/******************************************************************* * Description: encode/decode attribute lists * * Originated: 03-06-2000 * Original Author: Mike Day - md@soft-hackle.net * * Copyright (C) Michael Day, 2000-2001 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *******************************************************************/ %{ #undef YYLMAX #define YYLMAX 2048 #define yymaxdepth slp_attr_maxdepth #define yyparse slp_attr_parse #define yylex slp_attr_lex #define yyerror slp_attr_error #define yylval slp_attr_lval #define yychar slp_attr_char #define yydebug slp_attr_debug #define yypact slp_attr_pact #define yyr1 slp_attr_r1 #define yyr2 slp_attr_r2 #define yydef slp_attr_def #define yychk slp_attr_chk #define yypgo slp_attr_pgo #define yyact slp_attr_act #define yyexca slp_attr_exca #define yyerrflag slp_attr_errflag #define yynerrs slp_attr_nerrs #define yyps slp_attr_ps #define yypv slp_attr_pv #define yys slp_attr_s #define yy_yys slp_attr_yys #define yystate slp_attr_state #define yytmp slp_attr_tmp #define yyv slp_attr_v #define yy_yyv slp_attr_yyv #define yyval slp_attr_val #define yylloc slp_attr_lloc #define yyreds slp_attr_reds #define yytoks slp_attr_toks #define yylhs slp_attr_yylhs #define yylen slp_attr_yylen #define yydefred slp_attr_yydefred #define yydgoto slp_attr_yydgoto #define yysindex slp_attr_yysindex #define yyrindex slp_attr_yyrindex #define yygindex slp_attr_yygindex #define yytable slp_attr_yytable #define yycheck slp_attr_yycheck #define yyname slp_attr_yyname #define yyrule slp_attr_yyrule #define YY_NO_UNPUT #include "slp_attr.h" #include "slp_attr_y.h" #include "slp_xmalloc.h" static char buf[2052]; void slp_attr_error(char *, ...); int slp_attr_wrap(void); int slp_attr_lex(void); void slp_attr_close_lexer(unsigned int handle); unsigned int slp_attr_init_lexer(char *s); %} /* {} */ digit [0-9] hexdigit [0-9a-fA-F] escaped ("\\"([a-fA-F0-9]{2})) reserved [(),\\!<=>~\x00-\x1f] res_tag [(),\\!<>~\x00-\x1f*_\r\n\t] res_val [*_\r\n\t] tag [^(),\\!<=>~\x00-\x1f] val [^(),\\!<>~\x00-\x1f*_\r\n\t] /* this lexer cycles through three states. in the initial state, it is looking strictly for attribute tags. If, in the initial state it finds a '(' it anticipates an attribute-value pair and changes to ATTRIBUTE state . in the ATTRIBUTE state is is looking for either a closing ')' or a '='. If it sees a closing ')' it changes to the initial state. if it sees an '=' it changes to the VALUE state and looks for the attribute value. After seeing the attribute value, it looks for a either a ')' or a ','. If it sees a ')' it closes the attribute and returns to the initial state. if, during the VALUE state the lexer sees a ',' it decides it is looking at a multi-valued attribute and returns a special _MULTIVAL token to the parser. The parser uses this to construct additional attribute-value pairs for each value in the multi-val statement. */ %option noyywrap %x ATTR %x VALUE %% [ \t\v\f]* { ; } "," { yylval._i = *yytext; return(yylval._i); } "(" { BEGIN ATTR; yylval._i = *yytext; return(yylval._i); } {tag}+ { if (yyleng > 0) { if(NULL != (yylval._s = xstrdup(yytext))) return(_TAG); else return(0L); } } /* anything else in the initial state is an error */ . {yyerror("error in lexer - initial state\n");} [ \t\v\f]* { ; } "=" {BEGIN VALUE; yylval._i = *yytext; return(yylval._i);} {tag}+ { if (yyleng > 0 ) { if(NULL != (yylval._s = xstrdup(yytext))) return(_TAG); else return(0L); } } /* make it legal to have just an attr tag enclosed in parens */ ")" {BEGIN INITIAL; yylval._i = *yytext; return(yylval._i); } /* anything else in the attribute state is an error */ . {yyerror("error in lexer - attribute state\n");} [ \t\v\f]* { ; } "," {yylval._i = *yytext; return(_MULTIVAL);} [-+][0-9]+ | [-+]"0"[xX]{hexdigit}+ { yylval._i = strtol(yytext, (char **) 0, 0); return _INT ;}; [0-9]+ | "0"[xX]{hexdigit}+ { yylval._i = strtoul(yytext, (char **)0, 0); return _INT; }; [tT][rR][uU][eE] {return(_TRUE);} [fF][aA][lL][sS][eE] {return(_FALSE);} {val}+ { if (yyleng > 0) { if(NULL != (yylval._s = xstrdup(yytext))) return(_STRING); else return(0L); } } {escaped}+ { if (yyleng > 0) { if(NULL != (yylval._s = xstrdup(yytext))) return(_ESCAPED); else return(0L); } } ")" {BEGIN INITIAL; yylval._i = *yytext; return(yylval._i);} /* anything else in the value state is an error */ . {yyerror("error in lexer - value state\n");} %% unsigned int slp_attr_init_lexer(char *s) { memset(&buf[0], 0x00, 2052); strncpy(&buf[0], s, 2052); return((unsigned int)yy_scan_buffer(&buf[0], strlen(s) + 2)); } void attr_close_lexer(unsigned int handle) { // assert(handle != 0); yy_delete_buffer((YY_BUFFER_STATE)handle); } void yyerror(char *s, ...) { return; }