You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1161 lines
36 KiB

* This file is part of the KFTPGrabber project
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by the KFTPGrabber developers
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jernej Kos <>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Joseph Wenninger <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Mark Kretschmann <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* is provided AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
#include "multitabbar.h"
#include "multitabbar.moc"
#include "multitabbar_p.h"
#include "multitabbar_p.moc"
#include <math.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqbutton.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#define NEARBYINT(i) ((int(float(i) + 0.5)))
namespace KFTPWidgets {
class MultiTabBarTabPrivate
TQPixmap pix;
MultiTabBarInternal::MultiTabBarInternal( TQWidget *parent, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarMode bm ) : TQScrollView( parent )
m_expandedTabSize = -1;
m_showActiveTabTexts = false;
m_tabs.setAutoDelete( true );
m_barMode = bm;
setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff );
setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff );
if ( bm == MultiTabBar::Vertical ) {
box = new TQWidget( viewport() );
mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( box );
mainLayout->setAutoAdd( true );
box->setFixedWidth( 24 );
setFixedWidth( 24 );
} else {
box = new TQWidget( viewport() );
mainLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( box );
mainLayout->setAutoAdd( true );
box->setFixedHeight( 24 );
setFixedHeight( 24 );
addChild( box );
setFrameStyle( NoFrame );
viewport() ->setBackgroundMode( TQt::PaletteBackground );
/* box->setPaletteBackgroundColor(TQt::red);
void MultiTabBarInternal::setStyle( enum MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarStyle style )
m_style = style;
for ( uint i = 0;i < m_tabs.count();i++ ) i ) ->setStyle( m_style );
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) ||
( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) ||
( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) ) {
delete mainLayout;
mainLayout = 0;
resizeEvent( 0 );
} else if ( mainLayout == 0 ) {
if ( m_barMode == MultiTabBar::Vertical ) {
box = new TQWidget( viewport() );
mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( box );
box->setFixedWidth( 24 );
setFixedWidth( 24 );
} else {
box = new TQWidget( viewport() );
mainLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( box );
box->setFixedHeight( 24 );
setFixedHeight( 24 );
addChild( box );
for ( uint i = 0;i < m_tabs.count();i++ )
mainLayout->add( i ) );
mainLayout->setAutoAdd( true );
viewport() ->repaint();
void MultiTabBarInternal::drawContents ( TQPainter * paint, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph )
TQScrollView::drawContents ( paint , clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph );
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, viewport() ->height() );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 1, 0, 1, viewport() ->height() );
} else
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Left ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().light() );
paint->drawLine( 23, 0, 23, viewport() ->height() );
paint->drawLine( 22, 0, 22, viewport() ->height() );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, viewport() ->height() );
} else
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, viewport() ->width(), 0 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 0, 1, viewport() ->width(), 1 );
} else {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().light() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 23, viewport() ->width(), 23 );
paint->drawLine( 0, 22, viewport() ->width(), 22 );
/* paint->setPen(colorGroup().shadow());
void MultiTabBarInternal::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *ev )
void MultiTabBarInternal::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *ev )
#define CALCDIFF(m_tabs,diff,i) if (m_lines>(int)lines) {\
/*kdDebug()<<"i="<<i<<" tabCount="<<tabCount<<" space="<<space<<endl;*/ \
uint ulen=0;\
diff=0; \
for (uint i2=i;i2<tabCount;i2++) {\
if ((ulen+l1)>space){\
if (ulen==0) diff=0;\
else diff=((float)(space-ulen))/(i2-i);\
} else {diff=0; }
void MultiTabBarInternal::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *ev )
/* kdDebug()<<"MultiTabBarInternal::resizeEvent"<<endl;
kdDebug()<<"MultiTabBarInternal::resizeEvent - box geometry"<<box->geometry()<<endl;
kdDebug()<<"MultiTabBarInternal::resizeEvent - geometry"<<geometry()<<endl;*/
if ( ev ) TQScrollView::resizeEvent( ev );
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) ||
( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) ||
( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) ) {
box->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height() );
int lines = 1;
uint space;
float tmp = 0;
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Top ) )
space = width();
space = height();
int cnt = 0;
const uint tabCount = m_tabs.count();
for ( uint i = 0;i < tabCount;i++ ) {
tmp += i ) ->neededSize();
if ( tmp > space ) {
if ( cnt > 1 ) i--;
else if ( i == ( tabCount - 1 ) ) break;
cnt = 0;
tmp = 0;
float diff = 0;
cnt = 0;
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Top ) ) {
setFixedHeight( lines * 24 );
box->setFixedHeight( lines * 24 );
m_lines = height() / 24 - 1;
lines = 0;
CALCDIFF( m_tabs, diff, 0 )
tmp = -diff;
//kdDebug()<<"m_lines recalculated="<<m_lines<<endl;
for ( uint i = 0;i < tabCount;i++ ) {
MultiTabBarTab *tab = i );
tmp += tab->neededSize() + diff;
if ( tmp > space ) {
//kdDebug()<<"about to start new line"<<endl;
if ( cnt > 1 ) {
CALCDIFF( m_tabs, diff, i )
} else {
//kdDebug()<<"placing line on old line"<<endl;
kdDebug() << "diff=" << diff << endl;
tab->removeEventFilter( this );
tab->move( NEARBYINT( tmp - tab->neededSize() ), lines * 24 );
// tab->setFixedWidth(tab->neededSize()+diff);
tab->setFixedWidth( NEARBYINT( tmp + diff ) - tab->x() );;
tab->installEventFilter( this );
CALCDIFF( m_tabs, diff, ( i + 1 ) )
tmp = -diff;
cnt = 0;
//kdDebug()<<"starting new line:"<<lines<<endl;
} else {
//kdDebug()<<"Placing line on line:"<<lines<<" pos: (x/y)=("<<>neededSize()<<"/"<<lines*24<<")"<<endl;
tab->removeEventFilter( this );
tab->move( NEARBYINT( tmp - tab->neededSize() ), lines * 24 );
tab->setFixedWidth( NEARBYINT( tmp + diff ) - tab->x() );;
tab->installEventFilter( this );
} else {
setFixedWidth( lines * 24 );
box->setFixedWidth( lines * 24 );
m_lines = lines = width() / 24;
lines = 0;
CALCDIFF( m_tabs, diff, 0 )
tmp = -diff;
for ( uint i = 0;i < tabCount;i++ ) {
MultiTabBarTab *tab = i );
tmp += tab->neededSize() + diff;
if ( tmp > space ) {
if ( cnt > 1 ) {
CALCDIFF( m_tabs, diff, i );
tmp = -diff;
} else {
tab->removeEventFilter( this );
tab->move( lines * 24, NEARBYINT( tmp - tab->neededSize() ) );
tab->setFixedHeight( NEARBYINT( tmp + diff ) - tab->y() );;
tab->installEventFilter( this );
cnt = 0;
tmp = -diff;
} else {
tab->removeEventFilter( this );
tab->move( lines * 24, NEARBYINT( tmp - tab->neededSize() ) );
tab->setFixedHeight( NEARBYINT( tmp + diff ) - tab->y() );;
tab->installEventFilter( this );
//kdDebug()<<"needed lines:"<<m_lines<<endl;
} else {
int size = 0; /*move the calculation into another function and call it only on add tab and tab click events*/
for ( int i = 0;i < ( int ) m_tabs.count();i++ )
size += ( m_barMode == MultiTabBar::Vertical ? i ) ->height() : i ) ->width() );
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Top ) )
box->setGeometry( 0, 0, size, height() );
else box->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), size );
void MultiTabBarInternal::showActiveTabTexts( bool show )
m_showActiveTabTexts = show;
MultiTabBarTab* MultiTabBarInternal::tab( int id ) const
for ( TQPtrListIterator<MultiTabBarTab> it( m_tabs );it.current();++it ) {
if ( it.current() ->id() == id ) return it.current();
return 0;
bool MultiTabBarInternal::eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Resize )
resizeEvent( 0 );
//PATCH by markey: Allow switching of tabs with mouse wheel
if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel ) {
TQWheelEvent* event = static_cast<TQWheelEvent*>( e );
const int delta = event->delta() / 120;
// Determine which tab is currently active
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < m_tabs.count(); i++ )
if ( i )->isOn() ) break;
// Calculate index of the new tab to activate
int newTab = i - delta;
if ( newTab < 0 ) newTab = 0;
if ( newTab > (int)m_tabs.count() - 1 ) newTab = m_tabs.count() - 1;
if ( i < m_tabs.count() && newTab != (int)i ) newTab )->animateClick();
// Must return true here for the wheel to work properly
return true;
return false;
int MultiTabBarInternal::appendTab(const TQPixmap &pic , int id, const TQString &text)
MultiTabBarTab *tab;
m_tabs.append(tab = new MultiTabBarTab(this, pic, text, id, box, m_position, m_style));
if (m_style == MultiTabBar::KONQSBC) {
if (m_expandedTabSize < tab->neededSize()) {
m_expandedTabSize = tab->neededSize();
for (uint i = 0; i < m_tabs.count(); i++)>setSize(m_expandedTabSize);
} else {
} else {
return 0;
void MultiTabBarInternal::removeTab( int id )
for ( uint pos = 0;pos < m_tabs.count();pos++ ) {
if ( pos ) ->id() == id ) {
m_tabs.remove( pos );
resizeEvent( 0 );
void MultiTabBarInternal::setPosition( enum MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos )
m_position = pos;
for ( uint i = 0;i < m_tabs.count();i++ ) i ) ->setTabsPosition( m_position );
viewport() ->repaint();
MultiTabBarButton::MultiTabBarButton(MultiTabBarInternal *tb, const TQPixmap& pic, const TQString& text, TQPopupMenu *popup,
int id, TQWidget *parent, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarStyle style )
: TQPushButton(TQIconSet(), text, parent),
m_animTimer(new TQTimer(this))
m_position = pos;
if (popup)
setPopup( popup );
m_id = id;
connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotClicked()));
connect(m_animTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotAnimTimer()));
MultiTabBarButton::MultiTabBarButton(MultiTabBarInternal *tb, const TQString& text, TQPopupMenu *popup,
int id, TQWidget *parent, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarStyle style )
: TQPushButton(TQIconSet(), text, parent),
m_animTimer(new TQTimer(this))
m_position = pos;
if (popup)
m_id = id;
connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotClicked()));
connect(m_animTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotAnimTimer()));
int MultiTabBarButton::id() const
return m_id;
void MultiTabBarButton::setText(const TQString& text)
m_text = text;
void MultiTabBarButton::slotClicked()
emit clicked(m_id);
void MultiTabBarButton::setPosition(MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos)
m_position = pos;
void MultiTabBarButton::setStyle(MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarStyle style)
m_style = style;
void MultiTabBarButton::hideEvent(TQHideEvent* he)
MultiTabBar *tb = dynamic_cast<MultiTabBar*>(parentWidget());
if (tb)
void MultiTabBarButton::showEvent(TQShowEvent* he)
MultiTabBar *tb = dynamic_cast<MultiTabBar*>(parentWidget());
if (tb)
void MultiTabBarButton::enterEvent(TQEvent*)
m_animEnter = true;
m_animCount = 0;
void MultiTabBarButton::leaveEvent(TQEvent*)
if (m_animCount == 0)
m_animCount = 1;
m_animEnter = false;
void MultiTabBarButton::slotAnimTimer()
if (m_animEnter) {
m_animCount += 1;
if (m_animCount >= ANIM_MAX)
} else {
m_animCount -= 1;
if (m_animCount <= 0)
TQSize MultiTabBarButton::sizeHint() const
int w = 0, h = 0;
// calculate contents size...
if ( iconSet() && !iconSet() ->isNull() ) {
int iw = iconSet() ->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ).width() + 4;
int ih = iconSet() ->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ).height();
w += iw;
h = TQMAX( h, ih );
if ( isMenuButton() )
w += style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_MenuButtonIndicator, this );
if ( pixmap() ) {
TQPixmap * pm = ( TQPixmap * ) pixmap();
w += pm->width();
h += pm->height();
} else {
TQString s( text() );
bool empty = s.isEmpty();
if ( empty )
s = TQString::fromLatin1( "XXXX" );
TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
TQSize sz = fm.size( ShowPrefix, s );
if ( !empty || !w )
w += sz.width();
if ( !empty || !h )
h = TQMAX( h, sz.height() );
//PATCH by markey
if ((m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK)) {
if (m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom)
w = (parentWidget()->width() - 3) / m_tb->tabs()->count();
h = (parentWidget()->height() - 3) / m_tb->tabs()->count();
return ( style().sizeFromContents( TQStyle::CT_ToolButton, this, TQSize( w, h ) ).
expandedTo( TQApplication::globalStrut() ) );
MultiTabBarTab::MultiTabBarTab( MultiTabBarInternal *tb, const TQPixmap& pic, const TQString& text,
int id, TQWidget *parent, MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos,
MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarStyle style )
: MultiTabBarButton(tb, text, 0, id, parent, pos, style),
d = new MultiTabBarTabPrivate();
setIcon( pic );
m_expandedSize = 24;
setToggleButton( true );
// Prevent flicker on redraw
setWFlags( getWFlags() | TQt::WNoAutoErase );
delete d;
void MultiTabBarTab::setTabsPosition( MultiTabBar::MultiTabBarPosition pos )
if ( ( pos != m_position ) && ( ( pos == MultiTabBar::Left ) || ( pos == MultiTabBar::Right ) ) ) {
if ( !d->pix.isNull() ) {
TQWMatrix temp; // (1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
temp.rotate( 180 );
d->pix = d->pix.xForm( temp );
setIconSet( d->pix );
setPosition( pos );
// repaint();
void MultiTabBarTab::setIcon( const TQString& icon )
TQPixmap pic = SmallIcon( icon );
setIcon( pic );
void MultiTabBarTab::setIcon( const TQPixmap& icon )
if ( m_style != MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) {
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Left ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right ) ) {
TQWMatrix rotateMatrix;
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Left )
rotateMatrix.rotate( 90 );
rotateMatrix.rotate( -90 );
TQPixmap pic = icon.xForm( rotateMatrix ); //TODO FIX THIS, THIS SHOWS WINDOW
d->pix = pic;
setIconSet( pic );
} else setIconSet( icon );
void MultiTabBarTab::slotClicked()
if (m_animTimer->isActive()) {
m_animCount = ANIM_MAX;
void MultiTabBarTab::setState(bool b)
void MultiTabBarTab::updateState()
if ( m_style != MultiTabBar::KONQSBC ) {
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) || ( isOn() ) ) {
TQPushButton::setText( m_text );
} else {
kdDebug() << "MultiTabBarTab::updateState(): setting text to an empty TQString***************" << endl;
TQPushButton::setText( TQString::null );
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right || m_position == MultiTabBar::Left ) ) {
setFixedWidth( 24 );
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) || ( isOn() ) ) {
setFixedHeight( MultiTabBarButton::sizeHint().width() );
} else setFixedHeight( 36 );
} else {
setFixedHeight( 24 );
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) || ( isOn() ) ) {
setFixedWidth( MultiTabBarButton::sizeHint().width() );
} else setFixedWidth( 36 );
} else {
if ( ( !isOn() ) || ( !m_showActiveTabText ) ) {
setFixedWidth( 24 );
setFixedHeight( 24 );
return ;
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right || m_position == MultiTabBar::Left ) )
setFixedHeight( m_expandedSize );
setFixedWidth( m_expandedSize );
TQApplication::sendPostedEvents( 0, TQEvent::Paint | TQEvent::Move | TQEvent::Resize | TQEvent::LayoutHint );
int MultiTabBarTab::neededSize()
if (m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK) {
if (m_position == MultiTabBar::Left)
return (parentWidget()->height() - 3) / m_tb->tabs()->count();
return (parentWidget()->width() - 3) / m_tb->tabs()->count();
} else {
return (((m_style != MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) ? 24 : 0) + TQFontMetrics(TQFont()).width(m_text) + 6);
void MultiTabBarTab::setSize( int size )
m_expandedSize = size;
void MultiTabBarTab::showActiveTabText(bool show)
m_showActiveTabText = show;
void MultiTabBarTab::drawButtonLabel(TQPainter *p)
void MultiTabBarTab::drawButton(TQPainter *paint)
if (m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK) {
} else if (m_style != MultiTabBar::KONQSBC) {
} else {
void MultiTabBarTab::drawButtonStyled( TQPainter *paint )
TQSize sh;
const int width = 36; // rotated
const int height = 24;
if ( ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3 ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::KDEV3ICON ) || ( m_style == MultiTabBar::AMAROK ) || ( isOn() ) ) {
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Left ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right ) )
sh = TQSize( this->height(), this->width() ); //MultiTabBarButton::sizeHint();
else sh = TQSize( this->width(), this->height() );
} else
sh = TQSize( width, height );
TQPixmap pixmap( sh.width(), height ); ///,sh.height());
pixmap.fill( eraseColor() );
TQPainter painter( &pixmap );
TQStyle::SFlags st = TQStyle::Style_Default;
st |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
if ( isOn() ) st |= TQStyle::Style_On;
style().drawControl( TQStyle::CE_PushButton, &painter, this, TQRect( 0, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() ), colorGroup(), st );
style().drawControl( TQStyle::CE_PushButtonLabel, &painter, this, TQRect( 0, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() ), colorGroup(), st );
switch ( m_position ) {
case MultiTabBar::Left:
paint->rotate( -90 );
paint->drawPixmap( 1 - pixmap.width(), 0, pixmap );
case MultiTabBar::Right:
paint->rotate( 90 );
paint->drawPixmap( 0, 1 - pixmap.height(), pixmap );
paint->drawPixmap( 0, 0, pixmap );
// style().drawControl(TQStyle::CE_PushButtonLabel,painter,this, TQRect(0,0,pixmap.width(),pixmap.height()),
// colorGroup(),TQStyle::Style_Enabled);
void MultiTabBarTab::drawButtonClassic( TQPainter *paint )
TQPixmap pixmap;
if ( iconSet() )
pixmap = iconSet() ->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal );
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, 24, 24, colorGroup().background() );
if ( !isOn() ) {
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right ) {
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, 21, 21, TQBrush( colorGroup().background() ) );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 150 ) );
paint->drawLine( 0, 22, 23, 22 );
paint->drawPixmap( 12 - pixmap.width() / 2, 12 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, 23 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 1, 0, 1, 23 );
} else
if ( ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) || ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Top ) ) {
paint->fillRect( 0, 1, 23, 22, TQBrush( colorGroup().background() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 12 - pixmap.width() / 2, 12 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 23, 0, 23, 23 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().light() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 22, 23, 22 );
paint->drawLine( 0, 23, 23, 23 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, 23, 0 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 0, 1, 23, 1 );
} else {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().background().dark( 120 ) );
paint->drawLine( 0, 23, 23, 23 );
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, 23, 21, TQBrush( colorGroup().background() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 12 - pixmap.width() / 2, 12 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().light() );
paint->drawLine( 23, 0, 23, 23 );
paint->drawLine( 22, 0, 22, 23 );
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, 23 );
} else {
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Right ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, height() - 1, 23, height() - 1 );
paint->drawLine( 0, height() - 2, 23, height() - 2 );
paint->drawLine( 23, 0, 23, height() - 1 );
paint->drawLine( 22, 0, 22, height() - 1 );
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, 21, height() - 3, TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 10 - pixmap.width() / 2, 10 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
if ( m_showActiveTabText ) {
if ( height() < 25 + 4 ) return ;
TQPixmap tpixmap( height() - 25 - 3, width() - 2 );
TQPainter painter( &tpixmap );
painter.fillRect( 0, 0, tpixmap.width(), tpixmap.height(), TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() );
painter.drawText( 0, + width() / 2 + TQFontMetrics( TQFont() ).height() / 2, m_text );
paint->rotate( 90 );
kdDebug() << "tpixmap.width:" << tpixmap.width() << endl;
paint->drawPixmap( 25, -tpixmap.height() + 1, tpixmap );
} else
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Top ) {
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, width() - 1, 23, TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 10 - pixmap.width() / 2, 10 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
if ( m_showActiveTabText ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().text() );
paint->drawText( 25, height() / 2 + TQFontMetrics( TQFont() ).height() / 2, m_text );
} else
if ( m_position == MultiTabBar::Bottom ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, 23, width() - 1, 23 );
paint->drawLine( 0, 22, width() - 1, 22 );
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, width() - 1, 21, TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 10 - pixmap.width() / 2, 10 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
if ( m_showActiveTabText ) {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().text() );
paint->drawText( 25, height() / 2 + TQFontMetrics( TQFont() ).height() / 2, m_text );
} else {
paint->setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
paint->drawLine( 0, height() - 1, 23, height() - 1 );
paint->drawLine( 0, height() - 2, 23, height() - 2 );
paint->fillRect( 0, 0, 23, height() - 3, TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
paint->drawPixmap( 10 - pixmap.width() / 2, 10 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap );
if ( m_showActiveTabText ) {
if ( height() < 25 + 4 ) return ;
TQPixmap tpixmap( height() - 25 - 3, width() - 2 );
TQPainter painter( &tpixmap );
painter.fillRect( 0, 0, tpixmap.width(), tpixmap.height(), TQBrush( colorGroup().light() ) );
painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() );
painter.drawText( tpixmap.width() - TQFontMetrics( TQFont() ).width( m_text ), + width() / 2 + TQFontMetrics( TQFont() ).height() / 2, m_text );
paint->rotate( -90 );
kdDebug() << "tpixmap.width:" << tpixmap.width() << endl;
paint->drawPixmap( -24 - tpixmap.width(), 2, tpixmap );
void MultiTabBarTab::drawButtonAmarok(TQPainter *paint)
TQColor fillColor, textColor;
if (isOn()) {
fillColor = blendColors(colorGroup().highlight(), colorGroup().background(), static_cast<int>(m_animCount * 3.5));
textColor = blendColors(colorGroup().highlightedText(), colorGroup().text(), static_cast<int>(m_animCount * 4.5));
} else {
fillColor = blendColors(colorGroup().background(), colorGroup().highlight(), static_cast<int>(m_animCount * 3.5));
textColor = blendColors(colorGroup().text(), colorGroup().highlightedText(), static_cast<int>(m_animCount * 4.5));
const TQPixmap icon = iconSet()->pixmap(TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal);
// Our pixmap
TQPixmap pixmap;
if (m_position == MultiTabBar::Left)
pixmap.resize(height(), width());
pixmap.resize(width(), height());
TQPainter painter(&pixmap);
// Draw the frame
if (m_id != m_tb->tabs()->count() - 1)
painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, pixmap.height() - 1);
painter.drawLine(0, pixmap.height() - 1, pixmap.width() - 1, pixmap.height() - 1);
// Draw the text
TQFont font;
TQString text = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze(m_text, TQFontMetrics(font), pixmap.width() - icon.width() - 3);
text.replace( "...", ".." );
const int textX = pixmap.width() / 2 - TQFontMetrics( font ).width( text ) / 2;
const TQRect rect(textX + icon.width() / 2 + 2, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height());
painter.drawText(rect, TQt::AlignLeft | TQt::AlignVCenter, text);
// Draw the icon
painter.drawPixmap(textX - icon.width() / 2 - 2, pixmap.height() / 2 - icon.height() / 2, icon);
// Paint to widget
if (m_position == MultiTabBar::Left) {
paint->drawPixmap(1 - pixmap.width(), 0, pixmap);
} else {
paint->drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap);
TQColor MultiTabBarTab::blendColors( const TQColor& color1, const TQColor& color2, int percent )
const float factor1 = ( 100 - ( float ) percent ) / 100;
const float factor2 = ( float ) percent / 100;
const int r = static_cast<int>( * factor1 + * factor2 );
const int g = static_cast<int>( * factor1 + * factor2 );
const int b = static_cast<int>( * factor1 + * factor2 );
TQColor result;
result.setRgb( r, g, b );
return result;
MultiTabBar::MultiTabBar( MultiTabBarMode bm, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name )
m_buttons.setAutoDelete( false );
if ( bm == Vertical ) {
m_l = new TQVBoxLayout( this );
setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, true );
// setFixedWidth(24);
} else {
m_l = new TQHBoxLayout( this );
setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed, true );
// setFixedHeight(24);
m_l->setMargin( 0 );
m_l->setAutoAdd( false );
m_internal = new MultiTabBarInternal( this, bm );
setPosition( ( bm == MultiTabBar::Vertical ) ? MultiTabBar::Right : MultiTabBar::Bottom );
setStyle( VSNET );
// setStyle(KDEV3);
m_l->insertWidget( 0, m_internal );
m_l->insertWidget( 0, m_btnTabSep = new TQFrame( this ) );
m_btnTabSep->setFixedHeight( 4 );
m_btnTabSep->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken );
m_btnTabSep->setLineWidth( 2 );
/*int MultiTabBar::insertButton(TQPixmap pic,int id ,const TQString&)
(new TDEToolbarButton(pic,id,m_internal))->show();
return 0;
int MultiTabBar::appendButton( const TQPixmap &pic , int id, TQPopupMenu *popup, const TQString& )
MultiTabBarButton * btn;
m_buttons.append(btn = new MultiTabBarButton(m_internal, pic, TQString::null, popup, id, this, m_position, m_internal->m_style));
m_l->insertWidget( 0, btn );
return 0;
void MultiTabBar::updateSeparator()
bool hideSep = true;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<MultiTabBarButton> it( m_buttons );it.current();++it ) {
if ( it.current() ->isVisibleTo( this ) ) {
hideSep = false;
if ( hideSep ) m_btnTabSep->hide();
else m_btnTabSep->show();
int MultiTabBar::appendTab( const TQPixmap &pic , int id , const TQString& text )
m_internal->appendTab( pic, id, text );
return 0;
MultiTabBarButton* MultiTabBar::button( int id ) const
for ( TQPtrListIterator<MultiTabBarButton> it( m_buttons );it.current();++it ) {
if ( it.current() ->id() == id ) return it.current();
return 0;
MultiTabBarTab* MultiTabBar::tab( int id ) const
return m_internal->tab( id );
void MultiTabBar::removeButton( int id )
for ( uint pos = 0;pos < m_buttons.count();pos++ ) {
if ( pos ) ->id() == id ) {
m_buttons.take( pos ) ->deleteLater();
if ( m_buttons.count() == 0 ) m_btnTabSep->hide();
void MultiTabBar::removeTab( int id )
m_internal->removeTab( id );
void MultiTabBar::setTab( int id, bool state )
MultiTabBarTab * ttab = tab( id );
if ( ttab ) {
ttab->setState( state );
bool MultiTabBar::isTabRaised( int id ) const
MultiTabBarTab * ttab = tab( id );
if ( ttab ) {
return ttab->isOn();
return false;
void MultiTabBar::showActiveTabTexts( bool show )
m_internal->showActiveTabTexts( show );
void MultiTabBar::setStyle( MultiTabBarStyle style )
m_internal->setStyle( style );
void MultiTabBar::setPosition( MultiTabBarPosition pos )
m_position = pos;
m_internal->setPosition( pos );
for ( uint i = 0;i < m_buttons.count();i++ ) i ) ->setPosition( pos );
void MultiTabBar::fontChange( const TQFont& /* oldFont */ )
for ( uint i = 0;i < tabs() ->count();i++ )
tabs() ->at( i ) ->resize();
TQPtrList<MultiTabBarTab> *MultiTabBar::tabs()
return m_internal->tabs();
TQPtrList<MultiTabBarButton>* MultiTabBar::buttons()
return & m_buttons;