You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
405 lines
12 KiB
405 lines
12 KiB
/* This file is part of the wvWare 2 project
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Werner Trobin <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <parser.h>
#include <handlers.h>
#include <parserfactory.h>
#include <word97_generated.h>
#include <paragraphproperties.h>
#include <lists.h>
#include <ustring.h>
#include <fields.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class InlineReplacementTest : public wvWare::InlineReplacementHandler
virtual wvWare::U8 tab();
virtual wvWare::U8 hardLineBreak();
virtual wvWare::U8 columnBreak();
virtual wvWare::U8 nonBreakingHyphen();
virtual wvWare::U8 nonRequiredHyphen();
virtual wvWare::U8 nonBreakingSpace();
class SubDocumentTest : public wvWare::SubDocumentHandler
virtual void bodyStart();
virtual void bodyEnd();
virtual void footnoteStart();
virtual void footnoteEnd();
virtual void headersStart();
virtual void headersEnd();
virtual void headerStart( wvWare::HeaderData::Type type );
virtual void headerEnd();
class TableTest : public wvWare::TableHandler
virtual void tableRowStart( wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::TAP> tap );
virtual void tableRowEnd();
virtual void tableCellStart();
virtual void tableCellEnd();
class PictureTest : public wvWare::PictureHandler
virtual void bitmapData( wvWare::OLEImageReader& reader, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> picf );
virtual void wmfData( wvWare::OLEImageReader& reader, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> picf );
virtual void externalImage( const wvWare::UString& name, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> picf );
class TextTest : public wvWare::TextHandler
virtual void sectionStart( wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::SEP> sep );
virtual void sectionEnd();
virtual void pageBreak();
virtual void headersFound( const wvWare::HeaderFunctor& parseHeaders );
virtual void paragraphStart( wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::ParagraphProperties> paragraphProperties );
virtual void paragraphEnd();
virtual void runOfText( const wvWare::UString& text, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void specialCharacter( SpecialCharacter character, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void footnoteFound( wvWare::FootnoteData::Type type, wvWare::UChar character,
wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp, const wvWare::FootnoteFunctor& parseFootnote );
virtual void footnoteAutoNumber( wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void fieldStart( const wvWare::FLD* fld, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void fieldSeparator( const wvWare::FLD* fld, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void fieldEnd( const wvWare::FLD* fld, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
virtual void tableRowFound( const wvWare::TableRowFunctor& tableRow, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::TAP> tap );
virtual void pictureFound( const wvWare::PictureFunctor& picture, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> picf,
wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp );
using namespace wvWare;
std::string indent;
U8 InlineReplacementTest::tab()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: tab" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::tab();
U8 InlineReplacementTest::hardLineBreak()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: hard line break" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::hardLineBreak();
U8 InlineReplacementTest::columnBreak()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: column break" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::columnBreak();
U8 InlineReplacementTest::nonBreakingHyphen()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: non breaking hyphen" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::nonBreakingHyphen();
U8 InlineReplacementTest::nonRequiredHyphen()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: non required hyphen" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::nonRequiredHyphen();
U8 InlineReplacementTest::nonBreakingSpace()
std::cout << indent << "INLINE: non breaking space" << std::endl;
return InlineReplacementHandler::nonBreakingSpace();
void SubDocumentTest::bodyStart()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: body start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
void SubDocumentTest::bodyEnd()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: body end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void SubDocumentTest::footnoteStart()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: footnote start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
void SubDocumentTest::footnoteEnd()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: footnote end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void SubDocumentTest::headersStart()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: headers start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
void SubDocumentTest::headersEnd()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: headers end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void SubDocumentTest::headerStart( HeaderData::Type type )
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: header start " << static_cast<int>( type ) << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
SubDocumentHandler::headerStart( type );
void SubDocumentTest::headerEnd()
std::cout << indent << "SUBDOCUMENT: header end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void TableTest::tableRowStart( SharedPtr<const Word97::TAP> tap )
std::cout << indent << "TABLE: table row start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
TableHandler::tableRowStart( tap );
void TableTest::tableRowEnd()
std::cout << indent << "TABLE: table row end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void TableTest::tableCellStart()
std::cout << indent << "TABLE: table cell start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
void TableTest::tableCellEnd()
std::cout << indent << "TABLE: table cell end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void PictureTest::bitmapData( wvWare::OLEImageReader& /*reader*/, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> /*picf*/ )
// ###### TODO
std::cout << indent << "PICTURE: bitmapData" << std::endl;
void PictureTest::wmfData( wvWare::OLEImageReader& /*reader*/, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> /*picf*/ )
// ###### TODO
std::cout << indent << "PICTURE: wmfData" << std::endl;
void PictureTest::externalImage( const wvWare::UString& name, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> /*picf*/ )
// ###### TODO
std::cout << indent << "PICTURE: externalImage: " << name.ascii() << std::endl;
void TextTest::sectionStart( SharedPtr<const Word97::SEP> sep )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: section start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
TextHandler::sectionStart( sep );
void TextTest::sectionEnd()
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: section end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void TextTest::pageBreak()
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: page break" << std::endl;
void TextTest::headersFound( const HeaderFunctor& parseHeaders )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: headers found" << std::endl;
TextHandler::headersFound( parseHeaders );
void TextTest::paragraphStart( SharedPtr<const ParagraphProperties> paragraphProperties )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: paragraph start" << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
if ( paragraphProperties->listInfo() )
TextHandler::paragraphStart( paragraphProperties );
void TextTest::paragraphEnd()
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: paragraph end" << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
void TextTest::runOfText( const UString& text, SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: run of text" << std::endl;
std::cout << "TEXT: [";
for ( int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i )
std::cout << "<" << text[ i ].unicode() << "|" << text[ i ].low() << ">";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
TextHandler::runOfText( text, chp );
void TextTest::specialCharacter( SpecialCharacter character, SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: special character " << static_cast<int>( character ) << std::endl;
TextHandler::specialCharacter( character, chp );
void TextTest::footnoteFound( FootnoteData::Type type, UChar character,
SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp, const FootnoteFunctor& parseFootnote )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: footnote found " << static_cast<int>( type )
<< " character " << character.unicode() << std::endl;
TextHandler::footnoteFound( type, character, chp, parseFootnote );
void TextTest::footnoteAutoNumber( SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: footnote auto-number" << std::endl;
TextHandler::footnoteAutoNumber( chp );
void TextTest::fieldStart( const FLD* fld, SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: field start " << static_cast<int>( fld->ch ) << std::endl;
indent.push_back( ' ' );
TextHandler::fieldStart( fld, chp );
void TextTest::fieldSeparator( const FLD* fld, SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: field separator " << static_cast<int>( fld->ch ) << std::endl;
TextHandler::fieldSeparator( fld, chp );
void TextTest::fieldEnd( const FLD* fld, SharedPtr<const Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: field end " << static_cast<int>( fld->ch ) << std::endl;
indent.erase( indent.size() - 1 );
TextHandler::fieldEnd( fld, chp );
void TextTest::tableRowFound( const wvWare::TableRowFunctor& tableRow, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::TAP> tap )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: table row found" << std::endl;
TextHandler::tableRowFound( tableRow, tap );
void TextTest::pictureFound( const wvWare::PictureFunctor& picture, wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::PICF> picf,
wvWare::SharedPtr<const wvWare::Word97::CHP> chp )
std::cout << indent << "TEXT: picture found" << std::endl;
TextHandler::pictureFound( picture, picf, chp );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if ( argc != 2 ) {
std::cerr << "Usage: handlertest foo.doc" << std::endl;
::exit( 1 );
std::string document( argv[ 1 ] );
SharedPtr<Parser> parser( ParserFactory::createParser( document ) );
if ( !parser || !parser->isOk() ) {
std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't create a parser for this document" << std::endl;
::exit( 2 );
TextTest* textTest( new TextTest );
parser->setTextHandler( textTest );
InlineReplacementTest* replacementTest( new InlineReplacementTest );
parser->setInlineReplacementHandler( replacementTest );
if ( !parser->parse() ) {
std::cerr << "Error: The parser failed" << std::endl;
delete replacementTest;
delete textTest;
::exit( 3 );
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
delete replacementTest;
delete textTest;
return 0;