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ksplittransactiondlg.h - description
begin : Thu Jan 10 2002
copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes
email :
Javier Campos Morales <>
Felix Rodriguez <>
John C <>
Thomas Baumgart <>
Kevin Tambascio <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes
#include <kmymoney/mymoneymoney.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyaccount.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneytransaction.h>
class kMyMoneyEdit;
class kMyMoneyLineEdit;
#include "../dialogs/ksplittransactiondlgdecl.h"
* @author Thomas Baumgart
class KSplitTransactionDlg : public KSplitTransactionDlgDecl
KSplitTransactionDlg(const MyMoneyTransaction& t,
const MyMoneySplit& s,
const MyMoneyAccount& acc,
const bool amountValid,
const bool deposit,
const MyMoneyMoney& calculatedValue,
const TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyMoney>& priceInfo,
TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
virtual ~KSplitTransactionDlg();
* Using this method, an external object can retrieve the result
* of the dialog.
* @return MyMoneyTransaction based on the transaction passes during
* the construction of this object and modified using the
* dialog.
const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction(void) const { return m_transaction; };
* This method calculates the difference between the split that references
* the account passed as argument to the constructor of this object and
* all the other splits shown in the register of this dialog.
* @return difference as MyMoneyMoney object
MyMoneyMoney diffAmount(void);
* This method calculates the sum of the splits shown in the register
* of this dialog.
* @return sum of splits as MyMoneyMoney object
MyMoneyMoney splitsValue(void);
* This method updates the display of the sums below the register
void updateSums(void);
public slots:
int exec(void);
protected slots:
void accept();
void reject();
void slotClearAllSplits(void);
void slotClearUnusedSplits(void);
void slotSetTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t);
void slotCreateCategory(const TQString& txt, TQString& id);
void slotMergeSplits(void);
/// used internally to setup the initial size of all widgets
void initSize(void);
* This signal is sent out, when a new category needs to be created
* Depending on the setting of either a payment or deposit, the parent
* account will be preset to Expense or Income.
* @param account reference to account info. Will be filled by called slot
* @param parent reference to parent account
void createCategory(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent);
* Signal is emitted, if any of the widgets enters (@a state equals @a true)
* or leaves (@a state equals @a false) object creation mode.
* @param state Enter (@a true) or leave (@a false) object creation
void objectCreation(bool state);
* This member keeps a copy of the current selected transaction
MyMoneyTransaction m_transaction;
* This member keeps a copy of the currently selected account
MyMoneyAccount m_account;
* This member keeps a copy of the currently selected split
MyMoneySplit m_split;
* This member keeps the precision for the values
int m_precision;
* flag that shows that the amount specified in the constructor
* should be used as fix value (true) or if it can be changed (false)
bool m_amountValid;
* This member keeps track if the current transaction is of type
* deposit (true) or withdrawal (false).
bool m_isDeposit;
* This member keeps the amount that will be assigned to all the
* splits that are marked 'will be calculated'.
MyMoneyMoney m_calculatedValue;