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# Pyrex - Types
import string
import Naming
class BaseType:
# Base class for all Pyrex types including pseudo-types.
def cast_code(self, expr_code):
return "((%s)%s)" % (self.declaration_code(""), expr_code)
def base_declaration_code(self, base_code, entity_code):
if entity_code:
return "%s %s" % (base_code, entity_code)
return base_code
class PyrexType(BaseType):
# Base class for all non-pseudo Pyrex types.
# is_pyobject boolean Is a Python object type
# is_extension_type boolean Is a Python extension type
# is_numeric boolean Is a C numeric type
# is_int boolean Is a C integer type
# is_float boolean Is a C floating point type
# is_void boolean Is the C void type
# is_array boolean Is a C array type
# is_ptr boolean Is a C pointer type
# is_null_ptr boolean Is the type of NULL
# is_cfunction boolean Is a C function type
# is_struct_or_union boolean Is a C struct or union type
# is_enum boolean Is a C enum type
# is_typedef boolean Is a typedef type
# is_string boolean Is a C char * type
# is_returncode boolean Is used only to signal exceptions
# is_sequence boolean Is a sequence type
# is_builtin boolean Is a built-in Python type
# is_error boolean Is the dummy error type
# has_attributes boolean Has C dot-selectable attributes
# default_value string Initial value
# parsetuple_format string Format char for PyArg_ParseTuple
# pymemberdef_typecode string Type code for PyMemberDef struct
# declaration_code(entity_code,
# for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0)
# Returns a code fragment for the declaration of an entity
# of this type, given a code fragment for the entity.
# * If for_display, this is for reading by a human in an error
# message; otherwise it must be valid C code.
# * If dll_linkage is not None, it must be 'DL_EXPORT' or
# 'DL_IMPORT', and will be added to the base type part of
# the declaration.
# * If pyrex = 1, this is for use in a 'cdef extern'
# statement of a Pyrex include file.
# assignable_from(src_type)
# Tests whether a variable of this type can be
# assigned a value of type src_type.
# same_as(other_type)
# Tests whether this type represents the same type
# as other_type.
# as_argument_type():
# Coerces array type into pointer type for use as
# a formal argument type.
is_pyobject = 0
is_extension_type = 0
is_numeric = 0
is_int = 0
is_float = 0
is_void = 0
is_array = 0
is_ptr = 0
is_null_ptr = 0
is_cfunction = 0
is_struct_or_union = 0
is_enum = 0
is_typedef = 0
is_string = 0
is_returncode = 0
is_sequence = 0
is_builtin = 0
is_error = 0
has_attributes = 0
default_value = ""
parsetuple_format = ""
pymemberdef_typecode = None
def resolve(self):
# If a typedef, returns the base type.
return self
def literal_code(self, value):
# Returns a C code fragment representing a literal
# value of this type.
return str(value)
def __str__(self):
return string.strip(self.declaration_code("", for_display = 1))
def same_as(self, other_type, **kwds):
return self.same_as_resolved_type(other_type.resolve(), **kwds)
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self is other_type or other_type is error_type
def subtype_of(self, other_type):
return self.subtype_of_resolved_type(other_type.resolve())
def subtype_of_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.same_as(other_type)
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
return self.assignable_from_resolved_type(src_type.resolve())
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return self.same_as(src_type)
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
def is_complete(self):
# A type is incomplete if it is an unsized array,
# a struct whose attributes are not defined, etc.
return 1
class TypeWrapper(BaseType):
# Base class for pseudo-types that delegate most
# attribute lookups to another type.
# delegate_type PyrexType
def __init__(self, base_type):
self.delegate_type = base_type
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.delegate_type, name)
def define(self, base_type):
self.delegate_type = base_type
def resolve(self):
return self.delegate_type.resolve()
class CTypedefType(TypeWrapper):
# Pseudo-type defined with a ctypedef statement in a
# 'cdef extern from' block. Delegates most attribute
# lookups to the base type. ANYTHING NOT DEFINED
# qualified_name string
# typedef_cname string
# typedef_base_type PyrexType
is_typedef = 1
def __init__(self, cname, base_type):
TypeWrapper.__init__(self, base_type)
self.typedef_cname = cname
self.typedef_base_type = base_type
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
name = self.declaration_name(for_display, pyrex)
return self.base_declaration_code(name, entity_code)
def declaration_name(self, for_display = 0, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
return self.qualified_name
return self.typedef_cname
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
def __repr__(self):
return "<CTypedefType %s>" % self.typedef_cname
def __str__(self):
return self.declaration_name(for_display = 1)
class PyObjectType(PyrexType):
# Base class for all Python object types (reference-counted).
is_pyobject = 1
default_value = "0"
parsetuple_format = "O"
pymemberdef_typecode = "T_OBJECT"
def __str__(self):
return "Python object"
def __repr__(self):
return "<PyObjectType>"
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
return 1 # Conversion will be attempted
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
return self.base_declaration_code("object", entity_code)
return "%s *%s" % (public_decl("PyObject", dll_linkage), entity_code)
class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
# A Python extension type.
# name string
# scope CClassScope Attribute namespace
# visibility string
# typedef_flag boolean
# base_type PyExtensionType or None
# module_name string or None Qualified name of defining module
# objstruct_cname string Name of PyObject struct
# typeobj_cname string or None C code fragment referring to type object
# typeptr_cname string or None Name of pointer to external type object
# vtabslot_cname string Name of C method table member
# vtabstruct_cname string Name of C method table struct
# vtabptr_cname string Name of pointer to C method table
# vtable_cname string Name of C method table definition
is_extension_type = 1
has_attributes = 1
def __init__(self, name, typedef_flag, base_type): = name
self.scope = None
self.typedef_flag = typedef_flag
self.base_type = base_type
self.module_name = None
self.objstruct_cname = None
self.typeobj_cname = None
self.typeptr_cname = None
self.vtabslot_cname = None
self.vtabstruct_cname = None
self.vtabptr_cname = None
self.vtable_cname = None
if base_type and base_type.is_sequence:
self.is_sequence = 1
def set_scope(self, scope):
self.scope = scope
if scope:
scope.parent_type = self
def subtype_of_resolved_type(self, other_type):
if other_type.is_extension_type:
return self is other_type or (
self.base_type and self.base_type.subtype_of(other_type))
return other_type is py_object_type
def typeobj_is_available(self):
# Do we have a pointer to the type object?
return self.typeptr_cname
def typeobj_is_imported(self):
# If we don't know the C name of the type object but we do
# know which module it's defined in, it will be imported.
return self.typeobj_cname is None and self.module_name is not None
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
return self.base_declaration_code(, entity_code)
if self.typedef_flag:
base_format = "%s"
base_format = "struct %s"
base = public_decl(base_format % self.objstruct_cname, dll_linkage)
return "%s *%s" % (base, entity_code)
def attributes_known(self):
return self.scope is not None
def is_defined(self):
scope = self.scope
return scope and (scope.defined or scope.implemented)
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<PyExtensionType %s%s>" % (self.scope.class_name,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
class CType(PyrexType):
# Base class for all C types (non-reference-counted).
# to_py_function string C function for converting to Python object
# from_py_function string C function for constructing from Python object
to_py_function = None
from_py_function = None
class CVoidType(CType):
is_void = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "<CVoidType>"
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
base = public_decl("void", dll_linkage)
return self.base_declaration_code(base, entity_code)
def is_complete(self):
return 0
class CNumericType(CType):
# Base class for all C numeric types.
# rank integer Relative size
# signed integer 0 = unsigned, 1 = unspecified, 2 = explicitly signed
# name string or None to construct from sign and rank
is_numeric = 1
default_value = "0"
parsetuple_formats = ( # rank -> format
"BHIk?K???", # unsigned
"bhil?Lfd?", # assumed signed
"bhil?Lfd?", # explicitly signed
sign_words = ("unsigned ", "", "signed ")
def __init__(self, rank, signed, name, pymemberdef_typecode = None):
self.rank = rank
self.signed = signed = name
ptf = self.parsetuple_formats[signed][rank]
if ptf == '?':
ptf = None
self.parsetuple_format = ptf
self.pymemberdef_typecode = pymemberdef_typecode
def sign_and_name(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<CNumericType %s>" % self.sign_and_name()
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
base = public_decl(self.sign_and_name(), dll_linkage)
return self.base_declaration_code(base, entity_code)
class CIntType(CNumericType):
is_int = 1
typedef_flag = 0
to_py_function = "PyInt_FromLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsLong"
def __init__(self, rank, signed, name, pymemberdef_typecode = None, is_returncode = 0):
CNumericType.__init__(self, rank, signed, name, pymemberdef_typecode)
self.is_returncode = is_returncode
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return src_type.is_int or src_type.is_enum or src_type is error_type
class CAnonEnumType(CIntType):
is_enum = 1
class CUIntType(CIntType):
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromUnsignedLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask"
class CULongType(CIntType):
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromUnsignedLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask"
class CLongLongType(CIntType):
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromLongLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask"
class CULongLongType(CIntType):
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask"
class CPySSizeTType(CIntType):
to_py_function = "PyInt_FromSsize_t"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsSsize_t"
class CFloatType(CNumericType):
is_float = 1
to_py_function = "PyFloat_FromDouble"
from_py_function = "PyFloat_AsDouble"
def __init__(self, rank, name, pymemberdef_typecode = None):
CNumericType.__init__(self, rank, 1, name, pymemberdef_typecode)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return src_type.is_numeric or src_type is error_type
class CArrayType(CType):
# base_type CType Element type
# size integer or None Number of elements
is_array = 1
def __init__(self, base_type, size):
self.base_type = base_type
self.size = size
if base_type is c_char_type:
self.is_string = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "<CArrayType %s %s>" % (self.size, repr(self.base_type))
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return ((other_type.is_array and
or other_type is error_type)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
# Can't assign to a variable of an array type
return 0
def element_ptr_type(self):
return c_ptr_type(self.base_type)
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if self.size is not None:
dimension_code = self.size
dimension_code = ""
if entity_code.startswith("*"):
entity_code = "(%s)" % entity_code
return self.base_type.declaration_code(
"%s[%s]" % (entity_code, dimension_code),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def as_argument_type(self):
return c_ptr_type(self.base_type)
def is_complete(self):
return self.size is not None
class CPtrType(CType):
# base_type CType Referenced type
is_ptr = 1
default_value = "0"
def __init__(self, base_type):
self.base_type = base_type
def __repr__(self):
return "<CPtrType %s>" % repr(self.base_type)
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return ((other_type.is_ptr and
or other_type is error_type)
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
#print "CPtrType.declaration_code: pointer to", self.base_type ###
return self.base_type.declaration_code(
"*%s" % entity_code,
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, other_type):
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
if other_type.is_null_ptr:
return 1
if self.base_type.is_cfunction:
if other_type.is_ptr:
other_type = other_type.base_type.resolve()
if other_type.is_cfunction:
return self.base_type.pointer_assignable_from_resolved_type(other_type)
return 0
if other_type.is_array or other_type.is_ptr:
return self.base_type.is_void or self.base_type.same_as(other_type.base_type)
return 0
class CNullPtrType(CPtrType):
is_null_ptr = 1
class CFuncType(CType):
# return_type CType
# args [CFuncTypeArg]
# has_varargs boolean
# exception_value string
# exception_check boolean True if PyErr_Occurred check needed
# calling_convention string Function calling convention
# nogil boolean Can be called without gil
# with_gil boolean Acquire gil around function body
is_cfunction = 1
is_overloaded = 0
def __init__(self, return_type, args, has_varargs = 0,
exception_value = None, exception_check = 0, calling_convention = "",
nogil = 0, with_gil = 0):
self.return_type = return_type
self.args = args
self.has_varargs = has_varargs
self.exception_value = exception_value
self.exception_check = exception_check
self.calling_convention = calling_convention
self.nogil = nogil
self.with_gil = with_gil
def __repr__(self):
arg_reprs = map(repr, self.args)
if self.has_varargs:
return "<CFuncType %s %s[%s]>" % (
string.join(arg_reprs, ","))
def callable_with(self, actual_arg_types):
formal_arg_types = self.args
nf = len(formal_arg_types)
na = len(actual_arg_types)
if not (nf == na or self.has_varargs and nf >= na):
return False
for formal_type, actual_type in zip(formal_arg_types, actual_arg_types):
if not formal_type.assignable_from(actual_type):
return False
return True
def calling_convention_prefix(self):
cc = self.calling_convention
if cc:
return cc + " "
return ""
def same_c_signature_as(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(
other_type.resolve(), as_cmethod)
def same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
#print "CFuncType.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type:", \
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
if not other_type.is_cfunction:
return 0
nargs = len(self.args)
if nargs <> len(other_type.args):
return 0
# When comparing C method signatures, the first argument
# is exempt from compatibility checking (the proper check
# is performed elsewhere).
for i in range(as_cmethod, nargs):
if not self.args[i].type.same_as(
return 0
if self.has_varargs <> other_type.has_varargs:
return 0
if not self.return_type.same_as(other_type.return_type):
return 0
if not self.same_calling_convention_as(other_type):
return 0
return 1
def same_calling_convention_as(self, other):
return self.calling_convention == other.calling_convention
def same_exception_signature_as(self, other_type):
return self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(
def same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.exception_value == other_type.exception_value \
and self.exception_check == other_type.exception_check
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type, as_cmethod) \
and self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and self.nogil == other_type.nogil
def pointer_assignable_from_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and not (self.nogil and not other_type.nogil)
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
arg_decl_list = []
for arg in self.args:
arg.type.declaration_code("", for_display, pyrex = pyrex))
if self.has_varargs:
arg_decl_code = string.join(arg_decl_list, ",")
if not arg_decl_code and not pyrex:
arg_decl_code = "void"
trailer = ""
if (pyrex or for_display) and not self.return_type.is_pyobject:
if self.exception_value and self.exception_check:
trailer = " except? %s" % self.exception_value
elif self.exception_value:
trailer = " except %s" % self.exception_value
elif self.exception_check:
trailer = " except *"
if self.nogil:
trailer += " nogil"
cc = self.calling_convention_prefix()
if (not entity_code and cc) or entity_code.startswith("*"):
entity_code = "(%s%s)" % (cc, entity_code)
cc = ""
return self.return_type.declaration_code(
"%s%s(%s)%s" % (cc, entity_code, arg_decl_code, trailer),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def function_header_code(self, func_name, arg_code):
return "%s%s(%s)" % (self.calling_convention_prefix(),
func_name, arg_code)
def signature_string(self):
s = self.declaration_code("")
return s
class COverloadedFuncType(CType):
# return_type CType
# signatures [CFuncType]
is_cfunction = 1
is_overloaded = 1
def __init__(self, return_type, signatures):
self.return_type = return_type
self.signatures = signatures
def __str__(self):
return "COverloadedFuncType(%s, [%s])" % (self.return_type,
", ".join(map(str, self.signatures)))
class CFuncTypeArg:
# name string
# cname string
# type PyrexType
# pos source file position
def __init__(self, name, type, pos): = name
self.cname = Naming.var_prefix + name
self.type = type
self.pos = pos
def __repr__(self):
return "%s:%s" % (, repr(self.type))
def declaration_code(self, for_display = 0):
return self.type.declaration_code(self.cname, for_display)
class CStructOrUnionType(CType):
# name string
# cname string
# kind string "struct" or "union"
# scope StructOrUnionScope, or None if incomplete
# typedef_flag boolean
# cplus_constructor_type COverloadedFuncType
is_struct_or_union = 1
has_attributes = 1
def __init__(self, name, kind, scope, typedef_flag, cname): = name
self.cname = cname
self.kind = kind
self.typedef_flag = typedef_flag
def __repr__(self):
return "<CStructOrUnionType %s %s%s>" % (, self.cname,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
def set_scope(self, scope):
self.scope = scope
if scope and scope.is_cplus:
self.cplus_constructor_type = COverloadedFuncType(self,
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex:
return self.base_declaration_code(, entity_code)
if for_display:
base =
elif self.typedef_flag:
base = self.cname
base = "%s %s" % (self.kind, self.cname)
return self.base_declaration_code(public_decl(base, dll_linkage), entity_code)
def is_complete(self):
return self.scope is not None
def attributes_known(self):
return self.is_complete()
class CEnumType(CType):
# name string
# cname string or None
# typedef_flag boolean
is_enum = 1
signed = 1
rank = -1 # Ranks below any integer type
to_py_function = "PyInt_FromLong"
from_py_function = "PyInt_AsLong"
def __init__(self, name, cname, typedef_flag): = name
self.cname = cname
self.values = []
self.typedef_flag = typedef_flag
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<CEnumType %s %s%s>" % (, self.cname,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex:
return self.base_declaration_code(self.cname, entity_code)
if self.typedef_flag:
base = self.cname
base = "enum %s" % self.cname
return self.base_declaration_code(public_decl(base, dll_linkage), entity_code)
class CStringType:
# Mixin class for C string types.
is_string = 1
to_py_function = "PyString_FromString"
from_py_function = "PyString_AsString"
def literal_code(self, value):
return '"%s"' % value
class CCharArrayType(CStringType, CArrayType):
# C 'char []' type.
parsetuple_format = "s"
pymemberdef_typecode = "T_STRING_INPLACE"
def __init__(self, size):
CArrayType.__init__(self, c_char_type, size)
class CCharPtrType(CStringType, CPtrType):
# C 'char *' type.
parsetuple_format = "s"
pymemberdef_typecode = "T_STRING"
def __init__(self):
CPtrType.__init__(self, c_char_type)
class ErrorType(PyrexType):
# Used to prevent propagation of error messages.
is_error = 1
exception_value = "0"
exception_check = 0
to_py_function = "dummy"
from_py_function = "dummy"
parsetuple_format = "E"
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
return "<error>"
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return 1
py_object_type = PyObjectType()
py_type_type = TypeWrapper(None) # Bootstrapping placeholder, filled later
c_void_type = CVoidType()
c_void_ptr_type = CPtrType(c_void_type)
c_void_ptr_ptr_type = CPtrType(c_void_ptr_type)
c_uchar_type = CIntType(0, 0, "unsigned char", "T_UBYTE")
c_ushort_type = CIntType(1, 0, "unsigned short", "T_USHORT")
c_uint_type = CUIntType(2, 0, "unsigned int", "T_UINT")
c_ulong_type = CULongType(3, 0, "unsigned long", "T_ULONG")
c_size_t_type = CPySSizeTType(4, 0, "size_t")
c_ulonglong_type = CULongLongType(5, 0, "unsigned PY_LONG_LONG", "T_ULONGLONG")
c_char_type = CIntType(0, 1, "char", "T_CHAR")
c_short_type = CIntType(1, 1, "short", "T_SHORT")
c_int_type = CIntType(2, 1, "int", "T_INT")
c_long_type = CIntType(3, 1, "long", "T_LONG")
c_longlong_type = CLongLongType(5, 1, "PY_LONG_LONG", "T_LONGLONG")
c_schar_type = CIntType(0, 2, "signed char", "T_CHAR")
c_sshort_type = CIntType(1, 2, "signed short", "T_SHORT")
c_sint_type = CIntType(2, 2, "signed int", "T_INT")
c_slong_type = CIntType(3, 2, "signed long", "T_LONG")
c_py_ssize_t_type = CPySSizeTType(4, 2, "Py_ssize_t")
c_slonglong_type = CLongLongType(5, 2, "signed PY_LONG_LONG", "T_LONGLONG")
c_float_type = CFloatType(6, "float", "T_FLOAT")
c_double_type = CFloatType(7, "double", "T_DOUBLE")
c_longdouble_type = CFloatType(8, "long double")
c_null_ptr_type = CNullPtrType(c_void_type)
c_char_array_type = CCharArrayType(None)
c_char_ptr_type = CCharPtrType()
c_char_ptr_ptr_type = CPtrType(c_char_ptr_type)
c_int_ptr_type = CPtrType(c_int_type)
c_returncode_type = CIntType(2, 1, "int", "T_INT", is_returncode = 1)
c_anon_enum_type = CAnonEnumType(-1, 1, "<enum>")
error_type = ErrorType()
# Signedness values
# Longness values
SHORT = -1
LONG = 1
modifiers_and_name_to_type = {
#(signedness, longness, name)
(UNSIGNED, NOLEN, "char"): c_uchar_type,
(UNSIGNED, SHORT, "int"): c_ushort_type,
(UNSIGNED, NOLEN, "int"): c_uint_type,
(UNSIGNED, LONG, "int"): c_ulong_type,
(UNSIGNED, LONGLONG, "int"): c_ulonglong_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "void"): c_void_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "char"): c_char_type,
(NOSIGN, SHORT, "int"): c_short_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "int"): c_int_type,
#(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "size_t"): c_size_t_type,
#(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "Py_ssize_t"): c_py_ssize_t_type,
(NOSIGN, LONG, "int"): c_long_type,
(NOSIGN, LONGLONG, "int"): c_longlong_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "float"): c_float_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "double"): c_double_type,
(NOSIGN, LONG, "double"): c_longdouble_type,
(NOSIGN, NOLEN, "object"): py_object_type,
(SIGNED, NOLEN, "char"): c_schar_type,
(SIGNED, SHORT, "int"): c_sshort_type,
(SIGNED, NOLEN, "int"): c_sint_type,
(SIGNED, LONG, "int"): c_slong_type,
(SIGNED, LONGLONG, "int"): c_slonglong_type,
def widest_numeric_type(type1, type2):
# Given two numeric types, return the narrowest type
# encompassing both of them.
if type1.is_enum and type2.is_enum:
widest_type = c_int_type
elif type1.rank < type2.rank:
widest_type = type2
elif type1.rank > type2.rank:
widest_type = type1
elif type1.signed < type2.signed:
widest_type = type1
widest_type = type2
return widest_type
def simple_c_type(signed, longness, name):
# Find type descriptor for simple type given name and modifiers.
# Returns None if arguments don't make sense.
return modifiers_and_name_to_type.get((signed, longness, name))
def c_array_type(base_type, size):
# Construct a C array type.
if base_type is c_char_type:
return CCharArrayType(size)
return CArrayType(base_type, size)
def c_ptr_type(base_type):
# Construct a C pointer type.
if base_type is c_char_type:
return c_char_ptr_type
return CPtrType(base_type)
def public_decl(base, dll_linkage):
if dll_linkage:
return "%s(%s)" % (dll_linkage, base)
return base
def same_type(type1, type2):
return type1.same_as(type2)
def assignable_from(type1, type2):
return type1.assignable_from(type2)
def typecast(to_type, from_type, expr_code):
# Return expr_code cast to a C type which can be
# assigned to to_type, assuming its existing C type
# is from_type.
if to_type is from_type or \
same_type(to_type, from_type) or \
(not to_type.is_pyobject and assignable_from(to_type, from_type)):
return expr_code
return to_type.cast_code(expr_code)