kbackupdlgdecl kbackupdlgdecl Backup unnamed 11 6 Layout4 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 Use this dialog to backup your data. Please make sure you have a disk inserted and that the drive is ready. Then choose the mount point from either the Choose button or by entering the path in the available box. Click OK to perform the backup. If your system does not use an automounter, make sure you mark the checkbox below to "mount this directory before backing up." WordBreak|AlignTop Line1 HLine Raised Horizontal GroupBox1 Device options unnamed 11 6 Layout42 unnamed 0 6 lblMountPoint Mount Point: txtMountPoint chooseButton Choose... mountCheckBox Mount this directory before backing up. Spacer17 Vertical Expanding 0 24 Layout44 unnamed 0 6 Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 455 0 btnOK OK true true btnCancel Cancel true