01-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added setDirty() to MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneyAccount and MyMoneyBank
* split MyMoneyTransaction into MyMoneyTransactionBase, a virtual base
class required for splits
* added MyMoneySplitTransaction framework
* update template files to include new developers
* modified library link orderto "dialog, widgets, mymoney" so that
all references can be resolved
* override KMyMoneyTable::paintFocus to avoid display of focus
* Fixed bug #502804
* Fixed bug #502803
* added color selector for color of grid in register view
2002-01-06 Thomas Baumgart <>
* bumped version number to 0.5.0
* added PHB docbook files to the project ( is still a problem)
* clearing the text in KTransactionView::clear() before doing a
transactionsTable->setNumRows(0) is unnecessary. I removed it.
* cleaned up unused code in ktransactionview.cpp
* restructured filling of transactionsTable to speed up the operation.
I still don't know why this is so much faster now.
* fixed procedures to create new releases in PHB
2001-12-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed bug #490440 - extra edit boxes in register
* display all text in register with centered vertical alignment
* Fixed bug #497902 - memo text is not displayed
* Fixed bug #497903 - context menu does not open on right click
2001-12-29 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated project handbook (fixed tag naming conventions)
2001-12-28 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Updated project handbook
* Turned off editable flag of m_method in ktransactionview.
2001-12-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug #490434 - Account operations (2).
2001-12-26 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug #490019 - Toolbar icon out of sync.
* Fixed bug #490424 - New institution dialog tab order.
2001-12-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added ability to compile for KDE 3 or KDE 2.
2001-12-21 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Corrected transaction view to display correctly when resizing horizontaly
* Use visibleWidth() when resizing the transaction view. This will
automatically include/exclude the vertical scroll bar into/from
the calculation of the field widths.
* suppress popup of horizontal scroll bar in transaction view,
bank view, reconciliation and categories dialog
* fixed resizing the reconciliation dialog (almost)
2001-12-20 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed bug #433660 Big numbers do not fit into the fields
2001-12-19 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Fixed Bug #494908 Date/Calender control is too small
2001-12-19 Thomas Baumgart <>
* added logic to suppress display of splash screen through config setting
2001-12-18 Thomas Baumgart <>
* removed/resolved compiler warnings
2001-12-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug no 490015.
* Updated admin directory to kdelibs-2.2.2 whilst preserving
the autoconf-2.50 changes so we can use --enable-objprelink.
2001-12-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed Bug #490442
* removed currency text from reconcile dialog elements
* fixed memory leaks in KReconcileListItem
* replaced formatNumber with formatMoney
* fixed KMyMoneyEdit::getMoneyValue() to support localized money formats
with full rounding to selected fraction size.
2001-12-16 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Fixed Bug #490016 File filter in open dialog
2001-12-16 Felix Rodriguez <>
* fixed memory leaks in the reconcile and endingbalance dialog boxes
2001-12-14 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed another memory leak bug having to do with the Transaction KPopupMenu
* revised Felix' fixes to avoid creating countless objects
2001-12-14 Felix Rodriguez <>
* fixed another memory leak bug having to do with the Account KPopupMenu
2001-12-13 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed debug output of QIF import (result message of date conversion)
* commented debug messages in QIF import
* read and write memo field during QIF import/export
* shrunk export dialog - this was way tooo big for my notebook
* update transaction count during QIF export every ten iterations
* added german date formats to QIF export (monetaryDecimalSymbol to be done)
* close QIF export dialog when done
* allow QIF export with only categories or account data selected
* MyMoneyMoney supports local money formats
* KBanksView honors locale settings
* removed unused variables in kcsvprogressdlg.cpp
2001-12-13 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Fixed export dialogs to always add the appropriate file extension.
2001-12-12 Thomas Baumgart <>
* updated project handbook files in developer-doc/phb
* added selection of monetaryDecimalSymbol in QIF import
* collect memo during QIF import
2001-12-11 Thomas Baumgart <>
* fixed display of transaction view for large amount of transactions
* leave more room for scroll bar on the right side of transaction view
to avoid horizontal scroll bar
* fixed loading of payment method combo-box in transaction view
* added german date handling to QIF import
2001-12-10 Thomas Baumgart <>
* modified to work with autoconf 2.50
2001-12-09 Michael Edwardes <>
* Changed the csv export format so each record is on one line.
* Created the csv file import method in mymoneyaccount.
* Added a static helper method to mymoneytransaction.
2001-12-09 Kevin Tambascio <>
* Fixed the save as dialog to append the .kmy file extension more intelligently.
2001-12-09 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed the transaction number from csv export.
* Moved csv export into mymoneyaccount.
* Updated the kcsvprogressdlg to use new mymoneyaccount method.
* Added date ranges to csv export/import dialog.
2001-12-08 Kevin Tambascio <>
* When you double-click on an account in the bank view, you will see the transaction list.
2001-12-08 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Pixmap Crash on Exit error.
2001-12-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update flags when refreshing banksview
* Fixed date of previous entry
2001-12-08 Thomas Baumgart <>
* force update of imported records on screen every ten iterations
2001-11-26 Kevin Tambascio <>
* New files will always have .kmy extension to them.
2001-11-24 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Incorporated Coding Rules into Project Handbook
* Added CVS examples to Project Handbook
2001-11-21 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Commented out delete of widgets in KTransactionView
2001-09-30 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Update bank view after import
* Added apostrophe selection to QIF import
2001-09-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Changed the date input class to display either left or right.
* Fixed a couple of issues of when to show action(s).
2001-09-27 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Call resize() of base class in KCategoriesDlg, KBanksView, KReconcileDlg
* Prevent hiding of fields 'cleared balance' and 'difference' when shrinking
the reconcile dialog
2001-09-26 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed another uninitialized variable bug in KExportDlg::readConfig()
This sets the program default of QIF exports to %d/%m/%yyyy
2001-09-26 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added pictures where-ever I think they should be. Along with the icons they
are just placeholders ready to be drawn.
2001-09-26 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added icons where-ever I think they should be. Have a look and see if they
are placed appropriately. The icons don't actually depict anything, that
still needs to be done!
* Improved icon handling in the right menu(s) by using the KIconLoader class.
We have now just the 22x22 icons and KIconLoader does all the hardwork of
resizing to 16x16.
* Added default hi-color versions of the application icons.
2001-09-25 Michael Edwardes <>
* Bumped version up to 0.3.8.
* Removed some old icons and added some new ones. Please be aware that
I am a useless artist!
2001-09-17 Thomas Baumgart <>
* Fixed two uninitialized variable bugs
2001-08-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Made the category list be alphabetical in the two different groups.
* KTransactionView now loads an alphabetical category list.
* Removed an unnecessary class. (KTransactionTableItem).
* Fixed error in file modification logic error in app class.
2001-08-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added some better default categories and slightly improved reading process
to deal with empty minor category lists.
2001-08-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* Slight improvement to the qif date formatter code by utilising qt.
* Check whether import file exists.
* Import & Export dialog logic improved, e.g buttons only available when text
is input.
* Changed mymoneyedit to use the better kfloatvalidator to accept localised numbers.
* Wrapped all user visible text in i18n.
* Removed all sprintfs to aid internationalisation.
* Removed all latin1() calls to aid in internationaliastion. latin1 calls
now only exist in qDebug calls which should be changed to kdDebug calls anyway.
* Updated kmymoney2.pot file.
2001-08-20 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added the new *unstable* qif date formatter code to the qif read and write
2001-08-19 Michael Edwardes <>
* Export QIF now has a progress bar.
* KExportDlg now conforms to coding standards and uses i18n where
* Updated version to 0.3.7.
* Small update to coding standards mentioning i18n.
* Import QIF now has a progress bar.
* KImportDlg now conforms to coding standards and uses i18n where
2001-08-18 Michael Edwardes <>
* Moved the QIF read & write methods into MyMoneyAccount.
2001-08-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* Moved import and export dialogs into dialogs dir.
* Updated admin dir for kde2.2.
2001-07-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved the CSV import/export process.
2001-07-28 Michael Edwardes <>
* Quick fix to the kmymoneyview class for Mandrake 7.2.
2001-07-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed bug i introduced. I tried to stop the seg faults on exit by using
references, but forgot that the account needs to be accessed.
2001-07-27 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added default text to prompt the user in the register view.
* Fixed the seg fault i introduced into the register view.
* Added an option to the settings dialog to show the textual prompt.
* Removed balance display when viewing the searched transactions.
2001-07-26 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added a qstring operator to the mymoney class.
* Added support for editing transactions when in search mode.
2001-07-23 Michael Edwardes <>
* MyMoneyFile now doesn't add empty categories & payees. If this is going
to become a standard financial library these sort of checks are going to
have to be made everywhere.
* Fixed two bugs in the reconcile dialog.
2001-07-23 Felix Rodriguez<>
* Fixed data entry bug
2001-07-22 Felix Rodriguez<>
* Placed Category and Memo in the same cell.
2001-07-22 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added a radio button to KSettingsDlg and made it conform to
the new coding standards.
2001-07-22 Felix Rodriguez<>
* Made Payee Combobox editable and enabled autocompletion
2001-07-22 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added an apply button to the settings dialog.
* Added a reset button to the settings dialog.
2001-07-21 Michael Edwardes <>
* Implemented the colour painting option.
* Fixed the bug when resizing the transaction view.
* Fixed the alignment bug in the transaction view.
2001-07-21 Michael Edwardes <>
* Changed payee colunm name in reconcile dialog to payee.
* Fixed the KMyMoneyCombo class.
* Fixed bug when updating cleared & unreconciled status.
* KSettingsDlg now checks that the row count is >= 1 && <= 3.
2001-07-19 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Payee display in Reconcile dialog
2001-07-19 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added 'autoremember' for the date format in the qif dialogs.
* Changed the transaction view to speed it up.
* Added ability to change the number of rows displayed in the register
* Added ability to turn on or off the grid in the register view.
* Removed some redundant classes.
2001-07-15 Felix Rodriguez <>
* I think I fixed Crash on Exit Bug
2001-07-13 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added Date format option for QIF import and export
2001-07-13 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved 'autoremember' for most dialogs relevant e.g
KCategoriesDlg remembers the last selected category.
* Updated README.
2001-07-12 Michael Edwardes <>
* Implemented CSV export. Import may be disabled for CSV in the
future (will anybody use it ?).
2001-07-12 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed small bug i introduced in the import dialog.
* Released 0.3.5.
2001-07-12 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved import & export process. Now prompts for more than
one type of export (at the moment, QIF and CSV).
2001-07-11 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved reconciliation process, mostly GUI improvements.
* Backup dialog remembers the state of the mount check box.
* Fixed a bug in MyMoneyFile:: assignment operator and the copy constructor.
* MyMoneyFile::isInitialised() should work properly now.
* Fixed bug in reconcile dlg dealing with editing transactions during the
process. (It opened the window again even if you've cancelled when you
next edit/create a transaction).
2001-07-09 Michael Edwardes <>
* Updated the parent() methods to have descriptive names and added missing
call in MyMoneyTransaction.
* Changed the backup dialog to incorporate a choose folder button.
* Fixed bug in backup dialog dealing with automount systems.
* Backup files now have the date appended to them, for proper backup
restoration, and a test exists to check overwriting files.
2001-07-08 Michael Edwardes <>
* Start dialog only shows files that exist.
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyFile class that didn't delete the payee list
and didn't delete the category list properly on close/reset.
* Removed subdirs, and configure.files from cvs because
they are generated. Updated .cvsignore to ignore those files.
* Temporarily hidden all the not implemented stuff ready for the next
0.4 stable release. It's still there but the user can't see it.
2001-07-08 Michael Edwardes <>
* Standardized most of the dialogs in respect to the OK and
Cancel buttons.
* MyMoneyFile now updates the dirty flag when needed.
* All classes now have a 'parent' pointer and update the
dirty flag when needed. (e.g transactions now know which
account/bank they are in).
2001-07-06 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added the ability to customize the key definitions.
* Fixed the ability to load the last file edited automatically.
This is done in the configure dialog and bypasses the start
dialog if needed. Beware: the random crashes on exit mean
it doesn't always update the options properly. But you can
hand edit $HOME/.kde/share/config/kmymoney2rc.
* Removed KMyMoneySettings class and changed all references to
use the KConfig class.
2001-07-06 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved the payee editor, adding a delete button and improving
a lot of the logic.
* Fixed a bug in the MyMoneyFile class that didn't update the
dirty flag when adding a payee.
2001-07-06 Michael Edwardes <>
* Improved the transaction search process.
* Changed to enable debug by default. We'll
change it back for the stable release.
2001-07-06 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Optimized TransactionView Refresh
2001-07-05 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed the category list item class so you can use
--enable-final in the configure process.
* Changed the search dialog to be ready for the new features.
2001-07-05 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added Memo Display
* Fixed numerous transactionview bugs.
2001-06-29 Michael Edwardes <>
* Added ability to search for transactions and view them in
register view.
* Fixed resize issues with transaction view.
* Added the Back icon onto the toolbar.
2001-06-23 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Payee ComboBox now populates from PayeeList also
2001-06-22 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Payee List Bug
* Added Edit Transaction Button to Reconcile Dialog
2001-06-21 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Transaction Deletion Bug
2001-06-21 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed missing addPayee call in reading qif files.
* Fixed bug in filename handling code when closing/opening
* Added missing File New action.
* Added new action - Account open and changed behaviour
of account list view. It now lets you select an account
and then open it or perform other operations.
* You can now perform menu operations on the account, (not
just by right clicking on the account).
2001-06-20 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Reconciliation Bugs when editing transactions
during reconciliation.
* Removed Vertical Header
2001-06-19 Michael Edwardes <>
* GUI improvements to the New Category dialog.
* Bug fixed in MyMoneyFile in dealing with categories.
* README and AUTHORS updated.
* GUI improvements to the Payee dialog.
2001-06-18 Michael Edwardes <>
* KAbout data updated.
* More GUI improvements focusing on the Categories dialog.
* Transaction view shows numbers instead of the currency prefix.
* Fixed bug in KMyMoney2App that didn't prompt to save file
on exit.
* BUGS file updated.
2001-06-17 Michael Edwardes <>
* Fixed a bug in the MyMoneyAccount copy constructor.
* Changed the 'up' icon to use a standard back action but
the toolbar action has gone ? You can access it by going
to the Go menu or by pressing Alt-Left.
* More GUI improvements especially to the banks/accounts list,
and to the dialogs New File, New Institution, New Account.
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyMoney class where isZero() returned true
for numbers < 0.
* Added a BUGS file to the project.
2001-06-16 Javier Campos Morales <>
* New icons added.
* Remove sprintf in ktransactionview. "The %s escape sequence expects a utf8() encoded string.". This is not good for internacional support.
2001-06-16 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed 'name' input field from KNewFileDlg class.
* Removed m_moneyName from MyMoneyFile and made the
file reading code detect the older version and convert.
* Removed hide/show input box.
* Some minor GUI improvements, (focus etc).
* Added some opening balance fields to MyMoneyAccount.
* Better version control in file format. Can convert
between versions now.
* The Bank list view is now open by default.
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyFile::resetAllData().
* Changed behaviour of File|New to open a new window because
the user can create a new file through the start dialog.
(Maybe we should change the open icon to something to
represent the start dialog ?).
2001-06-16 Javier Campos Morales <>
* Only one settings dialog is needed so added new general settings dialog -> ksettingsdlg.
* Remove klistsettings and old settings variables.
* Modify to find correct kmy icon in startup dialog.
* Changes some toolbar icons.
2001-06-15 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Year bug in QIF import
* Can now edit transactions during reconciliation
2001-06-07 Felix Rodriguez <>
* QIF import and export now provide feedback
* Added backup function to File menu
2001-05-29 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Widgets now goes to next transaction after pressing enter.
2001-05-28 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed problems caused working with QT in RedHat 7.1
2001-05-25 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added QIF export of categories and transactions
2001-05-20 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added QIF import of categories and transactions
* Fixed bugs in ReconcileDialogBox
* Fixed bug in MyMoneyMoney class in determining whether amount is zero.
2001-05-15 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed bug where numeric keypad enter key would not work
* Now saving Payee information in transaction's payee field
2001-05-09 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Can now Enter a transaction by pressing enter from a
data entry widget
2001-05-08 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Implemented automatic cheque numbering
* Transactions now autocompletes after selecting Payee/Memo
2001-05-03 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Implemented Update of transfer transactions
2001-05-02 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Optimized refresh of TransactionView
2001-05-01 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Implemented Deletion of transfer transactions
2001-04-30 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Implemented Transfer of one Account to another within the same bank
2001-04-28 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Alphabetized Categories
2001-04-13 Michael Edwardes <>
* Removed some of the old code in ktransactionview.cpp.
* Removed all of the unneeded Table Item classes in
ktransactionview.cpp and added a single KTransactionTableItem
2001-03-25 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added Cheque Number KLineEdit box
2001-03-24 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added Payees as selections to Payee ComboBox
2001-03-23 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Fixed Category Combo Box to include Minor Categories
* Fixed Category Dialog Box ListView WidthMode to Maximum
2001-03-22 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Moved the Reconcile Column from column 4 to column 3 of the table
* Fixed problem after clicking cancel if you click on same transaction
row, Input widgets did not appear.
* Moved Ending Balance Box to appear directly under balance column
2001-03-21 Felix Rodriguez <>
* Added two lines per transaction in the transaction view
* Added Data Entry Widgets and buttons to appear on
transaction rows.
* Removed tabbed data entry views at the bottom of the
transaction view.
* Added Balance Label to show the account's current balance
* The last transaction is now always visible when the transactions
are updated
2001-03-13 Michael Edwardes <>
* Ran KFileReplace to change my email address because I won't
always be at university.
* Remove all #include <x.moc> from the source files.
* Updated project to install the ui file in the correct place.
* Cleaned up the startup code so the default colour settings aren't black on black.
* Changed addCredit to addAuthor in main.cpp.
* Project file 16x16 mimetype kmy icon changed to kmy not kmy2 in install options.
* Changed web address reference in main.cpp to
* Updated README file.
* Removed some unused list items from the project.
* Added files to .cvsignore (, *~)
2001-03-11 Javier Campos Morales <javi@DarkStar>
* Insert new startuplogo
2001-03-08 Javier Campos Morales <javi@DarkStar>
* Fixed kmymoney2 repository
* Remove and
* Modify the project to complain with kdevelop 1.4
* Added directory icons with a few icons for the future
* Added readConfig and writeConfig to KStartDlg
* Delete KMyMoney2App::openDocumentFile(const KURL& ulr) - Method not used
* Added kstartdlg recent action. Now works.
* KMyMoney2App::slotFileOpen now open the start dialog.
* Fixed errors with compile.
* Added .cvsignore in all project.