You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <config.h>
#ifndef HAVE_ATOLL
# define atoll(a) strtoll(a, 0, 10)
# endif
#include <cmath>
// So we can save this object
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <kmymoney/export.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyexception.h>
// Check for standard definitions
#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS // force definition of min and max values
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef int64_t signed64;
typedef uint64_t unsigned64;
class MyMoneyAccount;
class MyMoneySecurity;
* This class represents a value within the MyMoney Engine
* @author Michael Edwardes
class KMYMONEY_EXPORT MyMoneyMoney
enum fileVersionE {
enum signPosition {
// keep those in sync with the ones defined in klocale.h
ParensAround = 0,
BeforeQuantityMoney = 1,
AfterQuantityMoney = 2,
BeforeMoney = 3,
AfterMoney = 4
enum roundingMethod {
RndNever = 0,
// construction
MyMoneyMoney( const int iAmount, const signed64 denom = 100 );
MyMoneyMoney( const TQString& pszAmount );
MyMoneyMoney( const signed64 Amount, const signed64 denom = 100 );
MyMoneyMoney( const double dAmount, const signed64 denom = 100 );
MyMoneyMoney( const long double dAmount, const signed64 denom = 100 );
// copy constructor
MyMoneyMoney( const MyMoneyMoney& AmountInPence );
// signed64 value(const int prec = 2) const;
const MyMoneyMoney abs(void) const { return m_num < 0 ? -(*this) : *this; };
* This method returns a formatted string according to the settings
* of _thousandSeparator, _decimalSeparator, _negativeMonetarySignPosition,
* _positiveMonetaryPosition, _negativePrefixCurrencySymbol and
* _positivePrefixCurrencySymbol. Those values can be modified using
* the appropriate set-methods.
* @param currency The currency symbol
* @param prec The number of fractional digits
* @param showThousandSeparator should the thousandSeparator symbol be inserted
* (@a true) or not (@a false) (default true)
TQString formatMoney(const TQString& currency, const int prec, bool showThousandSeparator = true) const;
* This is a convenience method. It behaves exactly as the above one, but takes the information
* about currency symbol and precision out of the MyMoneySecurity and MyMoneyAccount objects
* @a acc and @a sec.
TQString formatMoney(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneySecurity& sec, bool showThousandSeparator = true) const;
* This is a convenience method. It behaves exactly as the above one, but takes the information
* about currency symbol and precision out of the MyMoneySecurity object @a sec.
TQString formatMoney(const MyMoneySecurity& sec, bool showThousandSeparator = true) const;
* This is a convenience method. It behaves exactly as the above one, but takes the information
* about precision out of the denomination @a denom. No currency symbol is shown. If you want
* to see a currency symbol, please use formatMoney(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneySecurity& sec, bool showThousandSeparator)
* instead.
* @note denom is often set to account.fraction(security).
TQString formatMoney(int denom, bool showThousandSeparator = true) const;
* This method is used to convert the smallest fraction information into
* the corresponding number of digits used for precision.
* @param fract smallest fractional part (e.g. 100 for cents)
* @return number of precision digits (e.g. 2 for cents)
static int denomToPrec(signed64 fract);
const TQString toString(void) const;
const MyMoneyMoney convert(const signed64 denom = 100, const roundingMethod how = RndRound) const;
static signed64 precToDenom(int prec);
double toDouble(void) const;
static void setThousandSeparator(const unsigned char);
static void setDecimalSeparator(const unsigned char);
static void setNegativeMonetarySignPosition(const signPosition pos);
static void setPositiveMonetarySignPosition(const signPosition pos);
static void setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol(const bool flags);
static void setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol(const bool flags);
static unsigned char thousandSeparator(void);
static unsigned char decimalSeparator(void);
static signPosition negativeMonetarySignPosition(void);
static signPosition positiveMonetarySignPosition(void);
static void setFileVersion(const fileVersionE version);
// assignment
const MyMoneyMoney& operator=( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount );
const MyMoneyMoney& operator=( const TQString& pszAmount );
// comparison
bool operator==( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator!=( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator<( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator>( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator<=( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator>=( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
bool operator==( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
bool operator!=( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
bool operator<( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
bool operator>( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
bool operator<=( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
bool operator>=( const TQString& pszAmount ) const;
// calculation
MyMoneyMoney operator+( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator-( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator-( ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator*( const MyMoneyMoney& factor ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator*( int factor ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator*( signed64 factor ) const;
MyMoneyMoney operator/( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount ) const;
// unary operators
MyMoneyMoney& operator+= ( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount );
MyMoneyMoney& operator-= ( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount );
MyMoneyMoney& operator/= ( const MyMoneyMoney& Amount );
// conversion
operator int() const;
static MyMoneyMoney maxValue;
static MyMoneyMoney minValue;
static MyMoneyMoney autoCalc;
bool isNegative() const { return (m_num < 0) ? true : false; }
bool isPositive() const { return (m_num > 0) ? true : false; }
bool isZero() const { return m_num == 0; }
bool isAutoCalc(void) const { return (*this == autoCalc); }
const MyMoneyMoney reduce(void) const;
signed64 m_num;
signed64 m_denom;
signed64 getLcd(const MyMoneyMoney& b) const;
KMYMONEY_EXPORT friend TQDataStream &operator<<(TQDataStream &, const MyMoneyMoney &);
KMYMONEY_EXPORT friend TQDataStream &operator>>(TQDataStream &, MyMoneyMoney &);
static unsigned char _thousandSeparator;
static unsigned char _decimalSeparator;
static signPosition _negativeMonetarySignPosition;
static signPosition _positiveMonetarySignPosition;
static bool _negativePrefixCurrencySymbol;
static bool _positivePrefixCurrencySymbol;
static MyMoneyMoney::fileVersionE _fileVersion;
// Inline functions
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Constructor - constructs object set to 0.
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: None
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney()
m_num = 0;
m_denom = 1;
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Constructor - constructs object from an amount in a signed64 value
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - signed 64 object containing amount
// denom - denominator of the object
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney(signed64 Amount, const signed64 denom)
throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Denominator 0 not allowed!");
m_num = Amount;
m_denom = denom;
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Constructor - constructs object from an amount in a double value
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: dAmount - double object containing amount
// denom - denominator of the object
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney(const double dAmount, const signed64 denom)
double adj = dAmount < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5;
m_denom = denom;
m_num = (signed64) (dAmount * (double)m_denom + adj);
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Constructor - constructs object from an amount in a long double value
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: dAmount - long double object containing amount
// denom - denominator of the object
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney(const long double dAmount, const signed64 denom)
long double adj = dAmount < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5;
m_denom = denom;
m_num = static_cast<signed64> (dAmount * m_denom + adj);
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Constructor - constructs object from an amount in a integer value
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: iAmount - integer object containing amount
// denom - denominator of the object
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney(const int iAmount, const signed64 denom)
throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Denominator 0 not allowed!");
m_num = static_cast<signed64>(iAmount);
m_denom = denom;
// Name: MyMoneyMoney
// Purpose: Copy Constructor - constructs object from another MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: None
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be copied
inline MyMoneyMoney::MyMoneyMoney(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount)
m_num = Amount.m_num;
m_denom = Amount.m_denom;
// Name: operator=
// Purpose: Assignment operator - modifies object from input MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: Const reference to the object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be modified from
inline const MyMoneyMoney& MyMoneyMoney::operator=(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount)
m_num = Amount.m_num;
m_denom = Amount.m_denom;
return *this;
// Name: operator=
// Purpose: Assignment operator - modifies object from input NULL terminated
// string
// Returns: Const reference to the object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: pszAmount - NULL terminated string that contains amount
inline const MyMoneyMoney& MyMoneyMoney::operator=(const TQString& pszAmount)
*this = MyMoneyMoney( pszAmount );
return *this;
// Name: operator==
// Purpose: Compare equal operator - compares object with input MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: true if equal, otherwise false
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator==(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return m_num == Amount.m_num;
if(m_num == 0 && Amount.m_num == 0)
return true;
return (*this - Amount).m_num == 0;
// Name: operator!=
// Purpose: Compare not equal operator - compares object with input MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: true if not equal, otherwise false
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator!=(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_num == Amount.m_num && m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return false;
return (*this - Amount).m_num != 0;
// Name: operator<
// Purpose: Compare less than operator - compares object with input MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: true if object less than input amount
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator<(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return (m_num < Amount.m_num);
signed64 ab, ba;
ab = m_num * Amount.m_denom;
ba = m_denom * Amount.m_num;
return ( ab < ba ) ;
// Name: operator>
// Purpose: Compare greater than operator - compares object with input MyMoneyMoney
// object
// Returns: true if object greater than input amount
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator>(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return (m_num > Amount.m_num);
signed64 ab, ba;
ab = m_num * Amount.m_denom;
ba = m_denom * Amount.m_num;
return ( ab > ba ) ;
// Name: operator<=
// Purpose: Compare less than equal to operator - compares object with input
// MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: true if object less than or equal to input amount
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator<=(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return (m_num <= Amount.m_num);
signed64 ab, ba;
ab = m_num * Amount.m_denom;
ba = m_denom * Amount.m_num;
return ( ab <= ba ) ;
// Name: operator>=
// Purpose: Compare greater than equal to operator - compares object with input
// MyMoneyMoney object
// Returns: true if object greater than or equal to input amount
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: Amount - MyMoneyMoney object to be compared with
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator>=(const MyMoneyMoney& Amount) const
if(m_denom == Amount.m_denom)
return (m_num >= Amount.m_num);
signed64 ab, ba;
ab = m_num * Amount.m_denom;
ba = m_denom * Amount.m_num;
return ( ab >= ba ) ;
// Name: operator==
// Purpose: Compare equal operator - compares object with input amount in a
// NULL terminated string
// Returns: true if equal, otherwise false
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: pszAmount - NULL terminated string that contains amount
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator==(const TQString& pszAmount) const
MyMoneyMoney Amount( pszAmount );
return ( *this == Amount ) ;
// Name: operator!=
// Purpose: Compare not equal operator - compares object with input amount in
// a NULL terminated string
// Returns: true if not equal, otherwise false
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: pszAmount - NULL terminated string that contains amount
inline bool MyMoneyMoney::operator!=(const TQString& pszAmount) const
MyMoneyMoney Amount( pszAmount );
return ( *this != Amount ) ;
// Name: operator-
// Purpose: Unary operator - returns the negative value from the object
// Returns: The current object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: None
inline MyMoneyMoney MyMoneyMoney::operator-() const
MyMoneyMoney result(*this);
result.m_num = -result.m_num;
return result;
// Name: operator*
// Purpose: Multiplication operator - multiplies the object with factor
// Returns: The current object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: AmountInPence - signed64 object to be multiplied
inline MyMoneyMoney MyMoneyMoney::operator*(signed64 factor) const
MyMoneyMoney result(*this);
result.m_num *= factor;
return result;
// Name: operator*
// Purpose: Multiplication operator - multiplies the object with factor
// Returns: The current object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: AmountInPence - long object to be multiplied
inline MyMoneyMoney MyMoneyMoney::operator*(int factor) const
MyMoneyMoney result(*this);
result.m_num *= factor;
return result;
// Name: operator+=
// Purpose: Addition operator - adds the input amount to the object together
// Returns: Reference to the current object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: AmountInPence - MyMoneyMoney object to be added
inline MyMoneyMoney& MyMoneyMoney::operator+=(const MyMoneyMoney& AmountInPence)
*this = *this + AmountInPence;
return *this;
// Name: operator-=
// Purpose: Subtraction operator - subtracts the input amount from the object
// Returns: Reference to the current object
// Throws: Nothing.
// Arguments: AmountInPence - MyMoneyMoney object to be subtracted
inline MyMoneyMoney& MyMoneyMoney::operator-=(const MyMoneyMoney& AmountInPence)
*this = *this - AmountInPence;
return *this;
inline MyMoneyMoney& MyMoneyMoney::operator/=(const MyMoneyMoney& AmountInPence)
*this = *this / AmountInPence;
return *this;