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begin : 01-January-2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Kamil Dobkowski
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef QSMATRIX_H
#define QSMATRIX_H
#include <config.h>
class QSData;
* \brief Matrix class contains data used by QSData
* If you want your data to be used by this library you will have to make your implementation of this class.
* It is not as complicated as it looks. You will have to reimplement only : rows(), cols(), value() and optionally string().
* There are other functions, which can be implemented: setValue(), setString(), resize(), transpose(),
* isReference(), isEditable(), isString(), loadStateFromStream(), saveStateToStream()
* Those memebers are not used by this library, but you will probably want to implement them in nontrivial projects for your own use..
* When you call QSData::setMatrix(), setDataObject() is invoked. Later you can find out the parent object with dataObject() method.
* When you are going to change the data stored in the matrix you will have to call dataChanging() before and dataChanged()
* after the change. This notifies the parent QSData object about the change. It is important because it can be busy drawing the data
* at the moment and changing it during the operation can cause the crash.
* see QSData::setMatrix()
class QSMatrix : public QObject, public QSSerializable {
* Constructor
* Destructor. Emits 'sigDeleting()'
virtual ~QSMatrix();
* Returns a value at position ( row, col ) in this matrix,
* converted to 'double'. This method must be redefined.
virtual double value( int row, int col ) = 0;
* Returns string at position ( row, col ).
* Default implementation calls value() and
* converts the result to string.
virtual QString string( int row, int col ) { return QString::number(value(row,col),'g',9); }
* Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
virtual int rows() const = 0;
* Return the number of columns in this matrix.
virtual int cols() const = 0;
* Resizes matrix ( preserves old data ). This should be reimplemented for
* each matrix type.Default implementation does nothing and returns 'false' ( 'operation not implemented' )
virtual bool resize( int rows, int cols );
* Does transposition. This should be reimplemented. Default implementation does nothing and returns 'false'
*( which means 'operation not implemented' ).
virtual bool transpose() { return false; }
* Copy range.'dst' can be the same matrix.
void copyRange( int row, int col, QSMatrix *src, int srcStartRow, int srcStartCol, int srcEndRow, int srcEndCol );
* Sets a data object. It is called atomatically by QSData object, so
* there is no need to call it by hand.
virtual void setDataObject( QSData *data, int channel );
* Returns data object
QSData *dataObject() const { return m_data_object; }
* Returns channel
int channel() const { return m_channel; }
* This should be reimplemented to set a new value if editable() is TRUE.
* Doesn't call dataChanging() and dataChanged.
virtual void setValue( int row, int col, double value );
* Set string
virtual void setString( int row, int col, const QString& string );
* If true editor will be painted in blue.
virtual bool isReference() const;
* If is editable using 'setValue()' this function should return true.
* Returns false by default.
virtual bool isEditable() const;
* Returns if this matrix holds elements as string raher than matrix.
virtual bool isString() const;
* Calls QSData::dataChanging()
virtual void dataChanging();
* Calls QSData::dataChanged()
virtual void dataChanged();
* Loads all properties
virtual void loadStateFromStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory );
* Saves all properties
virtual void saveStateToStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory );
QSData *m_data_object;
int m_channel;
QSMatrix( const QSMatrix& );
void operator=(const QSMatrix& );