You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1526 lines
52 KiB

begin : Fri Jul 23 2004
copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones
(C) 2007 Sascha Pfau
email :
Contains code from the func_xirr and related methods of financial.cpp
- KOffice 1.6 by Sascha Pfau. Sascha agreed to relicense those methods under
GPLv2 or later.
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes
// This is just needed for i18n(). Once I figure out how to handle i18n
// without using this macro directly, I'll be freed of KDE dependency.
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes
#include "../mymoney/mymoneyfile.h"
#include "../mymoney/mymoneytransaction.h"
#include "../mymoney/mymoneyreport.h"
#include "../mymoney/mymoneyexception.h"
#include "../kmymoneyutils.h"
#include "../kmymoneyglobalsettings.h"
#include "reportaccount.h"
#include "reportdebug.h"
#include "querytable.h"
namespace reports {
// ****************************************************************************
// CashFlowListItem implementation
// Cash flow analysis tools for investment reports
// ****************************************************************************
TQDate CashFlowListItem::m_sToday = TQDate::currentDate();
MyMoneyMoney CashFlowListItem::NPV( double _rate ) const
double T = static_cast<double>(m_sToday.daysTo(m_date)) / 365.0;
MyMoneyMoney result = m_value.toDouble() / pow(1+_rate,T);
//kdDebug(2) << "CashFlowListItem::NPV( " << _rate << " ) == " << result << endl;
return result;
// ****************************************************************************
// CashFlowList implementation
// Cash flow analysis tools for investment reports
// ****************************************************************************
CashFlowListItem CashFlowList::mostRecent(void) const
CashFlowList dupe( *this );
qHeapSort( dupe );
//kdDebug(2) << " CashFlowList::mostRecent() == " << dupe.back().date().toString(TQt::ISODate) << endl;
return dupe.back();
MyMoneyMoney CashFlowList::NPV( double _rate ) const
MyMoneyMoney result = 0.0;
const_iterator it_cash = begin();
while ( it_cash != end() )
result += (*it_cash).NPV( _rate );
//kdDebug(2) << "CashFlowList::NPV( " << _rate << " ) == " << result << endl << "------------------------" << endl;
return result;
double CashFlowList::calculateXIRR ( void ) const
double resultRate = 0.00001;
double resultZero = 0.00000;
//if ( args.count() > 2 )
// resultRate = calc->conv()->asFloat ( args[2] ).asFloat();
// check pairs and count >= 2 and guess > -1.0
//if ( args[0].count() != args[1].count() || args[1].count() < 2 || resultRate <= -1.0 )
// return Value::errorVALUE();
// define max epsilon
static const double maxEpsilon = 1e-5;
// max number of iterations
static const int maxIter = 50;
// Newton's method - try to find a res, with a accuracy of maxEpsilon
double rateEpsilon, newRate, resultValue;
int i = 0;
bool contLoop;
resultValue = xirrResult ( resultRate );
double resultDerive = xirrResultDerive ( resultRate );
//check what happens if xirrResultDerive is zero
//Don't know if it is correct to dismiss the result
if( resultDerive != 0 ) {
newRate = resultRate - resultValue / resultDerive;
} else {
newRate = resultRate - resultValue;
rateEpsilon = fabs ( newRate - resultRate );
resultRate = newRate;
contLoop = ( rateEpsilon > maxEpsilon ) && ( fabs ( resultValue ) > maxEpsilon );
while ( contLoop && ( ++i < maxIter ) );
if ( contLoop )
return resultZero;
return resultRate;
double CashFlowList::xirrResult ( double& rate ) const
TQDate date;
double r = rate + 1.0;
double res = 0.00000;//back().value().toDouble();
TQValueList<CashFlowListItem>::const_iterator list_it = begin();
while( list_it != end() ) {
double e_i = ( (* list_it).today().daysTo ( (* list_it).date() ) ) / 365.0;
MyMoneyMoney val = (* list_it).value();
res += val.toDouble() / pow ( r, e_i );
return res;
double CashFlowList::xirrResultDerive ( double& rate ) const
TQDate date;
double r = rate + 1.0;
double res = 0.00000;
TQValueList<CashFlowListItem>::const_iterator list_it = begin();
while( list_it != end() ) {
double e_i = ( (* list_it).today().daysTo ( (* list_it).date() ) ) / 365.0;
MyMoneyMoney val = (* list_it).value();
res -= e_i * val.toDouble() / pow ( r, e_i + 1.0 );
return res;
double CashFlowList::IRR( void ) const
double result = 0.0;
// set 'today', which is the most recent of all dates in the list
CashFlowListItem::setToday( mostRecent().date() );
result = calculateXIRR();
return result;
MyMoneyMoney CashFlowList::total(void) const
MyMoneyMoney result;
const_iterator it_cash = begin();
while ( it_cash != end() )
result += (*it_cash).value();
return result;
void CashFlowList::dumpDebug(void) const
const_iterator it_item = begin();
while ( it_item != end() )
kdDebug(2) << TQString((*it_item).date().toString(TQt::ISODate)) << " " << (*it_item).value().toString() << endl;
// ****************************************************************************
// QueryTable implementation
// ****************************************************************************
* - Collapse 2- & 3- groups when they are identical
* - Way more test cases (especially splits & transfers)
* - Option to collapse splits
* - Option to exclude transfers
QueryTable::QueryTable(const MyMoneyReport& _report): ListTable(_report)
// seperated into its own method to allow debugging (setting breakpoints
// directly in ctors somehow does not work for me (ipwizard))
// TODO: remove the init() method and move the code back to the ctor
void QueryTable::init(void)
switch ( m_config.rowType() )
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount:
case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType:
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType:
case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution:
case MyMoneyReport::eAccount:
case MyMoneyReport::ePayee:
case MyMoneyReport::eMonth:
case MyMoneyReport::eWeek:
case MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow:
// Sort the data to match the report definition
switch ( m_config.rowType() )
case MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow:
m_group = "categorytype,topcategory,category";
case MyMoneyReport::eCategory:
m_group = "categorytype,topcategory,category";
case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory:
m_group = "categorytype,topcategory";
case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount:
m_group = "topaccount,account";
case MyMoneyReport::eAccount:
m_group = "account";
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountReconcile:
m_group = "account,reconcileflag";
case MyMoneyReport::ePayee:
m_group = "payee";
case MyMoneyReport::eMonth:
m_group = "month";
case MyMoneyReport::eWeek:
m_group = "week";
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount:
m_group = "topaccount";
case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType:
m_group = "equitytype";
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType:
m_group = "type";
case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution:
m_group = "institution,topaccount";
throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("QueryTable::QueryTable(): unhandled row type");
TQString sort = m_group + "," + m_columns + ",id,rank";
switch (m_config.rowType()) {
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount:
case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType:
case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType:
case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution:
unsigned qc = m_config.queryColumns();
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCnumber )
m_columns += ",number";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCpayee )
m_columns += ",payee";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCcategory )
m_columns += ",category";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCaccount )
m_columns += ",account";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCreconciled )
m_columns += ",reconcileflag";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCmemo )
m_columns += ",memo";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCaction )
m_columns += ",action";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCshares )
m_columns += ",shares";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCprice )
m_columns += ",price";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCperformance )
m_columns += ",startingbal,buys,sells,reinvestincome,cashincome,return,returninvestment";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCloan )
m_columns += ",payment,interest,fees";
m_postcolumns = "balance";
if ( qc & MyMoneyReport::eTQCbalance)
m_postcolumns = "balance";
void QueryTable::constructTransactionTable(void)
MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
//make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts
MyMoneyReport report(m_config);
bool use_transfers;
bool use_summary;
bool hide_details;
switch (m_config.rowType()) {
case MyMoneyReport::eCategory:
case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory:
use_summary = false;
use_transfers = false;
hide_details = false;
case MyMoneyReport::ePayee:
use_summary = false;
use_transfers = false;
hide_details = (m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailNone);
use_summary = true;
use_transfers = true;
hide_details = (m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailNone);
// support for opening and closing balances
TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyAccount> accts;
//get all transactions for this report
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> transactions = file->transactionList(report);
for (TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.begin(); it_transaction != transactions.end(); ++it_transaction) {
TableRow qA, qS;
TQDate pd;
qA["id"] = qS["id"] = (* it_transaction).id();
qA["entrydate"] = qS["entrydate"] = (* it_transaction).entryDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["postdate"] = qS["postdate"] = (* it_transaction).postDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["commodity"] = qS["commodity"] = (* it_transaction).commodity();
pd = (* it_transaction).postDate();
qA["month"] = qS["month"] = i18n("Month of %1").arg(TQDate(pd.year(),pd.month(),1).toString(TQt::ISODate));
qA["week"] = qS["week"] = i18n("Week of %1").arg(pd.addDays(1-pd.dayOfWeek()).toString(TQt::ISODate));
qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = "";
if((* it_transaction).commodity() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
if (!report.isConvertCurrency()) {
qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = (*it_transaction).commodity();
// to handle splits, we decide on which account to base the split
// (a reference point or point of view so to speak). here we take the
// first account that is a stock account or loan account (or the first account
// that is not an income or expense account if there is no stock or loan account)
// to be the account (qA) that will have the sub-item "split" entries. we add
// one transaction entry (qS) for each subsequent entry in the split.
const TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits = (*it_transaction).splits();
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator myBegin, it_split;
//S_end = splits.end();
for (it_split = splits.begin(), myBegin = splits.end(); it_split != splits.end(); ++it_split) {
ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId();
// always put split with a "stock" account if it exists
if (splitAcc.isInvest())
// prefer to put splits with a "loan" account if it exists
myBegin = it_split;
if((myBegin == splits.end()) && ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) {
myBegin = it_split;
// select our "reference" split
if (it_split == splits.end()) {
it_split = myBegin;
} else {
myBegin = it_split;
// if the split is still unknown, use the first one. I have seen this
// happen with a transaction that has only a single split referencing an income or expense
// account and has an amount and value of 0. Such a transaction will fall through
// the above logic and leave 'it_split' pointing to splits.end() which causes the remainder
// of this to end in an infinite loop.
if(it_split == splits.end()) {
it_split = splits.begin();
// for "loan" reports, the loan transaction gets special treatment.
// the splits of a loan transaction are placed on one line in the
// reference (loan) account (qA). however, we process the matching
// split entries (qS) normally.
bool loan_special_case = false;
if(m_config.queryColumns() & MyMoneyReport::eTQCloan) {
ReportAccount splitAcc = (*it_split).accountId();
loan_special_case = splitAcc.isLoan();
#if 0
// a stock dividend or yield transaction is also a special case.
// [dv: the original comment follows]
// handle cash dividends. these little fellas require very special handling.
// the stock account will produce a row with zero value & zero shares. Then
// there will be 2 split rows, a category and a transfer account. We are
// only concerned with the transfer account, and we will NOT show the income
// account. (This may have to be changed later if we feel we need it.)
// [dv: this special case just doesn't make sense to me -- it seems to
// violate the "zero sum" transaction concept. for now, then, the stock
// dividend / yield special case goes unimplemented.]
bool stock_special_case =
(a.isInvest() &&
((* is).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend ||
(* is).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionYield));
bool include_me = true;
bool transaction_text = false; //indicates whether a text should be considered as a match for the transaction or for a split only
TQString a_fullname = "";
TQString a_memo = "";
unsigned int pass = 1;
TQString myBeginCurrency = (file->account((*myBegin).accountId())).currencyId(); //currency of the main split
do {
MyMoneyMoney xr;
ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId();
//use the fraction relevant to the account at hand
int fraction = splitAcc.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
//use base currency fraction if not initialized
if(fraction == -1)
fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
TQString institution = splitAcc.institutionId();
TQString payee = (*it_split).payeeId();
//convert to base currency
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()) * splitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce();
} else {
xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce();
//if the currency of the split is different from the currency of the main split, then convert to the currency of the main split
if(splitAcc.currency().id() != myBeginCurrency) {
xr = (xr * splitAcc.foreignCurrencyPrice(myBeginCurrency, (*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce();
if (splitAcc.isInvest()) {
// use the institution of the parent for stock accounts
institution = splitAcc.parent().institutionId();
MyMoneyMoney shares = (*it_split).shares();
qA["action"] = (*it_split).action();
qA["shares"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : (*it_split).shares().toString();
qA["price"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares) && (*it_split).shares().isNegative())
qA["action"] = "Sell";
qA["investaccount"] = splitAcc.parent().name();
if (it_split == myBegin) {
include_me = m_config.includes(splitAcc);
a_fullname = splitAcc.fullName();
a_memo = (*it_split).memo();
transaction_text = m_config.match(&(*it_split));
qA["price"] = xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
qA["account"] =;
qA["accountid"] =;
qA["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty()
? i18n("No Institution")
: file->institution(institution).name();
qA["payee"] = payee.isEmpty()
? i18n("[Empty Payee]")
: file->payee(payee).name().simplifyWhiteSpace();
qA["reconciledate"] = (*it_split).reconcileDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["reconcileflag"] = KMyMoneyUtils::reconcileStateToString((*it_split).reconcileFlag(), true );
qA["number"] = (*it_split).number();
qA["memo"] = a_memo;
qS["reconciledate"] = qA["reconciledate"];
qS["reconcileflag"] = qA["reconcileflag"];
qS["number"] = qA["number"];
qS["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qS["categorytype"] = i18n("Transfer");
// only include the configured accounts
if (include_me) {
if (loan_special_case) {
// put the principal amount in the "value" column and convert to lowest fraction
qA["value"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qA["rank"] = "0";
qA["split"] = "";
} else {
if ((splits.count() > 2) && use_summary) {
// add the "summarized" split transaction
// this is the sub-total of the split detail
// convert to lowest fraction
qA["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qA["rank"] = "0";
qA["category"] = i18n("[Split Transaction]");
qA["topcategory"] = i18n("Split");
qA["categorytype"] = i18n("Split");
m_rows += qA;
// track accts that will need opening and closing balances
//FIXME in some cases it will show the opening and closing
//balances but no transactions if the splits are all filtered out -- asoliverez
accts.insert (, splitAcc);
} else {
if (include_me) {
if (loan_special_case) {
MyMoneyMoney value = ((-(* it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction);
if ((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionAmortization) {
// put the payment in the "payment" column and convert to lowest fraction
qA["payment"] = value.toString();
else if ((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest) {
// put the interest in the "interest" column and convert to lowest fraction
qA["interest"] = value.toString();
else if (splits.count() > 2) {
// [dv: This comment carried from the original code. I am
// not exactly clear on what it means or why we do this.]
// Put the initial pay-in nowhere (that is, ignore it). This
// is dangerous, though. The only way I can tell the initial
// pay-in apart from fees is if there are only 2 splits in
// the transaction. I wish there was a better way.
else {
// accumulate everything else in the "fees" column
MyMoneyMoney n0 = MyMoneyMoney(qA["fees"]);
qA["fees"] = (n0 + value).toString();
// we don't add qA here for a loan transaction. we'll add one
// qA afer all of the split components have been processed.
// (see below)
//--- special case to hide split transaction details
else if (hide_details && (splits.count() > 2)) {
// essentially, don't add any qA entries
//--- default case includes all transaction details
else {
//this is when the splits are going to be shown as children of the main split
if ((splits.count() > 2) && use_summary) {
qA["value"] = "";
//convert to lowest fraction
qA["split"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qA["rank"] = "1";
} else {
//this applies when the transaction has only 2 splits, or each split is going to be
//shown separately, eg. transactions by category
qA["split"] = "";
//multiply by currency and convert to lowest fraction
qA["value"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qA["rank"] = "0";
qA ["memo"] = (*it_split).memo();
if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) {
qA["category"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ?
i18n("Transfer from %1").arg(splitAcc.fullName())
: i18n("Transfer to %1").arg(splitAcc.fullName());
qA["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qA["categorytype"] = i18n("Transfer");
else {
qA ["category"] = splitAcc.fullName();
qA ["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qA ["categorytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(splitAcc.accountGroup());
if (use_transfers || (splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() && m_config.includes(splitAcc)))
//if it matches the text of the main split of the transaction or
//it matches this particular split, include it
//otherwise, skip it
//if the filter is "does not contain" exclude the split if it does not match
//even it matches the whole split
if((m_config.isInvertingText() &&
m_config.match( &(*it_split) ))
|| ( !m_config.isInvertingText()
&& (transaction_text
|| m_config.match( &(*it_split) )))) {
m_rows += qA;
if (m_config.includes(splitAcc) && use_transfers) {
if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) {
//multiply by currency and convert to lowest fraction
qS["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qS["rank"] = "0";
qS["account"] =;
qS["accountid"] =;
qS["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qS["category"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative())
? i18n("Transfer to %1").arg(a_fullname)
: i18n("Transfer from %1").arg(a_fullname);
qS["institution"] = institution.isEmpty()
? i18n("No Institution")
: file->institution(institution).name();
qS["memo"] = (*it_split).memo().isEmpty()
? a_memo
: (*it_split).memo();
qS["payee"] = payee.isEmpty()
? qA["payee"]
: file->payee(payee).name().simplifyWhiteSpace();
//check the specific split against the filter for text and amount
//TODO this should be done at the engine, but I have no clear idea how -- asoliverez
//if the filter is "does not contain" exclude the split if it does not match
//even it matches the whole split
if((m_config.isInvertingText() &&
m_config.match( &(*it_split) ))
|| ( !m_config.isInvertingText()
&& (transaction_text
|| m_config.match( &(*it_split) )))) {
m_rows += qS;
// track accts that will need opening and closing balances
accts.insert (, splitAcc);
// look for wrap-around
if (it_split == splits.end())
it_split = splits.begin();
// but terminate if this transaction has only a single split
if(splits.count() < 2)
//check if there have been more passes than there are splits
//this is to prevent infinite loops in cases of data inconsistency -- asoliverez
if( pass > splits.count() )
} while (it_split != myBegin);
if (loan_special_case) {
m_rows += qA;
// now run through our accts list and add opening and closing balances
switch (m_config.rowType()) {
case MyMoneyReport::eAccount:
case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount:
// case MyMoneyReport::eCategory:
// case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory:
// case MyMoneyReport::ePayee:
// case MyMoneyReport::eMonth:
// case MyMoneyReport::eWeek:
TQDate startDate, endDate;
report.validDateRange(startDate, endDate);
TQString strStartDate = startDate.toString(TQt::ISODate);
TQString strEndDate = endDate.toString(TQt::ISODate);
startDate = startDate.addDays(-1);
TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_account, accts_end;
for (it_account = accts.begin(); it_account != accts.end(); ++it_account) {
TableRow qA;
ReportAccount account = (* it_account);
//get fraction for account
int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
//use base currency fraction if not initialized
if(fraction == -1)
fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
TQString institution = account.institutionId();
// use the institution of the parent for stock accounts
if (account.isInvest())
institution = account.parent().institutionId();
MyMoneyMoney startBalance, endBalance, startPrice, endPrice;
MyMoneyMoney startShares, endShares;
//get price and convert currency if necessary
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
startPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startDate)).reduce();
endPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endDate)).reduce();
} else {
startPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate).reduce();
endPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate).reduce();
startShares = file->balance(,startDate);
endShares = file->balance(,endDate);
//get starting and ending balances
startBalance = startShares * startPrice;
endBalance = endShares * endPrice;
//starting balance
// don't show currency if we're converting or if it's not foreign
qA["currency"] = (m_config.isConvertCurrency() || ! account.isForeignCurrency()) ? "" : account.currency().id();
qA["accountid"] =;
qA["account"] =;
qA["topaccount"] = account.topParentName();
qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name();
qA["rank"] = "-2";
qA["price"] = startPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (account.isInvest()) {
qA["shares"] = startShares.toString();
qA["postdate"] = strStartDate;
qA["balance"] = startBalance.convert(fraction).toString();
qA["value"] = TQString();
qA["id"] = "A";
m_rows += qA;
//ending balance
qA["price"] = endPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (account.isInvest()) {
qA["shares"] = endShares.toString();
qA["postdate"] = strEndDate;
qA["balance"] = endBalance.toString();
qA["id"] = "Z";
m_rows += qA;
void QueryTable::constructPerformanceRow( const ReportAccount& account, TableRow& result ) const
MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(account.currencyId());
result["equitytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::securityTypeToString(security.securityType());
//set fraction
int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
// Calculate performance
// The following columns are created:
// Account, Value on <Opening>, Buys, Sells, Income, Value on <Closing>, Return%
MyMoneyReport report = m_config;
TQDate startingDate;
TQDate endingDate;
MyMoneyMoney price;
report.validDateRange( startingDate, endingDate );
startingDate = startingDate.addDays(-1);
//calculate starting balance
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate);
} else {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate);
//work around if there is no price for the starting balance
&& account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) == MyMoneyMoney(1, 1))
MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter;
//get the transactions for the time before the report
filter.setDateFilter(TQDate(), startingDate);
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> startTransactions = file->transactionList(filter);
if(startTransactions.size() > 0)
//get the last transaction
MyMoneyTransaction startTrans = startTransactions.back();
MyMoneySplit s = startTrans.splitByAccount(;
//get the price from the split of that account
price = s.price();
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() )
price = price * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate);
}if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate);
} else {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate);
MyMoneyMoney startingBal = file->balance(,startingDate) * price;
//convert to lowest fraction
startingBal = startingBal.convert(fraction);
//calculate ending balance
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endingDate);
} else {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endingDate);
MyMoneyMoney endingBal = file->balance((account).id(),endingDate) * price;
//convert to lowest fraction
endingBal = endingBal.convert(fraction);
//add start balance to calculate return on investment
MyMoneyMoney returnInvestment = startingBal;
MyMoneyMoney paidDividend;
CashFlowList buys;
CashFlowList sells;
CashFlowList reinvestincome;
CashFlowList cashincome;
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> transactions = file->transactionList( report );
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.begin();
while ( it_transaction != transactions.end() )
// s is the split for the stock account
MyMoneySplit s = (*it_transaction).splitByAccount(;
//get price for the day of the transaction if we have to calculate base currency
//we are using the value of the split which is in deep currency
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
price = account.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()); //we only need base currency because the value is in deep currency
} else {
price = MyMoneyMoney(1,1);
MyMoneyMoney value = s.value() * price;
const TQString& action = s.action();
if ( action == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares )
if ( s.value().isPositive() ) {
buys += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
} else {
sells += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
returnInvestment += value;
//convert to lowest fraction
returnInvestment = returnInvestment.convert(fraction);
} else if ( action == MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend ) {
reinvestincome += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), value );
} else if ( action == MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend || action == MyMoneySplit::ActionYield ) {
// find the split with the category, which has the actual amount of the dividend
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit> splits = (*it_transaction).splits();
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_split = splits.begin();
bool found = false;
while( it_split != splits.end() ) {
ReportAccount acc = (*it_split).accountId();
if ( acc.isIncomeExpense() ) {
found = true;
if ( found ) {
cashincome += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -(*it_split).value() * price);
paidDividend += ((-(*it_split).value()) * price).convert(fraction);
} else {
//if the split does not match any action above, add it as buy or sell depending on sign
//if value is zero, get the price for that date
if( s.value().isZero() ) {
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()) * account.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate());
} else {
price = account.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate());
value = s.shares() * price;
if ( s.shares().isPositive() ) {
buys += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
} else {
sells += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
returnInvestment += value;
} else {
value = s.value() * price;
if ( s.value().isPositive() ) {
buys += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
} else {
sells += CashFlowListItem( (*it_transaction).postDate(), -value );
returnInvestment += value;
// Note that reinvested dividends are not included , because these do not
// represent a cash flow event.
CashFlowList all;
all += buys;
all += sells;
all += cashincome;
all += CashFlowListItem(startingDate, -startingBal);
all += CashFlowListItem(endingDate, endingBal);
//check if no activity on that term
if(!returnInvestment.isZero() && !endingBal.isZero()) {
returnInvestment = ((endingBal + paidDividend) - returnInvestment)/returnInvestment;
returnInvestment = returnInvestment.convert(10000);
} else {
returnInvestment = MyMoneyMoney(0,1);
MyMoneyMoney annualReturn = MyMoneyMoney(all.IRR(),10000);
result["return"] = annualReturn.toString();
result["returninvestment"] = returnInvestment.toString();
catch (TQString e)
kdDebug(2) << e << endl;
result["buys"] = (-(;
result["sells"] = (-(;
result["cashincome"] = (;
result["reinvestincome"] = (;
result["startingbal"] = (startingBal).toString();
result["endingbal"] = (endingBal).toString();
void QueryTable::constructAccountTable(void)
MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
//make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts
TQValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accounts;
TQValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_account = accounts.begin();
while ( it_account != accounts.end() )
ReportAccount account = *it_account;
//get fraction for account
int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
//use base currency fraction if not initialized
if(fraction == -1)
fraction = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
// Note, "Investment" accounts are never included in account rows because
// they don't contain anything by themselves. In reports, they are only
// useful as a "topaccount" aggregator of stock accounts
if ( account.isAssetLiability() && m_config.includes(account) && account.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Investment )
TableRow qaccountrow;
// help for sort and render functions
qaccountrow["rank"] = "0";
// Handle currency conversion
MyMoneyMoney displayprice(1.0);
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() )
// display currency is base currency, so set the price
if ( account.isForeignCurrency() )
displayprice = account.baseCurrencyPrice(m_config.toDate()).reduce();
// display currency is the account's deep currency. display this fact in the report
qaccountrow["currency"] = account.currency().id();
qaccountrow["account"] =;
qaccountrow["accountid"] =;
qaccountrow["topaccount"] = account.topParentName();
MyMoneyMoney shares = file->balance(,m_config.toDate());
qaccountrow["shares"] = shares.toString();
MyMoneyMoney netprice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(m_config.toDate()).reduce() * displayprice;
qaccountrow["price"] = ( netprice.reduce() ).convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
qaccountrow["value"] = ( netprice.reduce() * shares.reduce() ).convert(fraction).toString();
TQString iid = (*it_account).institutionId();
// If an account does not have an institution, get it from the top-parent.
if ( iid.isEmpty() && ! account.isTopLevel() )
ReportAccount topaccount = account.topParent();
iid = topaccount.institutionId();
if ( iid.isEmpty() )
qaccountrow["institution"] = i18n("None");
qaccountrow["institution"] = file->institution(iid).name();
qaccountrow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString((*it_account).accountType());
// TODO: Only do this if the report we're making really needs performance. Otherwise
// it's an expensive calculation done for no reason
if ( account.isInvest() )
constructPerformanceRow( account, qaccountrow );
qaccountrow["equitytype"] = TQString();
// don't add the account if it is closed. In fact, the business logic
// should prevent that an account can be closed with a balance not equal
// to zero, but we never know.
if(!(shares.isZero() && account.isClosed()))
m_rows += qaccountrow;
void QueryTable::constructSplitsTable(void)
MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
//make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts
MyMoneyReport report(m_config);
// support for opening and closing balances
TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyAccount> accts;
//get all transactions for this report
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> transactions = file->transactionList(report);
for (TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.begin(); it_transaction != transactions.end(); ++it_transaction) {
TableRow qA, qS;
TQDate pd;
qA["id"] = qS["id"] = (* it_transaction).id();
qA["entrydate"] = qS["entrydate"] = (* it_transaction).entryDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["postdate"] = qS["postdate"] = (* it_transaction).postDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["commodity"] = qS["commodity"] = (* it_transaction).commodity();
pd = (* it_transaction).postDate();
qA["month"] = qS["month"] = i18n("Month of %1").arg(TQDate(pd.year(),pd.month(),1).toString(TQt::ISODate));
qA["week"] = qS["week"] = i18n("Week of %1").arg(pd.addDays(1-pd.dayOfWeek()).toString(TQt::ISODate));
qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = "";
if((* it_transaction).commodity() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
if (!report.isConvertCurrency()) {
qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = (*it_transaction).commodity();
// to handle splits, we decide on which account to base the split
// (a reference point or point of view so to speak). here we take the
// first account that is a stock account or loan account (or the first account
// that is not an income or expense account if there is no stock or loan account)
// to be the account (qA) that will have the sub-item "split" entries. we add
// one transaction entry (qS) for each subsequent entry in the split.
const TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits = (*it_transaction).splits();
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator myBegin, it_split;
//S_end = splits.end();
for (it_split = splits.begin(), myBegin = splits.end(); it_split != splits.end(); ++it_split) {
ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId();
// always put split with a "stock" account if it exists
if (splitAcc.isInvest())
// prefer to put splits with a "loan" account if it exists
myBegin = it_split;
if((myBegin == splits.end()) && ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) {
myBegin = it_split;
// select our "reference" split
if (it_split == splits.end()) {
it_split = myBegin;
} else {
myBegin = it_split;
// if the split is still unknown, use the first one. I have seen this
// happen with a transaction that has only a single split referencing an income or expense
// account and has an amount and value of 0. Such a transaction will fall through
// the above logic and leave 'it_split' pointing to splits.end() which causes the remainder
// of this to end in an infinite loop.
if(it_split == splits.end()) {
it_split = splits.begin();
// for "loan" reports, the loan transaction gets special treatment.
// the splits of a loan transaction are placed on one line in the
// reference (loan) account (qA). however, we process the matching
// split entries (qS) normally.
bool loan_special_case = false;
if(m_config.queryColumns() & MyMoneyReport::eTQCloan) {
ReportAccount splitAcc = (*it_split).accountId();
loan_special_case = splitAcc.isLoan();
//the account of the beginning splits
ReportAccount myBeginAcc = (*myBegin).accountId();
bool include_me = true;
bool transaction_text = false; //indicates whether a text should be considered as a match for the transaction or for a split only
TQString a_fullname = "";
TQString a_memo = "";
unsigned int pass = 1;
do {
MyMoneyMoney xr;
ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId();
//get fraction for account
int fraction = splitAcc.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
//use base currency fraction if not initialized
if(fraction == -1)
fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
TQString institution = splitAcc.institutionId();
TQString payee = (*it_split).payeeId();
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()) * splitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce();
} else {
xr = splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()).reduce();
//there is a bug where the price sometimes returns 1
//get the price from the split in that case
/*if(m_config.isConvertCurrency() && xr == MyMoneyMoney(1,1)) {
xr = (*it_split).price();
if (splitAcc.isInvest()) {
// use the institution of the parent for stock accounts
institution = splitAcc.parent().institutionId();
MyMoneyMoney shares = (*it_split).shares();
qA["action"] = (*it_split).action();
qA["shares"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : (*it_split).shares().toString();
qA["price"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares) && (*it_split).shares().isNegative())
qA["action"] = "Sell";
qA["investaccount"] = splitAcc.parent().name();
include_me = m_config.includes(splitAcc);
a_fullname = splitAcc.fullName();
a_memo = (*it_split).memo();
transaction_text = m_config.match(&(*it_split));
qA["price"] = xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
qA["account"] =;
qA["accountid"] =;
qA["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty()
? i18n("No Institution")
: file->institution(institution).name();
qA["payee"] = payee.isEmpty()
? i18n("[Empty Payee]")
: file->payee(payee).name().simplifyWhiteSpace();
qA["reconciledate"] = (*it_split).reconcileDate().toString(TQt::ISODate);
qA["reconcileflag"] = KMyMoneyUtils::reconcileStateToString((*it_split).reconcileFlag(), true );
qA["number"] = (*it_split).number();
qA["memo"] = a_memo;
qS["reconciledate"] = qA["reconciledate"];
qS["reconcileflag"] = qA["reconcileflag"];
qS["number"] = qA["number"];
qS["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
// only include the configured accounts
if (include_me) {
// add the "summarized" split transaction
// this is the sub-total of the split detail
// convert to lowest fraction
qA["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString();
qA["rank"] = "0";
//fill in account information
if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() && it_split != myBegin) {
qA["account"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ?
i18n("Transfer to %1").arg(myBeginAcc.fullName())
: i18n("Transfer from %1").arg(myBeginAcc.fullName());
} else if (it_split == myBegin ) {
//handle the main split
if((splits.count() > 2)) {
//if it is the main split and has multiple splits, note that
qA["account"] = i18n("[Split Transaction]");
} else {
//fill the account name of the second split
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator tempSplit = splits.begin();
//there are supposed to be only 2 splits if we ever get here
if(tempSplit == myBegin && splits.count() > 1)
//show the name of the category, or "transfer to/from" if it as an account
ReportAccount tempSplitAcc = (*tempSplit).accountId();
if (! tempSplitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) {
qA["account"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ?
i18n("Transfer to %1").arg(tempSplitAcc.fullName())
: i18n("Transfer from %1").arg(tempSplitAcc.fullName());
} else {
qA["account"] = tempSplitAcc.fullName();
} else {
//in any other case, fill in the account name of the main split
qA["account"] = myBeginAcc.fullName();
//category data is always the one of the split
qA ["category"] = splitAcc.fullName();
qA ["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName();
qA ["categorytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(splitAcc.accountGroup());
m_rows += qA;
// track accts that will need opening and closing balances
accts.insert (, splitAcc);
// look for wrap-around
if (it_split == splits.end())
it_split = splits.begin();
//check if there have been more passes than there are splits
//this is to prevent infinite loops in cases of data inconsistency -- asoliverez
if( pass > splits.count() )
} while (it_split != myBegin);
if (loan_special_case) {
m_rows += qA;
// now run through our accts list and add opening and closing balances
switch (m_config.rowType()) {
case MyMoneyReport::eAccount:
case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount:
// case MyMoneyReport::eCategory:
// case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory:
// case MyMoneyReport::ePayee:
// case MyMoneyReport::eMonth:
// case MyMoneyReport::eWeek:
TQDate startDate, endDate;
report.validDateRange(startDate, endDate);
TQString strStartDate = startDate.toString(TQt::ISODate);
TQString strEndDate = endDate.toString(TQt::ISODate);
startDate = startDate.addDays(-1);
TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_account, accts_end;
for (it_account = accts.begin(); it_account != accts.end(); ++it_account) {
TableRow qA;
ReportAccount account = (* it_account);
//get fraction for account
int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction();
//use base currency fraction if not initialized
if(fraction == -1)
fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
TQString institution = account.institutionId();
// use the institution of the parent for stock accounts
if (account.isInvest())
institution = account.parent().institutionId();
MyMoneyMoney startBalance, endBalance, startPrice, endPrice;
MyMoneyMoney startShares, endShares;
//get price and convert currency if necessary
if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() ) {
startPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startDate)).reduce();
endPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endDate)).reduce();
} else {
startPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate).reduce();
endPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate).reduce();
startShares = file->balance(,startDate);
endShares = file->balance(,endDate);
//get starting and ending balances
startBalance = startShares * startPrice;
endBalance = endShares * endPrice;
//starting balance
// don't show currency if we're converting or if it's not foreign
qA["currency"] = (m_config.isConvertCurrency() || ! account.isForeignCurrency()) ? "" : account.currency().id();
qA["accountid"] =;
qA["account"] =;
qA["topaccount"] = account.topParentName();
qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name();
qA["rank"] = "-2";
qA["price"] = startPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (account.isInvest()) {
qA["shares"] = startShares.toString();
qA["postdate"] = strStartDate;
qA["balance"] = startBalance.convert(fraction).toString();
qA["value"] = TQString();
qA["id"] = "A";
m_rows += qA;
//ending balance
qA["price"] = endPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString();
if (account.isInvest()) {
qA["shares"] = endShares.toString();
qA["postdate"] = strEndDate;
qA["balance"] = endBalance.toString();
qA["id"] = "Z";
m_rows += qA;