You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1943 lines
66 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Gregory Kokanosky <gregory dot kokanosky at>
// for images navigation mode.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Cambridge, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// C Ansi includes
extern "C"
#include <sys/types.h>
// Include files for TQt
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
// Include files for KDE
#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <kcharsets.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <tdeio/global.h>
#include <tdeio/job.h>
#include <tdeio/jobclasses.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
// Local includes
#include "actions.h"
#include "cdarchiving.h"
#include "cdarchivingdialog.h"
#include "plugin_cdarchiving.h"
namespace KIPICDArchivingPlugin
CDArchiving::CDArchiving( KIPI::Interface* interface, TQObject *parent, TDEAction *action_cdarchiving )
: TQObject(parent)
const TDEAboutData *data = TDEApplication::kApplication()->aboutData();
m_hostName = TQString( data->appName() );
m_hostURL = data->homepage();
if (m_hostURL.isEmpty())
m_hostName = "Kipi";
m_hostURL = "";
m_actionCDArchiving = action_cdarchiving;
m_interface = interface;
m_parent = parent;
delete m_configDlg;
void CDArchiving::writeSettings(void)
TDEConfig config("kipirc");
config.setGroup("CDArchiving Settings");
// Albums selection dialogbox setup tab
config.writeEntry("MediaFormat", m_configDlg->getMediaFormat());
// HTML interface Look dialogbox setup tab
config.writeEntry("UseHTMLInterface", m_configDlg->getUseHTMLInterface());
config.writeEntry("UseAutoRun", m_configDlg->getUseAutoRunWin32());
config.writeEntry("MainPageTitle", m_configDlg->getMainTitle());
config.writeEntry("ImagesPerRow", m_configDlg->getImagesPerRow());
config.writeEntry("FontName", m_configDlg->getFontName());
config.writeEntry("FontSize", m_configDlg->getFontSize());
config.writeEntry("FontColor", m_configDlg->getForegroundColor());
config.writeEntry("BackgroundColor", m_configDlg->getBackgroundColor());
config.writeEntry("ThumbnailsSize", m_configDlg->getThumbnailsSize());
config.writeEntry("ThumbnailsFormat", m_configDlg->getImageFormat());
config.writeEntry("BordersImagesSize", m_configDlg->getBordersImagesSize());
config.writeEntry("BordersImagesColor", m_configDlg->getBordersImagesColor());
// CD Informations setup tab
config.writeEntry("VolumeID", m_configDlg->getVolumeID());
config.writeEntry("VolumeSetID", m_configDlg->getVolumeSetID());
config.writeEntry("SystemID", m_configDlg->getSystemID());
config.writeEntry("ApplicationID", m_configDlg->getApplicationID());
config.writeEntry("Publisher", m_configDlg->getPublisher());
config.writeEntry("Preparer", m_configDlg->getPreparer());
// Misc dialogbox setup tab
config.writeEntry("K3bBinPath", m_configDlg->getK3bBinPathName());
config.writeEntry("K3bParameters", m_configDlg->getK3bParameters());
config.writeEntry("UseOnTheFly", m_configDlg->getUseOnTheFly());
config.writeEntry("UseCheckCD", m_configDlg->getUseCheckCD());
config.writeEntry("UseStartWrintingProcess", m_configDlg->getUseStartBurningProcess());
void CDArchiving::readSettings(void)
TDEConfig config("kipirc");
config.setGroup("CDArchiving Settings");
// Albums selection dialogbox setup tab
m_configDlg->setMediaFormat( config.readEntry("MediaFormat", i18n("CD (650Mb)")) );
// HTML interface Look dialogbox setup tab
m_configDlg->setUseHTMLInterface( config.readBoolEntry("UseHTMLInterface", "true") );
m_configDlg->setUseAutoRunWin32( config.readBoolEntry("UseAutoRun", "true") );
m_configDlg->setMainTitle( config.readEntry("MainPageTitle", i18n("KIPI Albums Archiving")) );
m_configDlg->setImagesPerRow( config.readEntry("ImagesPerRow", "4").toInt() );
m_configDlg->setFontName( config.readEntry("FontName", "Helvetica") );
m_configDlg->setFontSize( config.readEntry("FontSize", "14").toInt() );
TQColor ColorFont( 208, 255, 208 );
m_configDlg->setForegroundColor( config.readColorEntry("FontColor", &ColorFont));
TQColor ColorBackground( 51, 51, 51 );
m_configDlg->setBackgroundColor( config.readColorEntry("BackgroundColor", &ColorBackground));
m_configDlg->setThumbnailsSize( config.readEntry("ThumbnailsSize", "140").toInt() );
m_configDlg->setImageFormat( config.readEntry("ThumbnailsFormat", "JPEG") );
m_configDlg->setBordersImagesSize( config.readEntry("BordersImagesSize", "1").toInt() );
TQColor ColorBordersImages( 208, 255, 208 );
m_configDlg->setBordersImagesColor( config.readColorEntry("BordersImagesColor", &ColorBordersImages));
// CD Informations setup tab
m_configDlg->setVolumeID( config.readEntry("VolumeID", i18n("CD Albums")) );
m_configDlg->setVolumeSetID( config.readEntry("VolumeSetIDeTitle", i18n("KIPI Album CD archiving")) );
m_configDlg->setSystemID( config.readEntry("SystemID", i18n("LINUX")) );
m_configDlg->setApplicationID( config.readEntry("ApplicationID", i18n("K3b CD-DVD Burning application")) );
m_configDlg->setPublisher( config.readEntry("Publisher", m_hostName + " [" + m_hostURL + "]") );
m_configDlg->setPreparer( config.readEntry("Preparer", i18n("KIPI CD-Archiving plugin")) );
// Misc dialogbox setup tab
m_configDlg->setK3bBinPathName( config.readEntry("K3bBinPath", "k3b") );
m_configDlg->setK3bParameters( config.readEntry("K3bParameters", "--nofork") );
m_configDlg->setUseUseOnTheFly( config.readBoolEntry("UseOnTheFly", "true") );
m_configDlg->setUseCheckCD( config.readBoolEntry("UseCheckCD", "true") );
m_configDlg->setUseStartBurningProcess( config.readBoolEntry("UseStartWrintingProcess", "false") );
// Get the image files filters from the hosts app.
m_imagesFileFilter = m_interface->fileExtensions();
bool CDArchiving::showDialog()
TDEStandardDirs dir;
m_tmpFolder = dir.saveLocation("tmp", "kipi-cdarchivingplugin-" + TQString::number(getpid()) + "/");
m_HTMLInterfaceFolder = "";
m_HTMLInterfaceIndex = "";
m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunInf = "";
m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunFolder = "";
m_configDlg = new CDArchivingDialog( m_interface, kapp->activeWindow() );
if ( m_configDlg->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
return true;
return false;
bool CDArchiving::prepare(void)
TQValueList<KIPI::ImageCollection> albumsList;
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d;
m_cancelled = false;
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview = "";
// Get config from setup dialog.
albumsList = m_configDlg->getSelectedAlbums();
m_useHTMLInterface = m_configDlg->getUseHTMLInterface();
m_useAutoRunWin32 = m_configDlg->getUseAutoRunWin32();
m_K3bBinPathName = m_configDlg->getK3bBinPathName();
m_K3bParameters = m_configDlg->getK3bParameters();
m_useStartBurningProcess = m_configDlg->getUseStartBurningProcess();
m_imagesPerRow = m_configDlg->getImagesPerRow();
m_imageFormat = m_configDlg->getImageFormat();
m_mainTitle = m_configDlg->getMainTitle();
m_backgroundColor = m_configDlg->getBackgroundColor();
m_foregroundColor = m_configDlg->getForegroundColor();
m_bordersImagesColor = m_configDlg->getBordersImagesColor();
m_fontName = m_configDlg->getFontName();
m_fontSize = m_configDlg->getFontSize();
m_bordersImagesSize = m_configDlg->getBordersImagesSize();
m_thumbnailsSize = m_configDlg->getThumbnailsSize();
m_mediaFormat = m_configDlg->getMediaFormat();
m_useOnTheFly = m_configDlg->getUseOnTheFly();
m_useCheckCD = m_configDlg->getUseCheckCD();
m_volumeID = m_configDlg->getVolumeID();
m_volumeSetID = m_configDlg->getVolumeSetID();
m_systemID = m_configDlg->getSystemID();
m_applicationID = m_configDlg->getApplicationID();
m_publisher = m_configDlg->getPublisher();
m_preparer = m_configDlg->getPreparer();
m_albumListSize = albumsList.count();
m_albumsList = albumsList;
// Estimate the number of actions for the KIPI progress dialog.
int nbActions = 1;
int num_images = 0;
if ( m_useHTMLInterface == true )
TQValueList<KIPI::ImageCollection>::Iterator it;
for (it = albumsList.begin(); it != albumsList.end(); ++it)
KIPI::ImageCollection col = (KIPI::ImageCollection)(*it);
num_images += col.images().count();
nbActions = nbActions + m_albumListSize + num_images + 1;
if ( m_useAutoRunWin32 == true )
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Initialize;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
d->total = nbActions;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
void CDArchiving::stop()
m_cancelled = true;
void CDArchiving::run()
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d;
// Making HTML interface.
if ( m_useHTMLInterface == true )
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildHTMLiface;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if ( buildHTMLInterface() == true )
m_HTMLInterfaceFolder = m_tmpFolder + "/HTMLInterface";
TQString dir;
TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi/data");
dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_autorun", "index.htm");
m_HTMLInterfaceIndex = dir + "index.htm";
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildHTMLiface;
d->success = true;
d->starting = false;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
// Making AutoRun options.
if ( m_useAutoRunWin32 == true )
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildAutoRuniface;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunInf = m_tmpFolder + "/autorun.inf";
m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunFolder = dir + "/autorun";
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildAutoRuniface;
d->starting = false;
d->success = true;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
// Making K3b project file.
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildK3bProject;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if ( BuildK3bXMLprojectfile(m_HTMLInterfaceFolder, m_HTMLInterfaceIndex,
m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunInf, m_HTMLInterfaceAutoRunFolder) == false )
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildK3bProject;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildK3bProject;
d->starting = false;
d->success = true;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
void CDArchiving::invokeK3b()
if (m_cancelled) return;
m_Proc = new TDEProcess();
*m_Proc << m_K3bBinPathName << m_K3bParameters;
*m_Proc << m_tmpFolder + "/KIPICDArchiving.xml";
TQString K3bCommandLine = m_K3bBinPathName + " " +
m_K3bParameters + " " +
m_tmpFolder + "/KIPICDArchiving.xml";
kdDebug(51000) << "K3b is started : " << K3bCommandLine.ascii() << endl;
connect(m_Proc, TQ_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)),
this, TQ_SLOT(slotK3bDone(TDEProcess*)));
if ( !m_Proc->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::All ) )
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Cannot start K3b program : fork failed.");
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if ( m_useStartBurningProcess == true )
this, TQ_SLOT(slotK3bStartBurningProcess()));
m_k3bPid = m_Proc->pid();
void CDArchiving::slotK3bStartBurningProcess(void)
TQString temp, cmd;
cmd = "dcop k3b-" + temp + " K3bProject-0 burn";
void CDArchiving::slotK3bDone(TDEProcess*)
kdDebug(51000) << "K3b is done !!! Removing temporary folder..." << endl;
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Progress;
d->starting = true;
d->success = true;
d->message = i18n("K3b is done; removing temporary folder....");
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if (DeleteDir(m_tmpFolder) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Cannot remove temporary folder '%1'.").arg(m_tmpFolder);
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
bool CDArchiving::buildHTMLInterface (void)
TQString Path;
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d;
KURL MainUrl;
// Create the main target folder.
TQDir TargetDir;
TQString MainTPath= m_tmpFolder + "/HTMLInterface";
if (TargetDir.exists (MainTPath) == true)
if (DeleteDir (MainTPath) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Cannot remove folder '%1'.").arg(MainTPath);
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
if (TargetDir.mkdir( MainTPath ) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Could not create folder '%1'.").arg(MainTPath);
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
// Build all Albums interface HTML.
// Adding go home icon if there is more than
TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("kipi_data", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi");
TQString dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_data", "gohome.png");
dir = dir + "gohome.png";
KURL srcURL(dir);
KURL destURL( MainTPath + "/gohome.png");
TDEIO::file_copy(srcURL, destURL, -1, true, false, false);
// Adding up icon
TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("kipi_data", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi");
dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_data", "up.png");
dir = dir + "up.png";
srcURL = dir;
destURL = MainTPath + TQString::fromLatin1("/up.png");
TDEIO::file_copy(srcURL, destURL, -1, true, false, false);
//clear the temporary list for unique names
for (TQValueList<KIPI::ImageCollection>::iterator it = m_albumsList.begin();
it != m_albumsList.end(); ++it)
KIPI::ImageCollection album = *it;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "HTML Interface for Album: " << << endl;
m_AlbumTitle = makeFileNameUnique(m_collection_name_list, webifyFileName(; //webifyFileName(;
m_AlbumComments = m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveComments) ?
album.comment() : TQString();
m_AlbumCollection = m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCategory) ?
album.category() : TQString();
m_AlbumDate = m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCreationDate) ? : TQString();
// Create the target sub folder for the current album.
TQString SubTPath = m_tmpFolder + "/HTMLInterface/" + m_AlbumTitle;
KURL SubURL = SubTPath + "/index.htm";
if (TargetDir.mkdir( SubTPath ) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Could not create folder '%1'.").arg(SubTPath);
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildAlbumHTMLPage;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
d->albumName = m_AlbumTitle;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if ( createHtml( album, SubURL, m_imageFormat ) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildAlbumHTMLPage;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->albumName = m_AlbumTitle;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
if (DeleteDir (MainTPath) == false)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Cannot remove folder '%1'.").arg(MainTPath);
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
return false;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::BuildAlbumHTMLPage;
d->starting = false;
d->success = true;
d->albumName = m_AlbumTitle;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
// Create the main interface HTML page.
MainUrl = m_tmpFolder + "/HTMLInterface/" + "index.htm";
TQFile MainPageFile( MainUrl.path() );
if ( )
TQTextStream stream(&MainPageFile);
createBodyMainPage(stream, MainUrl);
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Could not open file '%1'.").arg(MainUrl.path(+1));
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
return true;
bool CDArchiving::createDirectory(TQDir thumb_dir, TQString imgGalleryDir, TQString dirName)
if (!thumb_dir.exists())
thumb_dir.setPath( imgGalleryDir );
if (!(thumb_dir.mkdir(dirName, false)))
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Could not create folder '%1' in '%2'.")
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
thumb_dir.setPath( imgGalleryDir + "/" + dirName + "/" );
return true;
return true;
void CDArchiving::createHead(TQTextStream& stream)
TQString chsetName = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName();
stream << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">"
<< endl;
stream << "<html>" << endl;
stream << "<head>" << endl;
stream << "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">" << endl;
stream << "<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Albums HTML interface for CD archiving generated by "
<< m_hostName << " [" << m_hostURL << "]\">" << endl;
stream << "<meta name=\"date\" content=\"" + TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate())
+ "\">" << endl;
stream << "<title>" << m_mainTitle << "</title>" << endl;
stream << "</head>" << endl;
void CDArchiving::createCSSSection(TQTextStream& stream)
TQString backgroundColor =;
TQString foregroundColor =;
TQString bordersImagesColor =;
// Adding a touch of style
stream << "<style type='text/css'>\n";
stream << "BODY {color: " << foregroundColor << "; background: " << backgroundColor << ";" << endl;
stream << " font-family: " << m_fontName << ", sans-serif;" << endl;
stream << " font-size: " << m_fontSize << "pt; margin: 8%; }" << endl;
stream << "H1 {color: " << foregroundColor << ";}" << endl;
stream << "TABLE {text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}" << endl;
stream << "TD { color: " << foregroundColor << "; padding: 1em}" << endl;
stream << "IMG { border: 0px ; }" << endl;
stream << " { border: " << m_bordersImagesSize << "px solid "
<< bordersImagesColor << "; }" << endl;
stream << "</style>" << endl;
TQString CDArchiving::extension(const TQString& imageFormat)
if (imageFormat == "PNG")
return ".png";
if (imageFormat == "JPEG")
return ".jpg";
return "";
void CDArchiving::createBody(TQTextStream& stream,
const KIPI::ImageCollection& album,
const KURL& targetURL,
const TQString& imageFormat)
KURL::List images = album.images();
int numOfImages = images.count();
const TQString imgGalleryDir =;
const TQString today(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate()));
stream << "<body>\n" << endl;
stream << "<p><a href=\"../index.htm\"><img src=\"../gohome.png\" border=\"0\" title=\""
<< i18n("Album list") << "\" alt=\"" << i18n("Album list") << "\"></a></p>" << endl;
// Page Top -------------------------------------------------------------------------
stream << "<h1>" << i18n("Album ") << "&quot;" << m_AlbumTitle << "&quot;"
<< "</h1>" << endl;
stream << "<table width=\"100%\" border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 "
"style=\"page-break-before: always\">\n" << endl;
stream << "<col width=\"20%\"><col width=\"80%\">" << endl;
stream << "<tr valign=top><td align=left>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveComments))
stream << i18n("<i>Caption:</i>") << "<br>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCategory))
stream << i18n("<i>Collection:</i>") << "<br>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCreationDate))
stream << i18n("<i>Date:</i>") << "<br>\n" << endl;
stream << i18n("<i>Images:</i>") << "\n" << endl;
stream << "</td><td align=left>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveComments))
stream << EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(),
m_AlbumComments, true, true)
<< "<br>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCategory))
stream << m_AlbumCollection << "<br>\n" << endl;
if (m_interface->hasFeature(KIPI::AlbumsHaveCreationDate))
stream << m_AlbumDate << "<br>\n" << endl;
stream << numOfImages << "\n" << endl;
stream << "</td></tr></table>\n" << endl;
// Page Center -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stream << "<table>" << endl;
// Table with images
int imgIndex = 0;
EventData* d = 0;
// preliminary unique name generation
TQStringList fileNameList;
for ( KURL::List::iterator urlIt = images.begin() ;
!m_cancelled && (urlIt != images.end());
TQFileInfo imInfo( (*urlIt).fileName());
TQString imgName = makeFileNameUnique(fileNameList, webifyFileName(imInfo.baseName(TRUE)));
for ( KURL::List::iterator urlIt = images.begin() ;
!m_cancelled && (urlIt != images.end());
++urlIt, ++imgIndex)
// Row Start
if ((imgIndex % m_imagesPerRow) == 0)
stream << "<tr>" << endl;
TQString imgName = fileNameList[imgIndex];
TQString imgPath = (*urlIt).path();
TQFileInfo imgInfo(imgPath);
TQImage imgProp = TQImage(imgPath);
stream << "<td align='center'>\n<a href=\"pages/"
<< webifyFileName(imgName) << ".htm\">";
kdDebug(51000) << "Creating thumbnail for " << imgName << endl;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::ResizeImages;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
d->fileName = imgName;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
int valRet = createThumb((*urlIt).fileName(), (*urlIt).directory(), imgName,
imgGalleryDir, imageFormat);
if ( valRet != -1 )
TQString thumbPath("thumbs/" + webifyFileName(imgName)
+ extension(imageFormat));
stream << "<img class=\"photo\" src=\"" << thumbPath
<< "\" width=\"" << m_imgWidth
<< "\" "
<< "height=\"" << m_imgHeight
<< "\" alt=\"" << imgPath;
TQString sep = "\" title=\"";
stream << sep << imgName;
sep = ", ";
stream << sep << imgProp.width() << "&nbsp;x&nbsp;" << imgProp.height();
sep = ", ";
stream << sep << (imgInfo.size() / 1024) << "&nbsp;" << i18n("KB");
sep = ", ";
TQString imgPageComment = m_interface->info(*urlIt).description();
if ( !imgPageComment.isEmpty() )
stream << sep
<< EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(),
imgPageComment, true, true);
stream << "\">" << endl;
TQString prevImgName = "";
TQString nextImgName = "";
if (imgIndex != 0)
prevImgName = images[imgIndex].fileName();
if (imgIndex < numOfImages-1)
nextImgName = images[imgIndex].fileName();
createPage(imgGalleryDir, (*urlIt), imgName,
(imgIndex > 0) ? images[imgIndex-1] : KURL(),
(imgIndex > 0) ? fileNameList[imgIndex-1] : TQString(""),
(imgIndex < (int)(images.count()-1)) ? images[imgIndex+1] : KURL(),
(imgIndex < (int)(fileNameList.count()-1)) ?
fileNameList[imgIndex+1] : TQString(""),
// For each first image of current Album we add a preview in main HTML page.
if ( imgIndex == 0)
TQString Temp, Temp2;
Temp2 = "<a href=\"./" + m_AlbumTitle + "/" + "index.htm" + "\">";
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview.append ( Temp2 );
Temp2 = "<img class=\"photo\" src=\"./" + m_AlbumTitle + "/"
+ thumbPath + "\" width=\"" + Temp.setNum(m_imgWidth) + "\" ";
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview.append ( Temp2 );
Temp2 = "height=\"" + Temp.setNum(m_imgHeight) + "\" alt=\"" + thumbPath + "\" ";
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview.append ( Temp2 );
Temp2 = "title=\"" + m_AlbumTitle + " [ " + Temp.setNum(numOfImages)
+ i18n(" images") + " ]\"></a>\n";
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview.append ( Temp2 );
Temp2 = "<a href=\"./" + m_AlbumTitle + "/" + "index.htm" + "\">"
+ m_AlbumTitle + "</a>" + " [ " + Temp.setNum(numOfImages) + i18n(" images")
+ " ]" + "<br>\n";
m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview.append ( Temp2 );
if ( valRet == -1 || valRet == 0 )
kdDebug(51000) << "Creating thumbnail for " << imgName
<< "failed !" << endl;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::ResizeImages;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->fileName = imgName;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::ResizeImages;
d->starting = false;
d->success = true;
d->fileName = imgName;
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
stream << "</a>" << endl;
stream << "<div>" << imgName << "</div>" << endl;
stream << "<div>" << imgProp.width() << " x " << imgProp.height() << "</div>" << endl;
stream << "<div>(" << (imgInfo.size() / 1024) << " " << i18n("KB") << ") " << "</div>" << endl;
stream << "</td>" << endl;
// Row End
if ( ((imgIndex+1) % m_imagesPerRow) == 0 ||
((imgIndex+1) == (int)(images.count())) )
stream << "</tr>" << endl;
// Close the HTML and page creation info if necessary.
stream << "</table>\n<hr>\n" << endl;
TQString Temp;
TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("kipi_data", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi");
TQString dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_data", "valid-html401.png");
dir = dir + "valid-html401.png";
KURL srcURL(dir);
KURL destURL(imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/thumbs/valid-html401.png"));
TDEIO::file_copy(srcURL, destURL, -1, true, false, false);
stream << "<p>" << endl;
Temp = i18n("Valid HTML 4.01.");
stream << "<img src=\"thumbs/valid-html401.png\" alt=\"" << Temp
<< "\" height=\"31\" width=\"88\" title=\"" << Temp << "\" />" << endl;
Temp = i18n("Album archive created with "
"<a href=\"%1\">%2</a> on %3").arg(m_hostURL).arg(m_hostName).arg(today);
stream << Temp << endl;
stream << "</p>" << endl;
stream << "</body>\n</html>\n" << endl;
void CDArchiving::createBodyMainPage(TQTextStream& stream, KURL& url)
TQString Temp;
const TQString today(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate()));
Temp = m_mainTitle;
stream << "<body>\n<h1>" << Temp << "</h1><p>\n" << endl;
Temp = i18n("<i>Album list:</i>");
stream << Temp << "<br>" << endl;
stream << "<hr>" << endl;
stream << "<p> " << m_StreamMainPageAlbumPreview << "</p>" << endl;
stream << "<hr>" << endl;
TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("kipi_data", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi");
TQString dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_data", "valid-html401.png");
dir = dir + "valid-html401.png";
KURL srcURL(dir);
KURL destURL( + TQString::fromLatin1("/valid-html401.png"));
TDEIO::file_copy(srcURL, destURL, -1, true, false, false);
stream << "<p>" << endl;
Temp = i18n("Valid HTML 4.01.");
stream << "<img src=\"valid-html401.png\" alt=\"" << Temp << "\" height=\"31\" width=\"88\" title=\""
<< Temp << "\" />" << endl;
Temp = i18n("Album archive created with "
"<a href=\"%1\">%2</a> on %3").arg(m_hostURL).arg(m_hostName).arg(today);
stream << Temp << endl;
stream << "</p>" << endl;
stream << "</body>\n</html>\n" << endl;
bool CDArchiving::createHtml( const KIPI::ImageCollection& album,
const KURL& targetURL,
const TQString& imageFormat )
if (m_cancelled)
return false;
// Sort the images files formats running with thumbnails construction.
const TQString imgGalleryDir =;
// Create the "thumbs" subdirectory
TQDir thumb_dir( imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/thumbs/"));
if (createDirectory(thumb_dir, imgGalleryDir, "thumbs") == false)
return false;
TQDir pages_dir( imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/pages/"));
if (createDirectory(pages_dir, imgGalleryDir, "pages") == false)
return false;
// Create HTML page.
TQFile file( targetURL.path() );
if ( )
TQTextStream stream(&file);
createBody(stream, album, targetURL, imageFormat);
return true;
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Error;
d->starting = false;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Could not open file '%1'.").arg(targetURL.path(+1));
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
return false;
bool CDArchiving::createPage(const TQString& imgGalleryDir,
const KURL& imgURL,
const TQString& uniqueImgName,
const KURL& prevImgURL,
const TQString& prevUniqueImgName,
const KURL& nextImgURL,
const TQString& nextUniqueImgName,
const TQString& comment)
const TQDir pagesDir(imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/pages/"));
const TQDir thumbsDir(imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/thumbs/"));
const TQFileInfo fi (imgURL.fileName());
const TQString imgName = uniqueImgName + "." + fi.extension(FALSE);
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "CreatePage: FileName: " << imgURL.fileName() << endl;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "CreatePage: uniqueFileName: " << imgName << endl;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "CreatePage: uniquePrevFileName: " << prevUniqueImgName << endl;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "CreatePage: uniqueNextFileName: " << nextUniqueImgName << endl;
// Html pages filenames
const TQString pageFilename = pagesDir.path() +
TQString::fromLatin1("/") +
const TQString nextPageFilename = webifyFileName(nextUniqueImgName) +
const TQString prevPageFilename = webifyFileName(prevUniqueImgName) +
// Thumbs filenames
const TQString prevThumb = TQString::fromLatin1("../thumbs/") +
webifyFileName(prevUniqueImgName) +
const TQString nextThumb = TQString::fromLatin1("../thumbs/") +
webifyFileName(nextUniqueImgName) +
TQFile file( pageFilename );
if ( pagesDir.exists() && )
TQTextStream stream(&file);
TQString chsetName = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName();
stream << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\""
" \"\">" << endl;
stream << "<html>" << endl;
stream << "<head>" << endl;
stream << "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">" << endl;
stream << "<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Albums Images gallery generated by "
<< m_hostName << " [" << m_hostURL << "]\">" << endl;
stream << "<meta name=\"date\" content=\""
<< TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate())
<< "\">" << endl;
stream << "<title>" << m_mainTitle << " : "<< imgName/*imgURL.fileName()*/ <<"</title>" << endl;
stream << "</head>" << endl;
stream<<"<body>" << endl;;
stream << "<div align=\"center\">"<< endl;
TQImage imgProp;
int prevW = 0;
int prevH = 0;
int nextW = 0;
int nextH = 0;
if (imgProp.load(prevImgURL.path()))
prevW = imgProp.width();
prevH = imgProp.height();
if (imgProp.load(nextImgURL.path()))
nextW = imgProp.width();
nextH = imgProp.height();
// Navigation thumbs need to be 64x64 at most
if ( prevW < prevH )
prevH = (NAV_THUMB_MAX_SIZE * prevH) / prevW;
else if ( prevW==prevH )
prevW = (NAV_THUMB_MAX_SIZE * prevW) / prevH;
if ( nextW < nextH )
nextH = (NAV_THUMB_MAX_SIZE * nextH) / nextW;
else if ( nextW==nextH )
nextW = (NAV_THUMB_MAX_SIZE * nextW) / nextH;
if ( prevImgURL.isValid() )
stream << "<a href=\"" << prevPageFilename << "\"><img class=\"photo\" src=\""
<< prevThumb<<"\" alt=\"" << i18n("Previous") << "\" title=\"" << i18n("Previous")
<< "\" height=\"" << prevH << "\" width=\"" << prevW << "\"></a>&nbsp; | &nbsp;" << endl;
stream << "<a href=\"../index.htm\"><img src=\"../../up.png\" border=\"0\" title=\""
<< i18n("Album index") << "\" alt=\"" << i18n("Album index") << "\"></a>" << endl;
stream << "&nbsp; | &nbsp;<a href=\"../../index.htm\"><img src=\"../../gohome.png\" border=\"0\" title=\""
<< i18n("Album list") << "\" alt=\"" << i18n("Album list") << "\"></a>" << endl;
if ( nextImgURL.isValid() )
stream << "&nbsp; | &nbsp;<a href=\"" << nextPageFilename<<"\"><img class=\"photo\" src=\""
<< nextThumb << "\" alt=\"" << i18n("Next") << "\" title=\"" << i18n("Next")
<< "\" height=\"" << nextH << "\" width=\"" << nextW << "\"></a>" << endl;
stream << "<br><hr><br>" << endl;
// Add comment if it exists
if ( !comment.isEmpty() )
stream << "<div align=\"center\">"
<< EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), comment, true, true)
<< "</div>" << endl;
stream <<"<br>" << endl;
stream << "<img class=\"photo\" src=\"../../../" << m_AlbumTitle << "/" << imgName
<< "\" alt=\"" << imgName;
// Add info about image if requested
TQString sep="\" title=\"";
TQFileInfo imgInfo;
stream << sep << imgName;
sep = ", ";
imgProp.load( imgURL.path() );
stream << sep << imgProp.width() << "&nbsp;x&nbsp;" << imgProp.height();
sep = ", ";
imgInfo.setFile( imgURL.path() );
stream << sep << (imgInfo.size() / 1024) << "&nbsp;" << i18n("KB");
stream << "\"><br><br></div>" << endl;
// Footer
TQString valid = i18n("Valid HTML 4.01.");
const TQString today(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate()));
stream << "<div align=\"center\"><hr><img src=\"../thumbs/valid-html401.png\" alt=\""
<< valid << "\" height=\"31\" width=\"88\" title=\"" << valid << "\" />" << endl;
valid = i18n("Image gallery created with "
"<a href=\"%1\">%2</a> on %3").arg(m_hostURL).arg(m_hostName).arg(today);
stream << valid << "</div>" << endl;
stream << "</body></html>" << endl;
return true;
return false;
int CDArchiving::createThumb( const TQString& imgName, const TQString& sourceDirName,
const TQString& uniqueFileName,
const TQString& imgGalleryDir, const TQString& imageFormat)
const TQString pixPath = sourceDirName + "/" + imgName;
// Create the thumbnails for the HTML interface.
const TQString ImageNameFormat = webifyFileName(uniqueFileName) + extension(imageFormat);
const TQString thumbDir = imgGalleryDir + TQString::fromLatin1("/thumbs/");
int extent = m_thumbnailsSize;
m_imgWidth = 120; // Setting the size of the images is
m_imgHeight = 90; // required to generate faster 'loading' pages
return (ResizeImage(pixPath, thumbDir, imageFormat, ImageNameFormat,
&m_imgWidth, &m_imgHeight, extent, false, 16, false, 100));
int CDArchiving::ResizeImage( const TQString Path, const TQString Directory, const TQString ImageFormat,
const TQString ImageNameFormat, int *Width, int *Height, int SizeFactor,
bool ColorDepthChange, int ColorDepthValue, bool CompressionSet,
int ImageCompression)
TQImage img;
bool ValRet;
bool usingBrokenImage = false;
ValRet = img.load(Path);
if ( ValRet == false ) // Cannot load the src image.
TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("kipi_imagebroken", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "kipi/data");
TQString dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("kipi_imagebroken", "image_broken.png");
dir = dir + "image_broken.png";
kdDebug ( 51000 ) << "Loading " << Path.ascii() << " failed ! Using " << dir.ascii()
<< " instead..." << endl;
ValRet = img.load(dir); // Try broken image icon...
usingBrokenImage = true;
if ( ValRet == true )
int w = img.width();
int h = img.height();
if (SizeFactor != -1) // Use original image size ?
// scale to pixie size
// kdDebug( 51000 ) << "w: " << w << " h: " << h << endl;
// Resizing if to big
if ( w > SizeFactor || h > SizeFactor )
if ( w > h )
h = (int)( (double)( h * SizeFactor ) / w );
if ( h == 0 ) h = 1;
w = SizeFactor;
Q_ASSERT( h <= SizeFactor );
w = (int)( (double)( w * SizeFactor ) / h );
if ( w == 0 ) w = 1;
h = SizeFactor;
Q_ASSERT( w <= SizeFactor );
const TQImage scaleImg(img.smoothScale( w, h ));
if ( scaleImg.width() != w || scaleImg.height() != h )
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Resizing failed. Aborting." << endl;
return -1;
img = scaleImg;
if ( ColorDepthChange == true )
const TQImage depthImg(img.convertDepth( ColorDepthValue ));
img = depthImg;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Saving resized image to: " << Directory + ImageFormat << endl;
if ( CompressionSet == true )
if ( ! + ImageNameFormat, ImageFormat.latin1(), ImageCompression) )
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Saving failed with specific compression value. Aborting." << endl;
return -1;
if ( ! + ImageNameFormat, ImageFormat.latin1(), -1) )
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Saving failed with no compression value. Aborting." << endl;
return -1;
*Width = w;
*Height = h;
if ( usingBrokenImage == true )
return 0;
return 1;
return -1;
bool CDArchiving::BuildK3bXMLprojectfile (TQString HTMLinterfaceFolder, TQString IndexHtm,
TQString AutoRunInf, TQString AutorunFolder)
TQString Temp;
KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData *d;
TQFile XMLK3bProjectFile;
// open the K3b XML project file.
XMLK3bProjectFile.setName ( m_tmpFolder + "/KIPICDArchiving.xml" );
if ( ( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate ) == false )
return false;
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Progress;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Creating project header...");
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
// Build K3b XML project File.
TQTextStream stream( &XMLK3bProjectFile );
// XML Header.
Temp = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << Temp;
if (m_mediaFormat == i18n("DVD (4,7Gb)"))
Temp = "<!DOCTYPE k3b_dvd_project>\n"
"<k3b_dvd_project>\n"; // Build a Data DVD project file.
Temp = "<!DOCTYPE k3b_data_project>\n"
"<k3b_data_project>\n"; // Build a Data CD project file.
stream << Temp;
// General section.
Temp = "<general>\n"
"<writing_mode>auto</writing_mode>\n" // Let K3b selected the good mode.
"<dummy activated=\"no\" />\n"; // Simulation always disactived.
stream << Temp;
if (m_useOnTheFly == false) // Burning CD On The Fly ?
Temp = "<on_the_fly activated=\"no\" />\n";
Temp = "<on_the_fly activated=\"yes\" />\n";
stream << Temp;
Temp = "<only_create_images activated=\"no\" />\n" // Always desactived.
"<remove_images activated=\"yes\" />\n" // Always actived.
stream << Temp;
// Option section.
Temp = "<options>\n"
"<rock_ridge activated=\"yes\" />\n" // Always actived for Linux.
"<joliet activated=\"yes\" />\n"; // Always actived for Win32.
stream << Temp;
if (m_mediaFormat == i18n("DVD (4,7Gb)"))
Temp = "<udf activated=\"yes\" />\n"; // Need this option for DVDR/RW.
Temp = "<udf activated=\"no\" />\n"; // Don't need this option for CDR/RW
stream << Temp;
Temp = "<iso_allow_lowercase activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_allow_period_at_begin activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_allow_31_char activated=\"yes\" />\n"
"<iso_omit_version_numbers activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_omit_trailing_period activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_max_filename_length activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_relaxed_filenames activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_no_iso_translate activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_allow_multidot activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_untranslated_filenames activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<follow_symbolic_links activated=\"no\" />\n" // Always desactived.
"<create_trans_tbl activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<hide_trans_tbl activated=\"no\" />\n"
"<iso_level>2</iso_level>\n" // Always ISO level 2.
"<discard_symlinks activated=\"no\" />\n" // Always desactived.
"<discard_broken_symlinks activated=\"no\" />\n" // Always desactived.
"<preserve_file_permissions activated=\"yes\" />\n" // Actived : backup.
"<force_input_charset activated=\"no\" />\n" // Disabled.
"<input_charset>iso8859-1</input_charset>\n" // Disabled (see before).
"<data_track_mode>auto</data_track_mode>\n" // Let K3b selected the good mode.
"<multisession>none</multisession>\n"; // Always 1 session for backup CD.
stream << Temp;
if (m_useCheckCD == false) // Checking CD after burning process ?
Temp = "<verify_data activated=\"no\" />\n";
Temp = "<verify_data activated=\"yes\" />\n";
stream << Temp;
Temp = "</options>\n";
stream << Temp;
// Header section.
Temp = "<header>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_volumeID, true, true)
+ "</volume_id>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_volumeSetID, true, true)
+ "</volume_set_id>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_systemID, true, true)
+ "</system_id>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_applicationID, true, true)
+ "</application_id>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_publisher, true, true)
+ "</publisher>\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), m_preparer, true, true)
+ "</preparer>\n"
stream << Temp;
// Files and folders section.
Temp = "<files>\n";
stream << Temp;
if ( IndexHtm.isEmpty() == false ) // index.htm file in CD root.
Temp = "<file name=\"index.htm\" >\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), IndexHtm, true, true)
+ "</url>\n"
stream << Temp;
if ( AutoRunInf.isEmpty() == false ) // Autorun.inf file in CD root.
Temp = "<file name=\"autorun.inf\" >\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), AutoRunInf, true, true)
+ "</url>\n"
stream << Temp;
// Add Autorun folder name and files.
if ( AutorunFolder.isEmpty() == false )
AddFolderTreeToK3bXMLProjectFile(AutorunFolder, &stream);
// Add HTMLInterface folders name and files.
if ( HTMLinterfaceFolder.isEmpty() == false )
AddFolderTreeToK3bXMLProjectFile(HTMLinterfaceFolder, &stream);
//clear the temporary list for unique names
for (TQValueList<KIPI::ImageCollection>::iterator it = m_albumsList.begin();
!m_cancelled && (it != m_albumsList.end()); ++it)
d = new KIPICDArchivingPlugin::EventData;
d->action = KIPICDArchivingPlugin::Progress;
d->starting = true;
d->success = false;
d->message = i18n("Adding Album '%1' into project...").arg( (*it).name() );
TQApplication::sendEvent(m_parent, new TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User, d));
addCollectionToK3bXMLProjectFile( *it, &stream);
Temp = "</files>\n";
stream << Temp;
if (m_mediaFormat == i18n("DVD (4,7Gb)"))
Temp = "</k3b_dvd_project>\n"; // Close the Data DVD project file.
Temp = "</k3b_data_project>\n"; // Close the Data CD project file.
stream << Temp;
// Close K3b XML project File.
return true;
bool CDArchiving::AddFolderTreeToK3bXMLProjectFile (TQString dirname, TQTextStream* stream)
TQString Temp;
TQDir dir(dirname);
dir.setFilter ( TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::Files | TQDir::NoSymLinks );
Temp = "<directory name=\""
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), dir.dirName(), true, true)
+ "\" >\n";
*stream << Temp;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Directory: " << dir.dirName().latin1 () << endl;
const TQFileInfoList* fileinfolist = dir.entryInfoList();
TQFileInfoListIterator it_files(*fileinfolist);
TQFileInfoListIterator it_folders(*fileinfolist);
TQFileInfo* fi_files;
TQFileInfo* fi_folders;
while ( (fi_files = it_files.current()) && !m_cancelled ) // Check all files in folder.
if ( fi_files->fileName() == "." || fi_files->fileName() == ".." )
if ( fi_files->isFile() )
kdDebug( 51000 ) << " Filename: " << fi_files->fileName().latin1() << endl;
Temp = "<file name=\""
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), fi_files->fileName(), true, true)
+ "\" >\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), fi_files->absFilePath(), true, true)
+ "</url>\n"
*stream << Temp;
while ( (fi_folders = it_folders.current()) && !m_cancelled ) // Check all sub-folders in folder.
if ( fi_folders->fileName() == "." || fi_folders->fileName() == ".." )
if ( fi_folders->isDir() )
kdDebug( 51000 ) << " folder: " << fi_folders->fileName().latin1() << endl;
AddFolderTreeToK3bXMLProjectFile ( fi_folders->absFilePath(), stream );
Temp = "</directory>\n";
*stream << Temp;
return true;
bool CDArchiving::addCollectionToK3bXMLProjectFile(const KIPI::ImageCollection& collection,
TQTextStream* stream)
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "Adding Collection: " << << endl;
TQString Temp;
TQString collection_name;
if (m_useHTMLInterface)
collection_name = makeFileNameUnique(m_collection_name_list, webifyFileName(;
collection_name = makeFileNameUnique(m_collection_name_list,;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "num of unique collections: "<< m_collection_name_list.size() << endl;
Temp = "<directory name=\""
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), collection_name, true, true)
+ "\" >\n";
*stream << Temp;
KURL::List images = collection.images();
kdDebug( 51000 ) << " Files: " << images.size() << endl;
TQStringList fileNameList;
TQString fName;
for (KURL::List::iterator it = images.begin();
(it != images.end()) && !m_cancelled;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << " Filename: " << (*it).fileName() << endl;
TQFileInfo fInfo((*it).fileName());
if (m_useHTMLInterface)
fName = makeFileNameUnique(fileNameList, webifyFileName(fInfo.baseName(TRUE)))
+ "." + fInfo.extension( FALSE );
fName = makeFileNameUnique(fileNameList, fInfo.baseName(TRUE))
+ "." + fInfo.extension( FALSE );
kdDebug( 51000 ) << " Unique filename: " << fName << endl;
kdDebug( 51000 ) << "num of unique files: "<< fileNameList.size() << endl;
Temp = "<file name=\""
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), fName, true, true)
+ "\" >\n"
+ EscapeSgmlText(TQTextCodec::codecForLocale(), (*it).path(), true, true)
+ "</url>\n"
*stream << Temp;
Temp = "</directory>\n";
*stream << Temp;
return true;
bool CDArchiving::CreateAutoRunInfFile(void)
TQString Temp;
TQFile AutoRunInf;
AutoRunInf.setName ( m_tmpFolder + "/autorun.inf" );
if ( ( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate ) == false )
return false;
TQTextStream stream( &AutoRunInf );
Temp = "[autorun]\r\n"
"OPEN=autorun\\ShellExecute.bat HTMLInterface\\index.htm\r\n"
stream << Temp;
Temp = "LABEL=" + m_volumeID + "\r\n";
stream << Temp;
return true;
void CDArchiving::removeTmpFiles(void)
// This code can be multithreaded (in opposite to TDEIO::netaccess::delete().
bool CDArchiving::DeleteDir(TQString dirname)
if ( !dirname.isEmpty() )
TQDir dir;
if (dir.exists ( dirname ) == true)
if (deldir(dirname) == false)
return false;
if (dir.rmdir( dirname ) == false )
return false;
return false;
return false;
return true;
// This code can be multithreaded (in opposite to TDEIO::netaccess::delete().
bool CDArchiving::deldir(TQString dirname)
TQDir dir(dirname);
dir.setFilter ( TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::Files | TQDir::NoSymLinks );
const TQFileInfoList* fileinfolist = dir.entryInfoList();
TQFileInfoListIterator it(*fileinfolist);
TQFileInfo* fi;
while ( (fi = it.current() ) )
if (fi->fileName() == "." || fi->fileName() == ".." )
if ( fi->isDir() )
if (deldir( fi->absFilePath() ) == false)
return false;
if (dir.rmdir( fi->absFilePath() ) == false)
return false;
if ( fi->isFile() )
if (dir.remove(fi->absFilePath() ) == false)
return false;
return true;
// Source code from Koffice 1.3
TQString CDArchiving::EscapeSgmlText(const TQTextCodec* codec,
const TQString& strIn,
const bool quot /* = false */ ,
const bool apos /* = false */ )
TQString strReturn;
TQChar ch;
for (uint i = 0 ; i < strIn.length() ; ++i)
switch (ch.unicode())
case 38: // &
strReturn += "&amp;";
case 60: // <
strReturn += "&lt;";
case 62: // >
strReturn += "&gt;";
case 34: // "
if (quot)
strReturn += "&quot;";
strReturn += ch;
case 39: // '
// NOTE: HTML does not define &apos; by default (only XML/XHTML does)
if (apos)
strReturn += "&apos;";
strReturn += ch;
// verify that the character ch can be expressed in the
// encoding in which we will write the HTML file.
if (codec)
if (!codec->canEncode(ch))
strReturn += TQString("&#%1;").arg(ch.unicode());
strReturn += ch;
return strReturn;
* Produce a web-friendly file name
TQString CDArchiving::webifyFileName(TQString fileName)
// Remove potentially troublesome chars
fileName=fileName.replace(TQRegExp("[^-0-9a-zA-Z]+"), "_");
return fileName;
* Make sure a file name is unique in list
TQString CDArchiving::makeFileNameUnique(TQStringList& list, TQString fileName)
// Make sure the file name is unique
TQString fileNameBase=fileName;
int count=1;
while (list.findIndex(fileName)!=-1)
fileName=fileNameBase + "-" + TQString::number(count);
list += fileName;
return fileName;
} // NameSpace KIPICDArchivingPlugin
#include "cdarchiving.moc"