You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
113 lines
4.8 KiB
113 lines
4.8 KiB
# This file defines the Feature Logging macros.
# Logs the information so that it can be displayed at the end
# of the configure run
# VAR : TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the feature is supported
# FEATURE: name of the feature, e.g. "libjpeg"
# DESCRIPTION: description what this feature provides
# URL: home page
# REQUIRED: TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the featue is required
# MIN_VERSION: minimum version number. empty string if unneeded
# COMMENTS: More info you may want to provide. empty string if unnecessary
# Call this to display the collected results.
# Exits CMake with a FATAL error message if a required feature is missing
# Example:
# INCLUDE(MacroLogFeature)
# MACRO_LOG_FEATURE(JPEG_FOUND "libjpeg" "Support JPEG images" "" TRUE "3.2a" "")
# ...
# Copyright (c) 2006, Alexander Neundorf, <>
# Copyright (c) 2006, Allen Winter, <>
# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
IF (NOT _macroLogFeatureAlreadyIncluded)
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MissingRequirements.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/EnabledFeatures.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/DisabledFeatures.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
SET(_macroLogFeatureAlreadyIncluded TRUE)
ENDIF (NOT _macroLogFeatureAlreadyIncluded)
MACRO(MACRO_LOG_FEATURE _var _package _description _url ) # _required _minvers _comments)
SET(_required "${ARGV4}")
SET(_minvers "${ARGV5}")
SET(_comments "${ARGV6}")
IF (${_var})
ELSE (${_var})
IF (${_required} MATCHES "[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]")
SET(_LOGFILENAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MissingRequirements.txt)
ELSE (${_required} MATCHES "[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]")
ENDIF (${_required} MATCHES "[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]")
ENDIF (${_var})
SET(_logtext "> ${_package}")
IF (${_minvers} MATCHES ".*")
SET(_logtext "${_logtext}, ${_minvers}")
ENDIF (${_minvers} MATCHES ".*")
SET(_logtext "${_logtext}: ${_description}; ${_url};")
IF (${_comments} MATCHES ".*")
SET(_logtext "${_logtext}\n${_comments}")
ENDIF (${_comments} MATCHES ".*")
FILE(APPEND "${_LOGFILENAME}" "${_logtext}\n\n")
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MissingRequirements.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(READ ${_file} _requirements)
MESSAGE(STATUS "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- The following list of REQUIRED packages could not be located on your system. --\n-- Please install them before continuing with this software installation. --\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n${_requirements}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Exiting: Missing Requirements")
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
SET(_summary "\n")
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/EnabledFeatures.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(READ ${_file} _enabled)
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
SET(_summary "${_summary}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- The following list of OPTIONAL packages were located on your system. --\n-- You will have all the following features available from this software. --\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n${_enabled}")
# SET(_summary "${_summary}Enabled Features:\n${_enabled}")
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
SET(_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/DisabledFeatures.txt)
IF (EXISTS ${_file})
FILE(READ ${_file} _disabled)
FILE(REMOVE ${_file})
SET(_summary "${_summary}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- The following list of OPTIONAL packages could not be located on your system. --\n-- Please consider installing them to enable more features of this software. --\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n${_disabled}")
# SET(_summary "${_summary}Disabled Features:\n${_disabled}")
ENDIF (EXISTS ${_file})
MESSAGE(STATUS "${_summary}")