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84 lines
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84 lines
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15 years ago
<chapter id="borderimages">
>Emoldurar Imagens</title>
> <surname
> <affiliation
> <address
>caulier dot gilles at</email
> <date
> <releaseinfo
> <abstract
> <para
>The Kipi border images plugin is a tool for to add a border arround the images. </para>
>This plugin can be used for batch border images in an Album. It use "convert" program from "ImageMagick" package. An image effect preview is available. Actually, 4 border styles have been implemented: <itemizedlist
> <listitem
> : simple line.</para
> <listitem
> : old border style for black and white pictures.</para
> <listitem
> : a 3D effect arroud the pictures.</para
> <listitem
> : surrond the images with an ornamental border.</para
> </itemizedlist
> You can see some samples building with this plugin at this <ulink url=""
> <citetitle
> </ulink
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