A small listing for me as I keep forgetting important steps like tagging... - Bump the version numbers in: * CMakeLists.txt: WV_MAJOR/MINOR/MICRO_VERSION and LT_CURRENT/REVISION/AGE * wv2version.h: WV2_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR/RELEASE, WV2_VERSION_STRING - Add a ChangeLog entry for the release - branch svn if needed - copy branch out to wv2-x.y.z & remove .svn directories - tar -jcvf wv2-x.y.z.tar.bz2 wv2-x.y.z/ - use that tarball, install it, and run tests with that version of library - svn copy https://wvware.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wvware/branches/wv2-0.x https://wvware.s vn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wvware/tags/wv2-0.x.y -m "tag wv2-0.x.y" - gpg --detach-sign --armor -u "user" wv2-0.x.y.tar.bz2 - gpg --verify wv2-x.y.z.tar.bz2.asc - upload files to sourceforge - download & gpg verify again - announce on koffice-devel