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Export_pvm Documentation
Last update 2003/09/22 Marzio Malanchini <>
* Index
- Overview
- Schema
- Usage
- Requirements
- Examples
- Performance
- Tips
- Change log
- To do
- Bugs
* Overview
The export_pvm module is based on PVM3 library (Parallel Virtual Machine and enable the output codec of transcode to process the request in a distributed processing environments constructed on heterogeneous machines and architectures.
The idea is to split the codec work on different machine using a front end (tcpvmexportd) that load the request module (e.g. each new instances receive from export_pvm a subset of frame and create a portion of the final video file. When all the slave process on host 1,2..n are running (see the schema below) the main task on host 0 (transcode) is waiting for a free task: at the end, when all the video frame are decoded, an others slave processes (merger on host x,y,z) merge all produced file.
For instance only this export module are supported:
null (built in)
null (built in)
Support for multipass (standard and built in)
* Schema
/---------\ /---------\
| | | load |
|transcode |--> from filter output--> | export |
| host 0 | | pvm |
\---------/ \---------/
| spawn process
\ /
| | |
| | |
load external module /-----------\ /----------\ /----------\
/--------------\ | slave | | slave | | slave |
| |<______ |tcpvmexportd| |tcpvmexportd| |tcpvmexportd|
\--------------/ | host 1 | | host 2 | | host n |
\-----------/ \----------/ \----------/
\ /
| share fs |
| nfs |
spawned by export_pvm | |
/-----------\ \--------------/
| mergers | |
|host x,y,z |
| output video |
| file |
* Usage
export_pvm module gets its options from transcode command line with -F option
transcode -y pvm -F list
the module give all the options
[] v0.0.1 (2003-07-19) (video) * | (audio) *
[] -F configfile,[[nproc]:[maxproc]:[nfrxtask]]
[] nproc,maxproc,nfrxtask override the parameter present in the config file
[] List of known and supported codecs:
[] Supported Modules
[] --------------------
[] null mp2enc
[] mpeg2enc divx5
[] mpeg ffmpeg
[] xvid
[] --------------------
configfile configuration file (see below)
nproc number of process for a single host
maxproc max process in the cluster
nfrxtask number of frame that a single slave task elab. (this is the initial value)
nproc,maxproc,nfrxtask override the parameter present in the config file.
---------- sample of config file ---------------------------------------
NumProcMaxForHost = 1
MaxProcForCluster = 10
NumElabFrameForTask = 100
Hostname = marzio
NumProcMax = 2
Hostname = elisa
NumProcMax = 2
Hostname = cinzia
NumProcMax = 1
Hostname = lorenzo
NumProcMax = 2
MultiplexParams="-f 8"
---------- end config file ---------------------------------------
Section [PvmHostCapability] define the cluster environment
NumProcMaxForHost max number of process for each host in cluster (this parameter override NumProcMax in subsection (Host)). default 1
MaxProcForCluster max number of process for the cluster: if NumProcMaxForHost * number of host in cluster is > of MaxProcForCluster then MaxProcForCluster is used (this parameter override MaxProcForCluster in subsection (Host)). default 10
NumElabFrameForTask number of frame for each running slave task. default 100
InternalMultipass if set to 1 internal multipass is used (multipass in one pass). default 0
Subsection (Host)
Hostname the name of the host to use in cluster (not yet implemented in v 0.0.1). default localhost
NumProcMax max number of process (not yet implemented in v 0.0.1). default 1
Section [AudioMerger] define parameter for the audio merger task
Hostname the name of the host to use in cluster. default localhost
BuildOnlyBatchMergeList create only the build list to merge and remove the temporary file and rebuild the final audio file later (using tcpvmexportd -j -m -f file.cfg). If [SystemMerger] exists then this value is set to 1 by the export_pvm module. default 1 (yes)
Section [VideoMerger] define parameter for the video merger task
Hostname the name of the host to use in cluster. default localhost
BuildOnlyBatchMergeList create only the build list to merge and remove the temporary file and rebuild the final video file later (using tcpvmexportd -j -m -f file.cfg). If [SystemMerger] exists then this value is set to 1 by the export_pvm module. default 1 (yes)
Section [SystemMerger] define parameter for the system merger task
Hostname the name of the host to use in cluster. default localhost
BuildOnlyBatchMergeList create only the build list to merge and remove the temporary file and rebuild the final system file later (using tcpvmexportd -j -m -f file.cfg). default 1 (yes)
0 create directly the system file
1 create only the merge file list
2 create the intermediate system files (with a progressive numeber)
MultiplexParams the parameters to pass to multiplex program (mplex,tcmplex,avimerge): default none. (e.g. for mplex MultiplexParams="-f 8")
Section [ExportVideoModule] define parameter for export codec
Codec The name of the codec (e.g. mpeg2enc,null,mpeg)
Param1 1st codec parameter
Param2 2nd codec parameter
Param3 3th codec parameter
Section [ExportAudioModule] define parameter for export codec
Codec The name of the codec (e.g. mp2enc,null,mpeg)
Param1 1st codec parameter
Param2 2nd codec parameter
Param3 3th codec parameter
the subsection (Host) isn't yet implemented in v 0.0.1
If BuildOnlyBatchMergeList parameter is set to 1 then export_pvm create some files list like this:
---------- audio list file ---------------------------------------
Destination = /tmp/Becca-Giasson.mpa
Codec = mp2enc
---------- end list file ---------------------------------------
---------- video list file ---------------------------------------
Destination = /tmp/Becca-Giasson.m2v
Codec = mpeg2enc
---------- end list file ---------------------------------------
---------- system list file ---------------------------------------
Destination = /tmp/Becca-Giasson.mpeg
Codec = mpeg2enc-mp2enc
MultiplexParams = "-f 8"
Destination = /tmp/Becca-Giasson.mpa
Codec = mp2enc
Destination = /tmp/Becca-Giasson.m2v
Codec = mpeg2enc
---------- end list file ---------------------------------------
Section [AddVideoList] and [AddAudioList] define the merge group list
Destination The name of destination file
Codec The name of the codec
file name.....
Section [RemoveVideoList] and [RemoveAudioList] define the remove group list
file name.....
Section [SystemList] define how to multiplex the produced file list
Destination The name of destination file
Codec The name of the codec (e.g. mpeg2enc-mp2enc,mpeg-mpeg)
MultiplexParams The parameters to pass to multiplex program (e.g. MultiplexParams = "-f 8")
BuildOnlyIntermediateFile Build only intermediate files. default 0
The command
tcpvmexportd -j -m -f merge.lst
make the batch merge .
* Requirements
export_pvm require pvm3 (3.4) library to be compiled.
To enable the module run configure with these parameters:
(for redhat 9)
./configure --with-pvm3 --with-pvm3-include=/usr/share/pvm3/include --with-pvm3-lib=/usr/share/pvm3/lib/LINUXI386
(for debian)
./configure --with-pvm3
* Examples
This is a quick and dirty how to set up the pvm cluster with two machine (host A and B)
PVM need to exchange information between hosts (using remote shell or ssh)
1) put the entries below in .bashrc for user xyzt (host A and host B)
(for redhat 9)
export PVM_ROOT=/usr/share/pvm3 #PVM root
export PVM_PATH=/home/mmalanc/local/bin #where you install transcode binary
export PVM_WD=/home/mmalanc/local/bin #where you install transcode binary
export PVM_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh #use ssh instead rsh
(for debian)
export PVM_ROOT=/usr/lib/pvm3 #PVM root
export PVM_PATH=/home/mmalanc/local/bin #where you install transcode binary
export PVM_WD=/home/mmalanc/local/bin #where you install transcode binary
export PVM_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh #use ssh instead rsh
2) on each host create a ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
3) copy the public key
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add # your passphrase
scp -p $HOME/.ssh/ hostB:$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
scp -p hostB:$HOME/.ssh/ $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys # now no password is required
4) test if ssh is work (without password)
from hostA ssh hostB (no password is required)
from hostB eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add # your passphrase
ssh hostA (no password is required)
5) goto the host that have the input video files (e.g. hostA) and run as root and share volume
(for redhat 9)
/etc/init.d/nfs start #start NFS server
exportfs -i -o rw hostB:/my_multimedia_repository
mkdir /my_multimedia_repository
mount -t nfs hostB:/my_multimedia_repository /my_multimedia_repository
6) as normal user (xyzt) on hostA run
pvm> add hostA
add hostA
1 successful
hostA 80000
pvm> conf
2 hosts, 1 data format
hostA 40000 LINUXI386 1000 0x00408841
hostB 80000 LINUXI386 1000 0x00408841
pvm> quit
Console: exit handler called
pvmd still running.
Now the cluster has two hosts configured.
7) create the config file
---------- sample of config file (see doc dir) ---------------------------------------
NumProcMaxForHost = 1 #best 1 for each cpu
MaxProcForCluster = 10
NumElabFrameForTask = 100
MultiplexParams="-f 8"
---------- end config file ---------------------------------------
8) run transcode
transcode -i /video/BeccaGiasson/Becca-Giasson-001.avi -y pvm -F /tmp/pvm.cfg -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson --progress_off
at the end the output will be something like this
-rw-r--r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 1247 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-audio.lst
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 211614 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-0.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 199511 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-1.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 230401 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-2.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 204532 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-3.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 207048 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-4.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 201741 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-5.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 117328 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-6.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-0.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-1.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 10:58 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-2.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-3.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-4.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 6913 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-5.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 211897 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-0.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 203843 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-1.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 208230 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-2.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 4 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-3.m2v
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-0.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-1.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-2.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 13057 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-3.mpa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 0 Aug 13 2003 Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-4.mpa
-rw-r--r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 1249 Aug 13 10:59 Becca-Giasson-video.lst
with these listing files
------------ start Becca-Giasson-video.lst-------------
Destination = /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v
Codec = mpeg2enc
------------ end Becca-Giasson-video.lst-------------
------------ start Becca-Giasson-audio.lst-------------
Destination = /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa
Codec = mp2enc
------------ end Becca-Giasson-audio.lst-------------
------------ start Becca-Giasson-system.lst-------------
Destination = /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpeg
Codec = mpeg2enc-mp2enc
MultiplexParams = "-f 8"
Destination = /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v
Codec = mpeg2enc
Destination = /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa
Codec = mp2enc
------------ end Becca-Giasson-system.lst-------------
9) run tcpvmexportd in batch merge mode
9.1) if you plan to use only audio or video component then you can only run
tcpvmexportd -m -j -f /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-audio.lst
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-0.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-1.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-2.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-0.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-1.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-3.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-2.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-4.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-5.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.mpa and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-3.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-0.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-0.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-1.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-2.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-1.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-3.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-2.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-4.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-3.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19434-5.mpa
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29893-4.mpa
tcpvmexportd -m -j -f /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-video.lst
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-0.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-0.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-1.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-2.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-1.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-3.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-4.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-2.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-5.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] merge into /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson.m2v and remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-6.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-0.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-0.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-1.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-2.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-3.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-1.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-4.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-2.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-5.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostA-19430-6.m2v
[tcpvmexportd] remove file /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-hostB-29892-3.m2v
and the output will be
-rw-r--r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 1996145 Aug 13 11:08 Becca-Giasson.m2v
-rw-r--r-- 1 mmalanc mmalanc 124426 Aug 13 11:07 Becca-Giasson.mpa
9.2) If you plan to join audio and video then run the command
tcpvmexportd -m -j -f /dati/multimedia/VOB/Becca-Giasson-system.lst
(if you multiplex the two file produced with 9.1 (Becca-Giasson.m2v Becca-Giasson.mpa) you'll have a mpeg system file with A/V out of sync)
(with BuildOnlyBatchMergeList=0 in the pvm.cfg file the step 8 produce the final file directly)
* Performance
Number of frame: 5632
Switched LAN 100 Mb/s
Version of transcode (normal encode):
transcode v0.6.10 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich
[transcode] auto-probing source SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil (ok)
[transcode] V: import format | Digital Video QuickTime (V=mov|A=mov)
[transcode] V: import frame | 720x576 1.25:1
[transcode] V: de-interlace | (mode=5) interpolate scanlines / blend frames
[transcode] V: bits/pixel | 0.174
[transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] A: import format | 0x1 PCM [32000,16,2]
[transcode] A: export format | 0x50 MPEG layer-2 [32000,16,2] 128 kbps
[transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] A: bytes per frame | 5120 (5120.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment | 0@1000
[transcode] V: IA32 accel mode | sse (sse mmxext mmx asm)
[transcode] V: video buffer | 10 @ 720x576
[] v0.0.8 (2003-07-09) (video) * | (audio) *
[] v1.0.8 (2003-04-10) (audio) MPEG 1/2
[] v1.1.8 (2003-07-24) (video) MPEG 1/2
Version of transcode (pvm encode):
transcode v0.6.10 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich
[transcode] auto-probing source SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil (ok)
[transcode] V: import format | Digital Video QuickTime (V=mov|A=mov)
[transcode] V: import frame | 720x576 1.25:1
[transcode] V: de-interlace | (mode=5) interpolate scanlines / blend frames
[transcode] V: bits/pixel | 0.174
[transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] A: import format | 0x1 PCM [32000,16,2]
[transcode] A: export format | 0x55 MPEG layer-3 [32000,16,2] 128 kbps
[transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] A: bytes per frame | 5120 (5120.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment | 0@1000
[transcode] V: IA32 accel mode | sse (sse mmxext mmx asm)
[transcode] V: video buffer | 10 @ 720x576
[] v0.0.8 (2003-07-09) (video) * | (audio) *
[] v0.0.1 (2003-08-12) (video) * | (audio) *
(export_pvm_slave.c) on host hostA pid 23866 recall [] v1.1.8 (2003-07-24) (video) MPEG 1/2
(export_pvm_slave.c) on host hostB pid 11036 recall [] v1.1.8 (2003-07-24) (video) MPEG 1/2
(export_pvm_slave.c) on host hostA pid 23868 recall [] v1.0.8 (2003-04-10) (audio) MPEG 1/2
(export_pvm_slave.c) on host hostB pid 11037 recall [] v1.0.8 (2003-04-10) (audio) MPEG 1/2
Scenario pvm 1
host A: pentium 3 866 MHz, 1GB RAM (decode+nfs server+merger+slave process)
host B: pentium 3 1GHz, 256MB RAM (slave process)
Cmd1: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y pvm -F /dati/multimedia/VOB/pvm.cfg -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-pvm -I 5
Cmd2: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y pvm -F /dati/multimedia/VOB/pvm2.cfg -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-pvm -I 5 -w 7500
Config file:
NumProcMaxForHost = 1
MaxProcForCluster = 10
NumElabFrameForTask = 100
Hostname = hostA
NumProcMax = 2
Hostname = hostB
NumProcMax = 2
MultiplexParams="-f 8"
Scenario pvm 2
host A: pentium 3 866 MHz, 1GB RAM (decode+nfs server+merger+slave process)
host B: pentium 3 1 GHz, 256MB RAM (slave process)
host C: pentium 3 497 MHz, 256MB RAM (slave process)
Cmd1: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y pvm -F /dati/multimedia/VOB/pvm.cfg -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-pvm -I 5
Cmd2: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y pvm -F /dati/multimedia/VOB/pvm2.cfg -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-pvm -I 5 -w 7500
Config file:
NumProcMaxForHost = 1
MaxProcForCluster = 10
NumElabFrameForTask = 100
Hostname = hostA
NumProcMax = 2
Hostname = hostB
NumProcMax = 2
MultiplexParams="-f 8"
Param2="-f 3 -F 3 -n p -q 2 -r 32 -4 1 -2 1"
Scenario normal encode
host A: pentium 3 866 MHz, 1GB RAM (mpeg2enc,mp2enc)
Cmd1: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y mpeg2enc,mp2enc -F 8 -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-mpeg2enc-mp2enc -I 5
Cmd2: transcode -i SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000.smil -y mpeg2enc,mp2enc -F 6,"-f 3 -F 3 -n p -q 2 -r 32 -4 1 -2 1" -o /dati/multimedia/VOB/SanMartinodiCastrozza-04-07-2000-mpeg2enc-mp2enc -I 5 -w 7500
Normal encode : elapsed time 1646 sec (27min 26sec -> 3.4212 fps)
Pvm encode 2 hosts : elapsed time 1410 sec (23min 30sec -> 3.9943 fps)
Pvm encode 3 hosts : elapsed time 1204 sec (20min 04sec -> 4.6777 fps)
Normal encode : elapsed time 7951 sec (2hour 12min 31sec -> 0.7083 fps)
Pvm encode 2 hosts : elapsed time 4856 sec (1hour 20min 56sec -> 1.1598 fps)
Pvm encode 3 hosts : elapsed time 4173 sec (1hour 9min 33sec -> 1.3496 fps)
* Tips
1) If you have a single machine with a single CPU don't use the export_pvm (it produce the same file in about 1.2-1.3 time then normal export module)
2) If you have machine with a single CPU set NumProcMaxForHost to 1 max 2 and set MaxProcForCluster to number of host * NumProcMaxForHost + 1
3) Set 1-2 process for each CPU
4) If the decode process never wait for a free task then you probably found the right configuration (add more slave host is useless: you need to speed up the decode process).
5) If you plan to have a system file don't multiplex the merged audio and video, but run the built in system merge process (this remove an A/V sync problem).
6) If you plan to create a DVD with dvdauthor then set BuildOnlyBatchMergeList=2 in the [SystemMerger] section and pass to dvdauthor the system files generated (force BuildOnlyIntermediateFile=1 in the [SystemList] section). (with dvdauthor alpha 338 use this command dvdauthor -o mydir -c 0:00,x:yz mympeg.mpeg-000000 -c c 0:00,x:yz mympeg.mpeg-000001 ........ where x:yz is the value set in NumElabFrameForTask (e.g. NumElabFrameForTask=99 and PAL x:yz=3:24))
7) If you enable the multipass option (-R 1,2) the video and audio log will be created in the output directory (option -o and -m).
8) If you plan to create an avi with multipass, you can use the internal multipass (it takes less time then standard multipass option (set InternalMultipass=1))
9) If you specify InternalMultipass=1 in cfg file and -R (1,2,3) in cmd line, -R option will be used.
* Change log
2003-09-22 * acinclude.m4 aclocal.m4 docs/export_pvm.txt docs/man/tcpvmexportd.1 export/export_ffmpeg.c export/export_pvm.c export/ pvm3/export_pvm_slave.c pvm3/export_pvm_slave.h pvm3/external_codec.c pvm3/external_codec.h pvm3/ pvm3/pvm_functions.c pvm3/pvm_functions.h pvm3/pvm_parser.c pvm3/pvm_parser.h pvm3/pvm_version.h pvm3/tcpvmexportd.c pvm3/vob_pack_unpack.c pvm3/vob_pack_unpack.h src/ src/tc_func_excl.h src/tc_functions.c src/tc_functions.h src/transcode.c src/transcode.h
- added support for ffmpeg,divx4,divx5,af6,xvid,xvid2 encode module.
- added multipass and internal multipass support.
- enable pvm3 by default.
- bugfix.
2003-08-21 * docs/export_pvm.txt export/export_pvm.c pvm3/external_codec.c pvm3/tcpvmexportd.c
- added support for mpeg encode.
2003-08-20 * docs/export_pvm.txt docs/man/tcpvmexportd.1 docs/pvm.cfg export/export_pvm.c pvm3/export_pvm_slave.c pvm3/export_pvm_slave.h pvm3/pvm_parser.c pvm3/pvm_parser.h pvm3/pvm_version.h pvm3/tcpvmexportd.c
- added BuildOnlyBatchMergeList=2 in [SystemMerger] section to build only the intermediate system files and BuildOnlyIntermediateFile in [SystemList] section (dvdauthor don't like a merged file).
2003-08-12 * first release of export_pvm
* To do
- add a really support for A/V multithread option (-u) (for instance is set to 1).
- create a resource manager
- retrieve encoded frame without nfs
- balancing weight based
- extension to other codec
- remove the nfs dependency
- more....
* Bugs
- please send me an e-mail