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// WordList.h
// search specification and results for WordList.
// #include <WordList.h>
// int callback(WordList *, WordDBCursor& , const WordReference *, Object &)
// {
// ...
// }
// Object* data = ...
// WordList *words = ...;
// WordCursor *search = words->Cursor(callback, data);
// WordCursor *search = words->Cursor(WordKey("word <DEF> <UNDEF> <UNDEF>"));
// WordCursor *search = words->Cursor(WordKey("word <DEF> <UNDEF> <UNDEF>"), callback, data);
// ...
// if(search->Walk() == NOTOK) bark;
// List* results = search->GetResults();
// if(search->WalkNext() == OK)
// dosomething(search->GetFound());
// WordCursor is an iterator on an inverted index. It is created by
// asking a <i>WordList</i> object with the <i>Cursor.</i> There is
// no other way to create a WordCursor object.
// When the <i>Walk*</i> methods return,
// the WordCursor object contains the result of the search and
// status information that indicates if it reached the end of
// the list (IsAtEnd() method).
// The <b>callback</b> function that is called each time a match is
// found takes the following arguments:
// <pre>
// WordList* words pointer to the inverted index handle.
// WordDBCursor& cursor to call Del() and delete the current match
// WordReference* wordRef is the match
// Object& data is the user data provided by the caller when
// search began.
// </pre>
// The <i>WordKey</i> object that specifies the search criterion
// may be used as follows (assuming word is followed by DOCID and
// Ex1: <b>WordKey("word <DEF> <UNDEF> <UNDEF>")</b> find all occurrences
// of <i>word</i>.
// Ex2: <b>WordKey("meet <UNDEF> <UNDEF> <UNDEF>")</b> find all occurrences
// starting with <i>meet</i>, including <i>meeting</i> etc.
// Ex3: <b>WordKey("meet <DEF> <UNDEF> 1")</b> find all occurrences of
// <i>meet</i> that occur at LOCATION 1 in any DOCID. This can
// be inefficient since the search has to scan all occurrences
// of <i>meet</i> to find the ones that occur at LOCATION 1.
// Ex4: <b>WordKey("meet <DEF> 2 <UNDEF>")</b> find all occurrences of
// <i>meet</i> that occur in DOCID 2, at any location.
// Interface functions are virtual so that a derivation of the
// class is possible. Some functions are meant to be used by derived
// classes such as the <b>Initialize</b> function. All data members
// should be accessed using the corresponding accessor if possible.
// END
// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
// <>
// $Id: WordCursor.h,v 1.4 2004/05/28 13:15:26 lha Exp $
#ifndef _WordCursor_h_
#define _WordCursor_h_
#ifndef SWIG
#include "htString.h"
#include "WordKey.h"
#include "WordDB.h"
class WordList;
class WordDBCursor;
#endif /* SWIG */
// Possible values of the action argument of WordList::Walk
// check walk function in for info on these:
#ifndef SWIG
// Type of the callback argument in WordCursor
typedef int (*wordlist_walk_callback_t)(WordList *, WordDBCursor& , const WordReference *, Object &);
#endif /* SWIG */
// Possible values of the status member
// WalkNext reached the end of the matches
#define WORD_WALK_ATEND 0x0001
// Failed to acquire Berkeley DB cursor
// Berkeley DB Get operation failed
#define WORD_WALK_GET_FAILED 0x0004
// Callback function returned NOTOK
// WalkNextStep hit an entry that does not match the
// searched key.
// WordCursor contains undefined data
#define WORD_WALK_FAILED 0xffffffff
// Possible return values of the IsA() method
#define WORD_CURSOR 1
#define WORD_CURSORS 2
// Wordlist::Walk uses WordCursor for :
// state information : cursor
// search term description
// debug/trace/benchmarking
// search result format description
class WordCursor
#ifndef SWIG
// Private constructor. Creator of the object must then call Initialize()
// prior to using any other methods.
WordCursor() { Clear(); }
// Private constructor. See WordList::Cursor method with same prototype for
// description.
WordCursor(WordList *words, wordlist_walk_callback_t callback, Object * callback_data) { Clear(); Initialize(words, WordKey(), callback, callback_data, HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER); }
// Private constructor. See WordList::Cursor method with same prototype for
// description.
WordCursor(WordList *words, const WordKey &searchKey, int action = HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER) { Clear(); Initialize(words, searchKey, 0, 0, action); }
// Private constructor. See WordList::Cursor method with same prototype for
// description.
WordCursor(WordList *words, const WordKey &searchKey, wordlist_walk_callback_t callback, Object * callback_data) { Clear(); Initialize(words, searchKey, callback, callback_data, HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER); }
#endif /* SWIG */
virtual ~WordCursor() {}
// Clear all data in object, set <b>GetResult()</b> data to NULL but
// do not delete it (the application is responsible for that).
virtual void Clear();
virtual void ClearInternal();
virtual void ClearResult();
// Returns the type of the object. May be overloaded by
// derived classes to differentiate them at runtime.
// Returns WORD_CURSOR.
virtual int IsA() const { return WORD_CURSOR; }
// Returns true if WalkNext() step entries in strictly increasing
// order, false if it step entries in random order.
virtual int Ordered() const { return 1; }
// Optimize the cursor before starting a Walk.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int Optimize() { return OK; }
// Save in <b>buffer</b> all the information necessary to resume
// the walk at the point it left. The ASCII representation of the
// last key found (GetFound()) is written in <b>buffer</b> using the
// WordKey::Get method.
virtual int ContextSave(String& buffer) const { found.Get(buffer); return OK; }
// Restore from buffer all the information necessary to
// resume the walk at the point it left. The <b>buffer</b> is expected
// to contain an ASCII representation of a WordKey (see WordKey::Set
// method). A <b>Seek</b> is done on the key and the object is prepared
// to jump to the next occurrence when <b>WalkNext</b> is called (the
// cursor_get_flags is set to <i>DB_NEXT.</i>
virtual int ContextRestore(const String& buffer);
#ifndef SWIG
// Walk and collect data from the index.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int Walk();
#endif /* SWIG */
// Must be called before other Walk methods are used.
// Fill internal state according to input parameters
// and move before the first matching entry.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int WalkInit();
// Move before the first index matching entry.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int WalkRewind();
// Move to the next matching entry.
// At end of list, WORD_WALK_ATEND is returned.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int WalkNext();
#ifndef SWIG
// Advance the cursor one step. The entry pointed to by the cursor may
// or may not match the requirements. Returns OK if entry pointed
// by cursor matches requirements. Returns NOTOK on
// failure. Returns WORD_WALK_NOMATCH_FAILED if the current entry
// does not match requirements, it's safe to call WalkNextStep again
// until either OK or NOTOK is returned.
virtual int WalkNextStep();
#endif /* SWIG */
// Terminate Walk, free allocated resources.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int WalkFinish();
// Find out if cursor should better jump to the next possible key
// (DB_SET_RANGE) instead of sequential iterating (DB_NEXT). If it
// is decided that jump is a better move : cursor_set_flags =
// DB_SET_RANGE key = calculated next possible key Else do nothing
// Return OK if skipping successfull. Returns WORD_WALK_ATEND if no
// more possible match, reached the maximum. Returns
// WORD_WALK_FAILED on general failure, occurs if called and no
// skipping necessary.
int SkipUselessSequentialWalking();
// Move before the inverted index position specified in <b>patch.</b>
// May only be called after a successfull call to the <i>WalkNext</i>
// or <i>WalkNextStep</i>method.
// Copy defined fields from <b>patch</b> into a copy of the
// <i>found</i> data member and
// initialize internal state so that <i>WalkNext</i> jumps to
// this key next time it's called (cursor_get_flag set to DB_SET_RANGE).
// Returns OK if successfull, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int Seek(const WordKey& patch);
// Returns true if cursor is positioned after the last possible
// match, false otherwise.
virtual int IsAtEnd() const { return status == WORD_WALK_ATEND; }
// Accessors for input parameters
// Returns the search criterion.
WordKey& GetSearch() { return searchKey; }
#ifndef SWIG
const WordKey& GetSearch() const { return searchKey; }
#endif /* SWIG */
// Returns the type of action when a matching entry
// is found.
int GetAction() const { return action; }
// Accessors for output parameters
// Returns the list of WordReference found. The application
// is responsible for deallocation of the list.
List *GetResults() { return collectRes; }
// For debugging purposes. Returns the list of WordReference hit
// during the search
// process. Some of them match the searched key, some don't.
// The application is responsible for deallocation of the list.
List *GetTraces() { return traceRes; }
// For debugging purposes. Set the list of WordReference hit
// during the search process.
void SetTraces(List* traceRes_arg) { traceRes = traceRes_arg; }
// Returns the last entry hit by the search. Only contains
// a valid value if the last <i>WalkNext</i> or <i>WalkNextStep</i>
// call was successfull (i.e. returned OK).
const WordReference& GetFound() { return found; }
// Returns the number of occurrences of the searched word
// in the inverted index in the <b>noccurrence</b> parameter.
// Returns OK on success, NOTOK on failure.
virtual int Noccurrence(unsigned int& noccurrence) const;
#ifndef SWIG
// Convert the whole structure to an ASCII string description
// Returns OK if successfull, NOTOK otherwise.
virtual int Get(String& bufferout) const;
String Get() const { String tmp; Get(tmp); return tmp; }
// Protected method. Derived classes should use this function to initialize
// the object if they do not call a WordCursor constructor in their own
// constructutor. Initialization may occur after the object is created
// and must occur before a <b>Walk*</b> method is called. See the
// DESCRIPTION section for the semantics of the arguments.
// Return OK on success, NOTOK on error.
int Initialize(WordList *nwords, const WordKey &nsearchKey, wordlist_walk_callback_t ncallback, Object * ncallback_data, int naction);
// Input parameters
// Input data. The key to be searched, see DESCRIPTION for more information.
WordKey searchKey;
// Input data. What do do when a WordReference is found.
// Can either be
// HTDIG_WORDLIST_COLLECTOR WordReference found stored in collectRes
// HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER callback is called for each WordReference found
int action;
// Input data. Callback function called for each match found.
wordlist_walk_callback_t callback;
// Input data. Argument given to callback, contains arbitrary
// caller defined data.
Object *callback_data;
// Output parameters
// Output data. List of WordReference found in the search.
List *collectRes;
// Output data. Last match found. Use GetFound() to retrieve it.
WordReference found;
// Output data. WORD_WALK_ATEND if cursor is past last match,
// OK otherwise. Use GetStatus() to retrieve it.
int status;
// Debugging section. Do not use unless you know exactly what you do.
// Collect everything found while searching (not necessarily matching)
List *traceRes;
// Internal state
// The actual Berkeley DB cursor.
WordDBCursor cursor;
// The latest retrieved key and data
String key;
String data;
// The shorted prefix key computed from searchKey
WordKey prefixKey;
// WalkNext leap is either DB_NEXT or DB_SET_RANGE.
int cursor_get_flags;
// True if search key is a prefix key
int searchKeyIsSameAsPrefix;
// The inverted index used by this cursor.
WordList *words;
#endif /* SWIG */
#endif /* _WordCursor_h_ */