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<title>ht://Dig: Thanks</title>
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<h1>ht://Dig: Thanks</h1>
ht://Dig Copyright &copy; 1995-2004 <a href="THANKS.html">The ht://Dig Group</a><br>
Please see the file <a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for
license information.
<hr size="4" noshade>
As with most development projects, contributions come from many
people and in many forms. The ht://Dig project would like to
thank its many contributors. Omissions are merely accidental,
please e-mail the
<a href="">htdig-dev</a> list
if you have been left out or a contribution is not mentioned.
<h2>Active Developers (in alphabetical order)</h2>
<li>Lachlan Andrew for much testing, debugging, continual help and cracking of the whip.</li>
<li>Gabriele Bartolini for the new htnet and date/time code and continual help.</li>
<li>Jim Cole for testing, debugging, and being a big help on the mailing lists.</li>
<li>Loic Dachary for Berkeley DB compression, automake/libtool customization, word database implementation, regression tests, fixes using Purify.</li>
<li>Gilles Detillieux for uncountable bug-fixes, feature enhancements, RedHat RPMs, and documentation updates.</li>
<li>Geoff Hutchison for filling in as maintainer, dreaming up implementations, and handling many of the little details.</li>
<li>Torsten Neuer for a variety of bug-fixes, suggestions, and the contributed PHP wrapper.</li>
<li>Toivo Pedaste for fixing memory leaks and various bugs and contributing md5 duplicate-detection code.</li>
<li>Neal Richter for the native Win32 port, libhtdig development, testing and debugging.</li>
<li>Quim Sanmarti for providing a new htsearch query parser in qtest.</li>
<h2>Additional Contributors:</h2>
<li>Sergey Abdurashitov for some nifty htsearch formatting options.</li>
<li>D.J. Adams for contributing the doc2html external converter.</li>
<li>Esa Ahloa for the Prefix fuzzy algorithm, for the DB2 backend and many bug fixes.</li>
<li>Jerome Alet for bugfixes in the htsearch CGI.</li>
<li>Andy Armstrong for contributing regex-based URL rewriting.</li>
<li>John Banbury for his contributed synonym file.</li>
<li>Richard Beton for his rewrite of htnotify, including one message per e-mail address and customizable messages.</li>
<li>Alexander Bergolth for bug fixes, htsearch logging, and other features.</li>
<li>Andrew Bishop for many bug fixes and gentle prodding.</li>
<li>Pontus Borg for fixes under AIX.</li>
<li>Marcel Bosc for improvements in the word database implementation.</li>
<li>Lorenzo Campedelli for fixing problems with phrase searching.</li>
<li>Vadim Chekan for many bug fixes and the new configuration parser.</li>
<li>Matthew Daniel for nph-CGI support.</li>
<li>&Aacute;kos D&ouml;m&ouml;t&ouml;r for unaccented search-match code.</li>
<li>Jennifer Dudley for fixing an infinite loop in htdig's local_urls handling.</li>
<li>Peter Enderborg for bug fixes in the plaintext parser.</li>
<li>Pasi Eronen for countless memory patches, virtual hosting, and local file digging.</li>
<li>Iosif Fettich for improving internationalization support.</li>
<li>Tim Frost for fixing URLs with single quotes.</li>
<li>Didier Gautheron for fixing many bugs and general improvements.</li>
<li>Joshua Gerth for contributing HTTPS support to 3.2 using OpenSSL.</li>
<li>Peter Gray for contributing support for regex in config attributes.</li>
<li>Bernhard Griener for argument checks in mystrncasecmp().</li>
<li>John Grohol for the EWS wrapper script.</li>
<li>Jason Haar for a fix to htnotify's e-mail header syntax.</li>
<li>Zvi Har'El for bug reports and patches.</li>
<li>Werner Hett for discovering a security hole in htnotify.</li>
<li>Rajendra Inamdar for contributing htsearch collection support.</li>
<li>Joe Jah for bug fixes and maintaining the ht://Dig patch archive at
<a href=""></a>.</li>
<li>Richard Jones for his contributed MS Word external parser.</li>
<li>Aidas Kasparas for contributing support for META refresh tags.</li>
<li>Marjolein Katsma for implementing anchors in excerpts and parsing comments and many updates to the documentation.</li>
<li>Ric Klaren for patches to the Makefiles and help with RPM support.</li>
<li>Maren Leizoala for countless bug reports and thorough testing.</li>
<li>David Lippi for testing and improving RTF2HTML.</li>
<li>Benoit Majeau for contributing additional URL debugging info.</li>
<li>Robert Marchand for contributing the accents fuzzy algorithm.</li>
<li>Paul Meyer for fixing connection code on Dec Alpha environments.</li>
<li>Alexis Mikhailov for contributing better support for local filesystem indexing.</li>
<li>Hanno Mueller for script_name patch and examples.</li>
<li>Klaus Mueller for working out a Win32 port using CygWin.</li>
<li>Marco Nenciarini for the new autotools support and the conditional removal of deprecated include files.</li>
<li>Hans-Peter Nilsson for many bug fixes and other contributions.</li>
<li>Tobias Oetiker for fixes to the timeout system.</li>
<li>Jesse op den Brouw for the DB2 backend and survey and the parse_word_doc script.</li>
<li>Marc Pohl for 8-bit clean patch for Solaris, other bug fixes.</li>
<li>Arthur Prokosch for fixing problems with phrase searching.</li>
<li>William Rhee for improving support with multiple excludes and restricts</li>
<li>Jacques Reynes for updates to the whatsnew script.</li>
<li>Robert Ribnitz and the Debian Project for maintaining the <em>man</em> pages.</li>
<li>Chris-Jason Richards for fixing htnotify under sendmail.</li>
<li>Phillippe Rochat for fixing whitespace detection in config files.</li>
<li>Markus R&ouml;hricht for help debugging a database error under CygWin.</li>
<li><a href="author.html">Andrew Scherpbier</a> for being the original author and leading the project.</li>
<li>Ren&eacute; Seindal for updates to the HTML parser and the timeout mechanism.</li>
<li>Benjamin Smedberg for help with the ht://Dig website.</li>
<li>Jan Sorensen for allowing parsing of 8-bit text without compiler options.</li>
<li>Sylvain Wallez for the PDF parser.</li>
<li>Randy Winch for contributing zlib document compression.</li>
<li>And many others who made bug reports and suggested changes to the code!</li>
<hr size="4" noshade>
Last modified: $Date: 2004/06/03 08:19:51 $