KNewFileDlgDecl kNewFileDlgDecl 0 0 546 448 New File Dialog true unnamed 11 6 Layout10 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_2 Use this dialog to enter personal information about yourself. All information is optional and is provided to personalize your KMyMoney file. Line1 HLine Raised 1 Horizontal layout20 unnamed TextLabel4 100 0 County/State: userNameEdit countyEdit townEdit TextLabel2 100 0 Street: streetEdit TextLabel7 100 0 Email: TextLabel1 Your name: TextLabel6 100 0 Telephone: TextLabel3 100 0 Town: emailEdit TextLabel5 100 0 Postal Code: telephoneEdit postcodeEdit layout22 unnamed kabcBtn Load from Addressbook spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 305 21 spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout10 unnamed Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 360 16 okBtn OK true true cancelBtn Cancel userNameEdit streetEdit townEdit countyEdit postcodeEdit telephoneEdit emailEdit kabcBtn okBtn cancelBtn