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* $Id: pi-file.h,v 1.29 2006/10/17 13:24:07 desrod Exp $
* pi-file.h: Pilot File Interface Library
* This is free software, licensed under the GNU Library Public License V2.
* See the file COPYING.LIB for details.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/** @file pi-file.h
* @brief Database file install, retrieve and management interface
* The pi-file layer is a convenience management library that provides for
* easy access, creation, install and retrieve of database files (PRC, PDB,
* PQA)
* Palm databases on the local machines can be created with pi_file_create()
* or opened read-only using pi_file_open(). Several functions are provided
* to access resources and records. Caller must make sure to use the
* appropriate functions, depending on the type of the database (i.e. only
* use the record read/write functions on data databases, only use the
* resource read/write functions on resource databases).
* A set of utility functions are provided to facilitate installing and
* retrieving databases on the devide. pi_file_install() will perform all
* the steps required to install a database on a device. pi_file_merge() can
* be used to update an existing database or add new records/resources to
* it. pi_file_retrieve() will read a database from the device.
#ifndef _PILOT_FILE_H_
#define _PILOT_FILE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "pi-dlp.h" /* For DBInfo */
/** @brief Structure describing a record or resource entry in a database file */
typedef struct pi_file_entry {
int offset; /**< Offset in the on-disk file */
int size; /**< Size of the resource or record */
int resource_id; /**< For resources, resource ID */
int attrs; /**< Record attributes */
unsigned long type; /**< For resdources, resource type */
recordid_t uid; /**< For records, record unique ID */
} pi_file_entry_t;
typedef struct pi_file {
int err;
int for_writing; /**< Non-zero if the file was opened with pi_file_create() */
int app_info_size; /**< Size of the appInfo block */
int sort_info_size; /**< Size of the sortInfo block */
int next_record_list_id;
int resource_flag;
int ent_hdr_size; /**< Size of the header for each resource/record (depends on whether the file is a resource or record file) */
int num_entries; /**< Number of actual entries in the entries memory block */
int num_entries_allocated; /**< Number of entries allocated in the entries memory block */
int rbuf_size; /**< Size of the internal read buffer */
FILE *f; /**< Actual on-disk file */
pi_buffer_t *tmpbuf; /**< Temporary buffer for databases opened with pi_file_create() */
char *file_name; /**< Access path */
void *app_info; /**< Pointer to the appInfo block or NULL */
void *sort_info; /**< Pointer to the sortInfo block or NULL */
void *rbuf; /**< Read buffer, used internally */
unsigned long unique_id_seed; /**< Database file's unique ID seed as read from an existing file */
struct DBInfo info; /**< Database information and attributes */
struct pi_file_entry *entries; /**< Array of records / resources */
} pi_file_t;
/** @brief Transfer progress callback structure
* The progress callback structure is prepared by the client application and
* passed to pi_file_install(), pi_file_merge() and pi_file_retrieve()
* functions. It allows the client application to be notified during a file
* transfer (i.e. to update a progress indicator) and gives it a chance to
* cancel transfers.
typedef struct {
int type; /**< Transfer type (see #piProgressType enum) */
int transferred_bytes; /**< Current transferred bytes */
void *userinfo; /**< Provided by and passed back to client (not used for now, will be in a future release) */
union {
struct {
pi_file_t *pf; /**< May be NULL */
struct DBSizeInfo size; /**< Size information */
int transferred_records;/**< Number of records or resources */
} db;
struct {
char *path; /**< VFS file path */
long total_bytes; /**< File size in bytes */
} vfs;
} data;
} pi_progress_t;
/** @brief Progress callback function definition
* Callback should return either #PI_TRANSFER_STOP or
typedef int (*progress_func)(int socket, pi_progress_t *progress);
/** @brief Transfer progress types for the @a type member of pi_progress_t */
enum piProgressType {
PI_PROGRESS_SEND_DB = 1, /**< Sending a database */
PI_PROGRESS_RECEIVE_DB, /**< Receiving a database */
PI_PROGRESS_SEND_VFS, /**< Sending a VFS file */
PI_PROGRESS_RECEIVE_VFS /**< Receiving a VFS file */
#define PI_TRANSFER_STOP 0 /**< Returned by progress callback to stop the transfer */
#define PI_TRANSFER_CONTINUE 1 /**< Returned by progress callback to continue the transfer */
/** @name Opening and closing files */
/** @brief Open a database for read-only access
* Don't dispose of the returned structure directly.
* Use pi_file_close() instead.
* @param name The access path to the database to open on the local machine
* @return An initialized pi_file_t structure or NULL.
extern pi_file_t *pi_file_open
PI_ARGS((const char *name));
/** @brief Create a new database file
* A new database file is created on the local machine.
* @param name Access path of the new file to create
* @param INPUT Characteristics of the database to create
* @return A new pi_file_t structure. Use pi_file_close() to write data and close file.
extern pi_file_t *pi_file_create
PI_ARGS((const char *name, const struct DBInfo *INPUT));
/** @brief Closes a local file
* If the file had been opened with pi_file_create, all
* modifications are written to disk before the file is closed
* @param pf The pi_file_t structure is being disposed of by this function
* @return An error code (see file pi-error.h)
extern int pi_file_close PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf));
/** @name Reading from open files */
/** @brief Returns database specification
* @param pf An open file
* @return DBInfo structure describing the file
extern void pi_file_get_info
PI_ARGS((const pi_file_t *pf, struct DBInfo *OUTPUT));
/** @brief Returns the file's appInfo block
* The returned data is not a copy of the pi_file_t's appInfo
* structures. Don't dispose or modify it.
* @param pf An open file
* @param datap On return, ptr to appInfo data or NULL
* @param sizep On return, size of the appInfoBlock
extern void pi_file_get_app_info
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void **datap, size_t *sizep));
/** @brief Returns the file's sortInfo block
* The returned data is not a copy of the pi_file_t's sortInfo
* block: do not dispose of it!
* @param pf An open file
* @param datap On return, ptr to sortInfo data or NULL
* @param sizep On return, size of the sortInfoBlock
extern void pi_file_get_sort_info
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void **dadtap, size_t *sizep));
/** @brief Read a resource by index
* If it exists, the returned data points directly into the file
* structures. Don't dispose or modify it.
* @param pf An open file
* @param resindex The resource index
* @param bufp On return, pointer to the resource data block
* @param sizep If not NULL, size of the resource data
* @param restype If not NULL, resource type
* @param resid If not NULL, resource
* @return Negative error code on error
extern int pi_file_read_resource
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int resindex, void **bufp, size_t *sizep,
unsigned long *restype, int *resid));
/** @brief Read a resource by type and ID
* If it exists, the returned data points directly into the file
* structures.
* @param pf An open file
* @param restype Resource type
* @param resid Resource ID
* @param bufp On return, pointer to the resource data or NULL
* @param sizep If not NULL, the size of the resource data
* @param resindex If not NULL, on return contains the resource index
* @return Negative error code on error
extern int pi_file_read_resource_by_type_id
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, unsigned long restype, int resid,
void **bufp, size_t *sizep, int *resindex));
/** @brief Checks whether a resource type/id exists in an open file
* @param pf An open file
* @param restype Resource type to check
* @param resid Resource ID to check
* @return Non-zero if a resource with same type and id exists
extern int pi_file_type_id_used
PI_ARGS((const pi_file_t *pf, unsigned long restype, int resid));
/** @brief Checks whether a record with the given UID exists
* @param pf An open file
* @param uid The record UID to look for
* @return Non-zero if a record with the same UID exists
extern int pi_file_id_used
PI_ARGS((const pi_file_t *pf, recordid_t uid));
/** @brief Read a record by index
* If it exists, the returned data points directly into the file
* structures. Don't dispose or modify it.
* @param pf An open file
* @param recindex Record index
* @param bufp On return, pointer to the resource data or NULL
* @param sizep If not NULL, the size of the resource data
* @param recattrs If not NULL, the record attributes
* @param category If not NULL, the record category
* @param recuid If not NULL, the record unique ID
* @return Negative error code on error
extern int pi_file_read_record
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int recindex, void **bufp, size_t *sizep,
int *recattrs, int *category, recordid_t *recuid));
/** @brief Read a record by unique ID
* If it exists, the returned data points directly into the file
* structures. Don't dispose or modify it.
* @param pf An open file
* @param recuid The record unique ID
* @param bufp On return, pointer to the resource data or NULL
* @param sizep If not NULL, the size of the resource data
* @param recindex If not NULL, the record index
* @param recattrs If not NULL, the record attributes
* @param category If not NULL, the record category
* @return Negative error code on error
extern int pi_file_read_record_by_id
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, recordid_t recuid, void **bufp,
size_t *sizep, int *recindex, int *recattrs, int *category));
#ifndef SWIG
extern void pi_file_get_entries
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int *entries));
/** @name Modifying files open for write */
/* may call these any time before close (even multiple times) */
extern int pi_file_set_info
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, const struct DBInfo *infop));
/** @brief Set the database's appInfo block
* The file takes ownership of the passed data block
* @param pf A file open for write
* @param data Pointer to the data or NULL to clear the appInfo block
* @param size Size of the new data block
* @return Negative code on error
extern int pi_file_set_app_info
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void *data, size_t size));
/** @brief Set the database's sortInfo block
* The file takes ownership of the passed data block
* @param pf A file open for write
* @param data Pointer to the data or NULL to clear the sortInfo block
* @param size Size of the new data block
* @return Negative code on error
extern int pi_file_set_sort_info
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void *data, size_t size));
/** @brief Add a resource to a file open for write
* The file takes ownership of the passed data block
* Function will return PI_ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS if resource with
* same type/id already exists
* @param pf A file open for write
* @param data The resource data
* @param size The resource size
* @param restype Resource type
* @param resid Resource ID
* @return Negative code on error.
extern int pi_file_append_resource
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void *data, size_t size,
unsigned long restype, int resid));
/** @brief Add a record to a file open for write
* The file takes ownership of the passed data block Function will
* return PI_ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS if record with same unique ID
* already exists in the database
* @param pf A file open for write
* @param data The resource data
* @param size The resource size
* @param recattrs Record attributes
* @param category Record category
* @param recuid Record unique ID (pass 0 to have recuid automatically allocated)
* @return Negative code on error.
extern int pi_file_append_record
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, void *buf, size_t size, int recattrs,
int category, recordid_t recuid));
/** @name File transfer utilities */
/** @brief Retrieve a file from the handheld
* You must first create the local file using pi_file_create()
* @param pf A file open for write
* @param socket Socket to the connected handheld
* @param cardno Card number the file resides on (usually 0)
* @param report_progress Progress function callback or NULL (see #pi_progress_t structure)
* @return Negative code on error
extern int pi_file_retrieve
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int socket, int cardno,
progress_func report_progress));
/** @brief Install a new file on the handheld
* You must first open the local file with pi_file_open()
* @param pf An open file
* @param socket Socket to the connected handheld
* @param cardno Card number to install to (usually 0)
* @param report_progress Progress function callback or NULL (see #pi_progress_t structure)
* @return Negative code on error
extern int pi_file_install
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int socket, int cardno,
progress_func report_progress));
/** @brief Install a new file on the handheld or merge with an existing file
* The difference between this function and pi_file_install() is
* that if the file already exists on the handheld, pi_file_merge()
* will append data to the existing file. For resource files, all
* resources from the local file are sent to the handheld. If
* resources with the same type/ID exist in the handheld file, they
* are replaced with the new one.
* You must first open the local file with pi_file_open()
* @param pf An open file
* @param socket Socket to the connected handheld
* @param cardno Card number to install to (usually 0)
* @param report_progress Progress function callback or NULL (see #pi_progress_t structure)
* @return Negative code on error
extern int pi_file_merge
PI_ARGS((pi_file_t *pf, int socket, int cardno,
progress_func report_progress));
/** @name Time utilities */
/** @brief Convert Unix time to Palm OS time
* @param t Unix time value
* @return Time value with Palm OS timebase
extern unsigned long unix_time_to_pilot_time
PI_ARGS((time_t t));
/** @brief Convert Palm OS time to Unix time
* @param raw_time Time value expressed in Palm OS timebase (seconds from 01-JAN-1904, 00:00)
* @return Unix time
extern time_t pilot_time_to_unix_time
PI_ARGS((unsigned long raw_time));
#ifdef __cplusplus