You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

363 lines
12 KiB

begin : Sat Oct 19 2002
copyright : (C) 2002-2007 by Joachim Eibl
email : joachim.eibl at
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "common.h"
#include "fileaccess.h"
#include "diff.h" //TotalDiffStatus
class OptionDialog;
class KIconLoader;
class StatusInfo;
class DirectoryMergeInfo;
class OneDirectoryInfo;
class QLabel;
class KAction;
class KToggleAction;
class KActionCollection;
class TotalDiffStatus;
enum e_MergeOperation
// Operations in sync mode (with only two directories):
eCopyAToB, eCopyBToA, eDeleteA, eDeleteB, eDeleteAB, eMergeToA, eMergeToB, eMergeToAB,
// Operations in merge mode (with two or three directories)
eCopyAToDest, eCopyBToDest, eCopyCToDest, eDeleteFromDest, eMergeABCToDest,
eConflictingFileTypes, // Error
eConflictingAges // Equal age but files are not!
class DirMergeItem;
enum e_Age { eNew, eMiddle, eOld, eNotThere, eAgeEnd };
class MergeFileInfos
MergeFileInfos(){ m_bEqualAB=false; m_bEqualAC=false; m_bEqualBC=false;
m_pDMI=0; m_pParent=0;
m_bDirA=false; m_bDirB=false; m_bDirC=false;
m_bLinkA=false; m_bLinkB=false; m_bLinkC=false;
m_bOperationComplete=false; m_bSimOpComplete = false;
m_ageA = eNotThere; m_ageB=eNotThere; m_ageC=eNotThere;
m_bConflictingAges=false; }
bool operator>( const MergeFileInfos& );
QString m_subPath;
bool m_bExistsInA;
bool m_bExistsInB;
bool m_bExistsInC;
bool m_bEqualAB;
bool m_bEqualAC;
bool m_bEqualBC;
DirMergeItem* m_pDMI;
MergeFileInfos* m_pParent;
e_MergeOperation m_eMergeOperation;
void setMergeOperation( e_MergeOperation eMOp, bool bRecursive=true );
bool m_bDirA;
bool m_bDirB;
bool m_bDirC;
bool m_bLinkA;
bool m_bLinkB;
bool m_bLinkC;
bool m_bOperationComplete;
bool m_bSimOpComplete;
e_Age m_ageA;
e_Age m_ageB;
e_Age m_ageC;
bool m_bConflictingAges; // Equal age but files are not!
FileAccess m_fileInfoA;
FileAccess m_fileInfoB;
FileAccess m_fileInfoC;
TotalDiffStatus m_totalDiffStatus;
class DirMergeItem : public QListViewItem
DirMergeItem( QListView* pParent, const QString&, MergeFileInfos*);
DirMergeItem( DirMergeItem* pParent, const QString&, MergeFileInfos*);
MergeFileInfos* m_pMFI;
virtual int compare(QListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending) const;
virtual void paintCell(QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align );
void init(MergeFileInfos* pMFI);
class DirectoryMergeWindow : public QListView
DirectoryMergeWindow( QWidget* pParent, OptionDialog* pOptions, KIconLoader* pIconLoader );
void setDirectoryMergeInfo(DirectoryMergeInfo* p){ m_pDirectoryMergeInfo=p; }
bool init(
FileAccess& dirA,
FileAccess& dirB,
FileAccess& dirC,
FileAccess& dirDest,
bool bDirectoryMerge,
bool bReload = false
bool isFileSelected();
void allowResizeEvents(bool bAllowResizeEvents);
bool isDirectoryMergeInProgress() { return m_bRealMergeStarted; }
int totalColumnWidth();
bool isSyncMode() { return m_bSyncMode; }
bool isScanning() { return m_bScanning; }
void initDirectoryMergeActions( QObject* pKDiff3App, KActionCollection* ac );
void updateAvailabilities( bool bDirCompare, bool bDiffWindowVisible,
KToggleAction* chooseA, KToggleAction* chooseB, KToggleAction* chooseC );
void updateFileVisibilities();
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e );
virtual void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* e );
virtual void focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* e );
QString getDirNameA(){ return m_dirA.prettyAbsPath(); }
QString getDirNameB(){ return m_dirB.prettyAbsPath(); }
QString getDirNameC(){ return m_dirC.prettyAbsPath(); }
QString getDirNameDest(){ return m_dirDest.prettyAbsPath(); }
public slots:
void reload();
void mergeCurrentFile();
void compareCurrentFile();
void slotRunOperationForAllItems();
void slotRunOperationForCurrentItem();
void mergeResultSaved(const QString& fileName);
void slotChooseAEverywhere();
void slotChooseBEverywhere();
void slotChooseCEverywhere();
void slotAutoChooseEverywhere();
void slotNoOpEverywhere();
void slotFoldAllSubdirs();
void slotUnfoldAllSubdirs();
void slotShowIdenticalFiles();
void slotShowDifferentFiles();
void slotShowFilesOnlyInA();
void slotShowFilesOnlyInB();
void slotShowFilesOnlyInC();
void slotSynchronizeDirectories();
void slotChooseNewerFiles();
void slotCompareExplicitlySelectedFiles();
void slotMergeExplicitlySelectedFiles();
// Merge current item (merge mode)
void slotCurrentDoNothing();
void slotCurrentChooseA();
void slotCurrentChooseB();
void slotCurrentChooseC();
void slotCurrentMerge();
void slotCurrentDelete();
// Sync current item
void slotCurrentCopyAToB();
void slotCurrentCopyBToA();
void slotCurrentDeleteA();
void slotCurrentDeleteB();
void slotCurrentDeleteAAndB();
void slotCurrentMergeToA();
void slotCurrentMergeToB();
void slotCurrentMergeToAAndB();
void slotSaveMergeState();
void slotLoadMergeState();
void mergeContinue( bool bStart, bool bVerbose );
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
bool m_bAllowResizeEvents;
void prepareListView(ProgressProxy& pp);
void calcSuggestedOperation( MergeFileInfos& mfi, e_MergeOperation eDefaultOperation );
void setAllMergeOperations( e_MergeOperation eDefaultOperation );
friend class MergeFileInfos;
bool canContinue();
void prepareMergeStart( QListViewItem* pBegin, QListViewItem* pEnd, bool bVerbose );
bool executeMergeOperation( MergeFileInfos& mfi, bool& bSingleFileMerge );
void scanDirectory( const QString& dirName, t_DirectoryList& dirList );
void scanLocalDirectory( const QString& dirName, t_DirectoryList& dirList );
void fastFileComparison( FileAccess& fi1, FileAccess& fi2,
bool& bEqual, bool& bError, QString& status );
void compareFilesAndCalcAges( MergeFileInfos& mfi );
QString fullNameA( const MergeFileInfos& mfi )
{ return mfi.m_bExistsInA ? mfi.m_fileInfoA.absFilePath() : m_dirA.absFilePath() + "/" + mfi.m_subPath; }
QString fullNameB( const MergeFileInfos& mfi )
{ return mfi.m_bExistsInB ? mfi.m_fileInfoB.absFilePath() : m_dirB.absFilePath() + "/" + mfi.m_subPath; }
QString fullNameC( const MergeFileInfos& mfi )
{ return mfi.m_bExistsInC ? mfi.m_fileInfoC.absFilePath() : m_dirC.absFilePath() + "/" + mfi.m_subPath; }
QString fullNameDest( const MergeFileInfos& mfi )
{ if ( m_dirDestInternal.prettyAbsPath() == m_dirC.prettyAbsPath() ) return fullNameC(mfi);
else if ( m_dirDestInternal.prettyAbsPath() == m_dirB.prettyAbsPath() ) return fullNameB(mfi);
else return m_dirDestInternal.absFilePath() + "/" + mfi.m_subPath;
bool copyFLD( const QString& srcName, const QString& destName );
bool deleteFLD( const QString& name, bool bCreateBackup );
bool makeDir( const QString& name, bool bQuiet=false );
bool renameFLD( const QString& srcName, const QString& destName );
bool mergeFLD( const QString& nameA,const QString& nameB,const QString& nameC,
const QString& nameDest, bool& bSingleFileMerge );
FileAccess m_dirA;
FileAccess m_dirB;
FileAccess m_dirC;
FileAccess m_dirDest;
FileAccess m_dirDestInternal;
QString m_dirMergeStateFilename;
std::map<QString, MergeFileInfos> m_fileMergeMap;
bool m_bFollowDirLinks;
bool m_bFollowFileLinks;
bool m_bSimulatedMergeStarted;
bool m_bRealMergeStarted;
bool m_bError;
bool m_bSyncMode;
bool m_bDirectoryMerge; // if true, then merge is the default operation, otherwise it's diff.
bool m_bCaseSensitive;
bool m_bScanning; // true while in init()
OptionDialog* m_pOptions;
KIconLoader* m_pIconLoader;
DirectoryMergeInfo* m_pDirectoryMergeInfo;
StatusInfo* m_pStatusInfo;
typedef std::list<DirMergeItem*> MergeItemList;
MergeItemList m_mergeItemList;
MergeItemList::iterator m_currentItemForOperation;
DirMergeItem* m_pSelection1Item;
int m_selection1Column;
DirMergeItem* m_pSelection2Item;
int m_selection2Column;
DirMergeItem* m_pSelection3Item;
int m_selection3Column;
void selectItemAndColumn(DirMergeItem* pDMI, int c, bool bContextMenu);
friend class DirMergeItem;
KAction* m_pDirStartOperation;
KAction* m_pDirRunOperationForCurrentItem;
KAction* m_pDirCompareCurrent;
KAction* m_pDirMergeCurrent;
KAction* m_pDirRescan;
KAction* m_pDirChooseAEverywhere;
KAction* m_pDirChooseBEverywhere;
KAction* m_pDirChooseCEverywhere;
KAction* m_pDirAutoChoiceEverywhere;
KAction* m_pDirDoNothingEverywhere;
KAction* m_pDirFoldAll;
KAction* m_pDirUnfoldAll;
KToggleAction* m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles;
KToggleAction* m_pDirShowDifferentFiles;
KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA;
KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB;
KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC;
KToggleAction* m_pDirSynchronizeDirectories;
KToggleAction* m_pDirChooseNewerFiles;
KAction* m_pDirCompareExplicit;
KAction* m_pDirMergeExplicit;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentDoNothing;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentChooseA;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentChooseB;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentChooseC;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentMerge;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentDelete;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncDoNothing;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyAToB;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyBToA;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteA;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteB;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteAAndB;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToA;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToB;
KAction* m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToAAndB;
KAction* m_pDirSaveMergeState;
KAction* m_pDirLoadMergeState;
void startDiffMerge(QString fn1,QString fn2, QString fn3, QString ofn, QString,QString,QString,TotalDiffStatus*);
void checkIfCanContinue( bool* pbContinue );
void updateAvailabilities();
void statusBarMessage( const QString& msg );
protected slots:
void onDoubleClick( QListViewItem* lvi );
void onClick( int button, QListViewItem* lvi, const QPoint&, int c );
void slotShowContextMenu(QListViewItem* lvi,const QPoint &,int c);
void onSelectionChanged(QListViewItem* lvi);
class DirectoryMergeInfo : public QFrame
DirectoryMergeInfo( QWidget* pParent );
void setInfo(
const FileAccess& APath,
const FileAccess& BPath,
const FileAccess& CPath,
const FileAccess& DestPath,
MergeFileInfos& mfi );
QListView* getInfoList() {return m_pInfoList;}
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e );
void gotFocus();
QLabel* m_pInfoA;
QLabel* m_pInfoB;
QLabel* m_pInfoC;
QLabel* m_pInfoDest;
QLabel* m_pA;
QLabel* m_pB;
QLabel* m_pC;
QLabel* m_pDest;
QListView* m_pInfoList;