/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** TQt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::init() { KbfxLayoutProperty->clear(); KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "User Properties" ) ); // index = 0 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "* Top Bar Properties" ) ); // index = 1 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "* Bottom Bar Properties" ) ); // index = 2 // KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "Scroll Bar Properties" ) ); // index = 3 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "* List Box Properties" ) ); // index = 4 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "Search Box Properties" ) ); // index = 5 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "* Item Properties" ) ); // index = 6 // KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "Tool Bar Properties" ) ); // index = 7 KbfxLayoutProperty->insertItem ( tr2i18n ( "* Main Menu Properties" ) ); // index = 8 } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::ChangeForm() { KbfxTheme->setText ( "

" + ConfigInit().m_SpinxThemeName + "

" ); KbfxLayoutProperty->setCurrentItem ( 0 ); previous_state = -1; KbfxLayoutProperty_activated ( 0 ); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::KbfxLayoutProperty_activated( int index ) { switch ( previous_state ) { case 0: /* User Properties */ { ConfigInit().m_facePos_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_facePos_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x = ( lineEdit3->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y = ( lineEdit4->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_faceIconX = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_faceIconY = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_faceIconH = ( lineEdit7->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_faceIconW = ( lineEdit8->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_faceBoxHideText = checkBox1->isChecked (); kdDebug() << "User Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_facePos_x << endl << ConfigInit().m_facePos_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x << endl << ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_faceIconX << endl << ConfigInit().m_faceIconY << endl << ConfigInit().m_faceIconH << endl << ConfigInit().m_faceIconW << endl << ConfigInit().m_faceBoxHideText << endl; break; } case 1: /* Top Bar Properties */ { /* ConfigInit().m_topBar_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_topBar_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_topBar_h = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_topBar_w = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); */ ConfigInit().m_topBar_h = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_topBar_w = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Top Bar Properties VALUES: " // << endl << ConfigInit().m_topBar_x // << endl << ConfigInit().m_topBar_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_topBar_h << endl << ConfigInit().m_topBar_w << endl; break; } case 2: /* Bottom Bar Properties */ { /* ConfigInit().m_botBar_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_botBar_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_botBar_h = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_botBar_w = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); */ ConfigInit().m_botBar_h = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_botBar_w = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Bottom Bar Properties VALUES: " // << endl << ConfigInit().m_botBar_x // << endl << ConfigInit().m_botBar_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_botBar_h << endl << ConfigInit().m_botBar_w << endl; break; } /* case 3: // Scroll Bar Properties { ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopX = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopY = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotX = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotY = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Scroll Bar Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopX << endl << ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopY << endl << ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotX << endl << ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotY << endl; break; } */ case 3: /* List Box Properties */ { ConfigInit().m_listBox_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_listBox_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_listBox_h = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_listBox_w = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "List Box Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_listBox_x << endl << ConfigInit().m_listBox_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_listBox_h << endl << ConfigInit().m_listBox_w << endl; break; } case 4: /* Search Box Properties */ { ConfigInit().m_searchBox_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_searchBox_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_searchBox_h = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_searchBox_w = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Search Box Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_searchBox_x << endl << ConfigInit().m_searchBox_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_searchBox_h << endl << ConfigInit().m_searchBox_w << endl; break; } case 5: /* Item Properties */ { ConfigInit().m_itemView_x = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_itemView_y = ( lineEdit2->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_iconSize = ( lineEdit3->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_itemView_h = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_itemView_w = ( lineEdit6->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_commentMargine = ( lineEdit7->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_noComments = checkBox1->isChecked (); kdDebug() << "Item Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_itemView_x << endl << ConfigInit().m_itemView_y << endl << ConfigInit().m_iconSize << endl << ConfigInit().m_itemView_h << endl << ConfigInit().m_itemView_w << endl << ConfigInit().m_commentMargine << endl << ConfigInit().m_noComments << endl; break; } /* case 6: // Tool Bar Properties { ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonNormalSize = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonExpandSize = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Tool Bar Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonNormalSize << endl << ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonExpandSize << endl; break; } */ case 6: /* Main Menu Properties */ { ConfigInit().m_userMenuHeight = ( lineEdit1->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_userMenuWidth = ( lineEdit5->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_startHidden = checkBox1->isChecked (); kdDebug() << "Main Menu Properties VALUES: " << endl << ConfigInit().m_userMenuHeight << endl << ConfigInit().m_userMenuWidth << endl << ConfigInit().m_startHidden << endl; break; } default: /* default action switch does nothing */ kdDebug() << "Default action switch for saving tqlayout changed..." << endl; } KbfxShowAll (); switch ( index ) { case 0: /* User Properties */ { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Position X" ) ); textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Position Y" ) ); textLabel3->setText ( tr2i18n ( "User Name Position X" ) ); textLabel4->setText ( tr2i18n ( "User Name Position Y" ) ); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Box Position X" ) ); textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Box Position Y" ) ); textLabel7->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Box Height" ) ); textLabel8->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Face Box Width" ) ); checkBox1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Hide User Name" ) ); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_facePos_x ) ); lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_facePos_y ) ); lineEdit3->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x ) ); lineEdit4->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y ) ); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_faceIconX ) ); lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_faceIconY ) ); lineEdit7->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_faceIconH ) ); lineEdit8->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_faceIconW ) ); checkBox1->setChecked ( ConfigInit().m_faceBoxHideText ); previous_state = 0; break; } case 1: /* Top Bar Properties */ { // textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Bar Position X" ) ); // textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Bar Position Y" ) ); textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Top Bar Height" ) ); textLabel2->hide(); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); // textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Bar Height" ) ); // textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Bar Width" ) ); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Bar Width" ) ); textLabel6->hide(); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); // lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_x ) ); // lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_y ) ); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_h ) ); lineEdit2->hide(); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); // lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_h ) ); // lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_w ) ); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_w ) ); lineEdit6->hide(); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 1; break; } case 2: /* Bottom Bar Properties */ { // textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Bar Position X" ) ); // textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Bar Position Y" ) ); textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Bottom Bar Height" ) ); textLabel2->hide(); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); // textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Bar Height" ) ); // textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Bar Width" ) ); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Bar Width" ) ); textLabel6->hide(); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); // lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_x ) ); // lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_y ) ); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_h ) ); lineEdit2->hide(); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); // lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_h ) ); // lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_w ) ); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_botBar_w ) ); lineEdit6->hide(); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 2; break; } /* case 3: // Scroll Bar Properties { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Scroll Bar Position X" ) ); textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Top Scroll Bar Position Y" ) ); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Scroll Bar Position X" ) ); textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Bottom Scroll Bar Position Y" ) ); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopX ) ); lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopY ) ); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotX ) ); lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotY ) ); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 3; break; } */ case 3: /* List Box Properties */ { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* List Box Position X" ) ); textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* List Box Position Y" ) ); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "List Box Height" ) ); textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* List Box Width" ) ); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_listBox_x ) ); lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_listBox_y ) ); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_listBox_h ) ); lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_listBox_w ) ); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 3; break; } case 4: /* Search Box Properties */ { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Search Box Position X" ) ); textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Search Box Position Y" ) ); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Search Box Height" ) ); textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Search Box Width" ) ); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_searchBox_x ) ); lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_searchBox_y ) ); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_searchBox_h ) ); lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_searchBox_w ) ); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 4; break; } case 5: /* Item Properties */ { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Item Position X" ) ); textLabel2->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Item Position Y" ) ); textLabel3->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Icon Size in Item" ) ); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Item Height" ) ); textLabel6->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Item Width" ) ); textLabel7->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Comment Margin in Item" ) ); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "No Comments in Item" ) ); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_itemView_x ) ); lineEdit2->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_itemView_y ) ); lineEdit3->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_iconSize ) ); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_itemView_h ) ); lineEdit6->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_itemView_w ) ); lineEdit7->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_commentMargine ) ); lineEdit8->hide(); checkBox1->setChecked ( ConfigInit().m_noComments ); previous_state = 5; break; } /* case 6: // Tool Bar Properties { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Tool Bar Button Normal Size" ) ); textLabel2->hide(); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Tool Bar Button Pressed Size" ) ); textLabel6->hide(); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->hide(); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonNormalSize ) ); lineEdit2->hide(); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonExpandSize ) ); lineEdit6->hide(); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); previous_state = 6; break; } */ case 6: /* Main Menu Properties */ { textLabel1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Main Menu Height" ) ); textLabel2->hide(); textLabel3->hide(); textLabel4->hide(); textLabel5->setText ( tr2i18n ( "* Main Menu Width" ) ); textLabel6->hide(); textLabel7->hide(); textLabel8->hide(); checkBox1->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Contracted Menues" ) ); checkBox2->hide(); lineEdit1->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_userMenuHeight ) ); lineEdit2->hide(); lineEdit3->hide(); lineEdit4->hide(); lineEdit5->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_userMenuWidth ) ); lineEdit6->hide(); lineEdit7->hide(); lineEdit8->hide(); checkBox1->setChecked ( ConfigInit().m_startHidden ); previous_state = 6; break; } default: /* default action switch should never be reached */ kdDebug() << "Default action switch for tqlayout changed..." << endl; } } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::KbfxShowAll() { textLabel1->show(); textLabel2->show(); textLabel3->show(); textLabel4->show(); textLabel5->show(); textLabel6->show(); textLabel7->show(); textLabel8->show(); checkBox1->show(); checkBox2->show(); lineEdit1->show(); lineEdit2->show(); lineEdit3->show(); lineEdit4->show(); lineEdit5->show(); lineEdit6->show(); lineEdit7->show(); lineEdit8->show(); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::KbfxExportFileAction() { TQString KbfxExportLayoutRcDialogURL = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory ( TQString(), 0, tr2i18n ( "Select folder to export kbfxlayoutrc file" ) ).append ( "/kbfxlayoutrc" ); if ( KbfxExportLayoutRcDialogURL == "/kbfxlayoutrc") return; kdDebug() << "Selected export file is: " << KbfxExportLayoutRcDialogURL << endl; /* write tqlayout theme configuration file */ KConfig *layoutconfig = new KConfig ( KbfxExportLayoutRcDialogURL ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "KbfxButton" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FadeTime", ConfigInit().m_fadeTime ); /* // No need for this to be exported because it is user/installation specific layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Normal", ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Hover", ConfigInit().m_KbfxHoverButtonPath ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Press", ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "ToolTip" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Avatar", m_ToolTipAvatar ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Dudebox", m_SpinxTooltipDudebox ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Mask", m_SpinxTooltipMask ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Window", m_SpinxTooltipWindow ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Logo", m_SpinxTooltipLogo ); */ layoutconfig->setGroup ( "TopBar" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "DudeX", ConfigInit().m_facePos_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "DudeY", ConfigInit().m_facePos_y ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FaceX", ConfigInit().m_faceIconX ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FaceY", ConfigInit().m_faceIconY ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FaceH", ConfigInit().m_faceIconH ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FaceW", ConfigInit().m_faceIconW ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "UserNameX", ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "UserNameY", ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "DisableUserName", ConfigInit().m_faceBoxHideText ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Height", ConfigInit().m_topBar_h ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Width", ConfigInit().m_topBar_w ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "X", ConfigInit().m_topBar_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Y", ConfigInit().m_topBar_y ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "BottomBar" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Height", ConfigInit().m_botBar_h ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Width", ConfigInit().m_botBar_w ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "X", ConfigInit().m_botBar_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Y", ConfigInit().m_botBar_y ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "Scrollbars" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ScrollBarBotX", ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotX ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ScrollBarBotY", ConfigInit().m_scrollBarBotY ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ScrollBarTopX", ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopX ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ScrollBarTopY", ConfigInit().m_scrollBarTopY ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "ListBox" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Height", ConfigInit().m_listBox_h ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Width", ConfigInit().m_listBox_w ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "X", ConfigInit().m_listBox_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Y", ConfigInit().m_listBox_y ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "SearchBox" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Height", ConfigInit().m_searchBox_h ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Width", ConfigInit().m_searchBox_w ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "X", ConfigInit().m_searchBox_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Y", ConfigInit().m_searchBox_y ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "FixedPos", ConfigInit().m_searchBox_static ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "ItemView" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Height", ConfigInit().m_itemView_h ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Width", ConfigInit().m_itemView_w ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "X", ConfigInit().m_itemView_x ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "Y", ConfigInit().m_itemView_y ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "ToolBar" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ButtonNormalSize", ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonNormalSize ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ButtonPressedSize", ConfigInit().m_toolBarButtonExpandSize ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "MainMenu" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "UserMenuHeight", ConfigInit().m_userMenuHeight ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "UserMenuWidth", ConfigInit().m_userMenuWidth ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "ContractedMenu", ConfigInit().m_startHidden ); layoutconfig->setGroup ( "ItemProperties" ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "NoComments", ConfigInit().m_noComments ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "CommentMargin", ConfigInit().m_commentMargine ); layoutconfig->writeEntry ( "IconSize", ConfigInit().m_iconSize ); layoutconfig->sync(); delete layoutconfig; KMessageBox::information ( 0, tr2i18n ( "

The Layout configuration of the KBFX Theme %1 has been exported successfully!

" ).arg ( ConfigInit().m_SpinxThemeName ), tr2i18n ( "KBFX Layout Export Ready" ) ); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::LayoutFormLeft() { KbfxLayoutProperty_activated ( previous_state ); kdDebug() << "Called Leave form... Previous state is:" << previous_state << endl; } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::Kbfx2PanelsLeft_clicked() { KbfxMakePanel( 0 ); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::Kbfx2PanelsRight_clicked() { KbfxMakePanel( 1 ); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::Kbfx3Panels_clicked() { KbfxMakePanel( 2 ); } void KbfxConfigDlgLayout::KbfxMakePanel( int l_type ) { if ( !KbfxMessage() ) return; LayoutFormLeft(); int mid_h = ConfigInit().m_userMenuHeight - ConfigInit().m_botBar_h - ConfigInit().m_topBar_h; int mid_w = ConfigInit().m_userMenuWidth; ConfigInit().m_topBar_w = mid_w; ConfigInit().m_botBar_w = mid_w; ConfigInit().m_listBox_h = mid_h; ConfigInit().m_listBox_w = mid_w/4; ConfigInit().m_itemView_h = mid_h; ConfigInit().m_listBox_y = ConfigInit().m_topBar_h; ConfigInit().m_itemView_y = ConfigInit().m_topBar_h; if ( l_type == 0 ) { ConfigInit().m_listBox_x = 0; ConfigInit().m_itemView_x = ConfigInit().m_listBox_w; ConfigInit().m_itemView_w = mid_w - ConfigInit().m_listBox_w; } if ( l_type == 1 ) { ConfigInit().m_itemView_x = 0; ConfigInit().m_itemView_w = mid_w - ConfigInit().m_listBox_w; ConfigInit().m_listBox_x = ConfigInit().m_itemView_w; } if ( l_type == 2 ) { ConfigInit().m_listBox_x = 0; ConfigInit().m_itemView_x = ConfigInit().m_listBox_w; ConfigInit().m_itemView_w = mid_w/2; } KbfxLayoutProperty->setCurrentItem ( 0 ); previous_state = -1; KbfxLayoutProperty_activated ( 0 ); KMessageBox::information ( 0, tr2i18n ( "

The Layout configuration of the KBFX Theme %1 is ready!

Be sure to click the Apply button in order the changes to become active!

" ).arg ( ConfigInit().m_SpinxThemeName ), tr2i18n ( "KBFX Layout Ready" ) ); } bool KbfxConfigDlgLayout::KbfxMessage() { int messageBoxReturn = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel ( 0, tr2i18n ( "

KBFX will calculate the necessary values using the present values for:

" "

* Main Menu Height and * Main Menu Width
" "* Bottom Bar Height and * Top Bar Height

" "

So be sure that you have entered their values as you desire!

" "

NOTE: Have in mind that the Layout of the theme also depends on the sizes of the images! " "So if the theme does not look like as you desire either change the images' sizes to smaller width OR change * Main Menu Width to higher value!

" ), tr2i18n ( "Prepare Layout for the KBFX theme" ), tr2i18n ( "Prepare" ) ); if ( messageBoxReturn == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }