// // C++ Implementation: // // Description: // // // Author: Jean-Michel PETIT , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "k9langselect.h" #include "k9dvd.h" #include "k9dvdtitle.h" #include "k9main.h" #include k9LangSelect::k9LangSelect(k9Main *mainWindow,TQWidget* tqparent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : langSelect(tqparent,name,fl) { setMain( mainWindow); m_main->setLangSelect( this); } k9LangSelect::~k9LangSelect() { } /*$SPECIALIZATION$*/ void ckLvLangItem::stateChange(bool state) { if (mainDlg->getupdating()) return; mainDlg->checkLang(language,streamType,state); mainDlg->updateSelection(); // k9DVD *d = mainDlg->dvd; mainDlg->setDVDSize(); mainDlg->updateFactor(); //(mainDlg->factor)->setValue((int) (d->getfactor(mainDlg->withMenus(),true )*100)-100 ); } void k9LangSelect::setMain(k9Main* _value) { m_main = _value; m_dvd=m_main->dvd; } void k9LangSelect::fillLvLanguages() { lvLanguages->clear(); langAudItems.clear(); langSubItems.clear(); TQStringList slAudLang,slSubLang; if (m_dvd->getopened()) { k9DVDSubtitle *l_sub; k9DVDAudioStream *l_auds; TQObjectList *items=m_main->getItems(); for (uint i=0;icount();i++) { k9DVDListItem *litem=(k9DVDListItem*)items->at(i); switch (litem->streamType) { case SUB: { l_sub=litem->subtitle; if (slSubLang.contains(l_sub->getlanguage())==0) slSubLang.append(l_sub->getlanguage()); break; } case AUD: { l_auds=litem->audioStream; if (slAudLang.contains(l_auds->getlanguage())==0) slAudLang.append(l_auds->getlanguage()); break; } default: break; } } } TQListViewItem *audioRoot = new TQListViewItem(lvLanguages); audioRoot->setOpen( TRUE ); audioRoot->setText(0, i18n("Audio")); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = slAudLang.begin(); it != slAudLang.end(); ++it ) { ckLvLangItem *lvitem=new ckLvLangItem(audioRoot,m_main); lvitem->setText(0,*it); lvitem->streamType=AUD; lvitem->language=*it; langAudItems.append(lvitem); } TQListViewItem *subRoot = new TQListViewItem(lvLanguages); subRoot->setOpen( TRUE ); subRoot->setText(0, i18n("Subtitles")); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = slSubLang.begin(); it != slSubLang.end(); ++it ) { ckLvLangItem *lvitem=new ckLvLangItem(subRoot,m_main); lvitem->setText(0,*it); lvitem->streamType=SUB; lvitem->language=*it; langSubItems.append(lvitem); } } void k9LangSelect::update() { for (uint i=0;ilanguage); for (uint i=0;ilanguage); } void k9LangSelect::updateLvLang(const eStreamType streamType,const TQString & lang ) { uint Total=0,Selected=0; TQString lg; TQObjectList *items = m_main->getItems(); for (uint i=0;icount();i++) { k9DVDListItem *litem=(k9DVDListItem*)items->at(i); if (litem->streamType==streamType ) { switch (streamType) { case SUB : lg= litem->subtitle->getlanguage(); if (lg==lang) { Total++; if (litem->listItem->isOn()) Selected ++; } break; case AUD : lg=litem->audioStream->getlanguage(); if (lg==lang) { Total++; if (litem->listItem->isOn()) Selected++; } break; default: break; } } } if (streamType==AUD) { for (ckLvLangItem *langItem = langAudItems.first(); langItem; langItem = langAudItems.next() ) { if (langItem->language ==lang) { if (Selected==Total) { langItem->setOn(true); } else langItem->setOn(false); } } } if (streamType==SUB) { for (ckLvLangItem *langItem = langSubItems.first(); langItem; langItem = langSubItems.next() ) { if (langItem->language ==lang) { if (Selected==Total) { langItem->setOn(true); } else langItem->setOn(false); } } } } void k9LangSelect::selectAll( bool _state) { for (ckLvLangItem *langItem = langAudItems.first(); langItem; langItem = langAudItems.next() ) { langItem->setOn(_state); } for (ckLvLangItem *langItem = langSubItems.first(); langItem; langItem = langSubItems.next() ) { langItem->setOn(_state); } } void k9LangSelect::clear() { langAudItems.clear(); langSubItems.clear(); lvLanguages->clear(); } #include "k9langselect.moc"