/* * Copyright © 2007 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Novell, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Novell, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * NOVELL, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL NOVELL, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman */ #ifndef _COMPIZ_CORE_H #define _COMPIZ_CORE_H #include #define CORE_ABIVERSION 20090619 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN #include #include #include COMPIZ_BEGIN_DECLS #if COMPOSITE_MAJOR > 0 || COMPOSITE_MINOR > 2 #define USE_COW #endif /* * WORDS_BIGENDIAN should be defined before including this file for * IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER and BITMAP_BIT_ORDER to be set correctly. */ #define LSBFirst 0 #define MSBFirst 1 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN # define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER MSBFirst # define BITMAP_BIT_ORDER MSBFirst #else # define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER LSBFirst # define BITMAP_BIT_ORDER LSBFirst #endif typedef struct _CompTexture CompTexture; typedef struct _CompIcon CompIcon; typedef struct _CompWindowExtents CompWindowExtents; typedef struct _CompWindowExtents CompFullscreenMonitorSet; typedef struct _CompProgram CompProgram; typedef struct _CompFunction CompFunction; typedef struct _CompFunctionData CompFunctionData; typedef struct _FragmentAttrib FragmentAttrib; typedef struct _CompCursor CompCursor; typedef struct _CompMatch CompMatch; typedef struct _CompOutput CompOutput; typedef struct _CompWalker CompWalker; /* virtual modifiers */ #define CompModAlt 0 #define CompModMeta 1 #define CompModSuper 2 #define CompModHyper 3 #define CompModModeSwitch 4 #define CompModNumLock 5 #define CompModScrollLock 6 #define CompModNum 7 #define CompAltMask (1 << 16) #define CompMetaMask (1 << 17) #define CompSuperMask (1 << 18) #define CompHyperMask (1 << 19) #define CompModeSwitchMask (1 << 20) #define CompNumLockMask (1 << 21) #define CompScrollLockMask (1 << 22) #define CompNoMask (1 << 25) #define CompWindowProtocolDeleteMask (1 << 0) #define CompWindowProtocolTakeFocusMask (1 << 1) #define CompWindowProtocolPingMask (1 << 2) #define CompWindowProtocolSyncRequestMask (1 << 3) #define CompWindowTypeDesktopMask (1 << 0) #define CompWindowTypeDockMask (1 << 1) #define CompWindowTypeToolbarMask (1 << 2) #define CompWindowTypeMenuMask (1 << 3) #define CompWindowTypeUtilMask (1 << 4) #define CompWindowTypeSplashMask (1 << 5) #define CompWindowTypeDialogMask (1 << 6) #define CompWindowTypeNormalMask (1 << 7) #define CompWindowTypeDropdownMenuMask (1 << 8) #define CompWindowTypePopupMenuMask (1 << 9) #define CompWindowTypeTooltipMask (1 << 10) #define CompWindowTypeNotificationMask (1 << 11) #define CompWindowTypeComboMask (1 << 12) #define CompWindowTypeDndMask (1 << 13) #define CompWindowTypeModalDialogMask (1 << 14) #define CompWindowTypeFullscreenMask (1 << 15) #define CompWindowTypeUnknownMask (1 << 16) #define NO_FOCUS_MASK (CompWindowTypeDesktopMask | \ CompWindowTypeDockMask | \ CompWindowTypeSplashMask) #define CompWindowStateModalMask (1 << 0) #define CompWindowStateStickyMask (1 << 1) #define CompWindowStateMaximizedVertMask (1 << 2) #define CompWindowStateMaximizedHorzMask (1 << 3) #define CompWindowStateShadedMask (1 << 4) #define CompWindowStateSkipTaskbarMask (1 << 5) #define CompWindowStateSkipPagerMask (1 << 6) #define CompWindowStateHiddenMask (1 << 7) #define CompWindowStateFullscreenMask (1 << 8) #define CompWindowStateAboveMask (1 << 9) #define CompWindowStateBelowMask (1 << 10) #define CompWindowStateDemandsAttentionMask (1 << 11) #define CompWindowStateDisplayModalMask (1 << 12) #define MAXIMIZE_STATE (CompWindowStateMaximizedHorzMask | \ CompWindowStateMaximizedVertMask) #define CompWindowActionMoveMask (1 << 0) #define CompWindowActionResizeMask (1 << 1) #define CompWindowActionStickMask (1 << 2) #define CompWindowActionMinimizeMask (1 << 3) #define CompWindowActionMaximizeHorzMask (1 << 4) #define CompWindowActionMaximizeVertMask (1 << 5) #define CompWindowActionFullscreenMask (1 << 6) #define CompWindowActionCloseMask (1 << 7) #define CompWindowActionShadeMask (1 << 8) #define CompWindowActionChangeDesktopMask (1 << 9) #define CompWindowActionAboveMask (1 << 10) #define CompWindowActionBelowMask (1 << 11) #define MwmFuncAll (1L << 0) #define MwmFuncResize (1L << 1) #define MwmFuncMove (1L << 2) #define MwmFuncIconify (1L << 3) #define MwmFuncMaximize (1L << 4) #define MwmFuncClose (1L << 5) #define MwmDecorAll (1L << 0) #define MwmDecorBorder (1L << 1) #define MwmDecorHandle (1L << 2) #define MwmDecorTitle (1L << 3) #define MwmDecorMenu (1L << 4) #define MwmDecorMinimize (1L << 5) #define MwmDecorMaximize (1L << 6) #define WmMoveResizeSizeTopLeft 0 #define WmMoveResizeSizeTop 1 #define WmMoveResizeSizeTopRight 2 #define WmMoveResizeSizeRight 3 #define WmMoveResizeSizeBottomRight 4 #define WmMoveResizeSizeBottom 5 #define WmMoveResizeSizeBottomLeft 6 #define WmMoveResizeSizeLeft 7 #define WmMoveResizeMove 8 #define WmMoveResizeSizeKeyboard 9 #define WmMoveResizeMoveKeyboard 10 #define WmMoveResizeCancel 11 /* EWMH source indication client types */ #define ClientTypeUnknown 0 #define ClientTypeApplication 1 #define ClientTypePager 2 #define OPAQUE 0xffff #define COLOR 0xffff #define BRIGHT 0xffff #define RED_SATURATION_WEIGHT 0.30f #define GREEN_SATURATION_WEIGHT 0.59f #define BLUE_SATURATION_WEIGHT 0.11f extern char *programName; extern char **programArgv; extern int programArgc; extern char *backgroundImage; extern REGION emptyRegion; extern REGION infiniteRegion; extern GLushort defaultColor[4]; extern Window currentRoot; extern Bool shutDown; extern Bool restartSignal; extern CompWindow *lastFoundWindow; extern CompWindow *lastDamagedWindow; extern Bool replaceCurrentWm; extern Bool indirectRendering; extern Bool strictBinding; extern Bool useCow; extern Bool noDetection; extern Bool useDesktopHints; extern Bool onlyCurrentScreen; extern char **initialPlugins; extern int nInitialPlugins; extern int defaultRefreshRate; extern char *defaultTextureFilter; extern int lastPointerX; extern int lastPointerY; extern int pointerX; extern int pointerY; extern CompCore core; extern CompMetadata coreMetadata; #define RESTRICT_VALUE(value, min, max) \ (((value) < (min)) ? (min): ((value) > (max)) ? (max) : (value)) #define MOD(a,b) ((a) < 0 ? ((b) - ((-(a) - 1) % (b))) - 1 : (a) % (b)) /* privates.c */ #define WRAP(priv, real, func, wrapFunc) \ (priv)->func = (real)->func; \ (real)->func = (wrapFunc) #define UNWRAP(priv, real, func) \ (real)->func = (priv)->func typedef union _CompPrivate { void *ptr; long val; unsigned long uval; void *(*fptr) (void); } CompPrivate; typedef int (*ReallocPrivatesProc) (int size, void *closure); int allocatePrivateIndex (int *len, char **indices, ReallocPrivatesProc reallocProc, void *closure); void freePrivateIndex (int len, char *indices, int index); /* object.c */ typedef unsigned int CompObjectType; #define COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_CORE 0 #define COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_DISPLAY 1 #define COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_SCREEN 2 #define COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_WINDOW 3 struct _CompObject { CompObjectType type; CompPrivate *privates; CompObject *parent; }; typedef CompBool (*ObjectCallBackProc) (CompObject *object, void *closure); typedef CompBool (*ObjectTypeCallBackProc) (CompObjectType type, CompObject *parent, void *closure); void compObjectInit (CompObject *object, CompPrivate *privates, CompObjectType type); void compObjectFini (CompObject *object); int compObjectAllocatePrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, CompObjectType type); void compObjectFreePrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, CompObjectType type, int index); CompBool compObjectForEach (CompObject *parent, CompObjectType type, ObjectCallBackProc proc, void *closure); CompBool compObjectForEachType (CompObject *parent, ObjectTypeCallBackProc proc, void *closure); const char * compObjectTypeName (CompObjectType type); char * compObjectName (CompObject *object); CompObject * compObjectFind (CompObject *parent, CompObjectType type, const char *name); #define ARRAY_SIZE(array) \ (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0])) #define DISPATCH_CHECK(object, dispTab, tabSize) \ ((object)->type < (tabSize) && (dispTab)[(object)->type]) #define DISPATCH(object, dispTab, tabSize, args) \ if (DISPATCH_CHECK (object, dispTab, tabSize)) \ (*(dispTab)[(object)->type]) args #define RETURN_DISPATCH(object, dispTab, tabSize, def, args) \ if (DISPATCH_CHECK (object, dispTab, tabSize)) \ return (*(dispTab)[(object)->type]) args; \ else \ return (def) /* session.c */ typedef enum { CompSessionEventSaveYourself = 0, CompSessionEventSaveComplete, CompSessionEventDie, CompSessionEventShutdownCancelled } CompSessionEvent; typedef enum { CompSessionClientId = 0, CompSessionPrevClientId } CompSessionClientIdType; typedef void (*SessionEventProc) (CompCore *c, CompSessionEvent event, CompOption *arguments, unsigned int nArguments); void initSession (char *smPrevClientId); void closeSession (void); void sessionEvent (CompCore *c, CompSessionEvent event, CompOption *arguments, unsigned int nArguments); char * getSessionClientId (CompSessionClientIdType type); /* option.c */ typedef enum { CompBindingTypeNone = 0, CompBindingTypeKey = 1 << 0, CompBindingTypeButton = 1 << 1, CompBindingTypeEdgeButton = 1 << 2 } CompBindingType; typedef enum { CompActionStateInitKey = 1 << 0, CompActionStateTermKey = 1 << 1, CompActionStateInitButton = 1 << 2, CompActionStateTermButton = 1 << 3, CompActionStateInitBell = 1 << 4, CompActionStateInitEdge = 1 << 5, CompActionStateTermEdge = 1 << 6, CompActionStateInitEdgeDnd = 1 << 7, CompActionStateTermEdgeDnd = 1 << 8, CompActionStateCommit = 1 << 9, CompActionStateCancel = 1 << 10, CompActionStateAutoGrab = 1 << 11, CompActionStateNoEdgeDelay = 1 << 12 } CompActionState; typedef enum { CompLogLevelFatal = 0, CompLogLevelError, CompLogLevelWarn, CompLogLevelInfo, CompLogLevelDebug } CompLogLevel; typedef struct _CompKeyBinding { int keycode; unsigned int modifiers; } CompKeyBinding; typedef struct _CompButtonBinding { int button; unsigned int modifiers; } CompButtonBinding; typedef struct _CompAction CompAction; typedef Bool (*CompActionCallBackProc) (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption); struct _CompAction { CompActionCallBackProc initiate; CompActionCallBackProc terminate; CompActionState state; CompBindingType type; CompKeyBinding key; CompButtonBinding button; Bool bell; unsigned int edgeMask; CompPrivate priv; }; typedef union _CompMatchOp CompMatchOp; struct _CompMatch { CompDisplay *display; CompMatchOp *op; int nOp; }; typedef struct { CompOptionType type; CompOptionValue *value; int nValue; } CompListValue; union _CompOptionValue { Bool b; int i; float f; char *s; unsigned short c[4]; CompAction action; CompMatch match; CompListValue list; }; typedef struct _CompOptionIntRestriction { int min; int max; } CompOptionIntRestriction; typedef struct _CompOptionFloatRestriction { float min; float max; float precision; } CompOptionFloatRestriction; typedef union { CompOptionIntRestriction i; CompOptionFloatRestriction f; } CompOptionRestriction; struct _CompOption { char *name; CompOptionType type; CompOptionValue value; CompOptionRestriction rest; }; typedef CompOption *(*DisplayOptionsProc) (CompDisplay *display, int *count); typedef CompOption *(*ScreenOptionsProc) (CompScreen *screen, int *count); Bool getBoolOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, Bool defaultValue); int getIntOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, int defaultValue); float getFloatOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, float defaultValue); char * getStringOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, char *defaultValue); unsigned short * getColorOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, unsigned short *defaultValue); CompMatch * getMatchOptionNamed (CompOption *option, int nOption, const char *name, CompMatch *defaultValue); char * keyBindingToString (CompDisplay *d, CompKeyBinding *key); char * buttonBindingToString (CompDisplay *d, CompButtonBinding *button); char * keyActionToString (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action); char * buttonActionToString (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action); Bool stringToKeyBinding (CompDisplay *d, const char *binding, CompKeyBinding *key); Bool stringToButtonBinding (CompDisplay *d, const char *binding, CompButtonBinding *button); void stringToKeyAction (CompDisplay *d, const char *binding, CompAction *action); void stringToButtonAction (CompDisplay *d, const char *binding, CompAction *action); const char * edgeToString (unsigned int edge); unsigned int stringToEdgeMask (const char *edge); char * edgeMaskToString (unsigned int edgeMask); Bool stringToColor (const char *color, unsigned short *rgba); char * colorToString (unsigned short *rgba); const char * optionTypeToString (CompOptionType type); Bool isActionOption (CompOption *option); /* core.c */ typedef CompBool (*InitPluginForObjectProc) (CompPlugin *plugin, CompObject *object); typedef void (*FiniPluginForObjectProc) (CompPlugin *plugin, CompObject *object); typedef CompBool (*SetOptionForPluginProc) (CompObject *object, const char *plugin, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value); typedef void (*ObjectAddProc) (CompObject *parent, CompObject *object); typedef void (*ObjectRemoveProc) (CompObject *parent, CompObject *object); #define NOTIFY_CREATE_MASK (1 << 0) #define NOTIFY_DELETE_MASK (1 << 1) #define NOTIFY_MOVE_MASK (1 << 2) #define NOTIFY_MODIFY_MASK (1 << 3) typedef void (*FileWatchCallBackProc) (const char *name, void *closure); typedef int CompFileWatchHandle; typedef struct _CompFileWatch { struct _CompFileWatch *next; char *path; int mask; FileWatchCallBackProc callBack; void *closure; CompFileWatchHandle handle; } CompFileWatch; typedef void (*FileWatchAddedProc) (CompCore *core, CompFileWatch *fileWatch); typedef void (*FileWatchRemovedProc) (CompCore *core, CompFileWatch *fileWatch); typedef struct _CompTimeout { struct _CompTimeout *next; int minTime; int maxTime; int minLeft; int maxLeft; CallBackProc callBack; void *closure; CompTimeoutHandle handle; } CompTimeout; typedef struct _CompWatchFd { struct _CompWatchFd *next; int fd; CallBackProc callBack; void *closure; CompWatchFdHandle handle; } CompWatchFd; typedef void (*LogMessageProc) (const char *componentName, CompLogLevel level, const char *message); struct _CompCore { CompObject base; CompDisplay *displays; Region tmpRegion; Region outputRegion; CompFileWatch *fileWatch; CompFileWatchHandle lastFileWatchHandle; CompTimeout *timeouts; struct timeval lastTimeout; CompTimeoutHandle lastTimeoutHandle; CompWatchFd *watchFds; CompWatchFdHandle lastWatchFdHandle; struct pollfd *watchPollFds; int nWatchFds; InitPluginForObjectProc initPluginForObject; FiniPluginForObjectProc finiPluginForObject; SetOptionForPluginProc setOptionForPlugin; ObjectAddProc objectAdd; ObjectRemoveProc objectRemove; FileWatchAddedProc fileWatchAdded; FileWatchRemovedProc fileWatchRemoved; SessionEventProc sessionEvent; LogMessageProc logMessage; }; int allocCoreObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent); void freeCoreObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, int index); CompBool forEachCoreObject (CompObject *parent, ObjectCallBackProc proc, void *closure); char * nameCoreObject (CompObject *object); CompObject * findCoreObject (CompObject *parent, const char *name); CompBool initCore (void); void finiCore (void); int allocateCorePrivateIndex (void); void freeCorePrivateIndex (int index); void addDisplayToCore (CompDisplay *d); CompFileWatchHandle addFileWatch (const char *path, int mask, FileWatchCallBackProc callBack, void *closure); void removeFileWatch (CompFileWatchHandle handle); /* display.c */ #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_ABI 0 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_ACTIVE_PLUGINS 1 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TEXTURE_FILTER 2 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLICK_TO_FOCUS 3 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_AUTORAISE 4 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_AUTORAISE_DELAY 5 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLOSE_WINDOW_KEY 6 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLOSE_WINDOW_BUTTON 7 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_SLOW_ANIMATIONS_KEY 8 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_RAISE_WINDOW_KEY 9 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_RAISE_WINDOW_BUTTON 10 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_LOWER_WINDOW_KEY 11 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_LOWER_WINDOW_BUTTON 12 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_UNMAXIMIZE_WINDOW_KEY 13 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_MINIMIZE_WINDOW_KEY 14 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_MINIMIZE_WINDOW_BUTTON 15 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW_KEY 16 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW_HORZ_KEY 17 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW_VERT_KEY 18 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_WINDOW_MENU_BUTTON 19 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_WINDOW_MENU_KEY 20 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_SHOW_DESKTOP_KEY 21 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_SHOW_DESKTOP_EDGE 22 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_RAISE_ON_CLICK 23 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_AUDIBLE_BELL 24 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TOGGLE_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_KEY 25 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TOGGLE_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_BUTTON 26 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TOGGLE_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_HORZ_KEY 27 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TOGGLE_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_VERT_KEY 28 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_HIDE_SKIP_TASKBAR_WINDOWS 29 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_TOGGLE_WINDOW_SHADED_KEY 30 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_IGNORE_HINTS_WHEN_MAXIMIZED 31 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_PING_DELAY 32 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_EDGE_DELAY 33 #define COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM 34 typedef void (*HandleEventProc) (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event); typedef void (*HandleCompizEventProc) (CompDisplay *display, const char *pluginName, const char *eventName, CompOption *option, int nOption); typedef void (*ForEachWindowProc) (CompWindow *window, void *closure); typedef Bool (*FileToImageProc) (CompDisplay *display, const char *path, const char *name, int *width, int *height, int *stride, void **data); typedef Bool (*ImageToFileProc) (CompDisplay *display, const char *path, const char *name, const char *format, int width, int height, int stride, void *data); #define MATCH_OP_AND_MASK (1 << 0) #define MATCH_OP_NOT_MASK (1 << 1) typedef enum { CompMatchOpTypeGroup, CompMatchOpTypeExp } CompMatchOpType; typedef struct _CompMatchAnyOp { CompMatchOpType type; int flags; } CompMatchAnyOp; typedef struct _CompMatchGroupOp { CompMatchOpType type; int flags; CompMatchOp *op; int nOp; } CompMatchGroupOp; typedef void (*CompMatchExpFiniProc) (CompDisplay *display, CompPrivate priv); typedef Bool (*CompMatchExpEvalProc) (CompDisplay *display, CompWindow *window, CompPrivate priv); typedef struct _CompMatchExp { CompMatchExpFiniProc fini; CompMatchExpEvalProc eval; CompPrivate priv; } CompMatchExp; typedef struct _CompMatchExpOp { CompMatchOpType type; int flags; char *value; CompMatchExp e; } CompMatchExpOp; union _CompMatchOp { CompMatchOpType type; CompMatchAnyOp any; CompMatchGroupOp group; CompMatchExpOp exp; }; typedef void (*MatchInitExpProc) (CompDisplay *display, CompMatchExp *exp, const char *value); typedef void (*MatchExpHandlerChangedProc) (CompDisplay *display); typedef void (*MatchPropertyChangedProc) (CompDisplay *display, CompWindow *window); struct _CompDisplay { CompObject base; CompDisplay *next; Display *display; CompScreen *screens; CompWatchFdHandle watchFdHandle; char *screenPrivateIndices; int screenPrivateLen; int compositeEvent, compositeError, compositeOpcode; int damageEvent, damageError; int syncEvent, syncError; int fixesEvent, fixesError, fixesVersion; Bool randrExtension; int randrEvent, randrError; Bool shapeExtension; int shapeEvent, shapeError; Bool xkbExtension; int xkbEvent, xkbError; Bool xineramaExtension; int xineramaEvent, xineramaError; XineramaScreenInfo *screenInfo; int nScreenInfo; SnDisplay *snDisplay; Atom supportedAtom; Atom supportingWmCheckAtom; Atom utf8StringAtom; Atom wmNameAtom; Atom winTypeAtom; Atom winTypeDesktopAtom; Atom winTypeDockAtom; Atom winTypeToolbarAtom; Atom winTypeMenuAtom; Atom winTypeUtilAtom; Atom winTypeSplashAtom; Atom winTypeDialogAtom; Atom winTypeNormalAtom; Atom winTypeDropdownMenuAtom; Atom winTypePopupMenuAtom; Atom winTypeTooltipAtom; Atom winTypeNotificationAtom; Atom winTypeComboAtom; Atom winTypeDndAtom; Atom winOpacityAtom; Atom winBrightnessAtom; Atom winSaturationAtom; Atom winActiveAtom; Atom winDesktopAtom; Atom workareaAtom; Atom desktopViewportAtom; Atom desktopGeometryAtom; Atom currentDesktopAtom; Atom numberOfDesktopsAtom; Atom winStateAtom; Atom winStateModalAtom; Atom winStateStickyAtom; Atom winStateMaximizedVertAtom; Atom winStateMaximizedHorzAtom; Atom winStateShadedAtom; Atom winStateSkipTaskbarAtom; Atom winStateSkipPagerAtom; Atom winStateHiddenAtom; Atom winStateFullscreenAtom; Atom winStateAboveAtom; Atom winStateBelowAtom; Atom winStateDemandsAttentionAtom; Atom winStateDisplayModalAtom; Atom winActionMoveAtom; Atom winActionResizeAtom; Atom winActionStickAtom; Atom winActionMinimizeAtom; Atom winActionMaximizeHorzAtom; Atom winActionMaximizeVertAtom; Atom winActionFullscreenAtom; Atom winActionCloseAtom; Atom winActionShadeAtom; Atom winActionChangeDesktopAtom; Atom winActionAboveAtom; Atom winActionBelowAtom; Atom wmAllowedActionsAtom; Atom wmStrutAtom; Atom wmStrutPartialAtom; Atom wmUserTimeAtom; Atom wmIconAtom; Atom wmIconGeometryAtom; Atom clientListAtom; Atom clientListStackingAtom; Atom frameExtentsAtom; Atom frameWindowAtom; Atom wmStateAtom; Atom wmChangeStateAtom; Atom wmProtocolsAtom; Atom wmClientLeaderAtom; Atom wmDeleteWindowAtom; Atom wmTakeFocusAtom; Atom wmPingAtom; Atom wmSyncRequestAtom; Atom wmSyncRequestCounterAtom; Atom wmFullscreenMonitorsAtom; Atom closeWindowAtom; Atom wmMoveResizeAtom; Atom moveResizeWindowAtom; Atom restackWindowAtom; Atom showingDesktopAtom; Atom xBackgroundAtom[2]; Atom toolkitActionAtom; Atom toolkitActionWindowMenuAtom; Atom toolkitActionForceQuitDialogAtom; Atom mwmHintsAtom; Atom xdndAwareAtom; Atom xdndEnterAtom; Atom xdndLeaveAtom; Atom xdndPositionAtom; Atom xdndStatusAtom; Atom xdndDropAtom; Atom managerAtom; Atom targetsAtom; Atom multipleAtom; Atom timestampAtom; Atom versionAtom; Atom atomPairAtom; Atom startupIdAtom; unsigned int lastPing; CompTimeoutHandle pingHandle; GLenum textureFilter; Window activeWindow; Window below; char displayString[256]; XModifierKeymap *modMap; unsigned int modMask[CompModNum]; unsigned int ignoredModMask; KeyCode escapeKeyCode; KeyCode returnKeyCode; CompOption opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM]; CompTimeoutHandle autoRaiseHandle; Window autoRaiseWindow; CompTimeoutHandle edgeDelayHandle; CompOptionValue plugin; Bool dirtyPluginList; HandleEventProc handleEvent; HandleCompizEventProc handleCompizEvent; FileToImageProc fileToImage; ImageToFileProc imageToFile; MatchInitExpProc matchInitExp; MatchExpHandlerChangedProc matchExpHandlerChanged; MatchPropertyChangedProc matchPropertyChanged; LogMessageProc logMessage; void *reserved; }; #define GET_CORE_DISPLAY(object) ((CompDisplay *) (object)) #define CORE_DISPLAY(object) CompDisplay *d = GET_CORE_DISPLAY (object) CompBool allocDisplayObjectPrivates (CompObject *object, CompObject *parent); int allocDisplayObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent); void freeDisplayObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, int index); CompBool forEachDisplayObject (CompObject *parent, ObjectCallBackProc proc, void *closure); char * nameDisplayObject (CompObject *object); CompObject * findDisplayObject (CompObject *parent, const char *name); int allocateDisplayPrivateIndex (void); void freeDisplayPrivateIndex (int index); CompOption * getDisplayOptions (CompPlugin *plugin, CompDisplay *display, int *count); Bool setDisplayOption (CompPlugin *plugin, CompDisplay *display, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value); void compLogMessage (const char *componentName, CompLogLevel level, const char *format, ...); void logMessage (const char *componentName, CompLogLevel level, const char *message); const char * logLevelToString (CompLogLevel level); int compCheckForError (Display *dpy); void addScreenToDisplay (CompDisplay *display, CompScreen *s); Bool addDisplay (const char *name); void removeDisplay (CompDisplay *d); Time getCurrentTimeFromDisplay (CompDisplay *d); void forEachWindowOnDisplay (CompDisplay *display, ForEachWindowProc proc, void *closure); CompScreen * findScreenAtDisplay (CompDisplay *d, Window root); CompWindow * findWindowAtDisplay (CompDisplay *display, Window id); CompWindow * findTopLevelWindowAtDisplay (CompDisplay *d, Window id); unsigned int virtualToRealModMask (CompDisplay *d, unsigned int modMask); void updateModifierMappings (CompDisplay *d); unsigned int keycodeToModifiers (CompDisplay *d, int keycode); void eventLoop (void); void handleSelectionRequest (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event); void handleSelectionClear (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event); void warpPointer (CompScreen *screen, int dx, int dy); Bool setDisplayAction (CompDisplay *display, CompOption *o, CompOptionValue *value); Bool readImageFromFile (CompDisplay *display, const char *name, int *width, int *height, void **data); Bool writeImageToFile (CompDisplay *display, const char *path, const char *name, const char *format, int width, int height, void *data); Bool fileToImage (CompDisplay *display, const char *path, const char *name, int *width, int *height, int *stride, void **data); Bool imageToFile (CompDisplay *display, const char *path, const char *name, const char *format, int width, int height, int stride, void *data); CompCursor * findCursorAtDisplay (CompDisplay *display); /* event.c */ typedef struct _CompDelayedEdgeSettings { CompDisplay *d; unsigned int edge; unsigned int state; CompOption option[7]; unsigned int nOption; } CompDelayedEdgeSettings; void handleEvent (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event); void handleCompizEvent (CompDisplay *display, const char *pluginName, const char *eventName, CompOption *option, int nOption); void handleSyncAlarm (CompWindow *w); Bool eventMatches (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event, CompOption *option); Bool eventTerminates (CompDisplay *display, XEvent *event, CompOption *option); void clearTargetOutput (CompDisplay *display, unsigned int mask); /* paint.c */ #define MULTIPLY_USHORT(us1, us2) \ (((GLuint) (us1) * (GLuint) (us2)) / 0xffff) /* camera distance from screen, 0.5 * tan (FOV) */ #define DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA 0.866025404f #define DEG2RAD (M_PI / 180.0f) typedef struct _CompTransform { float m[16]; } CompTransform; typedef union _CompVector { float v[4]; struct { float x; float y; float z; float w; }; } CompVector; /* XXX: ScreenPaintAttrib will be removed */ typedef struct _ScreenPaintAttrib { GLfloat xRotate; GLfloat yRotate; GLfloat vRotate; GLfloat xTranslate; GLfloat yTranslate; GLfloat zTranslate; GLfloat zCamera; } ScreenPaintAttrib; /* XXX: scale and translate fields will be removed */ typedef struct _WindowPaintAttrib { GLushort opacity; GLushort brightness; GLushort saturation; GLfloat xScale; GLfloat yScale; GLfloat xTranslate; GLfloat yTranslate; } WindowPaintAttrib; extern ScreenPaintAttrib defaultScreenPaintAttrib; extern WindowPaintAttrib defaultWindowPaintAttrib; typedef struct _CompMatrix { float xx; float yx; float xy; float yy; float x0; float y0; } CompMatrix; #define COMP_TEX_COORD_X(m, vx) ((m)->xx * (vx) + (m)->x0) #define COMP_TEX_COORD_Y(m, vy) ((m)->yy * (vy) + (m)->y0) #define COMP_TEX_COORD_XY(m, vx, vy) \ ((m)->xx * (vx) + (m)->xy * (vy) + (m)->x0) #define COMP_TEX_COORD_YX(m, vx, vy) \ ((m)->yx * (vx) + (m)->yy * (vy) + (m)->y0) typedef void (*PreparePaintScreenProc) (CompScreen *screen, int msSinceLastPaint); typedef void (*DonePaintScreenProc) (CompScreen *screen); #define PAINT_SCREEN_REGION_MASK (1 << 0) #define PAINT_SCREEN_FULL_MASK (1 << 1) #define PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED_MASK (1 << 2) #define PAINT_SCREEN_WITH_TRANSFORMED_WINDOWS_MASK (1 << 3) #define PAINT_SCREEN_CLEAR_MASK (1 << 4) #define PAINT_SCREEN_NO_OCCLUSION_DETECTION_MASK (1 << 5) #define PAINT_SCREEN_NO_BACKGROUND_MASK (1 << 6) typedef void (*PaintScreenProc) (CompScreen *screen, CompOutput *outputs, int numOutput, unsigned int mask); typedef Bool (*PaintOutputProc) (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask); typedef void (*PaintTransformedOutputProc) (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask); /* XXX: ApplyScreenTransformProc will be removed */ typedef void (*ApplyScreenTransformProc) (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, CompOutput *output, CompTransform *transform); typedef void (*EnableOutputClippingProc) (CompScreen *screen, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output); typedef void (*DisableOutputClippingProc) (CompScreen *screen); typedef void (*WalkerFiniProc) (CompScreen *screen, CompWalker *walker); typedef CompWindow *(*WalkInitProc) (CompScreen *screen); typedef CompWindow *(*WalkStepProc) (CompWindow *window); struct _CompWalker { WalkerFiniProc fini; CompPrivate priv; WalkInitProc first; WalkInitProc last; WalkStepProc next; WalkStepProc prev; }; /* window paint flags bit 1-16 are used for read-only flags and they provide information that describe the screen rendering pass currently in process. bit 17-32 are writable flags and they provide information that is used to optimize rendering. */ /* this flag is present when window is being painted on a transformed screen. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_ON_TRANSFORMED_SCREEN_MASK (1 << 0) /* this flag is present when window is being tested for occlusion of other windows. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_OCCLUSION_DETECTION_MASK (1 << 1) /* this flag indicates that the window ist painted with an offset */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_WITH_OFFSET_MASK (1 << 2) /* flag indicate that window is translucent. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSLUCENT_MASK (1 << 16) /* flag indicate that window is transformed. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK (1 << 17) /* flag indicate that core PaintWindow function should not draw this window. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_NO_CORE_INSTANCE_MASK (1 << 18) /* flag indicate that blending is required. */ #define PAINT_WINDOW_BLEND_MASK (1 << 19) typedef Bool (*PaintWindowProc) (CompWindow *window, const WindowPaintAttrib *attrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, unsigned int mask); typedef Bool (*DrawWindowProc) (CompWindow *window, const CompTransform *transform, const FragmentAttrib *fragment, Region region, unsigned int mask); typedef void (*AddWindowGeometryProc) (CompWindow *window, CompMatrix *matrix, int nMatrix, Region region, Region clip); typedef void (*DrawWindowTextureProc) (CompWindow *w, CompTexture *texture, const FragmentAttrib *fragment, unsigned int mask); typedef void (*DrawWindowGeometryProc) (CompWindow *window); typedef void (*PaintCursorProc) (CompCursor *cursor, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, unsigned int mask); void preparePaintScreen (CompScreen *screen, int msSinceLastPaint); void donePaintScreen (CompScreen *screen); void transformToScreenSpace (CompScreen *screen, CompOutput *output, float z, CompTransform *transform); /* XXX: prepareXCoords will be removed */ void prepareXCoords (CompScreen *screen, CompOutput *output, float z); void paintTransformedOutput (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask); /* XXX: applyScreenTransform will be removed */ void applyScreenTransform (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, CompOutput *output, CompTransform *transform); void enableOutputClipping (CompScreen *screen, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output); void disableOutputClipping (CompScreen *screen); void paintScreen (CompScreen *screen, CompOutput *outputs, int numOutput, unsigned int mask); Bool paintOutput (CompScreen *screen, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask); Bool moreWindowVertices (CompWindow *w, int newSize); Bool moreWindowIndices (CompWindow *w, int newSize); void addWindowGeometry (CompWindow *w, CompMatrix *matrix, int nMatrix, Region region, Region clip); void drawWindowTexture (CompWindow *w, CompTexture *texture, const FragmentAttrib *fragment, unsigned int mask); Bool drawWindow (CompWindow *w, const CompTransform *transform, const FragmentAttrib *fragment, Region region, unsigned int mask); Bool paintWindow (CompWindow *w, const WindowPaintAttrib *attrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, unsigned int mask); void paintCursor (CompCursor *cursor, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, unsigned int mask); /* texture.c */ #define POWER_OF_TWO(v) ((v & (v - 1)) == 0) typedef enum { COMP_TEXTURE_FILTER_FAST, COMP_TEXTURE_FILTER_GOOD } CompTextureFilter; struct _CompTexture { GLuint name; GLenum target; GLfloat dx, dy; GLXPixmap pixmap; GLenum filter; GLenum wrap; CompMatrix matrix; Bool oldMipmaps; Bool mipmap; int refCount; }; void initTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); void finiTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); CompTexture * createTexture (CompScreen *screen); void destroyTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); Bool imageBufferToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, const char *image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height); Bool imageDataToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, const char *image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GLenum format, GLenum type); Bool readImageToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, const char *imageFileName, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height); Bool iconToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompIcon *icon); Bool bindPixmapToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, Pixmap pixmap, int width, int height, int depth); void releasePixmapFromTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); void enableTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, CompTextureFilter filter); void enableTextureClampToBorder (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, CompTextureFilter filter); void enableTextureClampToEdge (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, CompTextureFilter filter); void disableTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); /* screen.c */ #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_DETECT_REFRESH_RATE 0 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_LIGHTING 1 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_REFRESH_RATE 2 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_HSIZE 3 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_VSIZE 4 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_UNREDIRECT_FS 5 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_DEFAULT_ICON 6 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 7 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS 8 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_DETECT_OUTPUTS 9 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_OUTPUTS 10 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_OVERLAPPING_OUTPUTS 11 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL 12 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_FOCUS_PREVENTION_MATCH 13 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION 14 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_FORCE_INDEPENDENT 15 #define COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_NUM 16 #ifndef GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap #define GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB_EXT 0x20D0 #define GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA_EXT 0x20D1 #define GLX_BIND_TO_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_EXT 0x20D2 #define GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT 0x20D3 #define GLX_Y_INVERTED_EXT 0x20D4 #define GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_EXT 0x20D5 #define GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT 0x20D6 #define GLX_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_EXT 0x20D7 #define GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_NONE_EXT 0x20D8 #define GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB_EXT 0x20D9 #define GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA_EXT 0x20DA #define GLX_TEXTURE_1D_BIT_EXT 0x00000001 #define GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT 0x00000002 #define GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT 0x00000004 #define GLX_TEXTURE_1D_EXT 0x20DB #define GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT 0x20DC #define GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT 0x20DD #define GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT 0x20DE #endif #define OUTPUT_OVERLAP_MODE_SMART 0 #define OUTPUT_OVERLAP_MODE_PREFER_LARGER 1 #define OUTPUT_OVERLAP_MODE_PREFER_SMALLER 2 #define OUTPUT_OVERLAP_MODE_LAST OUTPUT_OVERLAP_MODE_PREFER_SMALLER #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_NONE 0 #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_LOW 1 #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_NORMAL 2 #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_HIGH 3 #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_VERYHIGH 4 #define FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_LAST FOCUS_PREVENTION_LEVEL_VERYHIGH typedef void (*FuncPtr) (void); typedef FuncPtr (*GLXGetProcAddressProc) (const GLubyte *procName); typedef void (*GLXBindTexImageProc) (Display *display, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer, int *attribList); typedef void (*GLXReleaseTexImageProc) (Display *display, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer); typedef void (*GLXQueryDrawableProc) (Display *display, GLXDrawable drawable, int attribute, unsigned int *value); typedef void (*GLXCopySubBufferProc) (Display *display, GLXDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height); typedef int (*GLXGetVideoSyncProc) (unsigned int *count); typedef int (*GLXWaitVideoSyncProc) (int divisor, int remainder, unsigned int *count); #ifndef GLX_VERSION_1_3 typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec *GLXFBConfig; #endif typedef GLXFBConfig *(*GLXGetFBConfigsProc) (Display *display, int screen, int *nElements); typedef int (*GLXGetFBConfigAttribProc) (Display *display, GLXFBConfig config, int attribute, int *value); typedef GLXPixmap (*GLXCreatePixmapProc) (Display *display, GLXFBConfig config, Pixmap pixmap, const int *attribList); typedef void (*GLXDestroyPixmapProc) (Display *display, GLXPixmap pixmap); typedef void (*GLActiveTextureProc) (GLenum texture); typedef void (*GLClientActiveTextureProc) (GLenum texture); typedef void (*GLMultiTexCoord2fProc) (GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat); typedef void (*GLGenProgramsProc) (GLsizei n, GLuint *programs); typedef void (*GLDeleteProgramsProc) (GLsizei n, GLuint *programs); typedef void (*GLBindProgramProc) (GLenum target, GLuint program); typedef void (*GLProgramStringProc) (GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string); typedef void (*GLProgramParameter4fProc) (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); typedef void (*GLGetProgramivProc) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, int *params); typedef void (*GLGenFramebuffersProc) (GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); typedef void (*GLDeleteFramebuffersProc) (GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); typedef void (*GLBindFramebufferProc) (GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); typedef GLenum (*GLCheckFramebufferStatusProc) (GLenum target); typedef void (*GLFramebufferTexture2DProc) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); typedef void (*GLGenerateMipmapProc) (GLenum target); #define MAX_DEPTH 32 typedef void (*EnterShowDesktopModeProc) (CompScreen *screen); typedef void (*LeaveShowDesktopModeProc) (CompScreen *screen, CompWindow *window); typedef Bool (*DamageWindowRectProc) (CompWindow *w, Bool initial, BoxPtr rect); typedef Bool (*DamageWindowRegionProc) (CompWindow *w, Region region); typedef Bool (*DamageCursorRectProc) (CompCursor *c, Bool initial, BoxPtr rect); typedef void (*GetOutputExtentsForWindowProc) (CompWindow *w, CompWindowExtents *output); typedef void (*GetAllowedActionsForWindowProc) (CompWindow *w, unsigned int *setActions, unsigned int *clearActions); typedef Bool (*FocusWindowProc) (CompWindow *window); typedef void (*ActivateWindowProc) (CompWindow *window); typedef Bool (*PlaceWindowProc) (CompWindow *window, int x, int y, int *newX, int *newY); typedef void (*ValidateWindowResizeRequestProc) (CompWindow *window, unsigned int *mask, XWindowChanges *xwc, unsigned int source); typedef void (*WindowResizeNotifyProc) (CompWindow *window, int dx, int dy, int dwidth, int dheight); typedef void (*WindowMoveNotifyProc) (CompWindow *window, int dx, int dy, Bool immediate); #define CompWindowGrabKeyMask (1 << 0) #define CompWindowGrabButtonMask (1 << 1) #define CompWindowGrabMoveMask (1 << 2) #define CompWindowGrabResizeMask (1 << 3) #define CompWindowGrabExternalAppMask (1 << 4) typedef void (*WindowGrabNotifyProc) (CompWindow *window, int x, int y, unsigned int state, unsigned int mask); typedef void (*WindowUngrabNotifyProc) (CompWindow *window); typedef void (*WindowStateChangeNotifyProc) (CompWindow *window, unsigned int lastState); typedef void (*OutputChangeNotifyProc) (CompScreen *screen); typedef unsigned int (*AddSupportedAtomsProc) (CompScreen *s, Atom *atoms, unsigned int size); typedef void (*InitWindowWalkerProc) (CompScreen *screen, CompWalker *walker); #define COMP_SCREEN_DAMAGE_PENDING_MASK (1 << 0) #define COMP_SCREEN_DAMAGE_REGION_MASK (1 << 1) #define COMP_SCREEN_DAMAGE_ALL_MASK (1 << 2) typedef struct _CompKeyGrab { int keycode; unsigned int modifiers; int count; } CompKeyGrab; typedef struct _CompButtonGrab { int button; unsigned int modifiers; int count; } CompButtonGrab; typedef struct _CompGrab { Bool active; Cursor cursor; const char *name; } CompGrab; typedef struct _CompGroup { struct _CompGroup *next; unsigned int refCnt; Window id; } CompGroup; typedef struct _CompStartupSequence { struct _CompStartupSequence *next; SnStartupSequence *sequence; unsigned int viewportX; unsigned int viewportY; } CompStartupSequence; typedef struct _CompFBConfig { GLXFBConfig fbConfig; int yInverted; int mipmap; int textureFormat; int textureTargets; } CompFBConfig; #define NOTHING_TRANS_FILTER 0 #define SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER 1 #define WINDOW_TRANS_FILTER 2 #define SCREEN_EDGE_LEFT 0 #define SCREEN_EDGE_RIGHT 1 #define SCREEN_EDGE_TOP 2 #define SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOM 3 #define SCREEN_EDGE_TOPLEFT 4 #define SCREEN_EDGE_TOPRIGHT 5 #define SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOMLEFT 6 #define SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOMRIGHT 7 #define SCREEN_EDGE_NUM 8 typedef struct _CompScreenEdge { Window id; unsigned int count; } CompScreenEdge; struct _CompIcon { CompTexture texture; int width; int height; }; struct _CompOutput { char *name; int id; REGION region; int width; int height; XRectangle workArea; }; typedef struct _CompCursorImage { struct _CompCursorImage *next; unsigned long serial; Pixmap pixmap; CompTexture texture; int xhot; int yhot; int width; int height; } CompCursorImage; struct _CompCursor { struct _CompCursor *next; CompScreen *screen; CompCursorImage *image; int x; int y; CompMatrix matrix; }; #define ACTIVE_WINDOW_HISTORY_SIZE 64 #define ACTIVE_WINDOW_HISTORY_NUM 32 typedef struct _CompActiveWindowHistory { Window id[ACTIVE_WINDOW_HISTORY_SIZE]; int x; int y; int activeNum; } CompActiveWindowHistory; struct _CompScreen { CompObject base; CompScreen *next; CompDisplay *display; CompWindow *windows; CompWindow *reverseWindows; char *windowPrivateIndices; int windowPrivateLen; Colormap colormap; int screenNum; int width; int height; int x; int y; int hsize; /* Number of horizontal viewports */ int vsize; /* Number of vertical viewports */ unsigned int nDesktop; unsigned int currentDesktop; REGION region; Region damage; unsigned long damageMask; Window root; Window overlay; Window output; XWindowAttributes attrib; Window grabWindow; CompFBConfig glxPixmapFBConfigs[MAX_DEPTH + 1]; int textureRectangle; int textureNonPowerOfTwo; int textureEnvCombine; int textureEnvCrossbar; int textureBorderClamp; int textureCompression; GLint maxTextureSize; int fbo; int fragmentProgram; int maxTextureUnits; Cursor invisibleCursor; XRectangle *exposeRects; int sizeExpose; int nExpose; CompTexture backgroundTexture; Bool backgroundLoaded; unsigned int pendingDestroys; int desktopWindowCount; unsigned int mapNum; unsigned int activeNum; CompOutput *outputDev; int nOutputDev; int currentOutputDev; CompOutput fullscreenOutput; Bool hasOverlappingOutputs; int windowOffsetX; int windowOffsetY; XRectangle lastViewport; CompActiveWindowHistory history[ACTIVE_WINDOW_HISTORY_NUM]; int currentHistory; int overlayWindowCount; CompScreenEdge screenEdge[SCREEN_EDGE_NUM]; SnMonitorContext *snContext; CompStartupSequence *startupSequences; unsigned int startupSequenceTimeoutHandle; int filter[3]; CompGroup *groups; CompIcon *defaultIcon; Bool canDoSaturated; Bool canDoSlightlySaturated; Window wmSnSelectionWindow; Atom wmSnAtom; Time wmSnTimestamp; Cursor normalCursor; Cursor busyCursor; CompWindow **clientList; int nClientList; CompButtonGrab *buttonGrab; int nButtonGrab; CompKeyGrab *keyGrab; int nKeyGrab; CompGrab *grabs; int grabSize; int maxGrab; int rasterX; int rasterY; struct timeval lastRedraw; int nextRedraw; int redrawTime; int optimalRedrawTime; int frameStatus; int timeMult; Bool idle; int timeLeft; Bool pendingCommands; int lastFunctionId; CompFunction *fragmentFunctions; CompProgram *fragmentPrograms; int saturateFunction[2][64]; GLfloat projection[16]; Bool clearBuffers; Bool lighting; Bool slowAnimations; XRectangle workArea; unsigned int showingDesktopMask; unsigned long *desktopHintData; int desktopHintSize; CompCursor *cursors; CompCursorImage *cursorImages; GLXGetProcAddressProc getProcAddress; GLXBindTexImageProc bindTexImage; GLXReleaseTexImageProc releaseTexImage; GLXQueryDrawableProc queryDrawable; GLXCopySubBufferProc copySubBuffer; GLXGetVideoSyncProc getVideoSync; GLXWaitVideoSyncProc waitVideoSync; GLXGetFBConfigsProc getFBConfigs; GLXGetFBConfigAttribProc getFBConfigAttrib; GLXCreatePixmapProc createPixmap; GLXDestroyPixmapProc destroyPixmap; GLActiveTextureProc activeTexture; GLClientActiveTextureProc clientActiveTexture; GLMultiTexCoord2fProc multiTexCoord2f; GLGenProgramsProc genPrograms; GLDeleteProgramsProc deletePrograms; GLBindProgramProc bindProgram; GLProgramStringProc programString; GLProgramParameter4fProc programEnvParameter4f; GLProgramParameter4fProc programLocalParameter4f; GLGetProgramivProc getProgramiv; GLGenFramebuffersProc genFramebuffers; GLDeleteFramebuffersProc deleteFramebuffers; GLBindFramebufferProc bindFramebuffer; GLCheckFramebufferStatusProc checkFramebufferStatus; GLFramebufferTexture2DProc framebufferTexture2D; GLGenerateMipmapProc generateMipmap; GLXContext ctx; CompOption opt[COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_NUM]; PreparePaintScreenProc preparePaintScreen; DonePaintScreenProc donePaintScreen; PaintScreenProc paintScreen; PaintOutputProc paintOutput; PaintTransformedOutputProc paintTransformedOutput; EnableOutputClippingProc enableOutputClipping; DisableOutputClippingProc disableOutputClipping; ApplyScreenTransformProc applyScreenTransform; PaintWindowProc paintWindow; DrawWindowProc drawWindow; AddWindowGeometryProc addWindowGeometry; DrawWindowTextureProc drawWindowTexture; DamageWindowRectProc damageWindowRect; GetOutputExtentsForWindowProc getOutputExtentsForWindow; GetAllowedActionsForWindowProc getAllowedActionsForWindow; FocusWindowProc focusWindow; ActivateWindowProc activateWindow; PlaceWindowProc placeWindow; ValidateWindowResizeRequestProc validateWindowResizeRequest; PaintCursorProc paintCursor; DamageCursorRectProc damageCursorRect; WindowResizeNotifyProc windowResizeNotify; WindowMoveNotifyProc windowMoveNotify; WindowGrabNotifyProc windowGrabNotify; WindowUngrabNotifyProc windowUngrabNotify; EnterShowDesktopModeProc enterShowDesktopMode; LeaveShowDesktopModeProc leaveShowDesktopMode; WindowStateChangeNotifyProc windowStateChangeNotify; OutputChangeNotifyProc outputChangeNotify; AddSupportedAtomsProc addSupportedAtoms; InitWindowWalkerProc initWindowWalker; void *reserved; }; #define GET_CORE_SCREEN(object) ((CompScreen *) (object)) #define CORE_SCREEN(object) CompScreen *s = GET_CORE_SCREEN (object) CompBool allocScreenObjectPrivates (CompObject *object, CompObject *parent); int allocScreenObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent); void freeScreenObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, int index); CompBool forEachScreenObject (CompObject *parent, ObjectCallBackProc proc, void *closure); char * nameScreenObject (CompObject *object); CompObject * findScreenObject (CompObject *parent, const char *name); int allocateScreenPrivateIndex (CompDisplay *display); void freeScreenPrivateIndex (CompDisplay *display, int index); CompOption * getScreenOptions (CompPlugin *plugin, CompScreen *screen, int *count); Bool setScreenOption (CompPlugin *plugin, CompScreen *screen, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value); void configureScreen (CompScreen *s, XConfigureEvent *ce); void setCurrentOutput (CompScreen *s, int outputNum); void setSupportedWmHints (CompScreen *s); void updateScreenBackground (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture); void detectRefreshRateOfScreen (CompScreen *s); void showOutputWindow (CompScreen *s); void hideOutputWindow (CompScreen *s); void updateOutputWindow (CompScreen *s); Bool addScreen (CompDisplay *display, int screenNum, Window wmSnSelectionWindow, Atom wmSnAtom, Time wmSnTimestamp); void removeScreen (CompScreen *s); void damageScreenRegion (CompScreen *screen, Region region); void damageScreen (CompScreen *screen); void damagePendingOnScreen (CompScreen *s); void insertWindowIntoScreen (CompScreen *s, CompWindow *w, Window aboveId); void unhookWindowFromScreen (CompScreen *s, CompWindow *w); void forEachWindowOnScreen (CompScreen *screen, ForEachWindowProc proc, void *closure); CompWindow * findWindowAtScreen (CompScreen *s, Window id); CompWindow * findTopLevelWindowAtScreen (CompScreen *s, Window id); void focusDefaultWindow (CompScreen *s); int pushScreenGrab (CompScreen *s, Cursor cursor, const char *name); void updateScreenGrab (CompScreen *s, int index, Cursor cursor); void removeScreenGrab (CompScreen *s, int index, XPoint *restorePointer); Bool otherScreenGrabExist (CompScreen *s, ...); Bool addScreenAction (CompScreen *s, CompAction *action); void removeScreenAction (CompScreen *s, CompAction *action); void updatePassiveGrabs (CompScreen *s); void updateWorkareaForScreen (CompScreen *s); void updateClientListForScreen (CompScreen *s); Window getActiveWindow (CompDisplay *display, Window root); void toolkitAction (CompScreen *s, Atom toolkitAction, Time eventTime, Window window, long data0, long data1, long data2); void runCommand (CompScreen *s, const char *command); void moveScreenViewport (CompScreen *s, int tx, int ty, Bool sync); void moveWindowToViewportPosition (CompWindow *w, int x, int y, Bool sync); CompGroup * addGroupToScreen (CompScreen *s, Window id); void removeGroupFromScreen (CompScreen *s, CompGroup *group); CompGroup * findGroupAtScreen (CompScreen *s, Window id); void applyStartupProperties (CompScreen *screen, CompWindow *window); void sendWindowActivationRequest (CompScreen *s, Window id); void screenTexEnvMode (CompScreen *s, GLenum mode); void screenLighting (CompScreen *s, Bool lighting); void enableScreenEdge (CompScreen *s, int edge); void disableScreenEdge (CompScreen *s, int edge); Window getTopWindow (CompScreen *s); void makeScreenCurrent (CompScreen *s); void finishScreenDrawing (CompScreen *s); int outputDeviceForPoint (CompScreen *s, int x, int y); void getCurrentOutputExtents (CompScreen *s, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2); void getWorkareaForOutput (CompScreen *s, int output, XRectangle *area); void setNumberOfDesktops (CompScreen *s, unsigned int nDesktop); void setCurrentDesktop (CompScreen *s, unsigned int desktop); void setDefaultViewport (CompScreen *s); void outputChangeNotify (CompScreen *s); void clearScreenOutput (CompScreen *s, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask); void viewportForGeometry (CompScreen *s, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderWidth, int *viewportX, int *viewportY); int outputDeviceForGeometry (CompScreen *s, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderWidth); Bool updateDefaultIcon (CompScreen *screen); CompCursor * findCursorAtScreen (CompScreen *screen); CompCursorImage * findCursorImageAtScreen (CompScreen *screen, unsigned long serial); void setCurrentActiveWindowHistory (CompScreen *s, int x, int y); void addToCurrentActiveWindowHistory (CompScreen *s, Window id); void setWindowPaintOffset (CompScreen *s, int x, int y); /* window.c */ #define WINDOW_INVISIBLE(w) \ ((w)->attrib.map_state != IsViewable || \ (!(w)->damaged) || \ (w)->attrib.x + (w)->width + (w)->output.right <= 0 || \ (w)->attrib.y + (w)->height + (w)->output.bottom <= 0 || \ (w)->attrib.x - (w)->output.left >= (w)->screen->width || \ (w)->attrib.y - (w)->output.top >= (w)->screen->height) typedef enum { CompStackingUpdateModeNone = 0, CompStackingUpdateModeNormal, CompStackingUpdateModeAboveFullscreen, CompStackingUpdateModeInitialMap, CompStackingUpdateModeInitialMapDeniedFocus } CompStackingUpdateMode; typedef enum { CompFocusAllowed = 0, CompFocusPrevent, CompFocusDenied } CompFocusResult; struct _CompWindowExtents { int left; int right; int top; int bottom; }; typedef struct _CompStruts { XRectangle left; XRectangle right; XRectangle top; XRectangle bottom; } CompStruts; struct _CompWindow { CompObject base; CompScreen *screen; CompWindow *next; CompWindow *prev; int refcnt; Window id; Window frame; unsigned int mapNum; unsigned int activeNum; XWindowAttributes attrib; int serverX; int serverY; int serverWidth; int serverHeight; int serverBorderWidth; Window transientFor; Window clientLeader; XWMHints *hints; XSizeHints sizeHints; Pixmap pixmap; CompTexture *texture; CompMatrix matrix; Damage damage; Bool inputHint; Bool alpha; GLint width; GLint height; Region region; Region clip; unsigned int wmType; unsigned int type; unsigned int state; unsigned int actions; unsigned int protocols; unsigned int mwmDecor; unsigned int mwmFunc; Bool invisible; Bool destroyed; Bool damaged; Bool redirected; Bool managed; Bool bindFailed; Bool overlayWindow; int destroyRefCnt; int unmapRefCnt; unsigned int initialViewportX; unsigned int initialViewportY; Time initialTimestamp; Bool initialTimestampSet; Bool placed; Bool minimized; Bool inShowDesktopMode; Bool shaded; Bool hidden; Bool grabbed; unsigned int desktop; int pendingUnmaps; int pendingMaps; char *startupId; char *resName; char *resClass; CompGroup *group; unsigned int lastPong; Bool alive; WindowPaintAttrib paint; WindowPaintAttrib lastPaint; unsigned int lastMask; CompWindowExtents input; CompWindowExtents output; CompStruts *struts; CompIcon **icon; int nIcon; XRectangle iconGeometry; Bool iconGeometrySet; XRectangle fullscreenMonitorRect; Bool fullscreenMonitorsSet; XWindowChanges saveWc; int saveMask; XSyncCounter syncCounter; XSyncValue syncValue; XSyncAlarm syncAlarm; unsigned long syncAlarmConnection; unsigned int syncWaitHandle; Bool syncWait; int syncX; int syncY; int syncWidth; int syncHeight; int syncBorderWidth; Bool closeRequests; Time lastCloseRequestTime; XRectangle *damageRects; int sizeDamage; int nDamage; GLfloat *vertices; int vertexSize; int vertexStride; GLushort *indices; int indexSize; int vCount; int texUnits; int texCoordSize; int indexCount; /* must be set by addWindowGeometry */ DrawWindowGeometryProc drawWindowGeometry; void *reserved; }; #define GET_CORE_WINDOW(object) ((CompWindow *) (object)) #define CORE_WINDOW(object) CompWindow *w = GET_CORE_WINDOW (object) CompBool allocWindowObjectPrivates (CompObject *object, CompObject *parent); int allocWindowObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent); void freeWindowObjectPrivateIndex (CompObject *parent, int index); CompBool forEachWindowObject (CompObject *parent, ObjectCallBackProc proc, void *closure); char * nameWindowObject (CompObject *object); CompObject * findWindowObject (CompObject *parent, const char *name); int allocateWindowPrivateIndex (CompScreen *screen); void freeWindowPrivateIndex (CompScreen *screen, int index); unsigned int windowStateMask (CompDisplay *display, Atom state); unsigned int windowStateFromString (const char *str); unsigned int getWindowState (CompDisplay *display, Window id); void setWindowState (CompDisplay *display, unsigned int state, Window id); void changeWindowState (CompWindow *w, unsigned int newState); void recalcWindowActions (CompWindow *w); unsigned int constrainWindowState (unsigned int state, unsigned int actions); unsigned int windowTypeFromString (const char *str); unsigned int getWindowType (CompDisplay *display, Window id); void recalcWindowType (CompWindow *w); void getMwmHints (CompDisplay *display, Window id, unsigned int *func, unsigned int *decor); unsigned int getProtocols (CompDisplay *display, Window id); unsigned int getWindowProp (CompDisplay *display, Window id, Atom property, unsigned int defaultValue); void setWindowProp (CompDisplay *display, Window id, Atom property, unsigned int value); Bool readWindowProp32 (CompDisplay *display, Window id, Atom property, unsigned short *returnValue); unsigned short getWindowProp32 (CompDisplay *display, Window id, Atom property, unsigned short defaultValue); void setWindowProp32 (CompDisplay *display, Window id, Atom property, unsigned short value); void updateNormalHints (CompWindow *window); void updateWmHints (CompWindow *w); void updateWindowClassHints (CompWindow *window); void updateTransientHint (CompWindow *w); void updateIconGeometry (CompWindow *w); Window getClientLeader (CompWindow *w); char * getStartupId (CompWindow *w); int getWmState (CompDisplay *display, Window id); void setWmState (CompDisplay *display, int state, Window id); void setWindowFullscreenMonitors (CompWindow *w, CompFullscreenMonitorSet *monitors); void setWindowFrameExtents (CompWindow *w, CompWindowExtents *input); void updateWindowOutputExtents (CompWindow *w); void updateWindowRegion (CompWindow *w); Bool updateWindowStruts (CompWindow *w); void addWindow (CompScreen *screen, Window id, Window aboveId); void removeWindow (CompWindow *w); void destroyWindow (CompWindow *w); void sendConfigureNotify (CompWindow *w); void mapWindow (CompWindow *w); void unmapWindow (CompWindow *w); Bool bindWindow (CompWindow *w); void releaseWindow (CompWindow *w); void moveWindow (CompWindow *w, int dx, int dy, Bool damage, Bool immediate); void configureXWindow (CompWindow *w, unsigned int valueMask, XWindowChanges *xwc); unsigned int adjustConfigureRequestForGravity (CompWindow *w, XWindowChanges *xwc, unsigned int xwcm, int gravity, int direction); void moveResizeWindow (CompWindow *w, XWindowChanges *xwc, unsigned int xwcm, int gravity, unsigned int source); void syncWindowPosition (CompWindow *w); void sendSyncRequest (CompWindow *w); Bool resizeWindow (CompWindow *w, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderWidth); void configureWindow (CompWindow *w, XConfigureEvent *ce); void circulateWindow (CompWindow *w, XCirculateEvent *ce); void addWindowDamageRect (CompWindow *w, BoxPtr rect); void getOutputExtentsForWindow (CompWindow *w, CompWindowExtents *output); void getAllowedActionsForWindow (CompWindow *w, unsigned int *setActions, unsigned int *clearActions); void addWindowDamage (CompWindow *w); void damageWindowOutputExtents (CompWindow *w); Bool damageWindowRect (CompWindow *w, Bool initial, BoxPtr rect); void damageTransformedWindowRect (CompWindow *w, float xScale, float yScale, float xTranslate, float yTranslate, BoxPtr rect); Bool focusWindow (CompWindow *w); Bool placeWindow (CompWindow *w, int x, int y, int *newX, int *newY); void validateWindowResizeRequest (CompWindow *w, unsigned int *mask, XWindowChanges *xwc, unsigned int source); void windowResizeNotify (CompWindow *w, int dx, int dy, int dwidth, int dheight); void windowMoveNotify (CompWindow *w, int dx, int dy, Bool immediate); void windowGrabNotify (CompWindow *w, int x, int y, unsigned int state, unsigned int mask); void windowUngrabNotify (CompWindow *w); void windowStateChangeNotify (CompWindow *w, unsigned int lastState); void moveInputFocusToWindow (CompWindow *w); void updateWindowSize (CompWindow *w); void raiseWindow (CompWindow *w); void lowerWindow (CompWindow *w); void restackWindowAbove (CompWindow *w, CompWindow *sibling); void restackWindowBelow (CompWindow *w, CompWindow *sibling); void updateWindowAttributes (CompWindow *w, CompStackingUpdateMode stackingMode); void activateWindow (CompWindow *w); void closeWindow (CompWindow *w, Time serverTime); Bool constrainNewWindowSize (CompWindow *w, int width, int height, int *newWidth, int *newHeight); void hideWindow (CompWindow *w); void showWindow (CompWindow *w); void minimizeWindow (CompWindow *w); void unminimizeWindow (CompWindow *w); void maximizeWindow (CompWindow *w, int state); Bool getWindowUserTime (CompWindow *w, Time *time); void setWindowUserTime (CompWindow *w, Time time); CompFocusResult allowWindowFocus (CompWindow *w, unsigned int noFocusMask, unsigned int viewportX, unsigned int viewportY, Time timestamp); void unredirectWindow (CompWindow *w); void redirectWindow (CompWindow *w); void defaultViewportForWindow (CompWindow *w, int *vx, int *vy); CompIcon * getWindowIcon (CompWindow *w, int width, int height); void freeWindowIcons (CompWindow *w); int outputDeviceForWindow (CompWindow *w); Bool onCurrentDesktop (CompWindow *w); void setDesktopForWindow (CompWindow *w, unsigned int desktop); int compareWindowActiveness (CompWindow *w1, CompWindow *w2); Bool windowOnAllViewports (CompWindow *w); void getWindowMovementForOffset (CompWindow *w, int offX, int offY, int *retX, int *retY); /* plugin.c */ #define HOME_PLUGINDIR ".compiz/plugins" typedef CompPluginVTable *(*PluginGetInfoProc) (void); typedef Bool (*LoadPluginProc) (CompPlugin *p, const char *path, const char *name); typedef void (*UnloadPluginProc) (CompPlugin *p); typedef char **(*ListPluginsProc) (const char *path, int *n); extern LoadPluginProc loaderLoadPlugin; extern UnloadPluginProc loaderUnloadPlugin; extern ListPluginsProc loaderListPlugins; struct _CompPlugin { CompPlugin *next; CompPrivate devPrivate; char *devType; CompPluginVTable *vTable; }; CompBool objectInitPlugins (CompObject *o); void objectFiniPlugins (CompObject *o); CompPlugin * findActivePlugin (const char *name); CompPlugin * loadPlugin (const char *plugin); void unloadPlugin (CompPlugin *p); Bool pushPlugin (CompPlugin *p); CompPlugin * popPlugin (void); CompPlugin * getPlugins (void); char ** availablePlugins (int *n); int getPluginABI (const char *name); Bool checkPluginABI (const char *name, int abi); Bool getPluginDisplayIndex (CompDisplay *d, const char *name, int *index); /* fragment.c */ #define MAX_FRAGMENT_FUNCTIONS 16 struct _FragmentAttrib { GLushort opacity; GLushort brightness; GLushort saturation; int nTexture; int function[MAX_FRAGMENT_FUNCTIONS]; int nFunction; int nParam; }; CompFunctionData * createFunctionData (void); void destroyFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data); Bool addTempHeaderOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *name); Bool addParamHeaderOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *name); Bool addAttribHeaderOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *name); #define COMP_FETCH_TARGET_2D 0 #define COMP_FETCH_TARGET_RECT 1 #define COMP_FETCH_TARGET_NUM 2 Bool addFetchOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *dst, const char *offset, int target); Bool addColorOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *dst, const char *src); Bool addDataOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *str, ...); Bool addBlendOpToFunctionData (CompFunctionData *data, const char *str, ...); int createFragmentFunction (CompScreen *s, const char *name, CompFunctionData *data); void destroyFragmentFunction (CompScreen *s, int id); int getSaturateFragmentFunction (CompScreen *s, CompTexture *texture, int param); int allocFragmentTextureUnits (FragmentAttrib *attrib, int nTexture); int allocFragmentParameters (FragmentAttrib *attrib, int nParam); void addFragmentFunction (FragmentAttrib *attrib, int function); void initFragmentAttrib (FragmentAttrib *attrib, const WindowPaintAttrib *paint); Bool enableFragmentAttrib (CompScreen *s, FragmentAttrib *attrib, Bool *blending); void disableFragmentAttrib (CompScreen *s, FragmentAttrib *attrib); /* matrix.c */ void matrixMultiply (CompTransform *product, const CompTransform *transformA, const CompTransform *transformB); void matrixMultiplyVector (CompVector *product, const CompVector *vector, const CompTransform *transform); void matrixVectorDiv (CompVector *v); void matrixRotate (CompTransform *transform, float angle, float x, float y, float z); void matrixScale (CompTransform *transform, float x, float y, float z); void matrixTranslate (CompTransform *transform, float x, float y, float z); void matrixGetIdentity (CompTransform *m); /* cursor.c */ void addCursor (CompScreen *s); Bool damageCursorRect (CompCursor *c, Bool initial, BoxPtr rect); void addCursorDamageRect (CompCursor *c, BoxPtr rect); void addCursorDamage (CompCursor *c); void updateCursor (CompCursor *c, int x, int y, unsigned long serial); /* match.c */ void matchInit (CompMatch *match); void matchFini (CompMatch *match); Bool matchEqual (CompMatch *m1, CompMatch *m2); Bool matchCopy (CompMatch *dst, CompMatch *src); Bool matchAddGroup (CompMatch *match, int flags, CompMatch *group); Bool matchAddExp (CompMatch *match, int flags, const char *value); void matchAddFromString (CompMatch *match, const char *str); char * matchToString (CompMatch *match); void matchUpdate (CompDisplay *display, CompMatch *match); Bool matchEval (CompMatch *match, CompWindow *window); void matchInitExp (CompDisplay *display, CompMatchExp *exp, const char *value); void matchExpHandlerChanged (CompDisplay *display); void matchPropertyChanged (CompDisplay *display, CompWindow *window); /* metadata.c */ #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY (x) #define MINTOSTRING(x) "" TOSTRING (x) "" #define MAXTOSTRING(x) "" TOSTRING (x) "" #define RESTOSTRING(min, max) MINTOSTRING (min) MAXTOSTRING (max) typedef struct _CompMetadataOptionInfo { char *name; char *type; char *data; CompActionCallBackProc initiate; CompActionCallBackProc terminate; } CompMetadataOptionInfo; extern const CompMetadataOptionInfo coreDisplayOptionInfo[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM]; extern const CompMetadataOptionInfo coreScreenOptionInfo[COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_NUM]; struct _CompMetadata { char *path; xmlDoc **doc; int nDoc; }; Bool compInitPluginMetadataFromInfo (CompMetadata *metadata, const char *plugin, const CompMetadataOptionInfo *displayOptionInfo, int nDisplayOptionInfo, const CompMetadataOptionInfo *screenOptionInfo, int nScreenOptionInfo); Bool compInitScreenOptionFromMetadata (CompScreen *screen, CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option, const char *name); void compFiniScreenOption (CompScreen *screen, CompOption *option); Bool compInitScreenOptionsFromMetadata (CompScreen *screen, CompMetadata *metadata, const CompMetadataOptionInfo *info, CompOption *option, int n); void compFiniScreenOptions (CompScreen *screen, CompOption *option, int n); Bool compSetScreenOption (CompScreen *screen, CompOption *option, CompOptionValue *value); Bool compInitDisplayOptionFromMetadata (CompDisplay *display, CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option, const char *name); void compFiniDisplayOption (CompDisplay *display, CompOption *option); Bool compInitDisplayOptionsFromMetadata (CompDisplay *display, CompMetadata *metadata, const CompMetadataOptionInfo *info, CompOption *option, int n); void compFiniDisplayOptions (CompDisplay *display, CompOption *option, int n); Bool compSetDisplayOption (CompDisplay *display, CompOption *option, CompOptionValue *value); char * compGetShortPluginDescription (CompMetadata *metadata); char * compGetLongPluginDescription (CompMetadata *metadata); char * compGetShortScreenOptionDescription (CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option); char * compGetLongScreenOptionDescription (CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option); char * compGetShortDisplayOptionDescription (CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option); char * compGetLongDisplayOptionDescription (CompMetadata *metadata, CompOption *option); int compReadXmlChunkFromMetadataOptionInfo (const CompMetadataOptionInfo *info, int *offset, char *buffer, int length); COMPIZ_END_DECLS #endif