You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

293 lines
8.3 KiB

kbarcode.cpp - description
begin : Mit Jan 15 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kbarcode.h"
#include "barkode.h"
#include "barcodedialog.h"
#include "batchwizard.h"
#include "labeleditor.h"
#include "databasebrowser.h"
#include "csvimportdlg.h"
#include "sqltables.h"
#include "kbarcodesettings.h"
// TQt includes
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
KBarcode::KBarcode( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name, WFlags f)
: DCOPObject("KBarcode"),
DSMainWindow( tqparent, name, f )
TQGroupBox* w = new TQGroupBox( this );
w->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
TQVBoxLayout* tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( w->tqlayout() );
setCentralWidget( w );
buttonSingle = new KPushButton( i18n("Barcode &Generator..."), w );
buttonSingle->setEnabled( Barkode::haveBarcode() );
buttonEditor = new KPushButton( i18n("&Label Editor..."), w );
buttonBatch = new KPushButton( i18n("&Batch Printing..."), w );
buttonData = new KPushButton( i18n("Edit SQL &Tables..."), w );
buttonData->setEnabled( false );
buttonSingle->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "barcode" ) );
buttonEditor->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "edit" ) );
buttonBatch->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "fileprint" ) );
tqlayout->addWidget( buttonSingle );
tqlayout->addWidget( buttonEditor );
tqlayout->addWidget( buttonBatch );
tqlayout->addWidget( buttonData );
connect( buttonSingle, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( startBarcode() ) );
connect( buttonEditor, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( startLabelEditor() ) );
connect( buttonBatch, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( startBatchPrint() ) );
connect( SqlTables::getInstance(), TQT_SIGNAL( connectedSQL() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( enableData() ) );
KAction* editLabelDefAct = new KAction(i18n("&Edit Label Definitions"), "",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(editLabelDef()), actionCollection(), "design" );
KAction* editArticleAct = new KAction(i18n("&Edit Articles"), "",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(editArticles()), actionCollection(), "design" );
KAction* editCustomerAct = new KAction(i18n("&Edit Customers"), "",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(editCustomers()), actionCollection(), "design" );
KAction* editCustomerTextAct = new KAction(i18n("&Edit Customer Text"), "",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(editCustomerText()), actionCollection() );
KAction* importCSVAct = new KAction(i18n("&Import CSV File..."), "",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(importCSV()), actionCollection() );
KPopupMenu* data = new KPopupMenu( buttonData );
editLabelDefAct->plug( data );
editArticleAct->plug( data );
editCustomerAct->plug( data );
editCustomerTextAct->plug( data );
buttonData->setPopup( data );
importCSVAct->plug( data );
void KBarcode::setupActions()
void KBarcode::startBarcode()
new BarCodeDialog();
void KBarcode::startLabelEditor()
LabelEditor* ed = new LabelEditor( NULL, TQString(), "LabelEditorWindow" );
ed->startupDlg( LabelEditor::eCreateNewLabel, TQString() );
void KBarcode::startBatchPrint()
new BatchWizard( this );
void KBarcode::editArticles()
new DatabaseBrowser( TABLE_BASIC, NULL, "basicbrowser" );
void KBarcode::editCustomers()
new DatabaseBrowser( TABLE_CUSTOMER, NULL, "customerbrowser" );
void KBarcode::editCustomerText()
new DatabaseBrowser( TABLE_CUSTOMER_TEXT, NULL, "customertextbrowser" );
void KBarcode::editLabelDef()
new DatabaseBrowser( TABLE_LABEL_DEF, NULL, "defbrowser" );
void KBarcode::enableData()
buttonData->setEnabled( SqlTables::getInstance()->isConnected() );
bool KBarcode::parseCmdLine()
KCmdLineArgs* args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
BatchPrinter::EOutputFormat eFormat = BatchPrinter::POSTSCRIPT;
LabelEditor* pEdit = NULL;
TQString serial;
TQString sqlquery = TQString();
TQString csvfile = TQString();
TQString printer = TQString();
bool bPrintNow = args->isSet("print");
int serialinc = 0;
int numlabels = -1;
TQString format = args->getOption("output");
if( format.upper() == "BARCODE" )
eFormat = BatchPrinter::BCP;
else if( format.upper() == "IMAGE" )
eFormat = BatchPrinter::IMAGE;
else if( format.upper() == "POSTSCRIPT" )
eFormat = BatchPrinter::POSTSCRIPT;
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("%1 is no valid output format for --output. Valid values are POSTSCRIPT, IMAGE and BARCODE.").tqarg( format ) );
if( args->isSet("barcode") )
mode = BARCODE;
if( args->isSet("batch") )
mode = BATCH;
if( args->isSet("label") )
mode = LABEL;
if( args->isSet("serialnumber") )
serial = args->getOption("serialnumber");
if( args->isSet("serialinc") )
serialinc = args->getOption("serialinc").toInt();
if( args->isSet("numlabels") )
numlabels = args->getOption("numlabels").toInt();
if( args->isSet("importsql") )
sqlquery = args->getOption("importsql");
if( args->isSet("importcsv") )
csvfile = args->getOption("importcsv");
if( args->isSet("printer") )
printer = args->getOption("printer");
for( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++)
if( mode == BATCH )
BatchWizard* b = new BatchWizard();
b->setFilename( args->url( i ).path() );
b->setOutputFormat( eFormat );
b->setSerialNumber( serial, serialinc );
if( !sqlquery.isEmpty() )
b->setImportSqlQuery( sqlquery );
if( !csvfile.isEmpty() )
b->setImportCsvFile( csvfile );
if( numlabels != -1 )
b->setNumLabels( numlabels );
if( bPrintNow )
b->printNow( printer, false );
delete b;
pEdit = new LabelEditor( 0, args->url( i ).path() );
if( bPrintNow )
// TODO: use the printer set by the printer commandline option
if( !args->count() && mode == LABEL )
pEdit = new LabelEditor();
if( bPrintNow )
// TODO: use the printer set by the printer commandline option
int argc = args->count();
args->clear(); // Free some memory
// close after printing
if( bPrintNow && argc )
// TODO: really close the whole application
return true;
return false;
void KBarcode::importCSV()
new CSVImportDlg( this, "csvimportdlg" );
bool KBarcode::isSTQLConnected() const
return SqlTables::isConnected();
bool KBarcode::connectSQL()
return SqlTables::getInstance()->connectMySQL();
void KBarcode::showWizard()
void KBarcode::showConfigure()
#include "kbarcode.moc"