You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
7.1 KiB

// (c) 2004 Mark Kretschmann <>
// (c) 2004 Christian Muehlhaeuser <>
// (c) 2004 Sami Nieminen <>
// (c) 2005 Ian Monroe <>
// See COPYING file for licensing information.
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tqdir.h> //stack allocated
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqobject.h> //baseclass
#include <tqptrqueue.h> //baseclass
#include <tqsemaphore.h> //stack allocated
#include <tqstringlist.h> //stack allocated
class DbConnection;
class DbConnectionPool;
class DbConfig
class SqliteConfig : public DbConfig
SqliteConfig( const TQString& /* dbfile */ );
const TQString dbFile() const { return m_dbfile; }
TQString m_dbfile;
class DbConnection
enum DbConnectionType { sqlite = 0, mysql = 1, postgresql = 2 };
DbConnection( DbConfig* /* config */ );
virtual ~DbConnection() = 0;
virtual TQStringList query( const TQString& /* statement */ ) = 0;
virtual int insert( const TQString& /* statement */, const TQString& /* table */ ) = 0;
const bool isInitialized() const { return m_initialized; }
virtual bool isConnected() const = 0;
virtual const TQString lastError() const { return "None"; }
bool m_initialized;
DbConfig *m_config;
typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3;
typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
typedef struct Mem sqlite3_value;
class SqliteConnection : public DbConnection
SqliteConnection( SqliteConfig* /* config */ );
TQStringList query( const TQString& /* statement */ );
int insert( const TQString& /* statement */, const TQString& /* table */ );
bool isConnected()const { return true; }
static void sqlite_rand(sqlite3_context *context, int /*argc*/, sqlite3_value ** /*argv*/);
static void sqlite_power(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
sqlite3* m_db;
class DbConnectionPool : TQPtrQueue<DbConnection>
DbConnectionPool( bool temporary );
const DbConnection::DbConnectionType getDbConnectionType() const { return m_dbConnType; }
const DbConfig *getDbConfig() const { return m_dbConfig; }
void createDbConnections();
DbConnection *getDbConnection();
void putDbConnection( const DbConnection* /* conn */ );
TQString escapeString( TQString string )
string.replace( '\'', "''" );
static const int POOL_SIZE = 5;
bool m_isTemporary;
TQSemaphore m_semaphore;
DbConnection::DbConnectionType m_dbConnType;
DbConfig *m_dbConfig;
class CollectionDB : public TQObject
CollectionDB( bool temporary = false );
static CollectionDB *instance();
const TQString escapeString( const TQString &string ) { return m_dbConnPool->escapeString(string); }
const TQString boolT() { if (m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql) return "'t'"; else return "1"; }
const TQString boolF() { if (m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql) return "'f'"; else return "0"; }
const TQString textColumnType() { if ( m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql ) return "TEXT"; else return "VARCHAR(255)"; }
const TQString textColumnType(int length){ if ( m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql ) return "TEXT"; else return TQString("VARCHAR(%1)").arg(length); }
// We might consider using LONGTEXT type, as some lyrics could be VERY long..???
const TQString longTextColumnType() { if ( m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql ) return "TEXT"; else return "TEXT"; }
const TQString randomFunc() { if ( m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType() == DbConnection::postgresql ) return "random()"; else return "RAND()"; }
int getType() { return m_dbConnPool->getDbConnectionType(); }
* This method returns a static DbConnection for components that want to use
* the same connection for the whole time. Should not be used anywhere else
* but in CollectionReader.
* @return static DbConnection
DbConnection *getStaticDbConnection();
* Returns the DbConnection back to connection pool.
* @param conn DbConnection to be returned
void returnStaticDbConnection( DbConnection *conn );
//sql helper methods
TQStringList query( const TQString& statement, DbConnection *conn = NULL );
int insert( const TQString& statement, const TQString& table, DbConnection *conn = NULL );
//table management methods
bool isEmpty();
bool isValid(const TQString &column, const TQString &table);
void createTables( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void createActivityTable( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void createMetaDBTable( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void loadMetaDBTable( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void dropTables( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void clearTables( DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void moveTempTables( DbConnection *conn );
TQString typeCount( const TQString &type_id );
TQStringList messagesForType( const TQString &type_id, const bool isValue );
TQStringList allActivity( );
TQStringList allActivityOfType(const TQString &type, const TQString &days );
void insertEvent(const TQString &type, const TQString &event,const TQString &file = NULL, DbConnection *conn = NULL );
void expireActivity(const TQString &days );
void insertMetaDBEntry(const TQString &date, const TQString &submission, const TQString &creator,const TQString &virus,const TQString &alias, const TQString &sender,DbConnection *conn = NULL);
TQString latestMetaDBDate( );
TQCString md5sum( const TQString& artist, const TQString& album, const TQString& file = TQString::null );
/** Manages regular folder monitoring scan */
public slots:
private slots:
//bump DATABASE_VERSION whenever changes to the table structure are made. will remove old db file.
static const int DATABASE_VERSION = 20;
static const int DATABASE_STATS_VERSION = 3;
static const int MONITOR_INTERVAL = 60; //sec
static const bool DEBUGSQL = false;
void initialize();
void destroy();
//general management methods
uint IDFromValue( TQString name, TQString value, bool autocreate = true, const bool temporary = false,
const bool updateSpelling = false, DbConnection *conn = NULL );
TQString valueFromID( TQString table, uint id );
//member variables
DbConnectionPool *m_dbConnPool;
bool m_isTemporary;
bool m_monitor;