You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

429 lines
15 KiB

definitiondialog.cpp - description
begin : Don Apr 18 12:34:56 CEST 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "definitiondialog.h"
#include "printersettings.h"
#include "labelutils.h"
#include "definition.h"
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <krestrictedline.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
// KDE includes
#include <klocale.h>
LabelPreview::LabelPreview( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: QWidget( parent, name)
// For old DIN A4 preview
PrinterSettings* ps = PrinterSettings::getInstance();
setFixedSize( QSize( ((int)ps->pageWidth() + 20)/2, ((int)ps->pageHeight() + 20)/2 ) );
m_prv_enabled = true;
{ }
void LabelPreview::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
QPainter p( this );
p.fillRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), QBrush( Qt::white ) );
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::black ) );
p.translate( 10, 10 );
p.fillRect( 0, 0, 210/2, 297/2, QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
p.drawRect( 0, 0, 210/2, 297/2 );
// int numv = measure.num_v > 0 ? measure.num_v : 1;
for( int v = 0; v < measure.numV(); v++ ) {
for( int h = 0; h < measure.numH(); h++ ) {
if( !v && !h )
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::red ) );
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::black ) );
p.fillRect( int(measure.gapLeftMM() + (measure.gapHMM() * h)) / 2,
int(measure.gapTopMM() + (measure.gapVMM() * v)) / 2 ,
(int)measure.widthMM() / 2 , (int)measure.heightMM() / 2, QBrush( Qt::white ) );
p.drawRect( int(measure.gapLeftMM() + (measure.gapHMM() * h)) / 2,
int(measure.gapTopMM() + (measure.gapVMM() * v)) / 2,
(int)measure.widthMM() / 2, (int)measure.heightMM() / 2 );
DefinitionDialog::DefinitionDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
: QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl )
resize( 465, 345 );
setCaption( i18n( "Add Label Definition" ) );
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( this, 6, 6 );
DefinitionDialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 11, 6, "DefinitionDialogLayout");
Layout17 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout17");
Layout13 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout13");
TextLabel1 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel1" );
TextLabel1->setText( i18n( "Producer:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel1 );
TextLabel2 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel2" );
TextLabel2->setText( i18n( "Type:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel2 );
TextLabel3 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel3" );
TextLabel3->setText( QString( i18n( "Width (in %1):" ) ).arg( Measurements::system() ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel3 );
TextLabel4 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel4" );
TextLabel4->setText( QString( i18n( "Height (in %1):" ) ).arg( Measurements::system() ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel4 );
TextLabel5 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel5" );
TextLabel5->setText( i18n( "Horizontal Gap:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel5 );
TextLabel6 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel6" );
TextLabel6->setText( i18n( "Vertical Gap:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel6 );
TextLabel7 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel7" );
TextLabel7->setText( i18n( "Top Gap:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel7 );
TextLabel8 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel8" );
TextLabel8->setText( i18n( "Left Gap:" ) );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel8 );
TextLabel9 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel9" );
TextLabel9->setText( i18n("Number Horizontal:") );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel9 );
TextLabel10 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel10" );
TextLabel10->setText( i18n("Number Vertical:") );
Layout13->addWidget( TextLabel10 );
Layout17->addLayout( Layout13 );
Layout14 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout14");
comboProducer = new KComboBox( FALSE, this, "comboProducer" );
comboProducer->setEditable( TRUE );
Layout14->addWidget( comboProducer );
comboType = new KComboBox( FALSE, this, "type" );
comboType->setEditable( TRUE );
Layout14->addWidget( comboType );
editWidth = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editWidth" );
editWidth->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editWidth->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editWidth );
editHeight = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editHeight" );
editHeight->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editHeight->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editHeight );
editHGap = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editHGap" );
editHGap->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editHGap->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editHGap );
editVGap = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editVGap" );
editVGap->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editVGap->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editVGap );
editTGap = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editTGap" );
editTGap->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editTGap->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editTGap );
editLGap = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editLGap" );
editLGap->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editLGap->setValidChars( i18n( "0123456789." ) );
Layout14->addWidget( editLGap );
editNumH = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editNumH" );
editNumH->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editNumH->setValidChars( "0123456789" );
Layout14->addWidget( editNumH );
editNumV = new KRestrictedLine( this, "editNumV" );
editNumV->setText( i18n( "0" ) );
editNumV->setValidChars( "0123456789" );
Layout14->addWidget( editNumV );
Layout17->addLayout( Layout14 );
QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
Layout17->addItem( spacer );
DefinitionDialogLayout->addLayout( Layout17 );
QSpacerItem* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
DefinitionDialogLayout->addItem( spacer_2 );
Layout16 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout16");
buttonInfo = new KPushButton( i18n("More &Information"), this );
Layout16->addWidget( buttonInfo );
QSpacerItem* spacer_3 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
Layout16->addItem( spacer_3 );
buttonAdd = new KPushButton( this, "buttonAdd" );
buttonAdd->setText( i18n( "&Add" ) );
Layout16->addWidget( buttonAdd );
buttonCancel = new KPushButton( this, "buttonCancel" );
buttonCancel->setText( i18n( "&Cancel" ) );
Layout16->addWidget( buttonCancel );
DefinitionDialogLayout->addLayout( Layout16 );
preview = new LabelPreview( this );
layout->addLayout( DefinitionDialogLayout );
layout->addWidget( preview );
l = new QLabel( this );
setExtension( l );
setOrientation( Vertical );
connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
connect( buttonAdd, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add() ) );
connect( editWidth, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editHeight, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editHGap, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editVGap, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editTGap, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editLGap, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editNumH, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
connect( editNumV, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
comboProducer->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::NoInsertion );
comboType->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::NoInsertion );
QStringList list = Definition::getProducers();
comboProducer->insertStringList( list );
types = new QStringList[list.count()];
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ )
types[i] = Definition::getTypes( list[i] );
connect( comboProducer, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updateType() ) );
connect( comboType, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ), this, SLOT( updateText() ) );
connect( buttonInfo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( toggleExtension() ) );
showExtension( false );
delete [] types;
void DefinitionDialog::add()
Definition::write( getCurrentMeasure(), comboType->currentText(), comboProducer->currentText() );
void DefinitionDialog::updateType()
if( comboProducer->currentText() == comboProducer->text( comboProducer->currentItem() ) )
if( comboProducer->currentItem() < comboProducer->count())
comboType->insertStringList( types[ comboProducer->currentItem() ] );
comboType->insertItem( i18n( "Custom" ), 0 );
const Measurements DefinitionDialog::getCurrentMeasure()
Measurements m;
m.setGapLeft( editLGap->text().toDouble() );
m.setGapTop( editTGap->text().toDouble() );
m.setWidth( editWidth->text().toDouble() );
m.setHeight( editHeight->text().toDouble() );
m.setGapV( editVGap->text().toDouble() );
m.setGapH( editHGap->text().toDouble() );
m.setNumH( editNumH->text().toInt() );
m.setNumV( editNumV->text().toInt() );
return m;
void DefinitionDialog::updateText()
Definition d( comboProducer->currentText(), comboType->currentText() );
Measurements m = d.getMeasurements();
editTGap->setText( I2S( m.gapTop() ) );
editLGap->setText( I2S( m.gapLeft() ) );
editWidth->setText( I2S( m.width() ) );
editHeight->setText( I2S( m.height() ) );
editVGap->setText( I2S( m.gapV() ) );
editHGap->setText( I2S( m.gapH() ) );
editNumH->setText( I2S( m.numH() ) );
editNumV->setText( I2S( m.numV() ) );
void DefinitionDialog::updatePreview()
Measurements m = getCurrentMeasure();
editHeight->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editWidth->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editVGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editHGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editTGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editLGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editNumH->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
editNumV->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black );
// Mark errors in Red
if( m.heightMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageHeight() )
editHeight->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.widthMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageWidth() )
editWidth->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapVMM() < m.heightMM() )
editVGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapHMM() < m.widthMM() )
editHGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapTopMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageHeight() - m.heightMM() )
editTGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapLeftMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageWidth() - m.widthMM() )
editLGap->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapLeftMM() + m.numH() * m.gapHMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageWidth() )
editNumH->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
if( m.gapTopMM() + m.numV() * m.gapVMM() > PrinterSettings::getInstance()->pageHeight() )
editNumV->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
preview->setRect( QRect( (int)m.gapLeftMM(), (int)m.gapTopMM(), (int)m.widthMM(), (int)m.heightMM() ) );
preview->setMeasurements( m );
void DefinitionDialog::drawGraphic()
QWMatrix wm;
wm.rotate( 90 );
QPixmap pic( 450, 330 );
pic.fill( Qt::gray );
QPainter p( &pic );
p.setPen( Qt::black );
p.fillRect( 60, 60, 450, 330, QColor( 255, 254, 217 ) );
p.drawRect( 60, 60, 450, 330 );
p.setBrush( Qt::white );
p.setPen( Qt::DotLine );
p.drawRoundRect( 90, 90, 150, 90 );
p.drawRoundRect( 270, 90, 150, 90 );
p.drawRoundRect( 90, 210, 150, 90 );
p.drawRoundRect( 270, 210, 150, 90 );
// Draw width
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::red, 2 ) );
p.drawLine( 90, 150, 240, 150 );
// Draw numh
p.drawLine( 90, 270, 450, 270 );
// Draw Gap Top
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::red, 2, Qt::DotLine ) );
p.drawLine( 0, 60, 90, 60 );
p.drawLine( 0, 90, 90, 90 );
// draw Gap V
p.drawLine( 0, 210, 90, 210 );
// Draw height
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::green, 2 ) );
p.drawLine( 150, 90, 150, 180 );
// Draw numv
p.drawLine( 330, 90, 330, 330 );
// Draw Gap Left
p.setPen( QPen( Qt::green, 2, Qt::DotLine ) );
p.drawLine( 60, 0, 60, 90 );
p.drawLine( 90, 0, 90, 90 );
// draw Gap H
p.drawLine( 270, 0, 270, 90 );
// draw Texts:
p.setPen( Qt::black );
p.drawText( 100, 140, i18n("Width") );
p.drawText( 160, 120, i18n("Height") );
p.drawText( 100, 260, i18n("Number of horizontal Labels") );
QPixmap* pix = LabelUtils::drawString( i18n("Number of vertical Labels") );
p.drawPixmap( 340, 110, pix->xForm( wm ) );
delete pix;
p.drawText( 5, 80, i18n("Gap Top") );
pix = LabelUtils::drawString( i18n("Gap Left") );
p.drawPixmap( 60, 5, pix->xForm( wm ) );
delete pix;
p.drawText( 5, 150, i18n("Vertical Gap") );
p.drawText( 150, 50, i18n("Horizontal Gap") );
l->setPixmap( pic );
void DefinitionDialog::toggleExtension()
if( l->isVisible() ) {
showExtension( false );
} else
showExtension( true );
#include "definitiondialog.moc"