# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# csvsecurityqif.py - description
# -------------------
# begin : Sat 24 Oct. 2009
# copyright : (C) 2009 by Allan Anderson
# email : aganderson@ukonline.co.uk
#* *
#* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
#* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
#* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
#* (at your option) any later version. *
#* *
import csv
# *** NOTE ***
# It may be necessary to remove the second line, before running.
# Simple utility to convert a csv format Securities file, as from later
# editions of Quicken, to qif format for KMyMoney2.
# It and its data files are expected to be in the same directory.
# First, make the script executable: chmod u+x csvsecurityqif.py .
# Run by './csvsecurityqif.py'.
# You will be prompted to enter input and output filenames.
# The entries in this input file contain a number of fields that are
# not documented and which KMyMoney2 does not handle.
# These fields are accepted and suffixed with 'M' in the output file.
# Anything of importance in them will need to be copy/pasted into KMM.
fin = input('Please enter the input Securities filename (.csv, .PRN, etc.) : ')
fout = input('Please enter the output filename (add .qif) : ')
line = csv.reader(open(fin, "rb"))
outputfile = open(fout, 'w')
next(line) # Skip header line. Comment out if no header.
line_list = []
line = "!Option:AutoSwitch\n"
for data in line_list:
line = "!Account\n" + "N" +data[0] + "\n" + "TMutual\n" + "^\n"
line = line + "!Type:Security\n"
line = line + "N" +data[0] + "\n"+ "S" + data[1] + "\n"+ "TUnit/Inv. Trust" #+"\n"
line = line + "M" + data[2] + "\n"+ "M" + data[3] + "\n"+ "M" + data[4] + "\n"+ "M" + data[5] + "\n"+ "M" + data[6]
line = line + "\n^\n"
#print line