You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1158 lines
35 KiB
1158 lines
35 KiB
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
// under the License.
// The Original Code is MP4v2.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ullrich Pollaehne.
// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2010.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Contributors:
// Kona Blend,
// Ullrich Pollaehne,
// David Byron,
#include "util/impl.h"
namespace mp4v2 { namespace util {
/// Chapter utility program class.
/// This class provides an implementation for a QuickTime/Nero chapter utility which
/// allows to add, delete, convert export or import QuickTime and Nero chapters
/// in MP4 container files.
/// @see Utility
class ChapterUtility : public Utility
static const double CHAPTERTIMESCALE; //!< the timescale used for chapter tracks (1000)
enum FileLongCode {
enum ChapterFormat {
enum FormatState {
ChapterUtility( int, char** );
// delegates implementation
bool utility_option( int, bool& );
bool utility_job( JobContext& );
bool actionList ( JobContext& );
bool actionConvert ( JobContext& );
bool actionEvery ( JobContext& );
bool actionExport ( JobContext& );
bool actionImport ( JobContext& );
bool actionRemove ( JobContext& );
Group _actionGroup;
Group _parmGroup;
bool (ChapterUtility::*_action)( JobContext& );
void fixQtScale(MP4FileHandle );
MP4TrackId getReferencingTrack( MP4FileHandle, bool& );
string getChapterTypeName( MP4ChapterType ) const;
bool parseChapterFile( const string, vector<MP4Chapter_t>&, Timecode::Format& );
bool readChapterFile( const string, char**, File::Size& );
MP4Duration convertFrameToMillis( MP4Duration, uint32_t );
MP4ChapterType _ChapterType;
ChapterFormat _ChapterFormat;
uint32_t _ChaptersEvery;
string _ChapterFile;
const double ChapterUtility::CHAPTERTIMESCALE = 1000.0;
ChapterUtility::ChapterUtility( int argc, char** argv )
: Utility ( "mp4chaps", argc, argv )
, _actionGroup ( "ACTIONS" )
, _parmGroup ( "ACTION PARAMETERS" )
, _action ( NULL )
, _ChapterType ( MP4ChapterTypeAny )
, _ChapterFormat ( CHPT_FMT_NATIVE )
, _ChaptersEvery ( 0 )
// add standard options which make sense for this utility
_group.add( STD_OPTIMIZE );
_group.add( STD_DRYRUN );
_group.add( STD_KEEPGOING );
_group.add( STD_OVERWRITE );
_group.add( STD_FORCE );
_group.add( STD_QUIET );
_group.add( STD_DEBUG );
_group.add( STD_VERBOSE );
_group.add( STD_HELP );
_group.add( STD_VERSION );
_group.add( STD_VERSIONX );
_parmGroup.add( 'A', false, "chapter-any", false, LC_CHPT_ANY, "act on any chapter type (default)" );
_parmGroup.add( 'Q', false, "chapter-qt", false, LC_CHPT_QT, "act on QuickTime chapters" );
_parmGroup.add( 'N', false, "chapter-nero", false, LC_CHPT_NERO, "act on Nero chapters" );
_parmGroup.add( 'C', false, "format-common", false, LC_CHPT_COMMON, "export chapters in common format" );
_groups.push_back( &_parmGroup );
_actionGroup.add( 'l', false, "list", false, LC_CHP_LIST, "list available chapters" );
_actionGroup.add( 'c', false, "convert", false, LC_CHP_CONVERT, "convert available chapters" );
_actionGroup.add( 'e', true, "every", true, LC_CHP_EVERY, "create chapters every NUM seconds", "NUM" );
_actionGroup.add( 'x', false, "export", false, LC_CHP_EXPORT, "export chapters to mp4file.chapters.txt", "TXT" );
_actionGroup.add( 'i', false, "import", false, LC_CHP_IMPORT, "import chapters from mp4file.chapters.txt", "TXT" );
_actionGroup.add( 'r', false, "remove", false, LC_CHP_REMOVE, "remove all chapters" );
_groups.push_back( &_actionGroup );
_usage = "[OPTION]... ACTION [ACTION PARAMETERS] mp4file...";
_description =
// 79-cols, inclusive, max desired width
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
"\nFor each mp4 file specified, perform the specified ACTION. An action must be"
"\nspecified. Some options are not applicable to some actions.";
/** Action for listing chapters from <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionList( JobContext& job )
job.fileHandle = MP4Read( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for read: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
MP4Chapter_t * chapters = 0;
uint32_t chapterCount = 0;
// get the list of chapters
MP4ChapterType chtp = MP4GetChapters(job.fileHandle, &chapters, &chapterCount, _ChapterType);
if (0 == chapterCount)
verbose1f( "File \"%s\" does not contain chapters of type %s\n", job.file.c_str(),
getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType ).c_str() );
return SUCCESS;
// start output (more or less like mp4box does)
ostringstream report;
report << getChapterTypeName( chtp ) << ' ' << "Chapters of " << '"' << job.file << '"' << endl;
Timecode duration(0, CHAPTERTIMESCALE);
duration.setFormat( Timecode::DECIMAL );
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < chapterCount; ++i)
// print the infos
report << '\t' << "Chapter #" << setw( 3 ) << setfill( '0' ) << i+1
<< " - " << duration.svalue << " - " << '"' << chapters[i].title << '"' << endl;
// add the duration of this chapter to the sum (is the start time of the next chapter)
duration += Timecode(chapters[i].duration, CHAPTERTIMESCALE);
verbose1f( "%s", report.str().c_str() );
// free up the memory
return SUCCESS;
/** Action for converting chapters in <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionConvert( JobContext& job )
MP4ChapterType sourceType;
switch( _ChapterType )
case MP4ChapterTypeNero:
sourceType = MP4ChapterTypeQt;
case MP4ChapterTypeQt:
sourceType = MP4ChapterTypeNero;
return herrf( "invalid chapter type \"%s\" define the chapter type to convert to\n",
getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType ).c_str() );
ostringstream oss;
oss << "converting chapters in file " << '"' << job.file << '"'
<< " from " << getChapterTypeName( sourceType ) << " to " << getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType ) << endl;
verbose1f( "%s", oss.str().c_str() );
if( dryrunAbort() )
return SUCCESS;
job.fileHandle = MP4Modify( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for write: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
MP4ChapterType chtp = MP4ConvertChapters( job.fileHandle, _ChapterType );
if( MP4ChapterTypeNone == chtp )
return herrf( "File %s does not contain chapters of type %s\n", job.file.c_str(),
getChapterTypeName( sourceType ).c_str() );
fixQtScale( job.fileHandle );
job.optimizeApplicable = true;
return SUCCESS;
/** Action for setting chapters every n second in <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionEvery( JobContext& job )
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Setting " << getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType ) << " chapters every "
<< _ChaptersEvery << " seconds in file " << '"' << job.file << '"' << endl;
verbose1f( "%s", oss.str().c_str() );
if( dryrunAbort() )
return SUCCESS;
job.fileHandle = MP4Modify( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for write: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
bool isVideoTrack = false;
MP4TrackId refTrackId = getReferencingTrack( job.fileHandle, isVideoTrack );
if( !MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(refTrackId) )
return herrf( "unable to find a video or audio track in file %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
Timecode refTrackDuration( MP4GetTrackDuration( job.fileHandle, refTrackId ), MP4GetTrackTimeScale( job.fileHandle, refTrackId ) );
refTrackDuration.setScale( CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
Timecode chapterDuration( _ChaptersEvery * 1000, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
chapterDuration.setFormat( Timecode::DECIMAL );
vector<MP4Chapter_t> chapters;
MP4Chapter_t chap;
chap.duration = refTrackDuration.duration > chapterDuration.duration ? chapterDuration.duration : refTrackDuration.duration;
sprintf(chap.title, "Chapter %lu", (unsigned long)chapters.size()+1);
chapters.push_back( chap );
refTrackDuration -= chapterDuration;
while( refTrackDuration.duration > 0 );
if( 0 < chapters.size() )
MP4SetChapters(job.fileHandle, &chapters[0], (uint32_t)chapters.size(), _ChapterType);
fixQtScale( job.fileHandle );
job.optimizeApplicable = true;
return SUCCESS;
/** Action for exporting chapters from the <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionExport( JobContext& job )
job.fileHandle = MP4Read( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for read: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
// get the list of chapters
MP4Chapter_t* chapters = 0;
uint32_t chapterCount = 0;
MP4ChapterType chtp = MP4GetChapters( job.fileHandle, &chapters, &chapterCount, _ChapterType );
if (0 == chapterCount)
return herrf( "File \"%s\" does not contain chapters of type %s\n", job.file.c_str(),
getChapterTypeName( chtp ).c_str() );
// build the filename
string outName = job.file;
if( _ChapterFile.empty() )
FileSystem::pathnameStripExtension( outName );
outName.append( ".chapters.txt" );
outName = _ChapterFile;
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Exporting " << chapterCount << " " << getChapterTypeName( chtp );
oss << " chapters from file " << '"' << job.file << '"' << " into chapter file " << '"' << outName << '"' << endl;
verbose1f( "%s", oss.str().c_str() );
if( dryrunAbort() )
// free up the memory
return SUCCESS;
// open the file
File out( outName, File::MODE_CREATE );
if( openFileForWriting( out ) )
// free up the memory
return FAILURE;
// write the chapters
#if defined( _WIN32 )
static const char* LINEND = "\r\n";
static const char* LINEND = "\n";
File::Size nout;
bool failure = SUCCESS;
int width = 2;
if( CHPT_FMT_COMMON == _ChapterFormat && (chapterCount / 100) >= 1 )
width = 3;
Timecode duration( 0, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
duration.setFormat( Timecode::DECIMAL );
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < chapterCount; ++i )
// print the infos
ostringstream oss;
switch( _ChapterFormat )
oss << "CHAPTER" << setw( width ) << setfill( '0' ) << i+1 << '=' << duration.svalue << LINEND
<< "CHAPTER" << setw( width ) << setfill( '0' ) << i+1 << "NAME=" << chapters[i].title << LINEND;
oss << duration.svalue << ' ' << chapters[i].title << LINEND;
string str = oss.str();
if( out.write( str.c_str(), str.size(), nout ) )
failure = herrf( "write to %s failed: %s\n", outName.c_str(), sys::getLastErrorStr() );
// add the duration of this chapter to the sum (the start time of the next chapter)
duration += Timecode(chapters[i].duration, CHAPTERTIMESCALE);
if( failure )
verbose1f( "removing file %s\n", outName.c_str() );
::remove( outName.c_str() );
// free up the memory
return SUCCESS;
/** Action for importing chapters into the <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionImport( JobContext& job )
vector<MP4Chapter_t> chapters;
Timecode::Format format;
// create the chapter file name
string inName = job.file;
if( _ChapterFile.empty() )
FileSystem::pathnameStripExtension( inName );
inName.append( ".chapters.txt" );
inName = _ChapterFile;
if( parseChapterFile( inName, chapters, format ) )
return FAILURE;
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Importing " << chapters.size() << " " << getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType );
oss << " chapters from file " << inName << " into file " << '"' << job.file << '"' << endl;
verbose1f( "%s", oss.str().c_str() );
if( dryrunAbort() )
return SUCCESS;
if( 0 == chapters.size() )
return herrf( "No chapters found in file %s\n", inName.c_str() );
job.fileHandle = MP4Modify( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for write: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
bool isVideoTrack = false;
MP4TrackId refTrackId = getReferencingTrack( job.fileHandle, isVideoTrack );
if( !MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(refTrackId) )
return herrf( "unable to find a video or audio track in file %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
if( Timecode::FRAME == format && !isVideoTrack )
// we need a video track for this
return herrf( "unable to find a video track in file %s but chapter file contains frame timestamps\n", job.file.c_str() );
// get duration and recalculate scale
Timecode refTrackDuration( MP4GetTrackDuration( job.fileHandle, refTrackId ),
MP4GetTrackTimeScale( job.fileHandle, refTrackId ) );
refTrackDuration.setScale( CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
// check for chapters starting after duration of reftrack
for( vector<MP4Chapter_t>::iterator it = chapters.begin(); it != chapters.end(); )
Timecode curr( (*it).duration, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
if( refTrackDuration <= curr )
hwarnf( "Chapter '%s' start: %s, playlength of file: %s, chapter cannot be set\n",
(*it).title, curr.svalue.c_str(), refTrackDuration.svalue.c_str() );
it = chapters.erase( it );
if( 0 == chapters.size() )
return SUCCESS;
// convert start time into duration
uint32_t framerate = static_cast<uint32_t>( CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
if( Timecode::FRAME == format )
// get the framerate
MP4SampleId sampleCount = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples( job.fileHandle, refTrackId );
Timecode tmpcd( refTrackDuration.svalue, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
framerate = static_cast<uint32_t>( std::ceil( ((double)sampleCount / (double)tmpcd.duration) * CHAPTERTIMESCALE ) );
for( vector<MP4Chapter_t>::iterator it = chapters.begin(); it != chapters.end(); ++it )
MP4Duration currDur = (*it).duration;
MP4Duration nextDur = chapters.end() == it+1 ? refTrackDuration.duration : (*(it+1)).duration;
if( Timecode::FRAME == format )
// convert from frame nr to milliseconds
currDur = convertFrameToMillis( (*it).duration, framerate );
if( chapters.end() != it+1 )
nextDur = convertFrameToMillis( (*(it+1)).duration, framerate );
(*it).duration = nextDur - currDur;
// now set the chapters
MP4SetChapters( job.fileHandle, &chapters[0], (uint32_t)chapters.size(), _ChapterType );
fixQtScale( job.fileHandle );
job.optimizeApplicable = true;
return SUCCESS;
/** Action for removing chapters from the <b>job.file</b>
* @param job the job to process
* @return mp4v2::util::SUCCESS if successful, mp4v2::util::FAILURE otherwise
ChapterUtility::actionRemove( JobContext& job )
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Deleting " << getChapterTypeName( _ChapterType ) << " chapters from file " << '"' << job.file << '"' << endl;
verbose1f( "%s", oss.str().c_str() );
if( dryrunAbort() )
return SUCCESS;
job.fileHandle = MP4Modify( job.file.c_str() );
if( job.fileHandle == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
return herrf( "unable to open for write: %s\n", job.file.c_str() );
MP4ChapterType chtp = MP4DeleteChapters( job.fileHandle, _ChapterType );
if( MP4ChapterTypeNone == chtp )
return FAILURE;
fixQtScale( job.fileHandle );
job.optimizeApplicable = true;
return SUCCESS;
/** process positional argument
* @see Utility::utility_job( JobContext& )
ChapterUtility::utility_job( JobContext& job )
if( !_action )
return herrf( "no action specified\n" );
return (this->*_action)( job );
/** process command-line option
* @see Utility::utility_option( int, bool& )
ChapterUtility::utility_option( int code, bool& handled )
handled = true;
switch( code ) {
case 'A':
_ChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeAny;
case 'Q':
case LC_CHPT_QT:
_ChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt;
case 'N':
_ChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeNero;
case 'C':
_ChapterFormat = CHPT_FMT_COMMON;
case 'l':
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionList;
case 'e':
istringstream iss( prog::optarg );
iss >> _ChaptersEvery;
if( iss.rdstate() != ios::eofbit )
return herrf( "invalid number of seconds: %s\n", prog::optarg );
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionEvery;
case 'x':
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionExport;
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionExport;
/* currently not supported since the chapters of n input files would be written to one chapter file
_ChapterFile = prog::optarg;
if( _ChapterFile.empty() )
return herrf( "invalid TXT file: empty-string\n" );
case 'i':
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionImport;
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionImport;
/* currently not supported since the chapters of n input files would be read from one chapter file
_ChapterFile = prog::optarg;
if( _ChapterFile.empty() )
return herrf( "invalid TXT file: empty-string\n" );
case 'c':
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionConvert;
case 'r':
_action = &ChapterUtility::actionRemove;
handled = false;
return SUCCESS;
/** Fix a QuickTime/iPod issue with long audio files.
* This function checks if the <b>file</b> is a long audio file (more than
* about 6 1/2 hours) and modifies the timescale if necessary to allow
* playback of the file in QuickTime player and on some iPod models.
* @param file the opened MP4 file
ChapterUtility::fixQtScale(MP4FileHandle file)
// get around a QuickTime/iPod issue with storing the number of samples in a signed 32Bit value
if( INT_MAX < MP4GetDuration(file))
bool isVideoTrack = false;
if( MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(getReferencingTrack( file, isVideoTrack )) & isVideoTrack )
// if it is a video, everything is different
// timescale too high, lower it
MP4ChangeMovieTimeScale(file, 1000);
/** Finds a suitable track that can reference a chapter track.
* This function returns the first video or audio track that is found
* in the <b>file</b>.
* This track ca be used to reference the QuickTime chapter track.
* @param file the opened MP4 file
* @param isVideoTrack receives true if the found track is video, false otherwise
* @return the <b>MP4TrackId</b> of the found track
ChapterUtility::getReferencingTrack( MP4FileHandle file, bool& isVideoTrack )
isVideoTrack = false;
uint32_t trackCount = MP4GetNumberOfTracks( file );
if( 0 == trackCount )
MP4TrackId refTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < trackCount; ++i )
MP4TrackId id = MP4FindTrackId( file, i );
const char* type = MP4GetTrackType( file, id );
if( MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE( type ) )
refTrackId = id;
isVideoTrack = true;
else if( MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE( type ) )
refTrackId = id;
return refTrackId;
/** Return a human readable representation of a <b>MP4ChapterType</b>.
* @param chapterType the chapter type
* @return a string representing the chapter type
ChapterUtility::getChapterTypeName( MP4ChapterType chapterType) const
switch( chapterType )
case MP4ChapterTypeQt:
return string( "QuickTime" );
case MP4ChapterTypeNero:
return string( "Nero" );
case MP4ChapterTypeAny:
return string( "QuickTime and Nero" );
return string( "Unknown" );
/** Read a file into a buffer.
* This function reads the file named by <b>filename</b> into a buffer allocated
* by malloc and returns the pointer to this buffer in <b>buffer</b> and the size
* of this buffer in <b>fileSize</b>.
* @param filename the name of the file.
* @param buffer receives a pointer to the created buffer
* @param fileSize reference to a <b>io::StdioFile::Size</b> that receives the size of the file
* @return true if there was an error, false otherwise
ChapterUtility::readChapterFile( const string filename, char** buffer, File::Size& fileSize )
// open the file
File in( filename, File::MODE_READ );
File::Size nin;
if( ) {
return herrf( "opening chapter file '%s' failed: %s\n", filename.c_str(), sys::getLastErrorStr() );
// get the file size
fileSize = in.size;
if( 0 >= fileSize )
return herrf( "getting size of chapter file '%s' failed: %s\n", filename.c_str(), sys::getLastErrorStr() );
// allocate a buffer for the file and read the content
char* inBuf = static_cast<char*>( malloc( fileSize+1 ) );
if( inBuf, fileSize, nin ) )
return herrf( "reading chapter file '%s' failed: %s\n", filename.c_str(), sys::getLastErrorStr() );
inBuf[fileSize] = 0;
*buffer = inBuf;
return SUCCESS;
/** Read and parse a chapter file.
* This function reads and parses a chapter file and returns a vector of
* <b>MP4Chapter_t</b> elements.
* @param filename the name of the file.
* @param vector receives a vector of chapters
* @param format receives the <b>Timecode::Format</b> of the timestamps
* @return true if there was an error, false otherwise
ChapterUtility::parseChapterFile( const string filename, vector<MP4Chapter_t>& chapters, Timecode::Format& format )
// get the content
char * inBuf;
File::Size fileSize;
if( readChapterFile( filename, &inBuf, fileSize ) )
return FAILURE;
// separate the text lines
char* pos = inBuf;
while (pos < inBuf + fileSize)
if (*pos == '\n' || *pos == '\r')
*pos = 0;
if (pos > inBuf)
// remove trailing whitespace
char* tmp = pos-1;
while ((*tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\t') && tmp > inBuf)
*tmp = 0;
pos = inBuf;
// check for a BOM
char bom[5] = {0};
int bomLen = 0;
const unsigned char* uPos = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>( pos );
if( 0xEF == *uPos && 0xBB == *(uPos+1) && 0xBF == *(uPos+2) )
// UTF-8 (we do not need the BOM)
pos += 3;
else if( ( 0xFE == *uPos && 0xFF == *(uPos+1) ) // UTF-16 big endian
|| ( 0xFF == *uPos && 0xFE == *(uPos+1) ) ) // UTF-16 little endian
// store the BOM to prepend the title strings
bom[0] = *pos++;
bom[1] = *pos++;
bomLen = 2;
return herrf( "chapter file '%s' has UTF-16 encoding which is not supported (only UTF-8 is allowed)\n",
filename.c_str() );
else if( ( 0x0 == *uPos && 0x0 == *(uPos+1) && 0xFE == *(uPos+2) && 0xFF == *(uPos+3) ) // UTF-32 big endian
|| ( 0xFF == *uPos && *(uPos+1) == 0xFE && *(uPos+2) == 0x0 && 0x0 == *(uPos+3) ) ) // UTF-32 little endian
// store the BOM to prepend the title strings
bom[0] = *pos++;
bom[1] = *pos++;
bom[2] = *pos++;
bom[3] = *pos++;
bomLen = 4;
return herrf( "chapter file '%s' has UTF-32 encoding which is not supported (only UTF-8 is allowed)\n",
filename.c_str() );
// parse the lines
bool failure = false;
uint32_t currentChapter = 0;
FormatState formatState = FMT_STATE_INITIAL;
char* titleStart = 0;
uint32_t titleLen = 0;
char* timeStart = 0;
while( pos < inBuf + fileSize )
if( 0 == *pos || ' ' == *pos || '\t' == *pos )
// uninteresting chars
else if( '#' == *pos )
// comment line
pos += strlen( pos );
else if( isdigit( *pos ) )
// mp4chaps native format: hh:mm:ss.sss <title>
timeStart = pos;
// read the title if there is one
titleStart = strchr( timeStart, ' ' );
if( NULL == titleStart )
titleStart = strchr( timeStart, '\t' );
if( NULL != titleStart )
*titleStart = 0;
pos = ++titleStart;
while( ' ' == *titleStart || '\t' == *titleStart )
titleLen = (uint32_t)strlen( titleStart );
// advance to the end of the line
pos = titleStart + 1 + titleLen;
// advance to the end of the line
pos += strlen( pos );
formatState = FMT_STATE_FINISH;
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
else if( 0 == strnicmp( pos, "CHAPTER", 7 ) )
else if( 0 == strncasecmp( pos, "CHAPTER", 7 ) )
// common format: CHAPTERxx=hh:mm:ss.sss\nCHAPTERxxNAME=<title>
char* equalsPos = strchr( pos+7, '=' );
if( NULL == equalsPos )
herrf( "Unable to parse line \"%s\"\n", pos );
failure = true;
*equalsPos = 0;
char* tlwr = pos;
while( equalsPos != tlwr )
*tlwr = tolower( *tlwr );
if( NULL != strstr( pos, "name" ) )
// mark the chapter title
uint32_t chNr = 0;
sscanf( pos, "chapter%dname", &chNr );
if( chNr != currentChapter )
// different chapter number => different chapter definition pair
if( FMT_STATE_INITIAL != formatState )
herrf( "Chapter lines are not consecutive before line \"%s\"\n", pos );
failure = true;
currentChapter = chNr;
formatState = FMT_STATE_TIME_LINE == formatState ? FMT_STATE_FINISH
titleStart = equalsPos + 1;
titleLen = (uint32_t)strlen( titleStart );
// advance to the end of the line
pos = titleStart + titleLen;
// mark the chapter start time
uint32_t chNr = 0;
sscanf( pos, "chapter%d", &chNr );
if( chNr != currentChapter )
// different chapter number => different chapter definition pair
if( FMT_STATE_INITIAL != formatState )
herrf( "Chapter lines are not consecutive at line \"%s\"\n", pos );
failure = true;
currentChapter = chNr;
formatState = FMT_STATE_TITLE_LINE == formatState ? FMT_STATE_FINISH
timeStart = equalsPos + 1;
// advance to the end of the line
pos = timeStart + strlen( timeStart );
if( FMT_STATE_FINISH == formatState )
// now we have title and start time
MP4Chapter_t chap;
strncpy( chap.title, titleStart, min( titleLen, (uint32_t)MP4V2_CHAPTER_TITLE_MAX ) );
chap.title[titleLen] = 0;
Timecode tc( 0, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
string tm( timeStart );
if( tc.parse( tm ) )
herrf( "Unable to parse time code from \"%s\"\n", tm.c_str() );
failure = true;
chap.duration = tc.duration;
format = tc.format;
// ad the chapter to the list
chapters.push_back( chap );
// re-initialize
formatState = FMT_STATE_INITIAL;
titleStart = timeStart = NULL;
titleLen = 0;
free( inBuf );
if( failure )
return failure;
return SUCCESS;
/** Convert from frame to millisecond timestamp.
* This function converts a timestamp from hh:mm:ss:ff to hh:mm:ss.sss
* @param duration the timestamp in hours:minutes:seconds:frames.
* @param framerate the frames per second
* @return the timestamp in milliseconds
ChapterUtility::convertFrameToMillis( MP4Duration duration, uint32_t framerate )
Timecode tc( duration, CHAPTERTIMESCALE );
if( framerate < tc.subseconds )
uint64_t seconds = tc.subseconds / framerate;
tc.setSeconds( tc.seconds + seconds );
tc.setSubseconds( (tc.subseconds - (seconds * framerate)) * framerate );
tc.setSubseconds( tc.subseconds * framerate );
return tc.duration;
}} // namespace mp4v2::util
extern "C"
int main( int argc, char** argv )
mp4v2::util::ChapterUtility util( argc, argv );
return util.process();