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ksdataobjectfactory.cpp - description
begin : Thu Dec 6 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by kamil
email : kamil@localhost.localdomain
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "ksdataobjectfactory.h"
#include "widgets/qsdata.h"
#include "widgets/qssurface.h"
#include "widgets/qscontour.h"
#include "widgets/qsimage.h"
#include "ksmatrix.h"
#include "ksworkbook.h"
#include <qwidget.h>
MPSymbol *KSDataObjectFactory::channelVariable( QSData *object, const char *identifier, MPSymbolList *args, int columnFrom, int columnTo )
// ups, ugly hack ! - do not return x and y as a vector but rather make grid from them
if ( dynamic_cast<QSImage*>(object) ) {
QSImage *plot = dynamic_cast<QSImage*>(object);
int rows = plot->matrix(QSImage::YVector) ? plot->matrix(QSImage::YVector)->rows()-1 : 0;
int cols = plot->matrix(QSImage::XVector) ? plot->matrix(QSImage::XVector)->cols()-1 : 0;
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSImage::XVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSImage::XVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSImage::XVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSImage::YVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSImage::YVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSImage::YVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSGriddedContour*>(object) ) {
QSGriddedContour *plot = dynamic_cast<QSGriddedContour*>(object);
int rows = plot->matrix(QSGriddedContour::YVector) ? plot->matrix(QSGriddedContour::YVector)->rows() : 0;
int cols = plot->matrix(QSGriddedContour::XVector) ? plot->matrix(QSGriddedContour::XVector)->cols() : 0;
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSGriddedContour::XVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSGriddedContour::XVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSGriddedContour::XVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSGriddedContour::YVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSGriddedContour::YVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSGriddedContour::YVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSSurface*>(object) ) {
QSSurface *plot = dynamic_cast<QSSurface*>(object);
int rows = plot->matrix(QSSurface::YVector) ? plot->matrix(QSSurface::YVector)->rows() : 0;
int cols = plot->matrix(QSSurface::XVector) ? plot->matrix(QSSurface::XVector)->cols() : 0;
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSSurface::XVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSSurface::XVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSSurface::XVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
if ( plot->channelVariable( QSSurface::YVector ) == identifier && object->matrix(QSSurface::YVector) )
return new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(QSSurface::YVector), QRect(0,0,cols,rows), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
for( int i=0; i<object->channelCount(); i++ ) {
if ( object->channelVariable(i) == identifier &&
object->matrix(i) &&
object->matrix(i)->rows() &&
object->matrix(i)->cols() ) {
MPSymbol *sym = new MPSymQSMatrix( object->matrix(i), args, columnFrom, columnTo, identifier );
return sym;
return NULL;
#define LINE_INVISIBLE "0"
#define LINE_SOLID "1"
#define LINE_DASH "2"
#define LINE_DASHDOT "4"
#define LINE_DOT "3"
#define FILL_SOLID "1"
#define FILL_HORIZ "9"
#define FILL_VERT "10"
#define FILL_CROSS "11"
#define FILL_BDIAG "12"
#define FILL_FDIAG "13"
#define FILL_DIAGCROSS "14"
#define FILL_HALF "6"
// TODO: i18n
static const char *caxis[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. Tic marks" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Lines" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. Fonts" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. Fills" ),
static const char *daxis[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Labels - x axis:</b> <i></i><br> Position of user-defined tic marks on the <b>X</b> axis." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Line styles column vector ( M-1 rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Font styles column vector ( M-1 rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Fill styles column vector ( M-1 rows ) ")
// TODO: i18n
static const char *caxes2d[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0" )
static const char *daxes2d[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0" )
static const char *caxes3d[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0" )
static const char *daxes3d[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0" )
static const char *ccurve[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. DX" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. DY" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "4. Lines" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "5. Fills" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "6. Points " ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "7. Arrows" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "8. ErrLines" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "9. XLines" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "10. YLines" )
static const char *dcurve[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( " X column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Y column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " DX column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " DY column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Line styles column vector ( M-1 rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Fill styles column vector ( M-1 rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Point styles column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Arrow styles column vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Error line styles vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " X line styles vector ( M rows ) "),
QT_TR_NOOP( " Y line styles vector ( M rows ) ")
static const char *ccontour[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. Z" )
static const char *dcontour[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Column index</b> <i>( 1 x N vector )</i><br>"
"Contains <i>x</i> coordinates of surface points. "
"If it is empty, a default <i>(0,1,2...)</i> vector is used. "
"This vector must be monotone. " ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Row index</b> <i>( M x 1 vector )</i><br>"
"Contains <i>y</i> coordinates of surface points. "
"If it is empty, a default <i>(0,1,2...)</i> vector is used. "
"This vector must be monotone. " ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Surface values</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br>"
"This matrix contains surface <i>v</i> values."
"<b>Surface value[i,j]</b> is a <i>v</i> value at the point"
"<b>(Column index[i], Row index[j])</b> " )
static const char *cngcontour[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. Z" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. TriangIdx" ),
static const char *dngcontour[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Points - x coords</b> <i>( N x 1 matrix )</i><br> Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Points - y coords</b> <i>( N x 1 matrix )</i><br> Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Points - z coords</b> <i>( N x 1 matrix )</i><br> Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Triangles</b> <i>( N x 3 vector )</i><br> Each value in this matrix is an index to a row in <b>x,y,z-coords</b>. i-th row of <b>Triangles</b> describes the triangle. ")
static const char *cimage[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. R" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. G" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "4. B" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "5. Palette " )
static const char *dimage[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Column index</b> <i>( 1 x N+1 vector )</i><br>"
"This vector may be used to form a rectangular grid, where each "
"pixel spreads over a single mesh. All pixels in column <b>C</b> spread "
"from <b>Column index[C]</b> to <b>Column index[C+1]</b> on "
"the X axis. This vector must be monotone. See also <b>Row index</b>." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Row index</b> <i>( M+1 x 1 vector )</i><br>"
"This vector may be used to form a rectangular grid, where each "
"pixel spreads over a single mesh. All pixels in row <b>R</b> spread "
"from <b>Row index[R]</b> to <b>Row index[R+1]</b> on "
"the Y axis. This vector must be monotone. See also <b>Column index</b>." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Red or Index or Gray</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br> "
"Pixel values. If <b>Green</b> and <b>Blue</b> channels "
"contains matrix of the same <i>M x N</i> size, this acts as "
"a red channel of a color value. If a <i>Palette</i> is not "
"empty this acts as an index to the color palette. Otherwise "
"acts a grey value of a pixel. " ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Green</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br>"
"If <b>Red</b> and <b>Blue</b> channels "
"contains matrix of the same <i>M x N</i> size, this acts as "
"a green channel of a color value. Otherwise is not used." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Blue</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br>"
"If <b>Red</b> and <b>Green</b> channels "
"contains matrix of the same <i>M x N</i> size, this acts as "
"a green channel of a color value. Otherwise is not used." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Palette</b> <i>( C x 3 matrix )</i><br> "
"Color palette Each row is occupied by one color in format "
"( red, green, blue ). Channel <b>Red-Index-Gray</b> contains "
"indexes to this palette ( row number ) for each pixel." )
static const char *csurface[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. Z" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. V" )
static const char *dsurface[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Column index</b> <i>( 1 x N vector )</i><br>"
"Contains <i>x</i> coordinates of surface points. "
"If it is empty, a default <i>(0,1,2...)</i> vector is used. "
"This vector must be monotone." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Row index</b> <i>( M x 1 vector )</i><br>"
"Contains <i>y</i> coordinates of surface points. "
"If it is empty, a default <i>(0,1,2...)</i> vector is used. "
"This vector must be monotone." ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Surface values</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br>"
"This matrix contains surface <i>z</i> values."
"<b>Surface value[i,j]</b> is a <i>z</i> value at the point"
" <b>(Column index[i], Row index[j])</b>" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>V values</b> <i>( M x N matrix )</i><br>"
"This matrix contains surface <i>V</i> values used for "
"plotting 4D data ( x, y, z, v ) " )
static const char *cfigure[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "0. X" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "1. Y" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "2. Z" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "3. V" ),
QT_TR_NOOP( "4. MeshIdx" )
static const char *dfigure[] = {
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Facets - x coords</b> <i>( N x M matrix )</i><br>"
"Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z,v-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "
"i-th row of <b>x coords</b> contains <i>x</i> coordinates of vertices of "
"the i-th facet. <i>M</i> is a number of vertices of a single "
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Facets - y coords</b> <i>( N x M matrix )</i><br>"
"Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z,v-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "
"i-th row of <b>y coords</b> contains <i>y</i> coordinates of vertices of "
"the i-th facet. <i>M</i> is a number of vertices of a single "
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Facets - z coords</b> <i>( N x M matrix )</i><br>"
"Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z,v-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "
"i-th row of <b>x coords</b> contains <i>z</i> coordinates of vertices of "
"the i-th facet. <i>M</i> is a number of vertices of a single "
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Facets - v coords</b> <i>( N x M matrix )</i><br>"
"Values at the same position in <b>x,y,z,v-coords</b> define coordinates of a single point. "
"i-th row of <b>v coords</b> contains <i>v</i> coordinates of of vertices of "
"the i-th facet. <i>M</i> is a number of vertices of a single "
"facet. Used when drawing 4D data."),
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Facets - indices</b> <i>( A x B matrix )</i><br>"
" Each value in this matrix is an index to a row in <b>x,y,z,v-coords</b>. "
" Those matrices have only one column in this case. i-th row of <b>indices</b> describes a one facet. ")
static const char *dsheet =
QT_TR_NOOP( "<b>Sheet</b><br>"
"Choose File/New from the main menu to set a new data. "
"Double click on colun header to change column data type."
"Click a left mouse button to show menu." );
QString KSDataObjectFactory::channelNameFactory( QSData *bobject, int num )
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxis *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxis[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axis");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxes2D *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxes2d[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axes2D");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxes3D *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxes3d[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axes3D");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( ccurve[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Curve");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSImage *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cimage[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Image");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSGriddedContour *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( ccontour[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Contour");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSNonGriddedContour *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cngcontour[num] ); else return QObject::tr("NgContour");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSSurface *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( csurface[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Surface");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSFigure *>(bobject) ) if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cfigure[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Figure");
if ( dynamic_cast<KSSheetList*>(bobject) ) return QObject::tr("Sheet list");
if ( dynamic_cast<KSSheet*>(bobject) ) return QObject::tr("Sheet");
return QString();
QString KSDataObjectFactory::channelNameFactory( DataObject objectType, int num )
switch( objectType ) {
case ObjectAxis: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxis[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axis");
case ObjectAxes2D: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxes2d[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axes2D");
case ObjectAxes3D: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( caxes3d[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Axes3D");
case ObjectCurve: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( ccurve[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Curve");
case ObjectGriddedContour: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( ccontour[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Contour");
case ObjectNonGriddedContour: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cngcontour[num] ); else return QObject::tr("NgContour");
case ObjectImage: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cimage[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Image");
case ObjectSurface: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( csurface[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Surface");
case ObjectFigure: if ( num >= 0 ) return QString( cfigure[num] ); else return QObject::tr("Figure");
case ObjectSheetList: return QObject::tr("Sheet list");
case ObjectSheet: return QObject::tr("Sheet");
return QString();
QString KSDataObjectFactory::channelDescFactory( QSData *bobject, int num )
if ( num >= 0 ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxis *>(bobject) ) return QString( daxis[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxes2D *>(bobject) ) return QString( daxes2d[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxes3D *>(bobject) ) return QString( daxes3d[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve *>(bobject) ) return QString( dcurve[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSGriddedContour *>(bobject) ) return QString( dcontour[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSNonGriddedContour *>(bobject) ) return QString( dngcontour[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSImage *>(bobject) ) return QString( dimage[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSSurface *>(bobject) ) return QString( dsurface[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<QSFigure *>(bobject) ) return QString( dfigure[num] );
if ( dynamic_cast<KSSheet *>(bobject) ) return QString( dsheet );
return QString();
int KSDataObjectFactory::channelNumber( DataObject objectType )
switch( objectType ) {
case ObjectAxis: return 4;
case ObjectCurve: return 11;
case ObjectGriddedContour: return 3;
case ObjectNonGriddedContour: return 4;
case ObjectImage: return 6;
case ObjectSurface: return 4;
case ObjectFigure: return 5;
case ObjectSheet: return 1;
return 0;
QString KSDataObjectFactory::channelDescFactory( DataObject objectType, int num )
if ( num >= 0 )
switch( objectType ) {
case ObjectAxis: return QString( daxis[num] );
case ObjectAxes2D: return QString( daxes2d[num] );
case ObjectAxes3D: return QString( daxes3d[num] );
case ObjectCurve: return QString( dcurve[num] );
case ObjectGriddedContour: return QString( dcontour[num] );
case ObjectNonGriddedContour: return QString( dngcontour[num] );
case ObjectImage: return QString( dimage[num] );
case ObjectSurface: return QString( dsurface[num] );
case ObjectFigure: return QString( dfigure[num] );
case ObjectSheet: return QString( dsheet );
return QString();
QStringList KSDataObjectFactory::channelColumnTitlesFactory( QSData *object, int channel )
QStringList result;
if ( channel >= 0 ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxes2D *>(object) ||
dynamic_cast<QSAxes3D *>(object) ||
dynamic_cast<QSAxis *>(object) && channel == 0 ) {
result += QObject::tr("value");
result += QObject::tr("format");
result += QObject::tr("major");
result += QObject::tr("angle");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) && channel == 4 ||
dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) && channel == 8 ||
dynamic_cast<QSAxis*>(object) && channel == 1 ) {
// line
result += QObject::tr("l-style");
result += QObject::tr("l-width");
result += QObject::tr("l-red");
result += QObject::tr("l-green");
result += QObject::tr("l-blue");
result += QObject::tr("l-alpha");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) && channel == 5 ||
dynamic_cast<QSAxis*>(object) && channel == 3 ) {
// fill
result += QObject::tr("f-style");
result += QObject::tr("f-red");
result += QObject::tr("f-green");
result += QObject::tr("f-blue");
result += QObject::tr("f-alpha");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSAxis*>(object) && channel == 2 ) {
// font
result += QObject::tr("f-family");
result += QObject::tr("f-size");
result += QObject::tr("f-bold");
result += QObject::tr("f-italic");
result += QObject::tr("f-red");
result += QObject::tr("f-green");
result += QObject::tr("f-blue");
result += QObject::tr("f-alpha");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) && channel == 6 ) {
// point
result += QObject::tr("p-style");
result += QObject::tr("p-fill");
result += QObject::tr("p-size");
result += QObject::tr("p-red");
result += QObject::tr("p-green");
result += QObject::tr("p-blue");
result += QObject::tr("p-alpha");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) && channel == 7 ) {
// arrow
result += QObject::tr("a1-style");
result += QObject::tr("a1-size");
result += QObject::tr("a2-style");
result += QObject::tr("a2-size");
if ( dynamic_cast<QSCurve*>(object) ) {
switch( channel ) {
case 0: result+=QObject::tr("x");break;
case 1: result+=QObject::tr("y");break;
case 2: result+=QObject::tr("dx");break;
case 3: result+=QObject::tr("dy");break;
return result;
KSMatrixEditorInterf *KSDataObjectFactory::createEditor( KSWorkbook *workbook, QSData *dataObject, int channel, QWidget *parent )
if ( dynamic_cast<KSSheet*>(dataObject) && dataObject->matrix(channel) ) {
return new KSMatrixSheetEditor( workbook, dynamic_cast<KSSheet*>(dataObject), parent );
else if ( dataObject->matrix(channel) ) {
return new KSMatrixEditor( workbook, dataObject->matrix(channel), parent );
return NULL;
// if ( dynamic_cast<KSSheet*>(matrix->dataObject()) ) return new KSMatrixSheetEditor( dynamic_cast<KSSheet*>(matrix->dataObject()), parent );
KSMPanel *KSDataObjectFactory::createCfgPanel( QSMatrix *matrix, KSWorkbook *workbook, QWidget *parent )
if ( dynamic_cast<KSMatrixString*>(matrix) ) {
return new KSMPanelString(workbook,dynamic_cast<KSMatrixString*>(matrix),parent);
else if ( dynamic_cast<KSMatrixWorksheetCellRange*>(matrix) ) {
return new KSMPanelRef(workbook,dynamic_cast<KSMatrixWorksheetCellRange*>(matrix),parent);
else if ( dynamic_cast<KSMatrix*>(matrix) ) {
return new KSMPanelMatrix(workbook,dynamic_cast<KSMatrix*>(matrix),parent);
else if ( dynamic_cast<KSMatrixFormula*>(matrix) ) {
return new KSMPanelFormula(workbook,dynamic_cast<KSMatrixFormula*>(matrix),parent);
return NULL;