KSplitCorrectionDlgDecl KSplitCorrectionDlgDecl 0 0 462 292 80 0 Correct splits unnamed 11 6 layout4 unnamed explanation NoFocus xxx question true How do you want to proceed? buttonGroup NoFrame unnamed 11 6 continueBtn Continue to edit splits true changeBtn Change total amount of transaction to %1. distributeBtn false Distribute difference of %1 among all splits. leaveBtn Leave %1 unassigned. spacer3 Vertical Expanding 20 41 line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout3 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 okBtn 4 1 0 0 80 0 OK cancelBtn 4 1 0 0 80 0 Cancel okBtn clicked() KSplitCorrectionDlgDecl accept() cancelBtn clicked() KSplitCorrectionDlgDecl reject()