========================================================================== AUTHORS OpenSLP recognizes the following OpenSLP individuals and organizations for their source code contributions. The following are also those that have or have had CVS commit access to the OpenSLP source code ========================================================================== Caldera Systems, Inc 240 West Center St Orem, Utah 84057 http://www.calderasystems.com ----------------------------- Funded original development of OpenSLP source code and continues to fund maintenance and enhancement of the OpenSLP project Matthew Peterson ----------------------------------------------- Original OpenSLP maintainer and principal author of code contributed by Caldera Systems, Inc. Ganesan Rajagopal -------------------------------------------- Author of the SLPv1 compatibility code, the OpenSLP make system, numerous platform and architecture ports (including 64-bit), and countless bug fixes. David McCormack ------------------------------------------------ Author of original test suite, some libslp features and many bug fixes Evan Hughes ------------------------------ Contributed all of the predicate parsing and LDAPv3 filter code Matthieu Desmons -------------------------------- Contributed major code changes for the original Win32 port Praveen Kumar Amritaluru ----------------------------------------------- Has provided extremely good testing coverage and continues to submits patches from time to time that fix otherwise hard to find bugs John Calcote ---------------------------------- Excellent DHCP code and Win32 porting work! Michael Schroeder ------------------------------- Has submitted chroot functionality to plug security holes and provide zeroconf functionality.