You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This file is part of the KFTPGrabber project
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by the KFTPGrabber developers
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jernej Kos <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* is provided AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include "engine/directorylisting.h"
namespace KFTPCore {
namespace Filter {
* Possible filter fields.
enum Field {
Filename = 0,
EntryType = 1,
Size = 2
* A filter condition class of different types.
* @author Jernej Kos
class Condition {
* Condition type.
* The following types are valid:
* - None: this rule never validates
* - Contains: field contains a given substring
* - ContainsNot: field does not contain a given substring
* - Is: field is equal to the given value
* - IsNot: field is not equal to the given value
* - Matches: field matches a given regular expression
* - MatchesNot: field doesn't match a given regular expression
* - Greater: field's integer value is greater than the given value
* - Smaller: field's integer value is smaller than the given value
enum Type {
None = -1,
Contains = 0,
ContainsNot = 1,
Is = 2,
IsNot = 3,
Matches = 4,
MatchesNot = 5,
Greater = 6,
Smaller = 7
* Class constructor. The constructed condition is invalid.
Condition() {}
* Class constructor.
* @param field Field to check
* @param type Condition type
* @param value Value to check against
Condition(Field field, Type type, const TQVariant &value);
* Returns the field this condition operates on.
Field field() const { return m_field; }
* Set condition field.
* @param field A valid condition field
void setField(Field field) { m_field = field; }
* Returns the type of this condition.
Type type() const { return m_type; }
* Set condition type.
* @param type A valid condition type
void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
* Returns the value this condition validates the field with.
TQVariant value() const { return m_value; }
* Set condition validation value.
* @param value A valid validation value
void setValue(const TQVariant &value) { m_value = value; }
* Does the specified entry match this condition ?
* @param entry Directory entry to compare
* @return True if the entry matches this condition, false otherwise
bool matches(const KFTPEngine::DirectoryEntry &entry) const;
Field m_field;
Type m_type;
TQVariant m_value;
* This class represents a chain of filter conditions.
* @author Jernej Kos
class ConditionChain : public TQPtrList<Condition> {
* Chain type.
* The following types are valid:
* - All: all conditions must match
* - Any: any condition can match
enum Type {
All = 0,
Any = 1
* Class constructor.
* Class constructor.
ConditionChain(Type type);
* Returns condition chain match type.
Type type() const { return m_type; }
* Set condition chain match type.
* @param type A valid type
void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
* Does the specified entry match this condition chain ? The actual
* matching depends on chain type.
* @param entry Directory entry to compare
* @return True if the entry matches this chain, false otherwise
bool matches(const KFTPEngine::DirectoryEntry &entry) const;
Type m_type;
* This class represents a single action to take.
class Action {
* Action type.
* These are the valid types:
* - Priority: when queuing files, their priority should be changed
* - Skip: do not queue such files
* - Colorize: change font color in the list view
* - Hide: do not display such files in the list view
* - Lowercase: lowercase the destination filename when queuing
enum Type {
None = 0,
Priority = 1,
Skip = 2,
Colorize = 3,
Hide = 4,
Lowercase = 5
* Class constructor. The resulting action is invalid.
* Class constructor.
* @param type Action type
* @param value Action parameters
Action(Type type, const TQVariant &value);
* Returns true if the action is valid.
bool isValid() const { return m_valid; }
* Get action's type.
Type type() const { return m_type; }
* Set the action type.
* @param type A valid action type
void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
* Get action's parameters.
TQVariant value() const { return m_value; }
* Set action parameter.
* @param value Parameter value
void setValue(const TQVariant &value) { m_value = value; }
bool m_valid;
Type m_type;
TQVariant m_value;
* This class represents a chain of filter actions.
* @author Jernej Kos
class ActionChain : public TQPtrList<Action> {
* Class constructor.
* Get an action of the specified type.
* @param type Action type to search for
* @return A valid Action or null if there is none
const Action *getAction(Action::Type type) const;
* This class represents a single filter rule consiting of a condition chain
* and an action chain.
* @author Jernej Kos
class Rule {
* Class constructor.
* Class copy constructor. Creates a duplicate deep copy of the provided
* rule.
* @param rule The rule to copy
Rule(const Rule *rule);
* Class constructor.
* @param name Human readable rule name
Rule(const TQString &name);
* Get rule's name.
TQString name() const { return m_name; }
* Set rule's name.
void setName(const TQString &name) { m_name = name; }
* Is this rule enabled or not ?
* @return True if the rule is enabled, false otherwise
bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
* Enable or disable this rule.
* @param value True if the rule is enabled, false otherwise
void setEnabled(bool value) { m_enabled = value; }
* Get the condition chain reference.
const ConditionChain *conditions() const { return &m_conditionChain; }
* Get the action chain reference.
const ActionChain *actions() const { return &m_actionChain; }
TQString m_name;
bool m_enabled;
ConditionChain m_conditionChain;
ActionChain m_actionChain;
* This class contains all the currently loaded rules.
* @author Jernej Kos
class Filters : public TQPtrList<Rule> {
* Get the global rule chain.
static Filters *self();
* Class destructor.
* Load the rules from a file.
void load();
* Serialize the rules and save them to a file.
void save();
* Is filtering enabled or not ?
* @return True if filtering is enabled, false otherwise
bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
* Enable or disable filtering.
* @param value True if filtering is enabled, false otherwise
void setEnabled(bool value) { m_enabled = value; }
* Process the specified entry and return an action chain that matched
* first.
* @param entry The entry to process
* @return An ActionChain reference (might be empty if nothing matched)
const ActionChain *process(const KFTPEngine::DirectoryEntry &entry) const;
* Process the specified entry and return an action to use. This will
* go trough all loaded rules and attempt to process each one by one.
* The first one that succeeds is returned.
* @param entry The entry to process
* @param types Only return the action of this type
* @return An Action reference (might be invalid if nothing matched)
const Action *process(const KFTPEngine::DirectoryEntry &entry, TQValueList<Action::Type> types) const;
* Process the specified entry and return an action to use. This will
* go trough all loaded rules and attempt to process each one by one.
* The first one that succeeds is returned.
* @param entry The entry to process
* @param filter Only return the action of this type
* @return An Action reference (might be invalid if nothing matched)
const Action *process(const KFTPEngine::DirectoryEntry &entry, Action::Type filter) const;
* This method is provided for convienience. It behaves just like the
* above method.
* @param url File's URL
* @param size File's size
* @param directory True if the entry is a directory
* @param filter Only return the action of this type
* @return An Action reference (might be invalid if nothing matched)
const Action *process(const KURL &url, filesize_t size, bool directory, Action::Type filter) const;
* Process the specified entry and return an action chain that matched
* first.
* @param url File's URL
* @param size File's size
* @param directory True if the entry is a directory
* @return An ActionChain reference (might be invalid if nothing matched)
const ActionChain *process(const KURL &url, filesize_t size, bool directory) const;
* This method is provided for convienience. It behaves just like the
* above method.
* Note that 0 will be used for filesize and this may affect the filter
* process!
* @param url File's URL
* @param filter Only return the action of this type
* @return An Action reference (might be invalid if nothing matched)
const Action *process(const KURL &url, Action::Type filter) const;
* Get a human readable list of possible field names.
* @return A TQStringList representing the field names
const TQStringList &getFieldNames() { return m_fieldNames; }
* Get a human readable list of possible action names
* @return A TQStringList representing the action names
const TQStringList &getActionNames() { return m_actionNames; }
* Class constructor.
static Filters *m_self;
bool m_enabled;
ActionChain m_emptyActionChain;
TQStringList m_fieldNames;
TQStringList m_actionNames;