You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

266 lines
8.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Joachim Eibl *
* joachim.eibl at *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <kprogress.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kio/jobclasses.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <list>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
bool wildcardMultiMatch( const QString& wildcard, const QString& testString, bool bCaseSensitive );
class t_DirectoryList;
class FileAccess
FileAccess( const QString& name, bool bWantToWrite=false ); // name: local file or dirname or url (when supported)
void setFile( const QString& name, bool bWantToWrite=false );
bool isValid() const;
bool isFile() const;
bool isDir() const;
bool isSymLink() const;
bool exists() const;
long size() const; // Size as returned by stat().
long sizeForReading(); // If the size can't be determined by stat() then the file is copied to a local temp file.
bool isReadable() const;
bool isWritable() const;
bool isExecutable() const;
bool isHidden() const;
QString readLink() const;
QDateTime created() const;
QDateTime lastModified() const;
QDateTime lastRead() const;
QString fileName() const; // Just the name-part of the path, without parent directories
QString filePath() const; // The path-string that was used during construction
QString prettyAbsPath() const;
KURL url() const;
QString absFilePath() const;
bool isLocal() const;
bool readFile(void* pDestBuffer, unsigned long maxLength );
bool writeFile(const void* pSrcBuffer, unsigned long length );
bool listDir( t_DirectoryList* pDirList, bool bRecursive, bool bFindHidden,
const QString& filePattern, const QString& fileAntiPattern,
const QString& dirAntiPattern, bool bFollowDirLinks, bool bUseCvsIgnore );
bool copyFile( const QString& destUrl );
bool createBackup( const QString& bakExtension );
static QString tempFileName();
static bool removeTempFile( const QString& );
bool removeFile();
static bool removeFile( const QString& );
static bool makeDir( const QString& );
static bool removeDir( const QString& );
static bool exists( const QString& );
static QString cleanDirPath( const QString& );
//bool chmod( const QString& );
bool rename( const QString& );
static bool symLink( const QString& linkTarget, const QString& linkLocation );
void addPath( const QString& txt );
QString getStatusText();
void setUdsEntry( const KIO::UDSEntry& e );
KURL m_url;
bool m_bLocal;
bool m_bValidData;
unsigned long m_size;
QDateTime m_modificationTime;
QDateTime m_accessTime;
QDateTime m_creationTime;
bool m_bReadable;
bool m_bWritable;
bool m_bExecutable;
bool m_bExists;
bool m_bFile;
bool m_bDir;
bool m_bSymLink;
bool m_bHidden;
long m_fileType; // for testing only
QString m_linkTarget;
QString m_user;
QString m_group;
QString m_name;
QString m_path;
QString m_absFilePath;
QString m_localCopy;
QString m_statusText; // Might contain an error string, when the last operation didn't succeed.
friend class FileAccessJobHandler;
class t_DirectoryList : public std::list<FileAccess>
class FileAccessJobHandler : public QObject
FileAccessJobHandler( FileAccess* pFileAccess );
bool get( void* pDestBuffer, long maxLength );
bool put( const void* pSrcBuffer, long maxLength, bool bOverwrite, bool bResume=false, int permissions=-1 );
bool stat(int detailLevel=2, bool bWantToWrite=false );
bool copyFile( const QString& dest );
bool rename( const QString& dest );
bool listDir( t_DirectoryList* pDirList, bool bRecursive, bool bFindHidden,
const QString& filePattern, const QString& fileAntiPattern,
const QString& dirAntiPattern, bool bFollowDirLinks, bool bUseCvsIgnore );
bool mkDir( const QString& dirName );
bool rmDir( const QString& dirName );
bool removeFile( const QString& dirName );
bool symLink( const QString& linkTarget, const QString& linkLocation );
FileAccess* m_pFileAccess;
bool m_bSuccess;
// Data needed during Job
long m_transferredBytes;
char* m_pTransferBuffer; // Needed during get or put
long m_maxLength;
QString m_filePattern;
QString m_fileAntiPattern;
QString m_dirAntiPattern;
t_DirectoryList* m_pDirList;
bool m_bFindHidden;
bool m_bRecursive;
bool m_bFollowDirLinks;
bool scanLocalDirectory( const QString& dirName, t_DirectoryList* dirList );
private slots:
void slotStatResult( KIO::Job* );
void slotSimpleJobResult( KIO::Job* pJob );
void slotPutJobResult( KIO::Job* pJob );
void slotGetData(KIO::Job*,const QByteArray&);
void slotPutData(KIO::Job*, QByteArray&);
void slotListDirInfoMessage( KIO::Job*, const QString& msg );
void slotListDirProcessNewEntries( KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList& l );
void slotPercent( KIO::Job* pJob, unsigned long percent );
class ProgressDialog : public QDialog
ProgressDialog( QWidget* pParent );
void setStayHidden( bool bStayHidden );
void setInformation( const QString& info, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setInformation( const QString& info, double dCurrent, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setCurrent( double dCurrent, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void step( bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setMaxNofSteps( int dMaxNofSteps );
void push();
void pop(bool bRedrawUpdate=true);
// The progressbar goes from 0 to 1 usually.
// By supplying a subrange transformation the subCurrent-values
// 0 to 1 will be transformed to dMin to dMax instead.
// Requirement: 0 < dMin < dMax < 1
void setRangeTransformation( double dMin, double dMax );
void setSubRangeTransformation( double dMin, double dMax );
void exitEventLoop();
void enterEventLoop( KIO::Job* pJob, const QString& jobInfo );
bool wasCancelled();
void show();
void hide();
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
struct ProgressLevelData
m_dCurrent=0; m_maxNofSteps=1; m_dRangeMin=0; m_dRangeMax=1;
m_dSubRangeMin = 0; m_dSubRangeMax = 1;
double m_dCurrent;
int m_maxNofSteps; // when step() is used.
double m_dRangeMax;
double m_dRangeMin;
double m_dSubRangeMax;
double m_dSubRangeMin;
std::list<ProgressLevelData> m_progressStack;
int m_progressDelayTimer;
KProgress* m_pProgressBar;
KProgress* m_pSubProgressBar;
QLabel* m_pInformation;
QLabel* m_pSubInformation;
QLabel* m_pSlowJobInfo;
QPushButton* m_pAbortButton;
void recalc(bool bRedrawUpdate);
QTime m_t1;
QTime m_t2;
bool m_bWasCancelled;
KIO::Job* m_pJob;
QString m_currentJobInfo; // Needed if the job doesn't stop after a reasonable time.
bool m_bStayHidden;
virtual void reject();
private slots:
void delayedHide();
void slotAbort();
// When using the ProgressProxy you need not take care of the push and pop, except when explicit.
class ProgressProxy
void setInformation( const QString& info, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setInformation( const QString& info, double dCurrent, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setCurrent( double dCurrent, bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void step( bool bRedrawUpdate=true );
void setMaxNofSteps( int dMaxNofSteps );
bool wasCancelled();
void setRangeTransformation( double dMin, double dMax );
void setSubRangeTransformation( double dMin, double dMax );
extern ProgressDialog* g_pProgressDialog;