/* * urllistview.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jürgen Kofler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mrl.h" #include "playlistitem.h" #include "urllistview.h" #include "urllistview.moc" UrlListView::UrlListView(TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TDEListView(parent,name), m_listCleared(true), m_itemOfContextMenu(NULL) { m_contextMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(this); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("media-playback-start", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("Play"), this, TQ_SLOT(slotPlayItem())); m_contextMenu->insertItem(i18n("Play Next/Add to Queue"), this, TQ_SLOT(slotPlayNext())); m_contextMenu->insertSeparator(); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edit-cut", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("C&ut"), this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalCut()), CTRL+Key_X); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edit-copy", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("&Copy"), this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalCopy()), CTRL+Key_C); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edit-paste", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("&Paste"), this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalPaste()), CTRL+Key_V); m_contextMenu->insertItem(i18n("Select &All"), this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalSelectAll()), CTRL+Key_A); m_contextMenu->insertItem(i18n("Create Playlist From Selected"), this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalPlaylistFromSelected())); m_contextMenu->insertSeparator(); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("indent", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("Add Sub&title..."), this, TQ_SLOT(slotAddSubtitle()),TQKeySequence(),100 ); m_contextMenu->insertSeparator(); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edit", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("&Edit Title"), this, TQ_SLOT(slotEditTitle())); m_contextMenu->insertItem(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("application-vnd.tde.info", TDEIcon::Small), i18n("&Info"), this, TQ_SLOT(slotShowInfo())); /* width of the "length"-column */ TQFontMetrics met(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont()); int w1 = met.width(i18n("Length")); int w2 = met.width("5:55:55") + 2; m_column5Width = w1 > w2 ? w1 : w2; m_column5Width += 30; /* width of the "track"-column */ w1 = met.width(i18n("Track")); w2 = met.width("9999") + 2; m_column4Track = w1 > w2 ? w1 : w2; m_column4Track += 36; connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotShowContextMenu(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int))); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(TQListViewItem*))); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int )), this, TQ_SLOT(slotClicked( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ))); } UrlListView::~UrlListView() { } bool UrlListView::acceptDrag(TQDropEvent* event) const { return TQUriDrag::canDecode(event) || TQTextDrag::canDecode(event) || TDEListView::acceptDrag(event); } TQDragObject* UrlListView::dragObject() { // get selected items TQPtrList selected; TQStrList urlList; selected = selectedItems(); for (uint i = 0; i(selected.at(i))->url().ascii()); } return new TQUriDrag(urlList, viewport()); } void UrlListView::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* rev) { int width = contentsRect().width() - m_column5Width - m_column4Track - 69; setColumnWidth(0, 20); /* mime */ setColumnWidth(1, ((width * 5 / 12) + 50)); /* title */ setColumnWidth(2, (width * 3 / 12)); /* artist */ setColumnWidth(3, (width * 4 / 12)); /* album */ setColumnWidth(4, m_column4Track); /* track */ setColumnWidth(5, m_column5Width); /* width of "length" column */ TDEListView::resizeEvent(rev); } void UrlListView::clear() { m_listCleared = true; m_itemOfContextMenu = NULL; setSorting(-1); TDEListView::clear(); } void UrlListView::setCleared(bool cl) { m_listCleared = cl; } bool UrlListView::getCleared() const /* was playlist cleared ? */ { return m_listCleared; } /********** context menu **********/ void UrlListView::slotShowContextMenu(TQListViewItem* item, const TQPoint& pos, int) { if (!item) { m_itemOfContextMenu = NULL; disableSubEntry(); } else { m_itemOfContextMenu = dynamic_cast(item); if (m_itemOfContextMenu->mime().contains("video")) enableSubEntry(); else disableSubEntry(); } m_contextMenu->popup(pos); } void UrlListView::slotPlayItem() { if (m_itemOfContextMenu) emit signalPlayItem(m_itemOfContextMenu); } void UrlListView::slotPlayNext() { if (m_itemOfContextMenu) emit signalAddToQueue(m_itemOfContextMenu->toMRL()); } void UrlListView::slotEditTitle() { if (m_itemOfContextMenu) { m_itemOfContextMenu->setRenameEnabled(1, true); m_itemOfContextMenu->startRename(1); m_itemOfContextMenu->setRenameEnabled(1, false); } } //Pretty print item info void UrlListView::slotShowInfo() { if (!m_itemOfContextMenu) return; TQString num; num = num.setNum(childCount()); TQString info = ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; info = info + ""; if(!m_itemOfContextMenu->subtitles().isEmpty()) { info = info + "
" + m_itemOfContextMenu->title() + "
" + i18n("URL")+ ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->url() + "
" + i18n("Artist") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->artist() + "
" + i18n("Album") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->album() + "
" + i18n("Track") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->track() + "
" + i18n("Year") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->year() + "
" + i18n("Genre") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->genre() + "
" + i18n("Length") + ":" + m_itemOfContextMenu->length() + "
" + i18n("Subtitles") + ":"; for(uint i = 0; i < m_itemOfContextMenu->subtitles().count(); i++ ) { info = info + ""+m_itemOfContextMenu->subtitles()[i]; if(m_itemOfContextMenu->currentSubtitle() == (int)i) info = info + " ("+i18n("in use")+")"; info = info + "
"; } info = info + "
"; } KMessageBox::information(this, info); } void UrlListView::slotClicked(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int) { /*if ( (item) && (col == 3) ) { m_itemOfContextMenu = dynamic_cast(item); if (!m_itemOfContextMenu) return; slotShowInfo(); } */ } #include #include void UrlListView::slotAddSubtitle() { /*TQDomDocument reqdoc; TQDomElement methodCall = reqdoc.createElement( "methodCall" ); TQDomElement methodName = reqdoc.createElement( "methodName" ); TQDomText methodNameValue = reqdoc.createTextNode( "LogIn" ); methodName.appendChild( methodNameValue ); methodCall.appendChild( methodName ); reqdoc.appendChild( methodCall ); TQDomElement params = reqdoc.createElement( "params" ); TQDomElement param1 = reqdoc.createElement( "param" ); TQDomElement value1 = reqdoc.createElement( "value" ); TQDomElement type1 = reqdoc.createElement( "string" ); TQDomText param1Value = reqdoc.createTextNode( "" ); type1.appendChild( param1Value ); value1.appendChild( type1 ); param1.appendChild( value1 ); params.appendChild( param1 ); TQDomElement param2 = reqdoc.createElement( "param" ); TQDomElement value2 = reqdoc.createElement( "value" ); TQDomElement type2 = reqdoc.createElement( "string" ); TQDomText param2Value = reqdoc.createTextNode( "" ); type2.appendChild( param2Value ); value2.appendChild( type2 ); param2.appendChild( value2 ); params.appendChild( param2 ); TQDomElement param3 = reqdoc.createElement( "param" ); TQDomElement value3 = reqdoc.createElement( "value" ); TQDomElement type3 = reqdoc.createElement( "string" ); TQDomText param3Value = reqdoc.createTextNode( "en" ); type3.appendChild( param3Value ); value3.appendChild( type3 ); param3.appendChild( value3 ); params.appendChild( param3 ); methodCall.appendChild( params ); const TQString xmlRequest = "\n" + reqdoc.toString(); TQByteArray postData; TQDataStream stream( postData, IO_WriteOnly ); stream.writeRawBytes( xmlRequest.utf8(), xmlRequest.utf8().length() ); openSubJobBuf = TQByteArray(); openSubJob = TDEIO::http_post( "http://test.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc", postData, false ); openSubJob->addMetaData( "content-type", "Content-Type: text/xml" ); connect( openSubJob, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQ_SLOT(openSubResult(TDEIO::Job*)) ); connect( openSubJob, TQ_SIGNAL(data(TDEIO::Job*,const TQByteArray&) ), this, TQ_SLOT(openSubData(TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray&)) ); kdDebug() << "\n\n" << xmlRequest << "\n\n" << endl;*/ if (!m_itemOfContextMenu) return; TQString openURL = m_itemOfContextMenu->url(); TQString subtitleURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(openURL, i18n("*.smi *.srt *.sub *.txt *.ssa *.asc|Subtitle Files\n*.*|All Files"), 0, i18n("Select Subtitle File")).path(); if(!(subtitleURL.isEmpty()) && !(m_itemOfContextMenu->subtitles().contains(subtitleURL)) && TQFile::exists(subtitleURL)) { m_itemOfContextMenu->addSubtitle(subtitleURL); emit signalPlayItem(m_itemOfContextMenu); } } void UrlListView::openSubResult( TDEIO::Job* job ) { if ( openSubJob!=job ) return; if ( job->error() ) { kdDebug() << "OpenSubtiltes error : " << job->error() << endl; return; } TQDomDocument document; if ( !document.setContent( openSubJobBuf ) ) { kdDebug() << "Couldn't read similar artists response" << endl; return; } kdDebug() << "\n\n" << document.toString() << "\n\n" << endl; openSubJob = 0; } void UrlListView::openSubData( TDEIO::Job* job, const TQByteArray& data ) { if ( openSubJob != job ) return; unsigned int bufsize = openSubJobBuf.size(); openSubJobBuf.resize( bufsize + data.size() ); memcpy( openSubJobBuf.data()+bufsize, data.data(), data.size() ); } void UrlListView::slotCurrentChanged(TQListViewItem * item) { if(item == 0) //All items deleted m_itemOfContextMenu = NULL; else m_itemOfContextMenu = dynamic_cast(item); } void UrlListView::enableSubEntry() { m_contextMenu->setItemEnabled(100, true); } void UrlListView::disableSubEntry() { m_contextMenu->setItemEnabled(100, false); }