You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

287 lines
9.0 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Georgy Yunaev, *
* Please do not use email address above for bug reports; see *
* the README file *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
#include "kchmtreeviewitem.h"
#include "kchmmainwindow.h"
#include "kchmdialogchooseurlfromlist.h"
#include "iconstorage.h"
KCHMIndTocItem::KCHMIndTocItem( TQListViewItem * parent, TQListViewItem * after, TQString name, TQString aurl, int image) : TQListViewItem(parent, after, name), url(aurl), image_number(image)
KCHMIndTocItem::KCHMIndTocItem( TQListView * parent, TQListViewItem * after, TQString name, TQString aurl, int image) : TQListViewItem(parent, after, name), url(aurl), image_number(image)
const TQPixmap * KCHMIndTocItem::pixmap( int i ) const
int imagenum;
if ( i || image_number == LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_NONE || image_number == LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_INDEX )
return 0;
if ( firstChild () )
if ( isOpen() )
imagenum = (image_number == LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_AUTO) ? 1 : image_number;
imagenum = (image_number == LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_AUTO) ? 0 : image_number + 1;
imagenum = (image_number == LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_AUTO) ? 10 : image_number;
return ::mainWindow->chmFile()->getBookIconPixmap( imagenum );
TQString KCHMIndTocItem::getUrl( ) const
if ( url.find ('|') == -1 )
return url;
// Create a dialog with URLs, and show it, so user can select an URL he/she wants.
TQStringList urls = TQStringList::split ('|', url);
TQStringList titles;
LCHMFile * xchm = ::mainWindow->chmFile();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++ )
TQString title = xchm->getTopicByUrl (urls[i]);
if ( !title )
qWarning ("Could not get item name for url '%s'", urls[i].ascii());
KCHMDialogChooseUrlFromList dlg (urls, titles, ::mainWindow);
if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
return dlg.getSelectedItemUrl();
return TQString();
void KCHMIndTocItem::paintBranches( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int w, int y, int h )
if ( image_number != LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_INDEX )
TQListViewItem::paintBranches(p, cg, w, y, h);
// Too bad that listView()->paintEmptyArea( p, TQRect( 0, 0, w, h ) ) is protected.
// Taken from qt-x11-free-3.0.4/src/widgets/qlistview.cpp
TQStyleOption opt( 0, 0 );
TQStyle::SFlags how = TQStyle::Style_Default | TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
listView()->style().drawComplexControl( TQStyle::CC_ListView,
p, listView(), TQRect( 0, 0, w, h ), cg,
how, TQStyle::SC_ListView, TQStyle::SC_None,
opt );
void KCHMIndTocItem::paintCell( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align )
TQColorGroup newcg ( cg );
TQColor c = newcg.text();
if ( url.find ('|') != -1 )
newcg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, TQt::red );
else if ( url[0] == ':' )
newcg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, TQt::lightGray );
TQListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, align );
TQListViewItem::paintCell( p, newcg, column, width, align );
newcg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, c );
void KCHMIndTocItem::setOpen( bool open )
if ( image_number != LCHMBookIcons::IMAGE_INDEX || open )
TQListViewItem::setOpen (open);
void kchmFillListViewWithParsedData( TQListView * list, const TQValueVector< LCHMParsedEntry >& data, TQMap<TQString, KCHMIndTocItem*> * map )
TQValueVector< KCHMIndTocItem *> lastchild;
TQValueVector< KCHMIndTocItem *> rootentry;
if ( map )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ )
unsigned int indent = data[i].indent;
// Do we need to add another indent?
if ( indent >= lastchild.size() )
lastchild.resize( indent + 1 );
lastchild[indent] = 0;
rootentry.resize( indent + 1 );
rootentry[indent] = 0;
// Create the node
KCHMIndTocItem * item;
TQString url = data[i].urls.join ("|");
if ( indent == 0 )
item = new KCHMIndTocItem( list, lastchild[indent], data[i].name, url, data[i].imageid );
// New non-root entry. It is possible (for some buggy CHMs) that there is no previous entry: previoous entry had indent 1,
// and next entry has indent 3. Backtracking it up, creating missing entries.
if ( rootentry[indent-1] == 0 )
qFatal("Child entry indented as %d with no root entry!", indent);
item = new KCHMIndTocItem( rootentry[indent-1], lastchild[indent], data[i].name, url, data[i].imageid );
// Hack: if map is 0, we have index, so make it open
if ( map )
for ( unsigned int li = 0; li < data[i].urls.size(); li++ )
map->insert( data[i].urls[li], item );
item->setOpen( true );
lastchild[indent] = item;
rootentry[indent] = item;
KCHMMainTreeViewItem * item;
if ( !root_indent_offset_set )
root_indent_offset_set = true;
root_indent_offset = indent;
if ( root_indent_offset > 1 )
qWarning("CHM has improper index; root indent offset is %d", root_indent_offset);
int real_indent = indent - root_indent_offset;
TQString url = urls.join ("|");
if ( real_indent == 0 )
// New root entry
item = new KCHMMainTreeViewItem (tree, lastchild[real_indent], name, url, imagenum);
DEBUGPARSER(("<root object>: '%s', new rootentry %08X\n", name.ascii(), item));
// New non-root entry
if ( !rootentry[real_indent-1] )
qFatal("CHMFile::ParseAndFillTopicsTree: child entry \"%s\" indented as %d with no root entry!", name.ascii(), real_indent);
item = new KCHMMainTreeViewItem (rootentry[real_indent-1], lastchild[real_indent], name, url, imagenum);
DEBUGPARSER(("<object>: '%s', indent %d, rootentry %08X, item %08X\n", name.ascii(), real_indent, rootentry[real_indent-1], item));
lastchild[real_indent] = item;
rootentry[real_indent] = item;
if ( asIndex )
// There are no 'titles' in index file
if ( add2treemap )
for ( unsigned int li = 0; li < urls.size(); li++ )
m_treeUrlMap[urls[li]] = item;
if ( !urls.isEmpty() )
qDebug ("CHMFile::ParseAndFillTopicsTree: <object> tag with url \"%s\" is parsed, but name is empty.", urls[0].ascii());
qDebug ("CHMFile::ParseAndFillTopicsTree: <object> tag is parsed, but both name and url are empty.");
name = TQString();
in_object = false;
imagenum = defaultimagenum;
else if ( tagword == "ul" ) // increase indent level
// Fix for buggy help files
if ( ++indent >= MAX_NEST_DEPTH )
qFatal("CHMFile::ParseAndFillTopicsTree: max nest depth (%d) is reached, error in help file", MAX_NEST_DEPTH);
lastchild[indent] = 0;
rootentry[indent] = 0;
// This intended to fix <ul><ul>, which was seen in some buggy chm files,
// and brokes rootentry[indent-1] check
int real_indent = indent - root_indent_offset;
if ( real_indent > 1
&& rootentry[real_indent - 1] == 0
&& rootentry[real_indent - 2] != 0 )
rootentry[real_indent - 1] = rootentry[real_indent - 2];
qWarning("Broken CHM index/content: tree autocorrection enabled.");
DEBUGPARSER(("<ul>: new indent is %d, last rootentry was %08X\n", indent - root_indent_offset, rootentry[indent-1]));
else if ( tagword == "/ul" ) // decrease indent level
if ( --indent < root_indent_offset )
indent = root_indent_offset;
rootentry[indent] = 0;
DEBUGPARSER(("</ul>: new intent is %d\n", indent - root_indent_offset));
pos = i;
return true;