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// C++ Interface: k9avidecode
// Description:
// Author: Jean-Michel PETIT <>, (C) 2007
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "k9common.h"
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <ffmpeg/avformat.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
@author Jean-Michel PETIT <>
//typedef dvd_file_t * (*DVDOpenFile_t) ( dvd_reader_t *, int, dvd_read_domain_t );
typedef void (*av_register_all_t) (void);
typedef int64_t (*av_gettime_t) (void);
typedef int (*av_open_input_file_t)(AVFormatContext **, const char *,AVInputFormat *,int, AVFormatParameters *);
typedef int (*av_find_stream_info_t)(AVFormatContext *);
typedef AVCodec* (*avcodec_find_decoder_t)(enum CodecID);
typedef int (*avcodec_open_t)(AVCodecContext *, AVCodec *);
typedef AVFrame * (*avcodec_alloc_frame_t)(void);
typedef int (*avpicture_get_size_t)(int , int , int );
typedef void * (*av_malloc_t)(unsigned int );
typedef int (*avpicture_fill_t)(AVPicture *, uint8_t *,int , int , int);
typedef int (*av_read_frame_t)(AVFormatContext *, AVPacket *);
typedef int (*avcodec_decode_video_t)(AVCodecContext *, AVFrame *,int *, uint8_t *, int );
typedef int (*img_convert_t)(AVPicture *, int , const AVPicture *, int ,int, int);
typedef void (*av_free_t)(void *);
typedef int (*avcodec_close_t)(AVCodecContext *);
typedef void (*av_close_input_file_t)(AVFormatContext *);
typedef int (*av_seek_frame_t)(AVFormatContext *,int,int64_t timestamp,int flags); typedef int64_t (*av_rescale_q_t)(int64_t , AVRational , AVRational ) ;
typedef void (*avcodec_flush_buffers_t)(AVCodecContext *);
class k9AviDecode : public TQObject
k9AviDecode(TQObject *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
bool open(const TQString & _fileName);
void readFrame(double _seconds);
void seek(double _seconds);
void close();
double getDuration() const;
bool opened() const;
TQString getFileName() const;
TQString getError() const;
av_register_all_t av_register_all;
av_open_input_file_t av_open_input_file;
av_find_stream_info_t av_find_stream_info;
avcodec_find_decoder_t avcodec_find_decoder;
avcodec_open_t avcodec_open;
avcodec_alloc_frame_t avcodec_alloc_frame;
av_seek_frame_t av_seek_frame;
avpicture_get_size_t avpicture_get_size;
av_malloc_t av_malloc;
avpicture_fill_t avpicture_fill;
av_read_frame_t av_read_frame;
avcodec_decode_video_t avcodec_decode_video;
img_convert_t img_convert;
av_free_t av_free;
avcodec_close_t avcodec_close;
av_close_input_file_t av_close_input_file;
av_rescale_q_t av_rescale_q;
av_gettime_t av_gettime;
avcodec_flush_buffers_t avcodec_flush_buffers;
AVFormatContext *m_FormatCtx;
AVCodecContext *m_CodecCtx;
AVCodec *m_Codec;
AVFrame *m_Frame,*m_FrameRGB;
uint8_t *m_buffer;
int m_videoStream;
bool m_opened;
double m_duration;
TQString m_fileName;
TQString m_error;
void SaveFrame(AVFrame *pFrame, int width, int height);
void drawFrame(TQImage*);