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ht://Dig: Features and System requirements
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Features and System requirements
ht://Dig Copyright &copy; 1995-2004 <a href="THANKS.html">The ht://Dig Group</a><br>
Please see the file <a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for
license information.
<hr noshade>
Here are some of the major features of ht://Dig. They are in
no particular order.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Intranet searching</strong>
ht://Dig has the ability to search through many servers
on a network by acting as a WWW browser.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
It is free</strong>
The whole system is released under the
<a href="COPYING">GNU Library General Public License (LGPL)</a>
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Robot exclusion is supported</strong>
The <a href="">
Standard for Robot Exclusion</a> is
<a href="meta.html#robots">supported by ht://Dig.</a>
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Boolean expression searching</strong>
Searches can be arbitrarily complex using boolean
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Phrase searching</strong>
A phrase can be searched for by enclosing it in quotes.
Phrase searches can be combined with word searches, as in
<code>Linux and "high quality"</code>.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Configurable search results</strong>
The output of a search can easily be tailored to your
needs by means of providing HTML templates.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Fuzzy searching</strong>
Searches can be performed using various
<a href="attrs.html#search_algorithm">configurable algorithms</a>.
Currently the following algorithms are
supported (in any combination):
common word endings
accent stripping
substring and prefix
regular expressions
simple spelling corrections
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Searching of many file formats</strong>
Both HTML documents and plain text files can be
searched directly ht://Dig itself. There is also a
<a href="attrs.html#external_parsers">mechanism
to allow external programs ("external parsers")</a> to be used
while building the database so that arbitrary file formats
can be searched. <br>
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Document retrieval using many transport services</strong>
Several transport services can be handled by ht://Dig,
including http://, ftp:// and file:///.
There is also a
<a href="attrs.html#external_protocols">mechanism
to allow external programs ("external protocols")</a> to be used
while building the database so that arbitrary transport
services can be used. <br>
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Keywords can be added to HTML documents</strong>
Any number of <a href="meta.html">keywords</a>
can be added to HTML documents
which will not show up when the document is viewed.
This is used to make a document more like to be found
and also to make it appear higher in the list of
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Email notification of expired documents</strong>
Special meta information can be added to HTML documents
which can be used to
<a href="notification.html">notify the maintainer</a> of those
documents at a certain time. It is handy to get
reminded when to remove the "New" images from a certain
page, for example.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
A Protected server can be indexed</strong>
ht://Dig can be told to use a specific
<a href="attrs.html#authorization">username and password</a>
when it retrieves documents. This can be used
to index a server or parts of a server that are
protected by a username and password.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Searches on subsections of the database</strong>
It is easy to set up a search which only returns
documents whose
<a href="hts_form.html#restrict">URL matches a certain pattern.</a>
This becomes very useful for people who want to make their
own data searchable without having to use a separate
search engine or database.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Full source code included</strong>
The search engine comes with full source code. The
whole system is released under the terms and conditions
of the <a href="COPYING">GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
The depth of the search can be limited</strong>
Instead of limiting the search to a set of machines, it
can also be restricted to documents that are a certain
number of <a href="attrs.html#max_hop_count">"mouse-clicks"</a>
away from the start document.
<strong><img src="bdot.gif" width=9 height=9 alt="*">
Full support for the ISO-Latin-1 character set</strong>
Both SGML entities like '&amp;agrave;' and ISO-Latin-1
characters can be indexed and searched.
<hr size="4" noshade>
Requirements to build ht://Dig
ht://Dig was developed under Unix using C++.
For this reason, you will need a Unix machine, a C compiler
and a C++ compiler. (The C compiler is needed to compile some
of the GNU libraries)
Unfortunately, we only have access to a couple of different
Unix machines. ht://Dig has been tested on these machines:
Sun Solaris 2.5 SPARC (using gcc/g++ 2.7.2)
Sun SunOS 4.1.4 SPARC (using gcc/gcc 2.7.0)
HP/UX A.09.01 (using gcc/g++ 2.6.0)
IRIX 5.3 (SGI C++ compiler. Don't know the version)
Debian Linux 2.0 (using egcs 1.1b)
FreeBSD 4.6 (using gcc 2.95.3) <!-- lha -->
Mandrake Linux 8.2 (using gcc 3.2) <!-- lha -->
Debian, 2.2.19 kernel (using gcc 2.95.4) <!-- lha -->
Debian on an Alpha <!-- lha -->
RedHat 7.3, 8.0 <!-- Jim Cole -->
Sun Solaris 2.8 = SunOS 5.8 (using gcc 3.1) <!-- lha -->
Sun Solaris 2.8 = SunOS 5.8 (using Sun's cc / g++ 3.1) <!-- lha -->
Mac OS X 10.2 (using gcc) <!-- Jim Cole -->
There are reports of ht://Dig working on a number of other platforms.
If you plan on using g++ to compile ht://Dig, you have to make
sure that libstdc++ has been installed. Unfortunately, libstdc++ is a
separate package from gcc/g++. You can get libstdc++ from the
<a href="">GNU software archive</a>.
<!-- The current Makefiles don't use include...
Berkeley 'make'
The building relies heavily on the make program. The problem
with this is that not all make programs are the same. The
requirement for the make program is that it understands the
'include' statement as in
<code>include somefile otherfile</code>
The Berkeley 4.4 make program doesn't use this syntax, instead
it wants
<code>.include "somefile"</code><br>
<code>.include "otherfile"</code>
and hence it cannot be used to build ht://Dig.
If your make program doesn't understand the right 'include'
syntax, it is best if you get and install
<a href="">gnumake</a> before you try
to compile everything. The alternative is to change all the
<hr noshade>
Disk space requirements
The search engine will require lots of disk space to store
its databases. Unfortunately, there is no exact formula to
compute the space requirements. It depends on the number of
documents you are going to index but also on the various
options you use.
<p>As a temporary measure, 3.2 betas use a very inefficient
database structure to enable phrase searching. This will be
fixed before the release of 3.2.0. Currently, indexing a site of
around 10,000 documents gives a database of around 400MB using the
default setting for
<a href="attrs.html#max_doc_size">maximum document size</a> and storing the
<a href="attrs.html#max_head_length">first 50,000 bytes of each document</a>
to enable context to be displayed.
<!-- To give you an idea of the space
requirements, here is what I have deduced from our own
database size at San Diego State University.
If you keep around the wordlist database (for update digging
instead of initial digging) I found that multiplying the
number of documents covered by 12,000 will come pretty close
to the space required.
We have about 13,000 documents:
12,000 x
or about 150 MB.
Without the wordlist database, the factor drops down to about
7,500 x
or about 93 MB.
Keep in mind that we keep at most 50,000 bytes of each
document. This may seen a lot, but most documents aren't very
big and it gives us a big enough chunk to almost always show
an excerpt of the matches.
You may find that if you store most of each document, the
databases are almost the same size, or even larger than the
documents themselves! Remember that if you're storing a
significant portion of each document (say 50,000 bytes as
above), you have that requirement, plus the size of the word
database and all the additional information about each document
(size, URL, date, etc.) required for searching.
<hr size="4" noshade>
Last modified: $Date: 2004/05/28 13:15:19 $