/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of kipi-plugins project * http://www.kipi-plugins.org * * Date : 2003-12-03 * Description : misc utils to used in batch process * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by Renchi Raju * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Marcel Wiesweg * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Gilles Caulier * * NOTE: Do not use kdDebug() in this implementation because * it will be multithreaded. Use tqDebug() instead. * See B.K.O #133026 for details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // C Ansi includes. extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include // LibKExiv2 includes. #include // LibKDcraw includes. #include #include #if KDCRAW_VERSION < 0x000106 #include #endif // Local includes. #include "pluginsversion.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utils.moc" namespace KIPIJPEGLossLessPlugin { Utils::Utils(TQObject *parent) : TQObject(parent) { } Utils::~Utils() { } bool Utils::updateMetadataImageMagick(const TQString& src, TQString& err) { TQFileInfo finfo(src); if (src.isEmpty() || !finfo.isReadable()) { err = i18n("unable to open source file"); return false; } TQImage img(src); TQImage iptcPreview = img.scale(1280, 1024, TQImage::ScaleMin); TQImage exifThumbnail = iptcPreview.scale(160, 120, TQImage::ScaleMin); KExiv2Iface::KExiv2 meta; meta.load(src); meta.setImageOrientation(KExiv2Iface::KExiv2::ORIENTATION_NORMAL); meta.setImageProgramId(TQString("Kipi-plugins"), TQString(kipiplugins_version)); meta.setImageDimensions(img.size()); meta.setExifThumbnail(exifThumbnail); meta.setImagePreview(iptcPreview); TQByteArray ba = meta.getExif(); const uchar exifHeader[] = {0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00}; TQByteArray exifData = TQByteArray(ba.size() + sizeof(exifHeader)); memcpy(exifData.data(), exifHeader, sizeof(exifHeader)); memcpy(exifData.data()+sizeof(exifHeader), ba.data(), ba.size()); TQByteArray iptcData = meta.getIptc(true); KTempFile exifTemp(TQString(), "kipipluginsiptc.app1"); exifTemp.setAutoDelete(true); TQFile *exifFile = exifTemp.file(); if ( !exifFile ) { err = i18n("unable to open temp file"); return false; } TQDataStream streamExif( exifFile ); streamExif.writeRawBytes(exifData.data(), exifData.size()); exifFile->close(); KTempFile iptcTemp(TQString(), "kipipluginsiptc.8bim"); iptcTemp.setAutoDelete(true); TQFile *iptcFile = iptcTemp.file(); if ( !iptcFile ) { err = i18n("Cannot rotate: unable to open temp file"); return false; } TQDataStream streamIptc( iptcFile ); streamIptc.writeRawBytes(iptcData.data(), iptcData.size()); iptcFile->close(); TDEProcess process; process.clearArguments(); process << "mogrify"; process << "-verbose"; process << "-profile"; process << exifTemp.name(); process << "-profile"; process << iptcTemp.name(); process << src + TQString("[0]"); tqDebug("ImageMagick Command line args:"); TQValueList args = process.args(); for (TQValueList::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) tqDebug("%s", (const char*)(*it)); connect(&process, TQ_SIGNAL(receivedStderr(TDEProcess *, char*, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotReadStderr(TDEProcess*, char*, int))); if (!process.start(TDEProcess::Block, TDEProcess::Stderr)) return false; if (!process.normalExit()) return false; switch (process.exitStatus()) { case 0: // Process finished successfully ! { return true; break; } case 15: // process aborted ! { return false; break; } } // Processing error ! err = i18n("Cannot update metadata: %1").arg(m_stdErr.replace('\n', ' ')); return false; } void Utils::slotReadStderr(TDEProcess*, char* buffer, int buflen) { m_stdErr.append(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer, buflen)); } bool Utils::isJPEG(const TQString& file) { TQString format = TQString(TQImageIO::imageFormat(file)).upper(); return format=="JPEG"; } bool Utils::isRAW(const TQString& file) { #if KDCRAW_VERSION < 0x000106 TQString rawFilesExt(KDcrawIface::DcrawBinary::instance()->rawFiles()); #else TQString rawFilesExt(KDcrawIface::KDcraw::rawFiles()); #endif TQFileInfo fileInfo(file); if (rawFilesExt.upper().contains( fileInfo.extension(false).upper() )) return true; return false; } bool Utils::CopyFile(const TQString& src, const TQString& dst) { TQFile sFile(src); TQFile dFile(dst); if ( !sFile.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) return false; if ( !dFile.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { sFile.close(); return false; } const int MAX_IPC_SIZE = (1024*32); char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE]; TQ_LONG len; while ((len = sFile.readBlock(buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE)) != 0) { if (len == -1 || dFile.writeBlock(buffer, (TQ_ULONG)len) == -1) { sFile.close(); dFile.close(); return false; } } sFile.close(); dFile.close(); return true; } bool Utils::MoveFile(const TQString& src, const TQString& dst) { struct stat stbuf; if (::stat(TQFile::encodeName(dst), &stbuf) != 0) { tqDebug("KIPIJPEGLossLessPlugin:MoveFile: failed to stat src"); return false; } if (!CopyFile(src, dst)) return false; struct utimbuf timbuf; timbuf.actime = stbuf.st_atime; timbuf.modtime = stbuf.st_mtime; if (::utime(TQFile::encodeName(dst), &timbuf) != 0) { tqDebug("KIPIJPEGLossLessPlugin:MoveFile: failed to update dst time"); } if (::unlink(TQFile::encodeName(src).data()) != 0) { tqDebug("KIPIJPEGLossLessPlugin:MoveFile: failed to unlink src"); } return true; } bool Utils::deleteDir(const TQString& dirPath) { TQDir dir(dirPath); if (!dir.exists()) return false; dir.setFilter(TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::Files | TQDir::NoSymLinks); const TQFileInfoList* infoList = dir.entryInfoList(); if (!infoList) return false; TQFileInfoListIterator it(*infoList); TQFileInfo* fi; while( (fi = it.current()) ) { ++it; if(fi->fileName() == "." || fi->fileName() == ".." ) continue; if( fi->isDir() ) { deleteDir(fi->absFilePath()); } else if( fi->isFile() ) dir.remove(fi->absFilePath()); } dir.rmdir(dir.absPath()); return true; } } // NameSpace KIPIJPEGLossLessPlugin