KLoanDetailsPageDecl KLoanDetailsPageDecl 0 0 592 434 unnamed kActiveLabel2 NoFocus Now enter the details for your loan. You can leave one of the fields empty and KMyMoney will calculate it when you press the <b>Calculate</b> button. Before you can continue with the next page you also need to press <b>Calculate</b> so that KMyMoney can check the logical correctness of the values you have supplied. spacer89 Vertical Expanding 20 70 layout10 unnamed layout9 unnamed textLabel7 The interest rate gets calculated when the payment is received when the payment is due m_paymentDue textLabel8 Loan amount m_loanAmount true Enter the amount of the loan in this field. If you want to calculate this field out of the other parameters, please leave it empty. If the field is marked as required (colored background) you have informed KMyMoney about the fact that there were already some payments towards the loan. In this case, please enter the ending balance of your last statement. textLabel9 Interest rate m_interestRate Please enter the interest rate in percent or leave the field empty to calculate it. textLabel10 Term layout8 unnamed m_termAmount 999 Please enter the term of this loan or enter 0 to calculate it. The term is the time that is required to fully repay the loan. This time might be different from the time your loan contract is signed for. m_termUnit textLabel11 Payment (principal and interest) m_paymentAmount Please enter the amount you pay for principal and interest or leave the field empty to calculate it. textLabel12 Balloon payment m_balloonAmount Please enter the amount of a final amortization payment or leave the field empty to calculate it. layout53 unnamed spacer86 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 m_calculateButton Calculate Press this button to calculate/verify your loan details. Pressing this button calculates a possibly missing parameter for your loan or verifies that the values entered match. If something is not correct you will receive information about it. spacer88_2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 spacer87 Horizontal Expanding 27 21 spacer88 Vertical Expanding 20 16 kmymoney/kmymoneydateinput.h kmymoney/kmymoneyedit.h kmymoney/kmymoneycategory.h