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1227 lines
44 KiB

/********* FIXME: tcvhandle sanity checks ************/
* tcvideo.c - video processing library for transcode
* Written by Andrew Church <>
* Based on code written by Thomas Oestreich.
* This file is part of transcode, a video stream processing tool.
* transcode is free software, distributable under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (version 2 or later). See the file COPYING
* for details.
#include "tcvideo.h"
#include "zoom.h"
#define zoom zoom_ // temp to avoid name conflict
#include "src/transcode.h"
#undef zoom
#include <math.h>
#ifndef PI
# ifdef M_PI
# define PI M_PI
# else
# define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
# endif
/* Antialiasing threshold for determining whether two pixels are the same
* color. */
#define AA_DIFFERENT 25
/* Data for generating a resized pixel. */
struct resize_table_elem {
int source;
uint32_t weight1, weight2;
/* Maximum number of ZoomInfo structures to cache. */
/* Internal data structure to hold various state information. The
* TCVHandle returned by tcv_init() and passed by the caller to other
* functions is a pointer to this structure. */
struct tcvhandle_ {
/* Various lookup tables */
struct resize_table_elem resize_table_x[TC_MAX_V_FRAME_WIDTH/8];
struct resize_table_elem resize_table_y[TC_MAX_V_FRAME_HEIGHT/8];
uint8_t gamma_table[256];
uint32_t aa_table_c[256];
uint32_t aa_table_x[256];
uint32_t aa_table_y[256];
uint32_t aa_table_d[256];
/* Initialization values used in creating lookup tables (so we know
* whether we have to re-create them */
int saved_oldw, saved_neww, saved_oldh, saved_newh;
double saved_gamma;
double saved_weight, saved_bias;
/* ZoomInfo cache */
struct {
int old_w, old_h, new_w, new_h, Bpp, ilace;
TCVZoomFilter filter;
ZoomInfo *zi;
} zoominfo_cache[ZOOMINFO_CACHE_SIZE];
/* Buffer and buffer size for tcv_convert() */
uint8_t *convert_buffer;
uint32_t convert_buffer_size;
/* Internal-use functions (defined at the bottom of the file). */
static void init_resize_tables(TCVHandle handle,
int oldw, int neww, int oldh, int newh);
static void init_one_resize_table(struct resize_table_elem *table,
int oldsize, int newsize);
static void init_gamma_table(TCVHandle handle, double gamma);
static void init_aa_table(TCVHandle handle, double aa_weight, double aa_bias);
/* External interface functions. */
* tcv_init: Create and return a handle for use in other tcvideo
* functions. The handle should be freed with tcv_free() when no longer
* needed. Note that if you need to operate on multiple image sizes or
* use different gamma or antialiasing values, you will get improved
* performance by using separate handles for each set of values. (However,
* tcv_zoom() can cache lookup tables for multiple sets of image sizes,
* currently 10 sets.)
* Parameters: None.
* Return value: A handle to be passed to other tcvideo functions, or 0 on
* error.
* Preconditions: None.
* Postconditions: None.
TCVHandle tcv_init(void)
TCVHandle handle;
handle = tc_zalloc(sizeof(*handle));
if (handle) {
handle->saved_weight = handle->saved_bias = -1.0;
return handle;
* tcv_free: Free resources allocated for the given handle. Does nothing
* if handle is zero.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* Return value: None.
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* Postconditions: None.
void tcv_free(TCVHandle handle)
if (handle) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ZOOMINFO_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
if (handle->zoominfo_cache[i].zi)
* tcv_clip: Clip the given image by removing the specified number of
* pixels from each edge. If a clip value is negative, instead expands the
* frame by inserting the given number of black pixels (the value to be
* inserted is given by the `black_pixel' parameter). Conceptually,
* expansion is done before clipping, so that if, for example,
* width == 640
* clip_left == 642
* clip_right == -4
* then the result is a two-pixel-wide black frame (this is not considered
* an error).
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* clip_left: Number of pixels to clip from left edge.
* clip_right: Number of pixels to clip from right edge.
* clip_top: Number of pixels to clip from top edge.
* clip_bottom: Number of pixels to clip from bottom edge.
* black_pixel: Value to be filled into expanded areas.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL:
* destw = width - clip_left - clip_right;
* desth = height - clip_top - clip_bottom;
* dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_clip(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp,
int clip_left, int clip_right, int clip_top, int clip_bottom,
uint8_t black_pixel)
int new_w, copy_w, copy_h, y;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_clip: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if (clip_left + clip_right >= width || clip_top + clip_bottom >= height) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_clip: clipping parameters"
" (%d,%d,%d,%d) invalid for frame size %dx%d",
clip_top, clip_left, clip_bottom, clip_right,
width, height);
return 0;
/* Normalize clipping values (e.g. clip_left > width, clip_right < 0) */
if (clip_left > width) {
clip_right += clip_left - width;
clip_left = width;
if (clip_right > width) {
clip_left += clip_right - width;
clip_right = width;
if (clip_top > height) {
clip_bottom += clip_top - height;
clip_top = height;
if (clip_bottom > height) {
clip_top += clip_bottom - height;
clip_bottom = height;
new_w = width - clip_left - clip_right;
copy_w = width - (clip_left<0 ? 0 : clip_left)
- (clip_right<0 ? 0 : clip_right);
copy_h = height - (clip_top<0 ? 0 : clip_top)
- (clip_bottom<0 ? 0 : clip_bottom);
if (clip_top < 0) {
memset(dest, black_pixel, (-clip_top) * new_w * Bpp);
dest += (-clip_top) * new_w * Bpp;
} else {
src += clip_top * width * Bpp;
if (clip_left > 0)
src += clip_left * Bpp;
for (y = 0; y < copy_h; y++) {
if (clip_left < 0) {
memset(dest, black_pixel, (-clip_left) * Bpp);
dest += (-clip_left) * Bpp;
if (copy_w > 0)
ac_memcpy(dest, src, copy_w * Bpp);
dest += copy_w * Bpp;
src += width * Bpp;
if (clip_right < 0) {
memset(dest, black_pixel, (-clip_right) * Bpp);
dest += (-clip_right) * Bpp;
if (clip_bottom < 0) {
memset(dest, black_pixel, (-clip_bottom) * new_w * Bpp);
return 1;
* tcv_deinterlace: Deinterlace the given image.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* mode: Deinterlacing mode (TCV_DEINTERLACE_* constant).
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL:
* dest[0]..dest[width*(height/2)*Bpp-1] are writable
* dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success)
* dest[0]..dest[width*(height/2)*Bpp-1] are set
* dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are set
static int deint_drop_field(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp, int drop_top);
static int deint_interpolate(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp);
static int deint_linear_blend(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp);
int tcv_deinterlace(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height,
int Bpp, TCVDeinterlaceMode mode)
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_deinterlace: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
switch (mode) {
return deint_drop_field(src, dest, width, height, Bpp, 1);
return deint_drop_field(src, dest, width, height, Bpp, 0);
return deint_interpolate(src, dest, width, height, Bpp);
return deint_linear_blend(src, dest, width, height, Bpp);
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_deinterlace: invalid mode %d!", mode);
return 0;
* deint_drop_field, deint_interpolate, deint_linear_blend: Helper
* functions for tcv_deinterlace() that implement the individual
* deinterlacing methods.
* Parameters: As for tcv_deinterlace(), less `handle'.
* Return value: As for tcv_deinterlace().
* Side effects: (for deint_linear_blend())
* src[0..width*height-1] are destroyed.
* Preconditions: As for tcv_deinterlace(), less `handle', plus:
* src != NULL
* dest != NULL
* width > 0
* height > 0
* Bpp == 1 || Bpp == 3
* (for deint_linear_blend())
* src[0..width*height-1] are writable
* Postconditions: As for tcv_deinterlace().
static int deint_drop_field(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp, int drop_top)
int Bpl = width * Bpp;
int y;
if (drop_top)
src += Bpl;
for (y = 0; y < height/2; y++)
ac_memcpy(dest + y*Bpl, src + (y*2)*Bpl, Bpl);
return 1;
static int deint_interpolate(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp)
int Bpl = width * Bpp;
int y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
if (y%2 == 0) {
ac_memcpy(dest + y*Bpl, src + y*Bpl, Bpl);
} else if (y == height-1) {
/* if the last line is odd, copy from the previous line */
ac_memcpy(dest + y*Bpl, src + (y-1)*Bpl, Bpl);
} else {
ac_average(src + (y-1)*Bpl, src + (y+1)*Bpl, dest + y*Bpl, Bpl);
return 1;
static int deint_linear_blend(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, int Bpp)
int Bpl = width * Bpp;
int y;
/* First interpolate odd lines into the target buffer */
if (!deint_interpolate(src, dest, width, height, Bpp))
return 0;
/* Now interpolate even lines in the source buffer; we don't use it
* after this so it's okay to destroy it */
ac_memcpy(src, src+Bpl, Bpl);
for (y = 2; y < height-1; y += 2)
ac_average(src + (y-1)*Bpl, src + (y+1)*Bpl, src + y*Bpl, Bpl);
if (y < height)
ac_memcpy(src + y*Bpl, src + (y-1)*Bpl, Bpl);
/* Finally average the two frames together */
ac_average(src, dest, dest, height*Bpl);
return 1;
* tcv_resize: Resize the given image using a lookup table. `scale_w' and
* `scale_h' are the number of blocks the image is divided into (normally
* 8; 4 for subsampled U/V). `resize_w' and `resize_h' are given in units
* of `scale_w' and `scale_h' respectively. Only one of `resize_w' and
* `resize_h' may be nonzero.
* N.B. doesn't work well if shrinking by more than a factor of 2 (only
* averages 2 adjacent lines/pixels)
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* resize_w: Amount to add to width, in units of `scale_w'.
* resize_h: Amount to add to width, in units of `scale_h'.
* scale_w: Size in pixels of a `resize_w' unit.
* scale_h: Size in pixels of a `resize_h' unit.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL:
* destw = width + resize_w*scale_w;
* desth = height + resize_h*scale_h;
* dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are set
static inline void rescale_pixel(const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2,
uint8_t *dest, int bytes,
uint32_t weight1, uint32_t weight2);
int tcv_resize(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp,
int resize_w, int resize_h, int scale_w, int scale_h)
int new_w, new_h;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_resize: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if ((scale_w != 1 && scale_w != 2 && scale_w != 4 && scale_w != 8)
|| (scale_h != 1 && scale_h != 2 && scale_h != 4 && scale_h != 8)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_resize: invalid scale parameters!");
return 0;
if (width % scale_w != 0 || height % scale_h != 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_resize: scale parameters (%d,%d)"
"invalid for frame size %dx%d",
scale_w, scale_h, width, height);
return 0;
new_w = width + resize_w*scale_w;
new_h = height + resize_h*scale_h;
if (new_w <= 0 || new_h <= 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_resize: resizing parameters"
" (%d,%d,%d,%d) invalid for frame size %dx%d",
resize_w, resize_h, scale_w, scale_h, width, height);
return 0;
/* Resize vertically (fast, using accelerated routine) */
if (resize_h) {
int Bpl = width * Bpp; /* bytes per line */
int i, y;
init_resize_tables(handle, 0, 0, height*8/scale_h, new_h*8/scale_h);
for (i = 0; i < scale_h; i++) {
uint8_t *sptr = src + (i * (height/scale_h)) * Bpl;
uint8_t *dptr = dest + (i * (new_h /scale_h)) * Bpl;
for (y = 0; y < new_h / scale_h; y++) {
ac_rescale(sptr + (handle->resize_table_y[y].source ) * Bpl,
sptr + (handle->resize_table_y[y].source+1) * Bpl,
dptr + y*Bpl, Bpl,
/* Resize horizontally; calling the accelerated routine for each pixel
* has far too much overhead, so we just perform the calculations
* directly. */
if (resize_w) {
int i, x;
init_resize_tables(handle, width*8/scale_w, new_w*8/scale_w, 0, 0);
/* Treat the image as an array of blocks */
for (i = 0; i < new_h * scale_w; i++) {
/* This `if' is an optimization hint to the compiler, to
* suggest that it generate a separate version of the loop
* code for Bpp==1 without the unnecessary multiply ops. */
if (Bpp == 1) { /* optimization hint */
uint8_t *sptr = src + (i * (width/scale_w)) * Bpp;
uint8_t *dptr = dest + (i * (new_w/scale_w)) * Bpp;
for (x = 0; x < new_w / scale_w; x++) {
rescale_pixel(sptr + (handle->resize_table_x[x].source ) * Bpp,
sptr + (handle->resize_table_x[x].source+1) * Bpp,
dptr + x*Bpp, Bpp,
} else { /* exactly the same thing */
uint8_t *sptr = src + (i * (width/scale_w)) * Bpp;
uint8_t *dptr = dest + (i * (new_w/scale_w)) * Bpp;
for (x = 0; x < new_w / scale_w; x++) {
rescale_pixel(sptr + (handle->resize_table_x[x].source ) * Bpp,
sptr + (handle->resize_table_x[x].source+1) * Bpp,
dptr + x*Bpp, Bpp,
return 1;
static inline void rescale_pixel(const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2,
uint8_t *dest, int bytes,
uint32_t weight1, uint32_t weight2)
int byte;
for (byte = 0; byte < bytes; byte++) {
/* Watch out for trying to access beyond the end of the frame on
* the last pixel */
if (weight1 < 0x10000) /* this is the more likely case */
dest[byte] = (src1[byte]*weight1 + src2[byte]*weight2 + 32768)
>> 16;
dest[byte] = src1[byte];
* tcv_zoom: Resize the given image to an arbitrary size, with filtering.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* new_w: New frame width.
* new_h: New frame height. If negative, the frame is
* processed in an interlaced mode, zooming each
* field separately to a total height of -new_h.
* Both `height' and `new_h' must be even.
* filter: Filter type (TCV_ZOOM_*).
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL: dest[0]..dest[new_w*new_h*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[new_w*new_h*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_zoom(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp,
int new_w, int new_h, TCVZoomFilter filter)
ZoomInfo *zi;
int free_zi = 0; // Should the ZoomInfo be freed after use?
int interlace_mode = 0;
int i;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_zoom: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if (new_h < 0) {
new_h = -new_h;
interlace_mode = 1;
if (height % 2 != 0 || new_h % 2 != 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_zoom: heights must be even in"
" interlace mode (old height %d, new height %d)",
height, new_h);
return 0;
if (new_w <= 0 || new_h <= 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_zoom: invalid target size %dx%d!",
new_w, new_h);
return 0;
switch (filter) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_zoom: invalid filter %d!", filter);
return 0;
for (i = 0, zi = NULL; i < ZOOMINFO_CACHE_SIZE && zi == NULL; i++) {
if (handle->zoominfo_cache[i].zi != NULL
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].old_w == width
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].old_h == height
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].new_w == new_w
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].new_h == new_h
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].Bpp == Bpp
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].ilace == interlace_mode
&& handle->zoominfo_cache[i].filter == filter
) {
zi = handle->zoominfo_cache[i].zi;
if (!zi) {
int ilace_height = height;
int ilace_new_h = new_h;
int old_stride = width * Bpp;
int new_stride = new_w * Bpp;
if (interlace_mode) {
ilace_height /= 2;
ilace_new_h /= 2;
old_stride *= 2;
new_stride *= 2;
zi = zoom_init(width, ilace_height, new_w, ilace_new_h, Bpp,
old_stride, new_stride, filter);
if (!zi) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_zoom: zoom_init() failed!");
return 0;
free_zi = 1;
for (i = 0; i < ZOOMINFO_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
if (!handle->zoominfo_cache[i].zi) {
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].zi = zi;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].old_w = width;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].old_h = height;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].new_w = new_w;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].new_h = new_h;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].Bpp = Bpp;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].ilace = interlace_mode;
handle->zoominfo_cache[i].filter = filter;
free_zi = 0;
zoom_process(zi, src, dest);
if (interlace_mode)
zoom_process(zi, src + width*Bpp, dest + new_w*Bpp);
if (free_zi)
return 1;
* tcv_reduce: Efficiently reduce the image size by a specified integral
* amount, by removing intervening pixels.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* new_w: New frame width.
* new_h: New frame height.
* reduce_w: Ratio to reduce width by.
* reduce_h: Ratio to reduce height by.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL && reduce_w > 0 && reduce_h > 0:
* destw = width / reduce_w;
* desth = height / reduce_h;
* dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[destw*desth*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_reduce(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp,
int reduce_w, int reduce_h)
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_reduce: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if (reduce_w <= 0 || reduce_h <= 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_reduce: invalid reduction parameters"
" (%d,%d)!", reduce_w, reduce_h);
return 0;
if (reduce_w != 1) {
/* Standard case: width and (possibly) height are being reduced */
int x, y, i;
int xstep = Bpp * reduce_w;
for (y = 0; y < height / reduce_h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width / reduce_w; x++) {
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++)
*dest++ = src[x*xstep+i];
src += width*Bpp * reduce_h;
} else if (reduce_h != 1) {
/* Optimized case 1: only height is being reduced */
int y;
int Bpl = width * Bpp;
for (y = 0; y < height / reduce_h; y++)
ac_memcpy(dest + y*Bpl, src + y*(Bpl*reduce_h), Bpl);
} else {
/* Optimized case 2: no reduction, direct copy */
ac_memcpy(dest, src, width*height*Bpp);
return 1;
* tcv_flip_v: Flip the given image vertically.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL: dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_flip_v(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp)
int Bpl = width * Bpp; /* bytes per line */
int y;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_flip_v: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
/* Note that GCC4 can optimize this perfectly; no need for extra
* pointer variables */
if (src != dest) {
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ac_memcpy(dest + ((height-1)-y)*Bpl, src + y*Bpl, Bpl);
} else {
for (y = 0; y < (height+1)/2; y++) {
ac_memcpy(buf, src + y*Bpl, Bpl);
ac_memcpy(dest + y*Bpl, src + ((height-1)-y)*Bpl, Bpl);
ac_memcpy(dest + ((height-1)-y)*Bpl, buf, Bpl);
return 1;
* tcv_flip_h: Flip the given image horizontally.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL: dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_flip_h(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height, int Bpp)
int x, y, i;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_flip_h: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
uint8_t *srcline = src + y*width*Bpp;
uint8_t *destline = dest + y*width*Bpp;
if (src != dest) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++) {
destline[((width-1)-x)*Bpp+i] = srcline[x*Bpp+i];
} else {
for (x = 0; x < (width+1)/2; x++) {
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++) {
uint8_t tmp = srcline[x*Bpp+i];
destline[x*Bpp+i] = srcline[((width-1)-x)*Bpp+i];
destline[((width-1)-x)*Bpp+i] = tmp;
return 1;
* tcv_gamma_correct: Perform gamma correction on the given image.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* gamma: Gamma value.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL: dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are set
int tcv_gamma_correct(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height,
int Bpp, double gamma)
int i;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_gamma: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if (gamma <= 0) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_gamma: invalid gamma (%.3f)!", gamma);
return 0;
init_gamma_table(handle, gamma);
for (i = 0; i < width*height*Bpp; i++)
dest[i] = handle->gamma_table[src[i]];
return 1;
* tcv_antialias: Perform antialiasing on the given image.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Source data plane.
* dest: Destination data plane.
* width: Width of frame.
* height: Height of frame.
* Bpp: Bytes (not bits!) per pixel.
* weight: `weight' antialiasing parameter.
* bias: `bias' antialiasing parameter.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* src != NULL: src[0]..src[width*height*Bpp-1] are readable
* dest != NULL: dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are writable
* src != dest: src and dest do not overlap
* Postconditions: (on success) dest[0]..dest[width*height*Bpp-1] are set
static void antialias_line(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int Bpp);
int tcv_antialias(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int height,
int Bpp, double weight, double bias)
int y;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (Bpp != 1 && Bpp != 3)) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_antialias: invalid frame parameters!");
return 0;
if (weight < 0 || weight > 1 || bias < 0 || bias > 1) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_antialias: invalid antialiasing"
" parameters (weight=%.3f, bias=%.3f)", weight, bias);
return 0;
init_aa_table(handle, weight, bias);
ac_memcpy(dest, src, width*Bpp);
for (y = 1; y < height-1; y++) {
antialias_line(handle, src + y*width*Bpp, dest + y*width*Bpp, width,
ac_memcpy(dest + (height-1)*width*Bpp, src + (height-1)*width*Bpp,
return 1;
/* Helper functions: */
static inline int samecolor(uint8_t *pixel1, uint8_t *pixel2, int Bpp)
int i;
int maxdiff = abs(pixel2[0]-pixel1[0]);
for (i = 1; i < Bpp; i++) {
int diff = abs(pixel2[i]-pixel1[i]);
if (diff > maxdiff)
maxdiff = diff;
return maxdiff < AA_DIFFERENT;
#define C (src + x*Bpp)
#define U (C - width*Bpp)
#define D (C + width*Bpp)
#define L (C - Bpp)
#define R (C + Bpp)
#define UL (U - Bpp)
#define UR (U + Bpp)
#define DL (D - Bpp)
#define DR (D + Bpp)
#define SAME(pix1,pix2) samecolor((pix1),(pix2),Bpp)
#define DIFF(pix1,pix2) !samecolor((pix1),(pix2),Bpp)
static void antialias_line(TCVHandle handle,
uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width, int Bpp)
int i, x;
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
for (x = 1; x < width-1; x++) {
if ((SAME(L,U) && DIFF(L,D) && DIFF(L,R))
|| (SAME(L,D) && DIFF(L,U) && DIFF(L,R))
|| (SAME(R,U) && DIFF(R,D) && DIFF(R,L))
|| (SAME(R,D) && DIFF(R,U) && DIFF(R,L))
) {
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++) {
uint32_t tmp = handle->aa_table_d[UL[i]]
+ handle->aa_table_y[U [i]]
+ handle->aa_table_d[UR[i]]
+ handle->aa_table_x[L [i]]
+ handle->aa_table_c[C [i]]
+ handle->aa_table_x[R [i]]
+ handle->aa_table_d[DL[i]]
+ handle->aa_table_y[D [i]]
+ handle->aa_table_d[DR[i]]
+ 32768;
dest[x*Bpp+i] = (verbose & TC_DEBUG) ? 255 : tmp>>16;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++)
dest[x*Bpp+i] = src[x*Bpp+i];
for (i = 0; i < Bpp; i++)
dest[(width-1)*Bpp+i] = src[(width-1)*Bpp+i];
* tcv_convert: Convert an image from one image format to another. The
* source and destination image pointers can be the same, causing the image
* to be converted in place (in this case a temporary buffer will be
* allocated as necessary to perform the conversion).
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* src: Image to convert.
* dest: Buffer for converted image.
* width: Width of image.
* height: Height of image.
* srcfmt: Format of image.
* destfmt: Format to convert image to.
* Return value: Nonzero on success, zero on error (invalid parameters).
* Preconditions: handle != 0: handle was returned by tcv_init()
* Postconditions: None.
int tcv_convert(TCVHandle handle, uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int width,
int height, ImageFormat srcfmt, ImageFormat destfmt)
uint8_t *realdest; // either dest or the temporary buffer
uint8_t *srcplanes[3], *destplanes[3];
uint32_t size;
if (!handle) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_convert(): No handle given!");
return 0;
if (!src || !dest || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || !srcfmt || !destfmt) {
tc_log_error("libtcvideo", "tcv_convert(): Invalid image parameters!");
return 0;
switch (destfmt) {
case IMG_YUV420P:
case IMG_YV12 : size = width*height + (width/2)*(height/2)*2; break;
case IMG_YUV411P: size = width*height + (width/4)*height*2; break;
case IMG_YUV422P: size = width*height + (width/2)*height*2; break;
case IMG_YUV444P: size = width*height*3; break;
case IMG_YUY2 :
case IMG_UYVY :
case IMG_YVYU : size = (width*2)*height; break;
case IMG_Y8 :
case IMG_GRAY8 : size = width*height; break;
case IMG_RGB24 :
case IMG_BGR24 : size = (width*3)*height; break;
case IMG_RGBA32 :
case IMG_ABGR32 :
case IMG_ARGB32 :
case IMG_BGRA32 : size = (width*4)*height; break;
default : return 0;
if (srcfmt == destfmt) {
/* Formats are the same, just copy (if needed) and return */
if (src != dest)
ac_memcpy(dest, src, size);
return 1;
if (src == dest) {
/* In-place conversion, so allocate a properly-sized buffer */
if (!handle->convert_buffer || handle->convert_buffer_size < size) {
handle->convert_buffer = tc_malloc(size);
if (!handle->convert_buffer)
return 0;
handle->convert_buffer_size = size;
realdest = handle->convert_buffer;
} else {
realdest = dest;
YUV_INIT_PLANES(srcplanes, src, srcfmt, width, height);
YUV_INIT_PLANES(destplanes, realdest, destfmt, width, height);
if (!ac_imgconvert(srcplanes, srcfmt, destplanes, destfmt, width, height))
return 0;
if (src == dest)
ac_memcpy(src, handle->convert_buffer, size);
return 1;
/* Internal-use helper functions. */
* init_resize_tables: Initialize the lookup tables used for resizing. If
* either of `oldw' and `neww' is nonpositive, the horizontal resizing
* table will not be initialized; likewise for `oldh', `newh', and the
* vertical resizing table. Initialization will also not be performed if
* the values given are the same as in the previous call (thus repeated
* calls with the same values suffer only the penalty of entering and
* exiting the procedure). Note the order of parameters!
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* oldw: Original image width.
* neww: New image width.
* oldh: Original image height.
* newh: New image height.
* Return value: None.
* Preconditions: handle != 0
* oldw % 8 == 0
* neww % 8 == 0
* oldh % 8 == 0
* newh % 8 == 0
* Postconditions: If oldw > 0 && neww > 0:
* resize_table_x[0..neww/8-1] are initialized
* If oldh > 0 && newh > 0:
* resize_table_y[0..newh/8-1] are initialized
static void init_resize_tables(TCVHandle handle,
int oldw, int neww, int oldh, int newh)
if (oldw > 0 && neww > 0
&& (oldw != handle->saved_oldw || neww != handle->saved_neww)
) {
init_one_resize_table(handle->resize_table_x, oldw, neww);
handle->saved_oldw = oldw;
handle->saved_neww = neww;
if (oldh > 0 && newh > 0
&& (oldh != handle->saved_oldh || newh != handle->saved_newh)
) {
init_one_resize_table(handle->resize_table_y, oldh, newh);
handle->saved_oldh = oldh;
handle->saved_newh = newh;
* init_one_resize_table: Helper function for init_resize_tables() to
* initialize a single table.
* Parameters: table: Table to initialize.
* oldsize: Size to resize from.
* newsize: Size to resize to.
* Return value: None.
* Preconditions: table != NULL
* oldsize > 0
* oldsize % 8 == 0
* newsize > 0
* newsize % 8 == 0
* Postconditions: table[0..newsize/8-1] are initialized
static void init_one_resize_table(struct resize_table_elem *table,
int oldsize, int newsize)
int i;
/* Compute the number of source pixels per destination pixel */
double width_ratio = (double)oldsize / (double)newsize;
for (i = 0; i < newsize/8; i++) {
double oldpos;
/* Left/topmost source pixel to use */
oldpos = (double)i * (double)oldsize / (double)newsize;
table[i].source = (int)oldpos;
/* Is the new pixel contained entirely within the old? */
if (oldpos+width_ratio < table[i].source+1) {
/* Yes, weight ratio is 1.0:0.0 */
table[i].weight1 = 65536;
table[i].weight2 = 0;
} else {
/* No, compute appropriate weight ratio */
double temp = ((table[i].source+1) - oldpos) / width_ratio * PI/2;
table[i].weight1 = (uint32_t)(sin(temp)*sin(temp) * 65536 + 0.5);
table[i].weight2 = 65536 - table[i].weight1;
* init_gamma_table: Initialize the gamma correction lookup table.
* Initialization will not be performed for repeated calls with the same
* value.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* gamma: Gamma value.
* Return value: None.
* Preconditions: handle != 0
* gamma > 0
* Postconditions: gamma_table[0..255] are initialized
static void init_gamma_table(TCVHandle handle, double gamma)
if (gamma != handle->saved_gamma) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
handle->gamma_table[i] = (uint8_t) (pow((i/255.0),gamma) * 255);
handle->saved_gamma = gamma;
* init_handle->aa_table: Initialize the antialiasing lookup tables.
* Initialization will not be performed for repeated calls with the same
* values.
* Parameters: handle: tcvideo handle.
* aa_weight: Antialiasing weight value.
* aa_bias: Antialiasing bias value.
* Return value: None.
* Preconditions: handle != 0
* 0 <= aa_weight && aa_weight <= 1
* 0 <= aa_bias && aa_bias <= 1
* Postconditions: gamma_table[0..255] are initialized
static void init_aa_table(TCVHandle handle, double aa_weight, double aa_bias)
if (aa_weight != handle->saved_weight || aa_bias != handle->saved_bias) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
handle->aa_table_c[i] = i*aa_weight * 65536;
handle->aa_table_x[i] = i*aa_bias*(1-aa_weight)/4 * 65536;
handle->aa_table_y[i] = i*(1-aa_bias)*(1-aa_weight)/4 * 65536;
handle->aa_table_d[i] =
handle->saved_weight = aa_weight;
handle->saved_bias = aa_bias;
* Local variables:
* c-file-style: "stroustrup"
* c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* End:
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