KCategoryReassignDlgDecl KCategoryeReassignDlgDecl 0 0 392 308 Reassign categories false true unnamed textLabel1 300 0 The transactions, schedules and budgets associated with the selected category need to be re-assigned to a different category before the selected category can be deleted. Please select a category from the list below. WordBreak|AlignJustify|AlignTop spacer8 Vertical Fixed 20 16 textLabel2 Available categories: m_category spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 16 line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout2 unnamed Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 305 20 buttonOk OK true true buttonCancel Cancel true buttonOk clicked() KCategoryeReassignDlgDecl accept() buttonCancel clicked() KCategoryeReassignDlgDecl reject() kmymoney/kmymoneycategory.h