@misc{pcsc_workgroup, key = "PC/SC workgroup", title = "{PC/SC workgroup}", note = "\url{http://www.pcscworkgroup.com/}" } @misc{pcsc_v2_part10, key = "PC/SC workgroup", title = "{Interoperability Specification for ICCs and Personal Computer Systems, Part 10 IFDs with Secure Pin Entry Capabilities}", note = "\url{http://www.pcscworkgroup.com/specifications/specdownload.php}" } @misc{ccid_spec, key = "CCID", title = "{Universal Serial Bus, Device Class Specification for USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices}", month = "20~" # mar, year = 2001, note = "Revision 1.00, \url{http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/ccid_classspec_1_00a.pdf}" } @misc{pcsclite, key = "pcsc-lite", title = "{MUSCLE PC/SC Lite API, Toolkit API Reference Documentation}", author = "David Corcoran and Ludovic Rousseau", year = "2004", note = "\url{http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/pcsc-lite/}" }