You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

667 lines
28 KiB

/* this file is part of the kmplayer application
copyright (c) 2003 koos vriezen <>
this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the gnu general public
license as published by the free software foundation; either
version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.
this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu
general public license for more details.
you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license
along with this program; see the file copying. if not, write to
the free software foundation, inc., 59 temple place - suite 330,
boston, ma 02110-1301, usa.
#include <algorithm>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtable.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqtabwidget.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kled.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kprocctrl.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kmplayerbroadcast.h"
#include "kmplayerprocess.h"
#include "kmplayerview.h"
#include "kmplayerpartbase.h"
static const char * strBroadcast = "Broadcast";
static const char * strBindAddress = "Bind Address";
static const char * strFFServerPort = "FFServer Port";
static const char * strMaxClients = "Maximum Connections";
static const char * strMaxBandwidth = "Maximum Bandwidth";
static const char * strFeedFile = "Feed File";
static const char * strFeedFileSize = "Feed File Size";
//static const char * strFFServerSetting = "FFServer Setting";
static const char * strFFServerCustomSetting = "Custom Setting";
static const char * strFFServerProfiles = "Profiles";
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT FFServerSetting::FFServerSetting (int i, const TQString & n, const TQString & f, const TQString & ac, int abr, int asr, const TQString & vc, int vbr, int q, int fr, int gs, int w, int h)
: index (i), name (n), format (f), audiocodec (ac),
audiobitrate (abr > 0 ? TQString::number (abr) : TQString ()),
audiosamplerate (asr > 0 ? TQString::number (asr) : TQString ()),
videocodec (vc),
videobitrate (vbr > 0 ? TQString::number (vbr) : TQString ()),
quality (q > 0 ? TQString::number (q) : TQString ()),
framerate (fr > 0 ? TQString::number (fr) : TQString ()),
gopsize (gs > 0 ? TQString::number (gs) : TQString ()),
width (w > 0 ? TQString::number (w) : TQString ()),
height (h > 0 ? TQString::number (h) : TQString ()) {}
KDE_NO_EXPORT FFServerSetting & FFServerSetting::operator = (const FFServerSetting & fs) {
format = fs.format;
audiocodec = fs.audiocodec;
audiobitrate = fs.audiobitrate;
audiosamplerate = fs.audiosamplerate;
videocodec = fs.videocodec;
videobitrate = fs.videobitrate;
quality = fs.quality;
framerate = fs.framerate;
gopsize = fs.gopsize;
width = fs.width;
height = fs.height;
return *this;
KDE_NO_EXPORT FFServerSetting & FFServerSetting::operator = (const TQStringList & sl) {
if (sl.count () < 11) {
return *this;
TQStringList::const_iterator it = sl.begin ();
format = *it++;
audiocodec = *it++;
audiobitrate = *it++;
audiosamplerate = *it++;
videocodec = *it++;
videobitrate = *it++;
quality = *it++;
framerate = *it++;
gopsize = *it++;
width = *it++;
height = *it++;
acl.clear ();
TQStringList::const_iterator end( sl.end() );
for (; it != end; ++it)
acl.push_back (*it);
return *this;
KDE_NO_EXPORT TQString & FFServerSetting::ffconfig (TQString & buf) {
TQString nl ("\n");
buf = TQString ("Format ") + format + nl;
if (!audiocodec.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("AudioCodec ") + audiocodec + nl;
if (!audiobitrate.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("AudioBitRate ") + audiobitrate + nl;
if (!audiosamplerate.isEmpty () > 0)
buf += TQString ("AudioSampleRate ") + audiosamplerate + nl;
if (!videocodec.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoCodec ") + videocodec + nl;
if (!videobitrate.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoBitRate ") + videobitrate + nl;
if (!quality.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoTQMin ") + quality + nl;
if (!framerate.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoFrameRate ") + framerate + nl;
if (!gopsize.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoGopSize ") + gopsize + nl;
if (!width.isEmpty () && !height.isEmpty ())
buf += TQString ("VideoSize ") + width + TQString ("x") + height + nl;
return buf;
KDE_NO_EXPORT const TQStringList FFServerSetting::list () {
TQStringList sl;
sl.push_back (format);
sl.push_back (audiocodec);
sl.push_back (audiobitrate);
sl.push_back (audiosamplerate);
sl.push_back (videocodec);
sl.push_back (videobitrate);
sl.push_back (quality);
sl.push_back (framerate);
sl.push_back (gopsize);
sl.push_back (width);
sl.push_back (height);
TQStringList::const_iterator it = acl.begin ();
TQStringList::const_iterator end( acl.end () );
for (; it != end; ++it)
sl.push_back (*it);
return sl;
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerPrefBroadcastPage::KMPlayerPrefBroadcastPage (TQWidget *tqparent) : TQFrame (tqparent) {
TQVBoxLayout *tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout (this, 5);
TQGridLayout *gridtqlayout = new TQGridLayout (tqlayout, 6, 2, 2);
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Bind address:"), this);
bindaddress = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
TQWhatsThis::add (bindaddress, i18n ("If you have multiple network devices, you can limit access"));
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 0, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (bindaddress, 0, 1);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Listen port:"), this);
port = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 1, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (port, 1, 1);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Maximum connections:"), this);
maxclients = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 2, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (maxclients, 2, 1);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Maximum bandwidth (kbit):"), this);
maxbandwidth = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 3, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (maxbandwidth, 3, 1);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Temporary feed file:"), this);
feedfile = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 4, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (feedfile, 4, 1);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Feed file size (kB):"), this);
feedfilesize = new TQLineEdit ("", this);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (label, 5, 0);
gridtqlayout->addWidget (feedfilesize, 5, 1);
tqlayout->addItem (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding));
#define ADDPROPERTY(label,qedit,gridtqlayout,row,tqparent) \
qedit = new TQLineEdit ("", tqparent); \
gridtqlayout->addWidget (new TQLabel (qedit, label, tqparent), row, 0); \
gridtqlayout->addWidget (qedit, row, 1);
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage (TQWidget *tqparent, FFServerSettingList & ffs) : TQFrame (tqparent, "BroadcastPage"), profiles (ffs)
TQHBoxLayout *tqlayout = new TQHBoxLayout (this, 5);
TQGridLayout *formattqlayout = new TQGridLayout (11, 2, 2);
formattqlayout->tqsetAlignment (TQt::AlignTop);
TQVBoxLayout *lefttqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout (15);
TQHBoxLayout *ledtqlayout = new TQHBoxLayout (5);
format = new TQComboBox (this);
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel (format, i18n ("Format:"), this);
format->clear ();
format->insertItem (TQString ("asf"));
format->insertItem (TQString ("avi"));
format->insertItem (TQString ("mpjpeg"));
format->insertItem (TQString ("mpeg"));
format->insertItem (TQString ("rm"));
format->insertItem (TQString ("swf"));
TQWhatsThis::add (format, i18n ("Only avi, mpeg and rm work for mplayer playback"));
formattqlayout->addWidget (label, 0, 0);
formattqlayout->addWidget (format, 0, 1);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Audio codec:"), audiocodec, formattqlayout, 1, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Audio bit rate (kbit):"), audiobitrate, formattqlayout, 2, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Audio sample rate (Hz):"), audiosamplerate, formattqlayout, 3, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Video codec:"), videocodec, formattqlayout, 4, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Video bit rate (kbit):"), videobitrate, formattqlayout, 5, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Quality (1-31):"), quality, formattqlayout, 6, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Frame rate (Hz):"), framerate, formattqlayout, 7, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Gop size:"), gopsize, formattqlayout, 8, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Width (pixels):"), moviewidth, formattqlayout, 9, this);
ADDPROPERTY (i18n ("Height (pixels):"), movieheight, formattqlayout, 10, this);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Allow access from:"), this);
accesslist = new TQTable (40, 1, this);
accesslist->verticalHeader ()->hide ();
accesslist->setLeftMargin (0);
accesslist->setColumnWidth (0, 250);
TQWhatsThis::add (accesslist, i18n ("'Single IP' or 'start-IP end-IP' for IP ranges"));
TQHeader *header = accesslist->horizontalHeader ();
header->setLabel (0, i18n ("Host/IP or IP Range"));
TQFrame *profileframe = new TQFrame (this);
TQGridLayout *profilestqlayout = new TQGridLayout (profileframe, 5, 2, 2);
profile = new TQLineEdit ("", profileframe);
connect (profile, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged (const TQString &)),
this, TQT_SLOT (slotTextChanged (const TQString &)));
profilelist = new TQListBox (profileframe);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) profiles.size (); i++)
profilelist->insertItem (profiles[i]->name, i);
connect (profilelist, TQT_SIGNAL (selected (int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (slotIndexChanged (int)));
connect (profilelist, TQT_SIGNAL (highlighted (int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (slotItemHighlighted (int)));
load = new TQPushButton (i18n ("Load"), profileframe);
save = new TQPushButton (i18n ("Save"), profileframe);
del = new TQPushButton (i18n ("Delete"), profileframe);
load->setEnabled (false);
save->setEnabled (false);
del->setEnabled (false);
connect (load, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotLoad ()));
connect (save, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotSave ()));
connect (del, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotDelete ()));
profilestqlayout->addWidget (profile, 0, 0);
profilestqlayout->setRowSpacing (4, 60);
profilestqlayout->addMultiCellWidget (profilelist, 1, 4, 0, 0);
profilestqlayout->addWidget (load, 1, 1);
profilestqlayout->addWidget (save, 2, 1);
profilestqlayout->addWidget (del, 3, 1);
lefttqlayout->addWidget (profileframe);
startbutton = new TQPushButton (i18n ("Start"), this);
serverled = new KLed (TQt::green, KLed::Off, KLed::Raised, KLed::Circular, this);
feedled = new KLed (TQt::green, KLed::Off, KLed::Raised, KLed::Circular, this);
ledtqlayout->addWidget (startbutton);
ledtqlayout->addItem (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum));
ledtqlayout->addWidget (serverled);
ledtqlayout->addWidget (feedled);
lefttqlayout->addLayout (ledtqlayout);
TQFrame * line = new TQFrame (this);
line->setFrameShape (TQFrame::HLine);
lefttqlayout->addWidget (line);
lefttqlayout->addWidget (label);
lefttqlayout->addWidget (accesslist);
lefttqlayout->addItem (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding));
tqlayout->addLayout (lefttqlayout);
line = new TQFrame (this);
line->setFrameShape (TQFrame::VLine);
tqlayout->addWidget (line);
tqlayout->addLayout (formattqlayout);
tqlayout->addItem (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::setSettings (const FFServerSetting & fs) {
if (!fs.format.isEmpty ())
format->setCurrentText (fs.format);
audiocodec->setText (fs.audiocodec);
audiobitrate->setText (fs.audiobitrate);
audiosamplerate->setText (fs.audiosamplerate);
videocodec->setText (fs.videocodec);
videobitrate->setText (fs.videobitrate);
quality->setText (fs.quality);
framerate->setText (fs.framerate);
gopsize->setText (fs.gopsize);
moviewidth->setText (fs.width);
movieheight->setText (fs.height);
accesslist->setNumRows (0);
accesslist->setNumRows (50);
TQStringList::const_iterator it = fs.acl.begin ();
TQStringList::const_iterator end( fs.acl.end () );
for (int i = 0; it != end; ++i, ++it)
accesslist->setItem (i, 0, new TQTableItem (accesslist, TQTableItem::Always, *it));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::getSettings (FFServerSetting & fs) {
fs.format = format->currentText ();
fs.audiocodec = audiocodec->text ();
fs.audiobitrate = audiobitrate->text ();
fs.audiosamplerate = audiosamplerate->text ();
fs.videocodec = videocodec->text ();
fs.videobitrate = videobitrate->text ();
fs.quality = quality->text ();
fs.framerate = framerate->text ();
fs.gopsize = gopsize->text ();
fs.width = moviewidth->text ();
fs.height = movieheight->text ();
fs.acl.clear ();
for (int i = 0; i < accesslist->numRows (); ++i) {
if (accesslist->item (i, 0) && !accesslist->item (i, 0)->text ().isEmpty ())
fs.acl.push_back (accesslist->item (i, 0)->text ());
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotIndexChanged (int index) {
slotItemHighlighted (index);
if (index >= 0 && index < (int) profiles.size ())
setSettings (*profiles[index]);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotTextChanged (const TQString & txt) {
save->setEnabled (txt.length ());
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotItemHighlighted (int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= (int) profiles.size ()) {
load->setEnabled (false);
del->setEnabled (false);
} else {
profile->setText (profiles[profilelist->currentItem ()]->name);
load->setEnabled (true);
del->setEnabled (true);
slotTextChanged (profilelist->currentText ());
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotSave () {
for (int i = 0; i < (int) profiles.size (); ++i)
if (profiles[i]->name == profile->text ()) {
getSettings (*profiles[i]);
FFServerSetting * fs = new FFServerSetting;
fs->name = profile->text ();
getSettings (*fs);
profiles.push_back (fs);
profilelist->insertItem (fs->name);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotLoad () {
setSettings (*profiles[profilelist->currentItem ()]);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage::slotDelete () {
FFServerSettingList::iterator it = profiles.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < profilelist->currentItem (); i++)
delete *it;
profiles.erase (it);
profilelist->removeItem (profilelist->currentItem ());
load->setEnabled (false);
del->setEnabled (false);
static bool stopProcess (KProcess * process, const char * cmd = 0L) {
if (!process || !process->isRunning ()) return true;
do {
if (cmd)
process->writeStdin (cmd, strlen (cmd));
KProcessController::theKProcessController->waitForProcessExit (1);
if (!process->isRunning ())
process->kill (SIGINT);
KProcessController::theKProcessController->waitForProcessExit (3);
if (!process->isRunning ())
process->kill (SIGTERM);
KProcessController::theKProcessController->waitForProcessExit (1);
if (!process->isRunning ())
process->kill (SIGKILL);
KProcessController::theKProcessController->waitForProcessExit (1);
if (process->isRunning ()) {
return false; // give up
} while (false);
return true;
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::KMPlayerBroadcastConfig (KMPlayer::PartBase * player, KMPlayerFFServerConfig * fsc)
: m_player (player),
m_ffserverconfig (fsc),
m_ffmpeg_process (0L),
m_ffserver_process (0L),
m_endserver (true) {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::~KMPlayerBroadcastConfig () {
stopServer ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::write (KConfig * config) {
config->setGroup (strBroadcast);
config->writeEntry (strFFServerCustomSetting, ffserversettings.list (), ';');
TQStringList sl;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) ffserversettingprofiles.size (); i++) {
sl.push_back (ffserversettingprofiles[i]->name);
config->writeEntry (TQString ("Profile_") + ffserversettingprofiles[i]->name, ffserversettingprofiles[i]->list(), ';');
config->writeEntry (strFFServerProfiles, sl, ';');
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::read (KConfig * config) {
std::for_each (ffserversettingprofiles.begin (), ffserversettingprofiles.end (), KMPlayer::Deleter<FFServerSetting>());
ffserversettingprofiles.clear ();
config->setGroup (strBroadcast);
ffserversettings = config->readListEntry (strFFServerCustomSetting, ';');
TQStringList profiles = config->readListEntry (strFFServerProfiles, ';');
TQStringList::iterator pr_it = profiles.begin ();
TQStringList::iterator pr_end( profiles.end () );
for (; pr_it != pr_end; ++pr_it) {
TQStringList sl = config->readListEntry (TQString ("Profile_") + *pr_it, ';');
if (sl.size () > 10) {
FFServerSetting * ffs = new FFServerSetting (sl);
ffs->name = *pr_it;
ffserversettingprofiles.push_back (ffs);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::sync (bool fromUI) {
if (fromUI) {
} else {
m_configpage->setSettings (ffserversettings);
m_configpage->profile->setText (TQString ());
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::prefLocation (TQString & item, TQString & icon, TQString & tab) {
item = i18n ("Broadcasting");
icon = TQString ("share");
tab = i18n ("Profiles");
TQFrame * KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::prefPage (TQWidget * tqparent) {
if (!m_configpage) {
m_configpage = new KMPlayerPrefBroadcastFormatPage (tqparent, ffserversettingprofiles);
connect (m_configpage->startbutton, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (startServer ()));
connect (m_player, TQT_SIGNAL (sourceChanged (KMPlayer::Source *, KMPlayer::Source *)), this, TQT_SLOT (sourceChanged (KMPlayer::Source *,KMPlayer::Source *)));
(!m_player->source ()->videoDevice ().isEmpty ());
return m_configpage;
KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::broadcasting () const {
return m_ffserver_process && m_ffserver_process->isRunning ();
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
static const char ffserverconf[] =
"Port %d\nBindAddress %s\nMaxClients %d\nMaxBandwidth %d\n"
"CustomLog -\nNoDaemon\n"
"<Feed kmplayer.ffm>\nFile %s\nFileMaxSize %dK\nACL allow\n</Feed>\n"
"<Stream video.%s>\nFeed kmplayer.ffm\n%s\n%s%s\n</Stream>\n"
"<Stream stat.html>\nFormat status\nACL allow localhost\n</Stream>\n";
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::startServer () {
if (broadcasting ()) {
stopServer ();
m_configpage->setCursor (TQCursor (TQt::WaitCursor));
m_ffserver_process = new KProcess;
m_ffserver_process->setUseShell (true);
connect (m_ffserver_process, TQT_SIGNAL (processExited (KProcess *)),
this, TQT_SLOT (processStopped (KProcess *)));
TQString conffile = locateLocal ("data", "kmplayer/ffserver.conf");
const char * noaudio = m_player->source ()->audioDevice ().isEmpty () ? "NoAudio" : "";
FFServerSetting ffs;
m_configpage->getSettings (ffs);
TQString acl;
TQStringList::iterator it = ffs.acl.begin ();
TQStringList::iterator end( ffs.acl.end () );
for (; it != end; ++it)
acl += TQString ("ACL allow ") + *it + TQString ("\n");
unlink (m_ffserverconfig->feedfile.ascii ());
TQFile qfile (conffile); (IO_WriteOnly);
TQString configdata;
TQString buf;
configdata.sprintf (ffserverconf, m_ffserverconfig->ffserverport, m_ffserverconfig->bindaddress.ascii (), m_ffserverconfig->maxclients, m_ffserverconfig->maxbandwidth, m_ffserverconfig->feedfile.ascii (), m_ffserverconfig->feedfilesize, ffs.format.ascii (), acl.ascii (), ffs.ffconfig (buf).ascii (), noaudio);
qfile.writeBlock (configdata.ascii (), configdata.length ());
qfile.close ();
kdDebug () << configdata << endl;
kdDebug () << "ffserver -f " << conffile << endl;
*m_ffserver_process << "ffserver -f " << conffile;
m_ffserver_out.truncate (0);
connect (m_ffserver_process,
TQT_SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (processOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
m_ffserver_process->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stderr);
if (m_ffserver_process->isRunning ()) {
m_configpage->startbutton->setText (i18n ("Stop"));
m_configpage->serverled->setState (KLed::On);
emit broadcastStarted ();
TQTimer::singleShot (500, this, TQT_SLOT (startFeed ()));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::stopServer () {
m_endserver = true;
if (m_ffmpeg_process)
m_ffmpeg_process->stop ();
if (!stopProcess (m_ffserver_process))
KMessageBox::error (m_configpage, i18n ("Failed to end ffserver process."), i18n ("Error"));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::processOutput (KProcess * p, char * s, int) {
if (p == m_ffserver_process)
m_ffserver_out += TQString (s);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::startFeed () {
if (!m_configpage) {
stopServer ();
FFServerSetting ffs;
m_configpage->getSettings (ffs);
TQString ffurl;
if (!m_ffserver_process || !m_ffserver_process->isRunning ()) {
KMessageBox::error (m_configpage, i18n ("Failed to start ffserver.\n") + m_ffserver_out, i18n ("Error"));
goto bail_out;
disconnect (m_ffserver_process, TQT_SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (processOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
if (m_ffmpeg_process)
m_ffmpeg_process->stop ();
delete m_ffmpeg_process;
m_ffmpeg_process = new KMPlayer::FFMpeg (m_player, m_player->settings ());
connect (m_ffmpeg_process, TQT_SIGNAL (stateChange (KMPlayer::Process::State, KMPlayer::Process::State)), this, TQT_SLOT (stateChange (KMPlayer::Process::State, KMPlayer::Process::State)));
ffurl.sprintf ("http://localhost:%d/kmplayer.ffm", m_ffserverconfig->ffserverport);
m_ffmpeg_process->setURL (KURL(ffurl));
if (!m_ffmpeg_process->play (m_player->source (), KMPlayer::NodePtr())) {
KMessageBox::error (m_configpage, i18n ("Failed to start ffmpeg."), i18n ("Error"));
stopProcess (m_ffserver_process);
goto bail_out;
if (m_ffmpeg_process->playing ()) {
m_ffserver_url.sprintf ("http://localhost:%d/video.%s", m_ffserverconfig->ffserverport, ffs.format.ascii ());
m_endserver = false;
m_configpage->feedled->setState (KLed::On);
m_player->openURL (KURL (m_ffserver_url));
} else
stopServer ();
m_configpage->setCursor (TQCursor (TQt::ArrowCursor));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::stateChange (KMPlayer::Process::State old, KMPlayer::Process::State state) {
if (state < KMPlayer::Process::Buffering && old >KMPlayer::Process::Ready) {
if (m_configpage)
m_configpage->feedled->setState (KLed::Off);
m_ffmpeg_process->deleteLater ();
m_ffmpeg_process = 0L;
kdDebug () << "ffmpeg process stopped " << m_endserver << endl;
if (m_endserver && !stopProcess (m_ffserver_process)) {
disconnect (m_ffserver_process,
TQT_SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, TQT_SLOT (processOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
KMessageBox::error (m_configpage, i18n ("Failed to end ffserver process."), i18n ("Error"));
processStopped (0L);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::processStopped (KProcess *) {
kdDebug () << "ffserver process stopped" << endl;
if (m_configpage) {
m_configpage->serverled->setState (KLed::Off);
m_configpage->startbutton->setText (i18n ("Start"));
(!m_player->source ()->videoDevice ().isEmpty ());
m_ffserver_process->deleteLater ();
m_ffserver_process = 0L;
emit broadcastStopped ();
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerBroadcastConfig::sourceChanged (KMPlayer::Source *, KMPlayer::Source * source) {
if (m_configpage)
m_configpage->startbutton->setEnabled (broadcasting () || (source && !source->videoDevice ().isEmpty ()));
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerFFServerConfig::KMPlayerFFServerConfig () {
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerFFServerConfig::write (KConfig * config) {
config->setGroup (strBroadcast);
config->writeEntry (strBindAddress, bindaddress);
config->writeEntry (strFFServerPort, ffserverport);
config->writeEntry (strMaxClients, maxclients);
config->writeEntry (strMaxBandwidth, maxbandwidth);
config->writePathEntry (strFeedFile, feedfile);
config->writeEntry (strFeedFileSize, feedfilesize);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerFFServerConfig::read (KConfig * config) {
config->setGroup (strBroadcast);
bindaddress = config->readEntry (strBindAddress, "");
ffserverport = config->readNumEntry (strFFServerPort, 8090);
maxclients = config->readNumEntry (strMaxClients, 10);
maxbandwidth = config->readNumEntry (strMaxBandwidth, 1000);
feedfile = config->readPathEntry (strFeedFile, "/tmp/kmplayer.ffm");
feedfilesize = config->readNumEntry (strFeedFileSize, 512);
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerFFServerConfig::sync (bool fromUI) {
if (fromUI) {
bindaddress = m_configpage->bindaddress->text ();
ffserverport = m_configpage->port->text ().toInt ();
maxclients = m_configpage->maxclients->text ().toInt ();
maxbandwidth = m_configpage->maxbandwidth->text ().toInt();
feedfile = m_configpage->feedfile->text ();
feedfilesize = m_configpage->feedfilesize->text ().toInt();
} else {
m_configpage->bindaddress->setText (bindaddress);
m_configpage->port->setText (TQString::number (ffserverport));
m_configpage->maxclients->setText (TQString::number (maxclients));
m_configpage->maxbandwidth->setText (TQString::number (maxbandwidth));
m_configpage->feedfile->setText (feedfile);
m_configpage->feedfilesize->setText (TQString::number (feedfilesize));
KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerFFServerConfig::prefLocation (TQString & item, TQString & icon, TQString & tab) {
item = i18n ("Broadcasting");
icon = TQString ("share");
tab = i18n ("FFServer");
KDE_NO_EXPORT TQFrame *KMPlayerFFServerConfig::prefPage (TQWidget * tqparent) {
if (!m_configpage)
m_configpage = new KMPlayerPrefBroadcastPage (tqparent);
return m_configpage;
#include "kmplayerbroadcast.moc"