/* * Copyright (C) 2006 * Siraj Razick * PhobosK * see Also AUTHORS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KBFX_CONFIG_H #define KBFX_CONFIG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KbfxConfig { public: void read(); void readFontrc ( QString &themePath, QString &themeName, bool user_rc=TRUE ); void readThemerc ( QString &themePath, QString &themeName, bool user_rc=TRUE ); void readThemeInfo ( QString &themePath, QString &themeName ); void setDefault(); void setThemeDefault(); void setFontsDefault(); void setThemeInfoDefault(); void write(); void writeFontrc ( QString &themeName ); void writeThemerc ( QString &themeName ); void checkValues(); /* Theme info resources */ QString m_InfoVersion; QString m_InfoVersionDefault; QString m_InfoAuthor; QString m_InfoAuthorDefault; QString m_InfoEmail; QString m_InfoEmailDefault; QString m_InfoUrl; QString m_InfoUrlDefault; /* kbfx_menu_button config items list */ QString m_KbfxThemesVersion; QString KbfxThemeRcDestination; QString KbfxRcPath; QPixmap KbfxOnImg; QPixmap KbfxOffImg; int m_KbfxGeneralVersion; int m_KbfxGeneralVersionDefault; QString m_KbfxNormalButtonPath; QString m_KbfxNormalButtonPathDefault; QString m_KbfxHoverButtonPath; QString m_KbfxHoverButtonPathDefault; QString m_KbfxPressedButtonPath; QString m_KbfxPressedButtonPathDefault; QString m_KbfxMouseOverAnimationPath; QString m_KbfxMouseOverAnimationPathDefault; QColor m_KbfxButtonColor; QColor m_KbfxButtonColorDefault; int m_KbfxButtonSize; int m_KbfxButtonSizeDefault; bool m_KbfxButtonGlow; bool m_KbfxButtonGlowDefault; bool m_KbfxButtonKikerResize; bool m_KbfxButtonKikerResizeDefault; QString m_KbfxMenuType; QString m_KbfxMenuTypeDefault; /* spinx config items list */ QString m_SpinxThemeBasePath; QString m_SpinxThemeBasePathDefault; QString m_UserSpinxThemeBasePath; QString m_UserSpinxThemeBasePathDefault; bool m_SpinxDudeBlink; bool m_SpinxDudeBlinkDefault; QString m_SpinxDudeImage; QString m_SpinxDudeImageDefault; QString m_SpinxThemeName; QString m_SpinxThemeNameDefault; bool m_ToolBarResize; bool m_ToolBarResizeDefault; bool m_KbfxWatcher; bool m_KbfxWatcherDefault; bool m_KbfxShowOldThemes; bool m_KbfxShowOldThemesDefault; /* tooltip options list */ bool m_ToolTipAnimation; bool m_ToolTipAnimationDefault; bool m_ToolTip; bool m_ToolTipDefault; QString m_ToolTipText; QString m_ToolTipTextDefault; QString m_ToolTipAvatar; QString m_ToolTipAvatarDefault; QString m_SpinxTooltipDudebox; QString m_SpinxTooltipDudeboxDefault; QString m_SpinxTooltipMask; QString m_SpinxTooltipMaskDefault; QString m_SpinxTooltipWindow; QString m_SpinxTooltipWindowDefault; QString m_SpinxTooltipLogo; QString m_SpinxTooltipLogoDefault; QString m_KbfxHistory; QString m_KbfxHistoryDefault; /* font settings */ QColor m_fontTooltipColor; QColor m_fontTooltipColorDefault; QFont m_fontTooltipFont; QFont m_fontTooltipFontDefault; QColor m_fontAppNameColor; QColor m_fontAppNameColorDefault; QFont m_fontAppNameFont; QFont m_fontAppNameFontDefault; QColor m_fontAppCommentColor; QColor m_fontAppCommentColorDefault; QFont m_fontAppCommentFont; QFont m_fontAppCommentFontDefault; QColor m_lineColor; QColor m_lineColorDefault; QColor m_fontIndexColor; QColor m_fontIndexColorDefault; QFont m_fontIndexFont; QFont m_fontIndexFontDefault; QColor m_userImageColor; QColor m_userImageColorDefault; QColor m_userNameColor; QColor m_userNameColorDefault; QFont m_userNameFont; QFont m_userNameFontDefault; QColor m_sepNameColor; QColor m_sepNameColorDefault; QFont m_sepNameFont; QFont m_sepNameFontDefault; QColor m_pluginNameColor; QColor m_pluginNameColorDefault; QFont m_pluginNameFont; QFont m_pluginNameFontDefault; bool m_fontHoverBold; bool m_fontHoverBoldDefault; /* history */ QStringList m_pluginsLeft; QStringList m_pluginsLeftDefault; QStringList m_pluginsRight; QStringList m_pluginsRightDefault; /* layout */ int m_facePos_x; int m_facePos_xDefault; int m_facePos_y; int m_facePos_yDefault; int m_userNamePos_x; int m_userNamePos_xDefault; int m_userNamePos_y; int m_userNamePos_yDefault; bool m_faceBoxHideText; bool m_faceBoxHideTextDefault; int m_userMenuHeight; int m_userMenuHeightDefault; int m_userMenuWidth; int m_userMenuWidthDefault; int m_topBar_x; int m_topBar_xDefault; int m_topBar_y; int m_topBar_yDefault; int m_topBar_h; int m_topBar_hDefault; int m_topBar_w; int m_topBar_wDefault; int m_botBar_x; int m_botBar_xDefault; int m_botBar_y; int m_botBar_yDefault; int m_botBar_h; int m_botBar_hDefault; int m_botBar_w; int m_botBar_wDefault; int m_scrollBarTopX; int m_scrollBarTopXDefault; int m_scrollBarTopY; int m_scrollBarTopYDefault; int m_scrollBarBotX; int m_scrollBarBotXDefault; int m_scrollBarBotY; int m_scrollBarBotYDefault; int m_listBox_x; int m_listBox_xDefault; int m_listBox_y; int m_listBox_yDefault; int m_listBox_w; int m_listBox_wDefault; int m_listBox_h; int m_listBox_hDefault; int m_searchBox_x; int m_searchBox_xDefault; int m_searchBox_y; int m_searchBox_yDefault; int m_searchBox_w; int m_searchBox_wDefault; int m_searchBox_h; int m_searchBox_hDefault; bool m_searchBox_static; bool m_searchBox_staticDefault; int m_itemView_x; int m_itemView_xDefault; int m_itemView_y; int m_itemView_yDefault; int m_itemView_h; int m_itemView_hDefault; int m_itemView_w; int m_itemView_wDefault; int m_fadeTime; int m_fadeTimeDefault; /* toolbar */ int m_toolBarButtonNormalSizeDefault; int m_toolBarButtonNormalSize; int m_toolBarButtonExpandSizeDefault; int m_toolBarButtonExpandSize; /* Face Icon */ int m_faceIconX; int m_faceIconXDefault; int m_faceIconY; int m_faceIconYDefault; int m_faceIconH; int m_faceIconHDefault; int m_faceIconW; int m_faceIconWDefault; /* element controll */ int m_iconSize; int m_iconSizeDefault; bool m_noComments; bool m_noCommentsDefault; int m_commentMargine; int m_commentMargineDefault; /* states */ bool m_startHidden; bool m_startHiddenDefault; bool m_KbfxDeleteOldConf; private: KbfxConfig(); KbfxConfig ( const KbfxConfig& ); friend KbfxConfig& ConfigInit(); }; KbfxConfig & ConfigInit(); #endif