Kaffeine Gav Wood,Jürgen Kofler Play URL Starts playback of a specific URL. The URL to be played. Play Starts playback of current track. Pause Toggles between Playback and Pause. Next Skips to start on the next track. Previous Skips to the start of the last track. Stop Stops current playback, if any. Change Playlist Change to the next kaffeine playlist. Get Title Returns the title of current track. Quit Quits Kaffeine. Playback Mode Toggles random playback mode. Fullscreen Switches between windowed and fullscreen mode. Forward Skips forward in the current track. Rewind Skips backward in the current track. Volume Up Increase the volume. Volume Down Decrease the volume. Mute Toggles mute on/off. Jump to playlistEntry/channel Enter playlistEntry/channel digit. The digit (0..9) to sent. dvbOSD Show DVB current/next OSD. dvbOSDNextChannel OSD next channel. dvbOSDPreviousChannel OSD previous channel. dvbOSDNextProgram OSD next program. dvbOSDPreviousProgram OSD previous program. dvbOSDZap OSD zap. Recall Recall last DVB channel. dvdMenuSelect Select Dvd Menu. dvdMenuUp Move Up Dvd Menu. dvdMenuDown Move Down Dvd Menu. dvdMenuRight Move Right Dvd Menu. dvdMenuLeft Move Left Dvd Menu.